横光 健吾 金井 嘉宏 松木 修平 平井 浩人 飯塚 智規 若狭 功未大 赤塚 智明 佐藤 健二 坂野 雄二
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.86.14321, (Released:2015-09-15)

This study explores the psychological effects that Japanese people experience when consuming their “Shikohin”, such as alcohol, tea, coffee, and tobacco. We conducted a cross-sectional study among 542 people, from 20-to 69-year-old, who regularly consumed any one of “Shikohin” in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, and Chiba. The participants responded to an anonymous questionnaire concerning the consumption patterns of their “Shikohin” and the psychological effects that they experienced in taking in their “Shikohin”. Results obtained using the K-J methods showed three common psychological effects in each “Shikohin”. These effects included an increase in relaxation response, the promotion of social relationships, and an increase in positive mood. Our findings suggest that Japanese people may get some common effects through consumption of different “Shikohin”.
土田 昭司
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.55, no.6, pp.356-361, 1985-02-28 (Released:2010-07-16)

The present study examined effects of thinking on social judgment. The following two hypotheses were tested: (1) The subjects who thought about a stimulus person would judge statements concerning the person with smaller latitude of acceptance, with larger latitude of rejection, and with smaller latitude of noncommitment than the subjects who were distracted from thinking. (2) The subjects who thought about the stimulus person would spend less time to form the judgments above than the subjects who were distracted from thinking. Twenty-four male undergraduates watched a video-tape which showed a stimulus person. Half of the subjects were instructed to think about the stimulus person for two minutes. The other half of the subjects were distracted from thinking for two minutes. Nine statements which described the behavioral intentions toward the stimulus person were displayed on a screen of a micro-computer. The subjects first judged whether the statements were acceptable, and then judged whether the statements were rejectable. Their judgments and the response time which they spent to judge were measured. The results supported both of the hypotheses.
伊藤 忠弘
心理學研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.70, no.5, pp.367-374, 1999

The purpose of this study was to examine self-enhancement tendency of Japanese people when evaluating self and others, and study the relation between the tendency and self-esteem. In Study 1, subjects were asked to evaluate themselves and an average undergraduate of their age in terms of several attributes. Results showed that self-evaluations were more favorable than evaluations of the average undergraduate on such personality attributes as kindness and diligence, which they rated more important, and less favorable on such attributes as appearance, sociability, and financial resource. In addition, subjects with low self-esteem were likely to appraise themselves more negatively than those with high self-esteem, but the two groups showed the same level of self-enhancement when rating themselves on personality attributes. In Study 2, subjects provided percentile rankings of themselves on ten attributes in relation to undergraduates of their age. Results indicated that more than half of the subjects thought that they were above average (better-than-average effect) on such personality attributes as kindness.
豊沢 純子 唐沢 かおり
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.75, no.6, pp.542-547, 2005-02-25 (Released:2010-07-16)

This study examined the effect of orthography (kanji, kana, and alphabet) on the usage of recognition heuristic, in the context of ecological rationality research. Forty-five students participated and performed the task consisted of randomly drawn two-alternative questions about population sizes of the 20 largest Chinese cities, except Beijing and Shanghai. It was found that kanji and kana tasks led to the usage of recognition heuristic more than alphabet task. Furthermore, judgments in kanji and kana tasks were more accurate than in alphabet task. These results suggested that the usage of recognition heuristic was facilitated when it increased judgment accuracy, and that recognition heuristic had ecological rationality.
及川 昌典 及川 晴
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.81, no.5, pp.485-491, 2010 (Released:2011-04-20)

The present study explores the division of labor for consciousness and the unconscious by examining the effect that the conscious mental compilation of implementation intentions has on unconscious goal priming. Temptations (e.g., leisure activities) that compete with goals (e.g., to study) inhibit relevant goal pursuit. However, forming an implementation intention to pursue a goal without succumbing to temptations may set off automatic self-regulation based on renewed associations where activation of temptation triggers goal pursuit. An experiment with undergraduates (N=143) revealed that in the “no conscious compilation” control condition, goal priming facilitated and temptation priming inhibited subsequent task performance. However, in the “conscious compilation” condition, temptation priming facilitated subsequent task performance equally as much as goal priming did. These results are consistent with the notion that automatic goal pursuit in the direction counter to existing mental associations could be achieved following conscious compilation of implementation intentions. Implications of these findings for effective coordination of consciousness and the unconscious in self-regulation are discussed.
古村 健太郎 村上 達也 戸田 弘二
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.303-313, 2016

The purpose of this study was to translate the Experience of Close Relationship-Relationship Structure (ECRRS) and evaluate its validity. In study 1 (N = 982), evidence based internal structure (factor structure, internal consistency, and correlation among sub-scales) and evidence based relations to other variables (depression, reassurance seeking and self-esteem) were confirmed. In study 2 (N = 563), evidence based on internal structure was reconfirmed, and evidence based relations to other variables (IWMS, RQ, and ECR-GO) were confirmed. In study 3 (N = 342), evidence based internal structure (test-retest reliability) was confirmed. Based on these results, we concluded that ECR-RS was valid for measuring adult attachment style.
浅野 良輔 吉澤 寛之 吉田 琢哉 原田 知佳 玉井 颯一 吉田 俊和
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.284-293, 2016

The domain-specific approach to socialization has classified socialization mechanisms into several domains, including the protection and control domains, and postulates that parent–child interactions that promote socialization in each domain are different. However, there are few empirical investigations of the domain–specific approach. This study examined whether parental parenting attitudes affected early adolescents' empathy, including empathic concern and perspective taking, and social cognitive biases, including cognitive distortion and general beliefs about aggression, through the mediation of adolescents' perceptions. Junior high school students and their parents (N = 448) completed a questionnaire. Results of structural equation modeling indicated (a) parental acceptance and control increased empathy via adolescents' perceived acceptance and control, (b) parental acceptance and control decreased social cognitive biases via adolescents' perceived acceptance and control, and (c) parental control directly increased empathy. In addition, multiple group analyses indicated the validity of gender- and age-invariant models. These findings suggest that parental parenting attitudes are essential for appropriate socialization during early adolescence.
芳賀 道匡 高野 慶輔 羽生 和紀 西河 正行 坂本 真士
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.273-283, 2016

The purpose of this study was to examine how university social capital and subjective social capital could predict undergraduate students' subjective well-being including depression, school satisfaction, and life satisfaction. In this cross-sectional study, we conducted multilevel structural equation modeling on the data of 2,021 students at 38 universities in Japan. At the university level, we found the associations between social capital (fellows) and depression, social capital (classmates) and life satisfaction, and social capital (faculty) and school satisfaction. At the student level, all subjective social capital (fellows, classmates, and faculty) were associated with all the factors of subjective well-being. These results suggest the influence of university social capital and that of subjective social capital are associated with students' subjective well-being.
森本 琢
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.87, no.3, pp.251-261, 2016-08
増田 真也 坂上 貴之 北岡 和代 佐々木 恵
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.87.15034, (Released:2016-07-09)

Certain participants are insincere, or careless when they respond to questionnaires. To identify such participants, we included three items in a questionnaire that instructed participants to choose a particular response category. Nurses (N = 1,000) responded to this questionnaire in a Web survey. One-hundred-twenty participants failed to follow the instructions for at least one item (non-followers). Analyzing their responses indicated the following: (a) non-followers were more likely to give identical, or midpoint responses; (b) the correlations between their responses to regular and reversed items were low or positive, and their responses to scales containing reversed items tended to show lower internal consistency; and finally, (c) the mean scores of non-followers were closer to the midpoint of the scale, regardless of whether the scale included reversed items. One reason that including reversed items lead to lower internal consistency could be because participants occasionally missed responding to these items. However, the results suggested that non-followers were not diligent in responding to regular items, and merely deleting reversed items from scales will be insufficient to ensure accurate results.
外山 美樹
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.4, pp.436-442, 2013-10-25 (Released:2013-12-25)

The effect of knowledge about the results of movements (KR) and self-estimates about such results were investigated. In a 2×2 factorial design, participants (N=61) first practiced a coordination motor task. Then they either estimated or did not estimate the results of previous movements they made. During acquisition, participants were provided KR either after every response, or after every third response. A no-KR retention test revealed an interaction between KR frequencies and self-estimates about the results of movements. When participants did not estimate the results of movements made during acquisition, retention was enhanced in the low KR frequency condition, compared to the high KR frequency condition. However, when participants did estimate the results of movements, high KR enhanced retention more than low KR.
澤田 匡人 藤井 勉
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.87, no.2, pp.198-204, 2016

This study focused on the differences between two subtypes of envy known as "benign envy" and "malicious envy" as personality traits, and examined the effects of these traits on academic achievement. Two hundred fifty-one university students participated in the study. Both benign envy and malicious envy were found to be independent as also found in a previous study by Lange & Crusius (2015), and a high criterion-related validity was revealed by an association with characteristic variables such as dispositional envy and self-esteem. The students with higher levels of benign envy were found to set goals higher, and as a result, achieved higher levels of academic performance. In contrast, no such effect was found for malicious envy. The importance of focusing more attention on the positive aspects of the emotion of envy is discussed.
鈴木 雅之 市川 伸一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.191-197, 2016

Calculation problems such as "12×7÷3" can be solved rapidly and easily by using certain techniques; we call these problems "efficient calculation problems." However, it has been pointed out that many students do not always solve them efficiently. In the present study, we examined the effects of an intervention on 35 seventh grade students (23 males, 12 females). The students were instructed to use an overview strategy that stated, "Think carefully about the whole expression", and were then taught three sub-strategies. The results showed that students solved similar problems efficiently after the intervention and the effects were preserved for five months.
有賀 敦紀
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.87, no.2, pp.186-190, 2016

People feel uncomfortable when someone else comes spatially near and thus encroaches on their personal space (PS). Although many social psychologists have explored characteristics of PS of/between/among individuals so far, there is currently no empirical research on whether the PS of individuals expands into space surrounding their belongings (or objects) that are away from their body. This study measured the spatial distance between bags which participants and confederates left behind, and thus demonstrated that the distance between bags was modulated in response to the interpersonal relationship of their owners. The present study suggests new evidence for expansive PS, which is the concept that an individual's PS expands into space surrounding his/her belongings.
榊原 良太 北原 瑞穂
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.179-185, 2016

This study aimed to investigate the relations between CERQ and depression, and anxiety, and also aimed to reveal the characteristics of a Japanese sample through meta-analysis. The results showed that self-blame, acceptance, rumination, catastrophizing, and blaming others had significantly positive correlations with both depression and anxiety, whereas positive refocusing, refocus on planning, positive reappraisal, and putting into perspective had significantly negative correlations with both variables. Moreover, when comparing the correlation coefficients of the Japanese samples and the combined value, correlations between depression and positive reappraisal were significantly larger than the combined value. On the other hand, regarding the correlation coefficients of depression and putting into perspective, the combined value was larger than the value of Japanese samples. In addition, compared to the combined value, the Japanese sample's positive correlation between anxiety and rumination, and negative correlation between anxiety and positive reappraisal were larger.