Radityo Haryo PUTRO Rie MIYAURA
Japanese Society for Tropical Agriculture
Tropical Agriculture and Development (ISSN:18828450)
vol.64, no.3, pp.113-124, 2020 (Released:2020-10-17)

Permaculture-based farming systems are relatively unexplored in the humid tropics. A few studies have shown that permaculture in such areas has diverse roles and contributions, but these are poorly understood. We hypothesized that the unique social needs of local people or the natural environment in the humid tropics influence how permaculture systems are shaped to operate and have roles that fit under local context. The present study sought to identify and validate these influences toward three different aspects of the permaculture farm: 1) operations, 2) management, and 3) crop diversity. Field surveys were conducted in Indonesia between 2016–2019. A total of six permaculture farms were found across the country, and four farms (one in Yogyakarta and three in Bali) were able to cooperate for the present study. Analysis of quantitative data, such as for determining crop diversity, involved using the Shannon and Simpson diversity indices. We identified that the surveyed permaculture farms’ operations, farm management, and crop diversity were shaped by fundamental permaculture principles, socioeconomic factors such as operational needs and profit-related managerial decisions, and socio-cultural factors such as the beliefs of owners and local societal needs. All permaculture farms shared structural similarities with the Indonesian home garden, ‘pekarangan’ and it is preliminarily assumed that they were based on such design. A combination of these factors shaped Indonesian permaculture systems to operate in multiple ways, with unique farm management practices, and produce diverse types of crops.
真喜屋 清 塚本 増久 堀尾 政博 黒田 嘉紀
学校法人 産業医科大学
産業医大誌 (ISSN:0387821X)
vol.10, no.2, pp.203-209, 1988
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福岡県遠賀郡岡垣町に在住の男性(55才)が, 鼻内異物感を伴う鼻出血と著しい鼻汁の分泌に悩まされた後, 昭和62年7月に右側鼻内から1匹のヒル(蛭)を取り出した. 病院受診時には鼻内所見で鼻中隔弯曲が見られた他は, 左右鼻腔内に潰瘍・糜爛や出血がなく, 耳内・口腔内にも異常は認められなかった. ホルマリン固定された虫体は, 黒褐色で体表には特定の模様がなく, 体長3.5cm, 最大体幅が1.2cmであった. また, 1)耳状突起がない, 2)5対の眼点は第3と第4眼点が1環節によって隔てられる, 3)額板には歯が認められない, などの特徴によって, ハナビル<i>Dinobdella ferox</i>と同定された. このヒルは東南アジアに広く分布し, わが国でも人体寄生が知られているが, 九州では南九州からだけである. この患者は九州北部の温泉地で渓流水から感染したものと推察されるので, 温泉・秘湯ブームなどで渓谷にわけ入る風潮の盛んな昨今, 注意を払う必要がある.
岡部 大介 伊藤 瑞子
情報文化学会誌 (ISSN:13406531)
vol.15, no.1, pp.28-36, 2008-08-01


13 0 0 0 OA [乳癌図譜]


出版情報: [製作地不明] : [製作者不明] , [18--] [写]

本研究は、明治期の銅版画による商家営業案内等の目録を整備し、これを主資料として、商家の活動形態、建築形態を把握し、情報伝達手段としての銅版画の特質を明らかにするものである。東北・四国の一部、沖縄を除く資料約100点の収集と目録作成、分析の結果、これらは①刊行時期が明治10~30年代の20年間ほどに限られる、②作成目的や表現方法が類似する、③全国各地域を対象とする刊行物がある、等の特色があり、明治期商家の実態を全国的な視野で把握できる学術資料として価値があることが明らかになった。 This study aims to clarify the actual conditions of merchants and their houses in the Meiji era by analyzing the merchants guide books illustrated with copper plate engravings. And at the same time, this study aims to clarify the characteristics of the copper plate engravings as the means of communication. By analyzing about 100 books all over Japan, it became clear. 1. They were published only in the Meiji 20s and the 30s all over Japan. 2. The purpose and the expression method of each documents are similar each other, and it is possible to institute comparison between them to grasp the actual conditions of the merchants and their houses. As conclusion, these documents are valuable as the academic resource to analyze the actual conditions of the merchants and their houses in the Meiji era.

川越 美穂
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.116, no.2, pp.153-189, 2007

This article analyzes how Emperor Meiji participated in the process of political decision-making during the early years of his reign by looking mainly at his role in document between from after Sanjo Sanetomi 三条実美 was inaugurated as chief minister of state (Daijodaijin 太政大臣) in 1871 until 1873. Under the government reforms of 1871, there was a design to assume the Emperor the person of last approval among the planner of political system reform. But the approval act of the Emperor was not codify then, it was carry out not an arbitrator as a recognizer when a political system was reformed again in May, 1873. In this time, the approval of the Emperor was named "Gyohi (御批)". In this way, it was realized once in the early Meiji era that the Emperor participated in politics decision. And by having found "Gyohiroku (御批録)" which was an approval record of the Emperor, I confirmed that it was the seal of a character "裁" that was used as approval mark. This is important as the example that the Emperor participated in politics decision for the first time. But the government was not going to let the Emperor participate in all politics decision. The documents submitted to the Emperor in "Gyohiroku" were limited to legislation such as a rule and a system decided newly. And it is recognized that the Emperor gave permission of execution formally. Therefore, I suppose that the government had intention to let the Emperor hold a legislative power and the judicial power. But the government gave up the approval of the Emperor about the legislation area in a short time. It was the reason that cabinet decision was unstable because adjustment between administrations was not enough. Therefore, to realize an idea in principle that the Emperor makes politics, it was necessary that the system to coordinate an opinion of each administration and the legislative proceeding were established.
保木 邦仁
Molecular Science (ISSN:18818404)
vol.6, no.1, pp.A0050, 2012 (Released:2012-06-21)

This article reviews recent advances in computer games. It is explained that methods famous in computational chemistry have enhanced the performance of Go and shogi programs. A history of the grand challenge in computer science that aims to defeat human experts in games is briefly summarized.
Naoki Kobayakawa Mitsuyoshi Imamura Kei Nakagawa Kenichi Yoshida
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.28, pp.650-657, 2020 (Released:2020-09-15)

Open source software (OSS) has become indispensable to our society. The success of OSS depends on the participation of a large number of developers or maintainers (contributors). Shedding light on the mechanisms of their participation has been an important academic and practical matter. One aspect to decide participation is the future prospects of a project. However, the causal mechanism behind participation has yet to be studied exhaustively and remains unclear. In this study, we used cryptocurrency projects, many of them were developed on GitHub, to better understand this mechanism. Both GitHub and cryptocurrencies are highly transparent, i.e., information is fully disclosed; we can analyze relevant information on a project, such as the contributors' activities, financial information, and development status. We adopted market capitalization as the substitution index of future prospects and the number of contributors and analyzed the relationship using time series analysis techniques, such as the Granger causality test and regression. We found that the number of contributors increases two months after market capitalization increases. This quantifies the impact of the future prospects of the project, i.e., of the market capitalization of a cryptocurrency, on the participation of contributors.
平原 達也 伊福部 達 吉本 千禎
一般社団法人 日本音響学会
日本音響学会誌 (ISSN:03694232)
vol.38, no.6, pp.321-329, 1982-06-01 (Released:2017-06-02)

In order to analyze the articulation mechanism of a talking bird "Mynah, " mimic voices obtained in He- O_2 atmosphere are compared with those in the normal air based on the frequency analysis by linear prediction. A mixture of 80%-He and 20%-0_2 at one atm is used in the experiment of helium voices, and 36 mimic voices consisted of words are recorded by a taperecorder in both cases. Comparing vowel parts of normal voices with those of helium voices, it is found that the spectrum pattern of mimic voices has two types, I and II, about the structure of spectral envelope peak components. Type I shows the frequency shift in helium atmosphere and type II shows no frequency shift. Spectral envelope peak components of type I appear around 0. 8-1. 2kHz, 1. 8-2. 4kHz and 3. 8-4. 4kHz, and their frequencies do not change with vowels. On the other hand, the component of type II appears in the range from 1. 5 to 3kHz and its frequency changes with vowels. It is ascertained that (1) only the spectral envelope peak components of type I show almost the same frequency shift as those estimated by the formula describing theoretical transformation of peak frequencies, (2) spectral envelope peak frequencies of type I coincide with resonance frequencies obtained by twin-tube model of which parameters correspond to the vocal tract of Mynah, (3) the number of observed spectral envelope peaks are beyond that of the resonances calculated by twin-tube model, and (4) the observed spectral envelope coincides with one which is obtained by adding a component of type II to the spectral envelope estimated from the source-system model using spectral envelope peaks of type I as poles. From above results and analyses, it is confirmed that type I has multi peak components which are formed by resonances of the vocal tract, and type II has a single peak component which may not be formed by the resonance. Furthermore, it is assumed that Mynah's syrinx may produce two components as sound sources. The first one has a wide range spectrum composed of pitch and its harmonics, which is similar to the sound source by human's vocal cord. The second one has a higher frequency component corresponding to type II. This hypothesis may be also supported by the anatomical structure of the syrinx. From above considerations, it is concluded that Mynah may produce the vowel part of mimic voices by controlling the frequency of the second sound source in addition to use almost fixed resonance components obtained by its vocal tract.

13 0 0 0 OA MUSE 方式

二宮 佑一
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
テレビジョン学会誌 (ISSN:03866831)
vol.42, no.8, pp.823-830, 1988-08-20 (Released:2011-08-17)