大峰 光博 友添 秀則 長島 和幸
体育・スポーツ哲学研究 (ISSN:09155104)
vol.35, no.1, pp.7-19, 2013 (Released:2014-04-16)
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In this study, we focus on arguing about whether retaliatory-hit-batsman is right or wrong, elicit issues which should be solved by reviewing each theorist's theory which is different from each view and aim to provide a new viewpoint for the argument by addressing these issues. As a first issue, we suggest whether retaliatory-hit-batsman which is performed against the intentional hit by the opponent's pitch is appropriate for the justifiable defense or not. We discuss the issue in accordance with the finding based on the fields of legality and legal philosophy in which there are accumulated discussions about the justifiable defense. As a result, “imminent and unlawful infringement” is suggested as a condition which necessitates the use of justifiable defense and it was concluded that because it's too difficult to consider the retaliatory hit batsman which is performed against the intentional hit by the opponent's pitch as the justifiable defense, it's not justified from the viewpoint of justifiable defense.As a second issue, we question whether priority should be given to the external principles (the agreement of participants) or internal principles (the excellence) of the game. We address the issue by reference to Rawls and MacIntyre's theories. The result here are as follows: with the Rawls' stance of liberalism, agreement is acquired with the external principles, and on the other hand, with the MacIntyre's stance which is communitarianism with which the concept of “good” has the priority, internal principles (the excellence) should be given the priority. Furthermore, sustaining the game might be more difficult if the agreement is considered as the more important matter than the excellence. Therefore, even if there is the agreement of participants for retaliatory-hit-batsman, when the excellence of the game is undermined, we suggest that retaliatory-hit-batsman is not permitted.
小山 有子 守屋 孝典
vol.3, pp.39-51, 2022-12-01
藤田 由美子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.74, pp.329-348, 2004-05-20 (Released:2011-03-18)
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The purpose of this article is to reconsider gender identity formation in youngchildren by analyzing their interactions during children's activities. In the literatureon “gender and education” studies in educational sociology, the assumptions of “internalization” and “gender dichotomy” are generally considered to beapplicable to studies on early childhood; however it is the position of this paperthat these assumptions need to be reconsidered.This study focuses on gender-related power relations among young children.Observational research on preschool children was conducted at a private kindergartenin the Chugoku district of Japan, from September 1998 to March 1999.Eighty-two preschool children (age 3-5 years) were observed in the kindergarten.Additional observations were conducted at the same kindergarten and twoadditional childcare centers in the Kyushu district of Japan from 2000 to 2001.A gender dichotomy was found in the following aspects of children's interaction:(1) Children thought that stereotypical tastes were also greatly genderdifferentiated (for example many boys preferred the color blue and TV cartoonheroes, while many girls preferred the color red and ‘cute’ characters, e. g.‘Kitty-chan’). In addition, when the children reenacted heterosexual ritual behavior (e. g. weddings), they adhered to gender specific roles.(2) Children actively negotiated with each other in terms of gender. They alsoevaluated appropriate behavior according to gender standards. Furthermore, they constructed a social order using gender, displaying “hegemonic masculinity.”(3) Girls crossed gender-defined behavior more easily than did boys.Based on these findings, it was concluded that children actively participatein their own gender identity formation, in addition to being socialized into theseroles. The process of gender identity formation involves negotiation with thesocial world, and is influenced by the mass media.
一政 祐輔
社団法人 プラズマ・核融合学会
核融合研究 (ISSN:04512375)
vol.64, no.6, pp.461-481, 1990-12-20 (Released:2010-10-22)

Recent topics in the following studies of biological effects of tritium are reviewed: 1) tritium level in the environment, 2) mechanism of biological conversion of environmental molecular tritium, 3) tritium content of Japanese bodies and foods, 4) uptake and metabolism of molecular tritium in mammals, 5) absorption rate of tritiated water in mammals, 6) metabolism of organically bound tritium in animals, 7) enhanced excretion of tritium from body, 8) RBE of tritium.
五位野 政彦
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.58, no.1, pp.18-25, 2023 (Released:2023-08-10)

序論:本稿では日本語の「坐薬」の語源,ならびに日本の近代医療でこの剤形が受容されてきた過程を調査した. 方法:次の資料を調査した.国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション収蔵史料,京都大学図書館収蔵史料,早稲田大学図書館収蔵史料,Google Books 検索結果,個人収蔵史料 結果・考察:江戸ハルマ(波留麻和解)にはオランダ語の「zetpil」の訳語として「?薬」の語があてられている.これは『金匱要略』に見られる用語であるとともに,zet:座る,pil:薬をそのまま意訳したものである.また冒頭の「ゼ」を「?」とすることで音訳も兼ねていた.しかし蘭方では坐剤は用いられなかった.明治時代の日本の近代医療導入過程において,英国医学を導入した時期に坐剤の具体的な情報がもたらされた.しかしその後のドイツ医学導入により,初版,改正日本薬局方では坐剤は収載されなかった.日本人により編纂され,医療の現場で使用されている医薬品の規定を目的とした第三改正日本薬局方に坐剤が収載された.
Tomohiro Shinozaki Etsuji Suzuki
Japan Epidemiological Association
Journal of Epidemiology (ISSN:09175040)
pp.JE20200226, (Released:2020-07-18)

Epidemiologists are increasingly encountering complex longitudinal data, in which exposures and their confounders vary during follow-up. When a prior exposure affects the confounders of the subsequent exposures, estimating the effects of the time-varying exposures requires special statistical techniques, possibly with structural (i.e., counterfactual) models for targeted effects, even if all confounders are accurately measured. Among the methods used to estimate such effects, which can be cast as a marginal structural model in a straightforward way, one popular approach is inverse probability weighting. Despite the seemingly intuitive theory and easy-to-implement software, misunderstandings (or “pitfalls”) remain. For example, one may mistakenly equate marginal structural models with inverse probability weighting, failing to distinguish a marginal structural model encoding the causal parameters of interest from a nuisance model for exposure probability, and thereby failing to separate the problems of variable selection and model specification for these distinct models. Assuming the causal parameters of interest are identified given the study design and measurements, we provide a step-by-step illustration of generalized computation of standardization (called the g-formula) and inverse probability weighting, as well as the specification of marginal structural models, particularly for time-varying exposures. We use a novel hypothetical example, which allows us access to typically hidden potential outcomes. This illustration provides steppingstones (or “tips”) to understand more concretely the estimation of the effects of complex time-varying exposures.
Y Nishiguchi T Miwa S Kubota M Taru M Okada
極限環境微生物学会誌 (ISSN:13485474)
vol.8, no.1, pp.20-23, 2009 (Released:2011-04-25)
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A new zoarcid fish, Andriashevia natsushimae (Japanese name: Natsushimachojyagenge), is described on the basis of 2 specimens collected in Sagami Bay, Japan, at the depth of 850 m. This species has no pectoral fins and no pelvic fins, indicating it to be Andriashevia. It has a round body and a moderate-sized mouth in contrast to Andriashevia aptera which has a flat body and a large mouth. Phylogenic tree based on 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) sequence indicates the species had diverted at the early stage in the evolution of eelpouts.
Yasuaki SAKAMOTO Kazuhide KURODA Shunsuke ONIBUCHI Susumu HARA
International Symposium on Space Technology and Science
Journal of Evolving Space Activities (ISSN:27581802)
vol.1, pp.62, 2023 (Released:2023-08-30)

Small rockets using hybrid rocket engines have been developed as a part of space development projects by student groups at various universities. The actively developed technologies include supersonic rockets and self-built engines. However, development based on aerodynamic technology has few precedents. In this paper, a case is described in which the Nagoya University Aerospace Flight Technology NAFT demonstrated attitude control technology, which is indispensable for rockets, by using aerodynamic technology. The main mission of the Masterpiece-05 Leidenschaft launch vehicle used for this launch demonstration was to achieve autonomous attitude control by rolling with movable fins. The goal was to roll the rocket by 45 deg after the engine burnout was stopped. The control law for the roll attitude control was proportionalderivative control, and the value of the gain was determined by estimating the torque in the roll direction generated by the movable fins using computational fluid dynamics. The launch took place during the Izu-Oshima Joint Launch Experiment (Izu-Oshima Space Event) held on November 9–11, 2018. The altitude and attitude of the airframe were logged. After stopping the roll of the airframe, attitude control was performed from 3.90 to 8.45 s after ignition. As a result, the phase difference between the roll attitude angle at the start of attitude control and the converged roll attitude angle at the end of attitude control was approximately 51.8 deg. The mission was confirmed to have been accomplished based on the numerical values of the roll attitude angle obtained from the data logger. These efforts are significant from the viewpoint of educational value in space engineering because there are few examples of extracurricular activities wherein students take such initiatives.
Rina Hashimoto Daisuke Uyeno
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.28, no.2, pp.189-197, 2023-08-24 (Released:2023-08-24)

A species of cyclopoid copepod Anthessius cucullatus Lee and Kim, 2021 (Anthessiidae) is newly recorded based on both sexes collected from three species of the sea slug genus Aplysia Linnaeus, 1767, i.e., Ap. dactylomela Rang, 1828, Ap. juliana Quoy and Gaimard, 1832, and Ap. kurodai Baba, 1937, from coastal waters of Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan. The copepod is characterized by having the following characters in the female: 1) the genital double somite covered with a hood-like dorsal lobe; 2) the antenna with four unequal claws and three setae at the distal tip; 3) the maxilla has a spinulose basal lobe; 4) leg 5 with irregular marginal rows of spinules. Furthermore, the male has 5) the third endopodal segment of leg 4 bearing a curved third inner spine. The findings of An. cucullatus in this study represent the second record of the copepod from all around the world as well as the first record from Japanese waters with the detailed description of the morphological characters based on the specimens. Aplysia dactylomela and Ap. juliana are new host records of the copepod.
岩倉 哲男
Japan Health Physics Society
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.10, no.3, pp.131-140, 1975 (Released:2010-02-25)

An attempt is made to review behavior of tritium released into the environment in order to give preliminary knowledges for monitoring present and future levels of tritium in the environment. A systematic distribution of bomb-produced tritium on a global scale has been recognized from an evaluation of the precipitation data conducted by the IAEA-WMO Precipitation Network Survey. Latitudinal dependence and continental effect of the tritium concentration in precipitation were found pronouncedly. The mean residence times of several compartments of hydrological cycle for tritiumm are discussed topically. Recent tritium concentration in environmental water in Japan are summarized. Organically bound tritium in sediments, aquatic plants, fish, and foodstaffs sometimes showed higher concentration than tritium in ambient water. This is probably explained as memory effect or inheritance effect through eco-systems due to long residence time of organically bound tritium. Instrumentation, detection limit and dose calculation for tritium monitoring are proposed. Tritium surveillance activities conducted by U. S. Government are reviewed also historically with some representative data.
小泉 俊三
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.105, no.12, pp.2441-2449, 2016-12-10 (Released:2017-12-10)

Choosing Wiselyキャンペーンは,米国内科専門医機構財団の主導で2012年に発足した.米欧で同時発表された「新ミレニアムにおける医のプロフェッショナリズム:医師憲章」(Medical Professionalism in the New Millennium:A Physician Charter)(2002)を実践に移すべく,全米の臨床系専門学会に対して“再考すべき(無駄な)医療行為”をそれぞれ5つずつリストアップすることを求めたところ,大部分の専門学会が根拠文献とともにこれに応じたことで大きく注目された.キャンペーンとしては,「賢明な選択」を合言葉に,患者にとって最も望ましい医療について“医療職と患者との対話を促進する”ことを目指し,患者向けの説明資料や診療場面の動画を数多く提供している.2014年開催の国際円卓会議を機にこの機運は全世界に広まり,Choosing Wisely Internationalとしての本格的な活動が始まっている.これまでevidence-practice gapといえば,実施すべき医療が実施されていないことを指していたが,このChoosing Wiselyキャンペーンが,臨床的有用性についてのevidenceなしに実施されている過剰な医療に着目したことは,EBM(evidence-based medicine,根拠に基づく医療)の今日的展開という意味でも,また,医療技術評価論の立場からするlow-value care(低価値医療)への警鐘としても,特筆に値する.
温 若寒 三浦 麻子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.39, no.1, pp.1-14, 2023-07-31 (Released:2023-07-31)

This study aimed to develop the Multi-Dimensional Measure of Online Disinhibition (MMOD), which has a multi-dimensional perspective on online disinhibitive psychological states and related cognitions, and to evaluate its validity and reliability. In Study 1, 73 items related to online disinhibition were generated from 20 semi-structured interviews. The wording of the items was modified repeatedly according to two preliminary surveys to construct a 25-item preliminary MMOD. In Study 2, 4- and 3-factor solutions were compared using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Finally, a 3-factor structure (unique perspective on online environment, change of alienation cognition, and change of relationship cognition) with 12 items of the MMOD was confirmed. Correlation analysis with scales from previous studies showed that MMOD has good validity.