魚住 洋一
Japanese Association for the Contemporary and Applied Philosophy (JACAP)
Contemporary and Applied Philosophy (ISSN:18834329)
vol.1, pp.13-30, 2009-11-10

佐々木 史郎 Shiro Sasaki
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.22, no.4, pp.683-763, 1998-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the trade activity of theancestors of the indigenous peoples of the Lower Amur Basin in the 18thand 19th centuries and to reexamine the discourse of their society andculture in classical ethnography. They have usually been described ashunters, fishermen, or collectors of wild plants in much ethnographysince the late 19th century, and the primitiveness of their foraging lifestyle, fishing and hunting techniques, and social structure has often beenunderlined by anthropologists, ethnologists, and historians. Thepolicies of the former Soviet Union to rescue them from the poverty causedby their primitive level of production was based on such discourse ofthe scholars.However, were they really poor? Were their life style, culture, andsociety really primitive? Historical documents written by Japanese explorersand investigators in the 18th and 19th centuries, MogamiTokunai, Mamiya Rinzo, Nakamura Koichiro, and so on, indicate thatthey had a highly sophisticated culture and a complex society. For example,modern ethnologists often underline the fact that the peoples of theLower Amur were ichthyophagi, and that a piece of dried fish occupiedthe same position as a piece of bread in European meals. On the contrary,Japanese investigators said that their staple food was a cup of boiledmillet, usually put in a small bowl of china or lacquer ware. Thoughethnologists often described fish skin coats in detail, most of theirclothes were made of cotton, and their ritual costumes were even madeof silk. It is a fact that millet, cotton, silk, china, and lacquer ware werenot their original products, but Chinese or Japanese ones which theyobtained through trade with Chinese and Japanese. It is also a fact,however, that these things occupied an important position in theircultural complex. It is an injustice for researchers not to properlyevaluate them and not to pay any attention to the trade activity.The trade activity of the ancestors of the peoples of the Lower Amurin the 18th and 19th centuries was called "Santan trade" by Japanese investigatorsof the same centuries. "Santan" was an ethnonym of the peopleof the Lower Amur, which had often been used as a name of theancestors of the indigenous people of this region as a whole. It wasMamiya Rinzo who clarified who the Santan people were. In his investigationin 1809 and 1810 he found out that the Santan lived betweenthe villages of "Uruge" (bIppH, later Russian village "MaxcrMTojm cHA") and "Poru" Mon, later Ul'chi village "LlepxbIti Ap") , thatthey called themselves "Mango" (this is the same self denotation as"Mangguni") , and that their neighbors upstream along the river werecalled "Korudekke" (Goldok) and those downstream were called"Sumerenkuru". The range of habitation, the self denotation "Mango",and the linguistic materials indicate that the Santan people wereancestors of the Tungus-speaking peoples of the Lower Amur today,especially the Ul'chi (Olcha) and a part of the lower Nanai (Goldi) .The Santan trade has long been studied as a theme of historicalstudies of Northern Japan. However, though many facts have beenclarified from the historical point of view, historians have long overlookedan important one namely that it was trade that kept the levels of lifeand culture of the peoples of the Lower Amur and Sakhalin in the 18thand 19th centuries higher than those described in ethnography. This isbecause the historians could not evaluate the function and role of tradeactivity in the society and culture of the indigenous peoples, becausetheir point of view was usually set not on the side of the indigenoustraders, but on that of authors or editors of literary sources, who wereoften government bureaucrats.This paper is one of my experiments, in which I try to describe thehistorical events of the peoples of the Lower Amur and Sakhalin such asthe Santan trade from the point of view of those who were described inthe literary sources. The final end of the experiments is a diachronicreview of the society and culture of the peoples of this region, and Iwould like to sweep away such images as "primitive", "uncivilized" or"natural people", created by anthropologists and ethnologists since theend of the 19th century.As a result of an examination of the historical literature of Japaneseinvestigators, regional government archives of the Qing dynasty (the lastdynasty of China) , reports of ethnological researches by Russianethnologists, and my own field data, I can point out the followingcharacteristics of the trade activity of the peoples of the Lower Amurand Sakhalin:1) The main peoples who were enthusiastically engaged in the Santantrade were the Santan and the Sumerenkuru (the ancestors of the AmurNivkh) , and some differences were apparent in their trading styles. Forexample, the Santan people did their business on the main traffic route ofthis region, which went from Lower Sungari to the southern end ofSakhalin through Amur and the western coast of Sakhalin, they played arole of mediator between Japanese and Chinese, and obtained a largeprofit from this business. On the contrary, the Sumerenkuru traders extendedtheir business area to the tributaries of the Lower Amur, the coastof the sea of Okhotsk and the eastern coast of Sakhalin, and played arole of distributor of Chinese and Japanese commodities among thepeoples of these areas.2) Usually the Santan and Sumerenkuru traders did not fix a businessplace but often went round their customers, being engaged in sable hunting.However, the temporary branch office of the Qing dynasty, whichwas constructed at Kiji or Deren and opened every summer, often playedthe role of a periodical market, in which the Santan and Sumerenkurutraders did their business not only with Manchu officials and merchantsbut also with other indigenous traders.3) The trading crew of Santan or Sumerenkuru traders consisted ofseveral persons from a village led by a hala i da (chief of a clan) orgashan da (head of village) nominated by the Qing dynasty.4) The conceptual classification of trade and tribute was recognized bythe Santan and Sumerenkuru peoples.5) Credit sale was the main custom of the Santan and Sumerenkurutraders in the 18th and 19th centuries. They applied it to trade with allcustomers without exception. The business with the Ainu, who, it wassaid, suffered from their debt to the Santan traders, was not a special oneto cheat them of their property.6) The trade activity of the peoples of the Lower Amur and Sakhalinswung between trade and tribute (in other words, between economy andpolitics) , influenced by the change of political conditions of this regionand the location of each people.6-1) In the 18th century, when the administrative system of the Qingdynasty was under construction on the Lower Amur and Sakhalin,tribute was superior to trade, because the regional administration of thedynasty was enthusiastically intervening in the social life of the people toestablish the sovereignty of the dynasty among them. After the end ofthe 18th century, however, when the dynasty was losing its politicalpower over the people of this region, the position of trade and tributewas reversed.6-2) The relation between trade and tribute was different among the peopleaccording to their location. I can classify them into three groups.The first is the people who lived on the main route of the trade, comparativelyfar from the regional centers of the countries (China andJapan) , i.e. the Santan and Sumerenkuru (the ancestors of the Ul'chiand Amur Nivkh) . They could take advantage of their location to intensivelyconduct their trading business without administrative intervention.The second group is those who lived on the main route of thetrade, near to the regional center of the countries, i.e. the Korudekke(the ancestors of the Nanai) and the Ainu. Their location was too closeto the center to be free from the governmental power of the countries,though their status was higher than that of the people of the first group.It was more important for them to accomplish various obligations thanto be engaged in free trade. The third group is those who lived far fromboth the main trade route and the regional center of the countries, i.e.the ancestors of the Sakhalin Nivkh, Uilta (Oroks) , Orochi, Negidars,and Evenki hunters. They were providers of fur and consumers ofChinese and Japanese products for the Santan and Sumerenkuru traders.7) The prosperity of the Santan trade from the end of 18th century to themiddle of the 19th century was held by the political and economicbalance between China and Japan on Sakhalin, and the profits of theSantan and Sumerenkuru traders were much dependent on the differencein demand and prices between China and Japan. For example, therewas a great demand for sable fur in China, and the Chinese and Manchupeople paid much for it, while the Japanese were not interested in it at alland sold it to the Santan and Sumerenkuru traders much cheaper than inChina. Therefore, their trade activity was fatally damaged by thedestruction of this balance by the third power, imperial Russia.Though I could not completely carry out the second purpose of thispaper, i.e. a reexamination of the ethnographic discourse of the societyand culture of the people of the Lower Amur basin, I could make a firststep in accomplishing it by clarifying the characteristics of their trade activity.I would like to make further steps in other papers, in which I willexamine such problems as the political background of the Santan trade,the quality and quantity of the profit of the Santan and Sumerenkurutraders, methodological problems of historical studies of the indigenouspeople of this region, and so on.
会田 大輔
明大アジア史論集 (ISSN:21888140)
vol.20, pp.(1)-(22), 2016-03-26
竹内 啓一
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.69, no.3, pp.145-164, 1996-03-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
1 1

高倉 伸幸
一般社団法人 日本血栓止血学会
日本血栓止血学会誌 (ISSN:09157441)
vol.25, no.5, pp.603-608, 2014 (Released:2014-10-24)

島津 明
一般社団法人 電子情報通信学会
電子情報通信学会 基礎・境界ソサイエティ Fundamentals Review (ISSN:18820875)
vol.5, no.4, pp.320-328, 2012-04-01 (Released:2012-04-01)

Eiko Kawakami Tomohisa Uchida Naoki Iwamoto Kazusato Hara Kazuhiro Egashira Atsushi Kawakami
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine (ISSN:09182918)
pp.1621-23, (Released:2023-05-17)

We herein report a case of melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 (MDA5) antibody-positive dermatomyositis that developed in a patient with refractory gingivitis. The diagnosis of anti-MDA5 antibody-positive dermatomyositis was made based on a characteristic skin rash, weakness of proximal muscles, interstitial pneumonia, and positivity for anti-MDA5 antibody. The patient was started on triple therapy with high-dose prednisolone, tacrolimus, and intravenous cyclophosphamide. After treatment, the refractory gingivitis disappeared, and the other skin rash and interstitial lung disease also improved. In the diagnosis and treatment of anti-MDA5 antibody-positive dermatomyositis, it is necessary to pay attention to the intraoral findings, including the gingiva.
Yuuya Nagai Toshihiko Hinobayashi Tadahiro Kanazawa
Journal of Special Education Research (ISSN:21875014)
vol.10, no.2, pp.69-81, 2022-02-28 (Released:2022-08-31)

The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is a common training choice for non-verbal children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Thus, this study investigated whether Phases 1–3 of the PECS (which are relatively easy for children to master) promote the development of early social-communication behaviors among children with ASD. We assigned 43 children (mean chronological age=45.85 months) from the same child development support center into two groups: a PECS training group and a non-intervention (control) group. The training group received PECS (Phases 1–3) training once a week for 24 weeks at the university associated with the authors. Their early social-communication behaviors were evaluated by using behavioral observations and eye-tracking experiments during the pre- and post-training phases. Results showed that most of the early social-communication behaviors in the PECS training group were observed more frequently during the post-phase than the pre-phase, while the control group did not show any differences between the phases. These findings suggest that PECS training (Phases 1–3) can facilitate early social-communication behaviors in children with ASD.
山崎 天 坂田 亘 川本 稔己 小林 滉河 Nguyen Tung 上村 卓史 中町 礼文 李 聖哲 佐藤 敏紀
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会研究会資料 言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会 93回 (2021/11) (ISSN:09185682)
pp.113-118, 2021 (Released:2021-11-20)


13 0 0 0 OA 防長回天史

末松謙澄 著
vol.第6篇上(第10), 1921
会田 大輔
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.96, no.4, pp.31-65, 2015-03

After the fall of the Northern Wei Dynasty in 534, the Western Wei and subsequent Northern Zhou Dynasties abolished the current bureaucratic system in favor of the six ministries system (Liuguan-Zhi 六官制) originally laid out in the Zhouli 周礼.However, even today there are many things we do not know about this system, although in recent years research comparing the Liuguan and Sui Dynasty bureaucracies has progressed. Unfortunately, our insufficient knowledge about the former has posed a hindrance to such comparative research.Moreover, in order to improve our understanding about the political history of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, it is necessary to clarify the relationship between the Liuguan system and the Bafu 覇府, the military headquarters from which Yuwen Tai, Yuwen Hu and Yang Jian (founder of the Sui Dynasty) wielded actual power.Although research is progressing on the institutions close to the emperor, like the Neishi 内史(governor of the capital) and Yuzheng 御正 (chancellors of the imperial household), during the first half of the Dynasty’s reign, these posts did not form the core of governance, due to the hegemony of Yuwen Hu. In order to contribute to the growing research, the present article takes up the Imperial Ministry’s (Tianguan天官) post of Sihui Zhongdaifu 司会中大夫, who during the era of Yuwen Hu acted as his assistant in coordinating the affairs of the Liuguan ministries.The research to date had understood Sihui as the minister of fiscal affairs and its control over the Liuguan System was thought to have been a temporaryone. On the other hand, Jiao Peimin 焦培民, identifies the Northern Zhou Sihui as performing the same duties as the head of the Executive Branch (Shangshu-Sheng 尚書省) of the Northern Wei’s three ministry system; however, since the Northern Zhou purposefully dismantled that ministry, it is difficult to conceive of the Sihui performing the same function.Instead, the purpose of this article is to analyze the functions of and appointees to the post of Sihui, in an attempt to clarify the relationship between the Northern Zhou’s Liuguan system and the Bafu.Based on the main text of the Zhouli and commentaries on it written by Zheng Xuan 鄭玄 during the last decades of the Later Han Dynasty, the author concludes that while the Northern Zhou Sihui was an appointment similar in function to the head of the former Shengshu Ministry, his authority was much diminished compared to his Northern Wei counterpart and consisted of coordinating proposals submitted by the Liuguan bureaus and reporting back the policy decisions made concerning them.Nevertheless, the post of Sihui was indispensable to the maintenance of the regime, ensuring the smooth functioning of government.For this reason, the Sihui was also appointed by the Yuwens and Yang Jian as a trusted member of the Bafu general staff and put in charge of administrative affairs, clearly showing an intimate relationship between the Liuguan system and the Bafu, as well as revealing one important characteristic of the Northern Zhou Dynasty’s bureaucratic structure.
山本 裕 前田 廉孝

本研究は,戦後復興期日本の闇物資流通・取締とそれに対する民衆の認識を考察し,双方間の関連性を解明する。本研究は,甲府専売支局が闇煙草の摘発時に作成した『専売取締事件簿』と山梨の地方紙に掲載された関連記事を分析し、①闇物資の流通実態,②闇物資取締の実態と限界,③闇物資流通・取締に対する民衆の認識を解明する。これにより本研究は,(ⅰ)闇物資流通の解明から経済史研究,(ⅱ)闇物資流通と取締に対する民衆の認識の解明から社会史研究にそれぞれ貢献し得る。近年は海外でも闇市場(black market)の考察が進展しつつある研究動向を踏まえれば,本研究は闇市場の国際比較へ向けた端緒を開く意義も有する。