羽野 暁 樋口 明彦 榎本 碧 原田 大史 佐々木 裕大
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.56, no.1, pp.32-42, 2021-04-25 (Released:2021-04-25)

佐々木 英次 中原 東郎 神田 幸雄 大里 一夫 栂野 秀夫
社団法人 腐食防食協会
防食技術 (ISSN:00109355)
vol.26, no.3, pp.125-132, 1977

The corrosion behavior of mild steel was investigated in a culture where hydrogen gas was bubbled. A dual cell system was employed. That is, in the first cell the bacteria produced hydrogen sulfide, which was introduced into the second cell by hydrogen gas. The bacteria were cultured in autotrophic or heterotrophic conditions. The electrode potential and polarization resistance of the specimens in both of the cells were measured. The variations of electrode potential and corrosion rate of the steel in both of the cell could be explained, corresponding to the variation of the concentration of hydrogen sulfide. The weight loss of the steel in the first cell was smaller than that in the second cell. There was no evidence that hydrogen depolarization by the bacteria occured. It seems to be more resonable that the anodic and catholic reactions were stimulated catalytically by hydrogen sulfide, not by the bacteria. On the other hand, in autotrophic condition, the bacteria could not grow so much, and the amount of biogenic hydrogen sulfide was much smaller than that in heterotrophic condition. Organic substances is necessary for the biosynthesis of the bacteria and for the great evolution of hydrogen sulfide. Therefore, in order to prevent the corrosion by the bacteria, in practice, a desalting plant ought to be designed to eliminate organic substances as much as possible.
佐々木 雄二
駒澤大学心理学論集 : KARP (ISSN:13493728)
vol.2, pp.89-97, 2000

1. The medical and psychosocial problems of the case As I described in the former paper (1), Ms. N.G. has suffered from a dissociative anxiety disorder (DSM-IV), by which she could not go out absolutely more than 10 years. She had also various somatic and psychological complaints as well as behavioral disturbances. In her past history of illnesses, since her childhood, she had suffered from tonsillitis, conjuctivitis, otitis media and cystitis in somatic disorders, as well as mysophobia, sleep walking, mutism, and school refusal in psychological and behavioral disorders. Furthermore her only sibling (brother) had school phobia and now he is in the home every day and no job and she had not any social supports from her parents. 2. The criteria of the indication of autogenic training of this case Autogenic training would not be effective in this case, because she would suffer from "exogene Fremdneurose," that comes from the severe environmental factors, as well as "charaktogene Kernneurose," that comes from the internal causes of oneself by Schultz's classificatory criteria. As she had a lot of medical and psychological problems, we should have done many adequate medical examinations and then should have given the standard psychotherapy with drug therapy and physical therapy. However, more than ten years, she could not take the orthodox therapy with drug therapy at all. Under the situations, she started autogenic training, mastered the first standard exercise (heaviness) through 51 practice days, and got quite a therapeutic effect. As the reasons why she could master the first exercise smoothly, we list the followings: 1. She has the strong motivation. 2. As she had an instruction manual that was written by the author, she could read it if necessary. 3. She had a plenty of time for doing the autogenic training periodically because of her phobia. In this article, I report all the record of the first 3 practice days without abbreviation. As you can see the record, she experienced the heaviness of arms and legs as well as many "autogenic discharges." 3. On the autogenic discharges As the consciousness decreases under autogenic training, there trait to happen a variety of mental activities spontaneously which are different from ordinal mental activities in both the contents and formalities. Those are related to mind the past events or to become aware of the new ideas. The autogenic state, that is the altered state of consciousness under autogenic training, may give an opportunity of changing the mind. In the protocol of 31th day, she recorded "I felt twitching at calves. My jaw jerked. My left arm moved as if skipping." In 32th day, she recorded "During autogenic exercise, I felt as if my body becomes light and floats in the air, and goes down as it was. Then I saw 3 birds are flying in an instant as if dreaming." As I mentioned above, there happen various autogenic discharges such as sensations, feelings, emotions, motions, and visual images ect. under autogenic state. 4. On the therapeutic effects When she mastered the first standard exercise, her appetite was increased and she had confidence in herself. The dependent tendency to her mother is decreased step by step, and she hit upon some ideas concerned with coping with her disorders actively. 5. The spontaneous appearance of the sensation of warmth She recorded in the protocol of 43th day that she felt slight warmth at her finger-tips after she had heaviness at the extremities, and then became warmer and warmer at her palms so much that she wondered. On the next day, she experienced these warmth again. The spontaneous sensation of warmth appeared probably as the result of vessels dilatation of her arms that took place by the muscle relaxation. 6. The spontaneous imagery in her elementary school period During autogenic training, she imagined spontaneously the place where she and her class mates went and played every summer vacations. She recorded in her protocol: "As I knew the method of application of imagination in autogenic training, I tried it during the practices. I am at peace very much." As I mentioned in the previous article, she suffered from mutism, 'kinder-garden refusal', and was buttered by the school mates. The tendencies continued to the first half of the elementary school period. In the second half, she suffered from the total school refusal. By the reasons, she disguised to remind her school period and she could not remind them actually. Even though she reminded only amusing experiences, she must have been able to remind them because she got better. 7. Conclusive comment Through the process I mentioned above, Ms. N.G. mastered the first standard exercise (heaviness) on February 23 (50th day). In her letter dated on February 20, the following contents were contained that she would have gotten the therapeutic effects by autogenic training. "In these days, the foods that I have hated have become good taste so much. Those experiences continue 5 times. I think it must be one of the therapeutic effect by the practices." Because of the results of personality tests, symptom checklist, and her personal history of illnesses, I did not have confidence that she would master autogenic training and would get better in the various complaints. Even though she continue to practice the standard exercises, she would not be able to get the sensation of heaviness. However, she could continue to practice the exercises 3 times every day for 50 days, and she could master the first exercise. At the result, she got some therapeutic effects.
三浦 浩治 佐々木 成朗 石川 誠 板村 賢明
公益社団法人 日本表面科学会
表面科学 (ISSN:03885321)
vol.30, no.10, pp.554-559, 2009-10-10 (Released:2009-10-22)
1 1

We systematically discuss frictional properties occurring in atomic-force microscope (AFM) tip on graphite system, the graphite/C60/graphite system, and the C60 intercalated graphite system. Several possible mechanism to induced superlubricity of C60 intercalated graphite system are proposed and discussed. It can be expected that the superlubricity is induced by internal sliding between close-packed C60 monolayers and graphite layers. Our results propose one of the simple guidelines of designing practical superlubric system—reduction of the contact area between intercalated C60 and graphite sheet to the point-like contact. We anticipate our novel lubrication system to be a startpoint for developing more practical superlubricant using intercalated graphite, which will contribute to solving the energy and environmental problems.
佐々木 康之
公益社団法人 日本畜産学会
日本畜産学会報 (ISSN:1346907X)
vol.39, no.9, pp.368-376, 1968

子牛を全乳のみで飼育すると混合唾液分泌能は未発達のままであるが,飼料摂取によって著しくそれを発達させることができることを著者はすでに観察した.本報告の実験目的は,飼育条件をかえることによって異なれる唾液分泌能発達過程を示す唾液腺の代謝能発達を,腺におけるエネルギー利用の基質的特異性を考慮しつつ検索することである.成牛の耳下腺スライスが酢酸をよく利用することは,すでに梅津&bull;佐々木が報告している.<br>ホルスタイン種雄子牛12頭を6頭ずつ2群に区分し,一群(MHG区)は全乳を制限給与したほかに乾草および濃厚飼料を自由摂取させ,他群(M区)は全乳のみで飼育し,1,4および13週令において両区2頭ずつを実験に供した.すなわち,左側耳下腺導管にカニューレを挿入して唾液分泌速度を計測してのち放血屠殺して耳下腺重量を知り,ついで,酢酸あるいはブドウ糖添加時における耳下腺スライスの酸素消費量を固有呼吸とともにワールブルグ検圧法(Krebs-Ringer phosphatebuffer, pH7.2,気相酸素,38&deg;C,3時間振盪)により求め,別に同様条件下で,酢酸,プロピオン酸,酪酸およびブドウ糖の基質消費量を測定した.その結果,以下の知見が得られた.<br>1. MHG子牛の耳下線は体重の増加および週令にともなって重量を増すが,M子牛耳下腺の体重に対する比率はむしろ低下する.<br>2. MHG子牛の耳下腺唾液分泌速度が顕著に増加するが,M子牛のそれはまったく発達をみせない.<br>3. 週令にともなう耳下腺スライスの固有呼吸発達はMHG子牛に高く,M子牛における発達はきわめて低い.酢酸添加による固有呼吸増加効果は,M子牛に比較してMHG子牛において良く発達し,ブドウ糖添加の効果は,両区とも各週令を通じてまったくみとめられない.<br>4. 基質消費よりみた酢酸の利用は,M子牛におけるよりもMHG子牛において著しく発達し,また,ブドウ糖利用の発達は両区ともにみとめられない.<br>5. 上記の結果から,唾液分泌能のいまだ発達していない子牛耳下腺スライスでは酢酸の利用がかなり低いが,唾液分泌量の増加とともにそれが急速に発達し,子牛を全乳のみで飼育して唾液分泌の発達を抑制すると,酢酸の利用もほとんど促進されないことが結論づけられる.
佐々木 卓士 鳥谷部 一成 渡辺 紀之 中野 克重 笹原 二郎
日本獣医師会雑誌 (ISSN:04466454)
vol.39, no.6, pp.378-382, 1986

北里大学獣医畜産学部附属八雲牧場において維持している, Specific Pathogen-Free (以下SPFと略) 鶏の血清学的ならびに微生物学的検査を行った.<BR>SPF鶏群は1979年に作出し, 6月に最初の血清学的検査を実施した. 1985年4月までに28回, 検査延べ羽数30, 445羽の検査結果は, 鶏伝染性気管支炎, 鶏脳脊髄炎, 鶏伝染性喉頭気管炎 (以下ILTと略), 鶏細網内皮症, マレック病, 伝染性ファブリキウス嚢病, 鶏ウイルス性腱鞘炎, 鶏アデノウイルス感染症 (以下AAVと略), 鶏白血病・肉腫 (A亜群, B亜群), ニューカッスル病, トリイソフルエソザ, トリパライソフルエソザ, 産卵低下症候群-1976, 伝染性コリーザ, ひな白痢 (以下SPと略) ならびにマイコプラズマ症 (<I>M.gallisepticum</I>; MG<I>M.synoviae</I>; MS) の病原体に対する抗体がいずれも検出されなかった. しかし, 20例でILT, AAV, SPあるいはMGの検査において非特異反応が認められた.<BR>微生物学的検査ではマイコプラズマおよびウイルスの分離成績はすべて陰性であった. 細菌検査では<I>Escherichia coli</I>, Proteus spp., Staphylococcus spp. 等が常在菌として主に腸管より分離された.<BR>以上のことから, これらのSPF鶏群は特定の病原体に汚染されていないことが確認された.
坂元 章 渋谷 明子 笠原 章子 松尾 由美 田島 祥 佐々木 輝美 渋谷 明子 笠原 章子 (七海陽) 田島 祥 佐々木 輝美 堀内 由樹子 松尾 由美 寺本 水羽 鄭 姝 倉津 美紗子 Anderson Craig A. Gentile Douglas A.

佐藤 れえ子 山岸 浩之 内藤 善久 村上 大蔵 大島 寛一 高木 久 藤田 茂 佐々木 重荘
公益社団法人 日本獣医師会
日本獣医師会雑誌 (ISSN:04466454)
vol.46, no.7, pp.577-581, 1993-07-20 (Released:2011-06-17)
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1990年5~7月. キャットフードによるビタミンD中毒が疑われた猫4頭について, 血中ビタミンD代謝産物濃度とキャットフード中のビタミンD含有量を測定し, 石灰沈着との因果関係を追究した. また, 4頭の実験猫を用いてそのキャットフードによる給与試験を実施した. 全症例は同一市販キャットフードを主体に飼育され, 症例1と2は尿毒症に陥っていた. 血漿Ca濃度は症例1の初診時を除き全症例で11mg/dl以上を, また25 (OH) D濃度は100ng/ml以上を呈した. 死亡例では全身性の石灰沈着が著明に認められ, 上皮小体の萎縮が観察された. いっぽう, キャットフード中のビタミンD含有量は5, 290IU/100gと異常な高値を示し, キャットフードの給与試験では給与開始後血漿25 (OH) D濃度は著しく上昇しCa濃度も増加した.
市川 智史 佐々木 良一
vol.2014-CSEC-67, no.1, pp.1-8, 2014-11-28

情報技術がインフラと化している現在,情報セキュリティの教育には多様性や柔軟性が求められている.拡張性と柔軟性が高い e-ラーニング作成システムである ELSEC の開発,適用を行ってきた.ELSEC を利用する学習サイクルでは e-ラーニングを用いたインプット学習だけではなく,実際に e-ラーニングを作成しながら行うアウトプット学習を取り入れることで効果的な学習を目指している.ELSEC システムでの e-ラーニング作成は,ある程度のプログラミング能力があれば容易であるが,プログラミング能力が全くない人でもアウトプット学習を行えるように著者らはプログラムレスでの e-ラーニング作成を支援する PlotM を開発した.PlotM は,GUI 操作のみでの e-ラーニング作成を可能にするほか,フローチャートを用いて全体構造の把握を容易にするなど作成の簡易化に重点を置いている.必要機能等は ELSEC システムの適用から得られた結果を分析し,実装を行った.プログラムコードを意識させない作成方法にくわえて,記述文字数の削減によって従来よりも簡易的に作成でき,作成時間の短縮にも繋がった.本稿では,当システムの開発要件や機能について記述するとともに,教育支援システム群の概要について報告する.