前田 健 水谷 哲也 田口 文広
獣医疫学雑誌 (ISSN:13432583)
vol.15, no.2, pp.88-93, 2011-12-20 (Released:2012-03-23)

高田 瑠美子 坂田 勝亮 前田 基成
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18845258)
pp.TJSKE-D-19-00074, (Released:2020-08-07)

In this study, we investigated the relation between autism spectrum tendencies of normal observers and evaluation of facial emotional expressions, used for “Ban Dainagon Emaki”. Recognition of facial expressions was verified by Scheffé’s (Nakaya) paired comparison method using the evaluation attributes of the four emotions (fear, anger, sadness, and happiness) in conjunction with investigation of the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ). Different cognitive patterns especially extracted from communication ability, were confirmed, comparing facial expression recognition tendencies for the two groups, higher levels of autistic - like traits and lower levels of autistic - like traits. Between the two groups, the high levels on the AQ were difficult to recognize the fear of negative emotions, but regarding the happiness of positive emotion, similar tendency was demonstrated. These results are consistent with the findings obtained from previous studies on the tendency of facial expression recognition between healthy individuals and those with traits of ASD.
鈴木 德行 前本 健太 星野 太一
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.78, no.1, pp.16-27, 2013 (Released:2015-04-03)
1 2

Change of residual hydrocarbon gases in mudstones and pelitic metamorphic rocks was investigated to evaluate the retention of methane in shale rocks during diagenesis and metamorphism. The samples were collected from borehole MITI-Mishima and outcrops in Shimanto belt, Chichibu belt, and Sanbagawa metamorphic belt exposed in Shikoku region. Concentration of residual methane normalized to total organic carbon content begins to increase when mudstone porosity reaches about 5%. The increased methane concentration at mudstone porosity less than 5% suggests a significant retention of methane in mudstone matrix. The high concentration zone of residual methane corresponds to maturity levels of vitrinite reflectance (Ro) =2 to 3%. Residual methane concentration significantly decreases in the higher maturity levels (Ro>4%), suggesting the graphitization of methane. The maturity levels of Ro=2 to 3% with the highest residual methane concentration is expected to be the favorable stage for shale gas formation, although host rock lithology such as the storage capacity and fissile nature are also related to enhanced shale gas recovery. Many parts of accretionary prism in Shimanto belt are at these maturity levels of Ro=2 to 3% favorable for shale gas formation. Accretionary prism formed under the compressional stress suggests development of gas seal structures and closed fracture systems convenient for shale gas retention, although shale rocks in Shimanto accretionary prism are comparatively poor in organic matter. Several thermogenic gas seepages in Shimanto belt would be another indication of shale gas formation in accretionary prism distributed in wide area along Pacific side of southwest Japan.
前田 建一郎
くにたち人類学研究 (ISSN:18809375)
vol.7, pp.1-29, 2012

原住民土地法廷が開廷した1870 年を前後して、ニュージーランド・チャタム諸島では、部族による慣習的な共同所有が原則だったところに、土地の個人所有という先住民マオリにとって未聞の概念が導入されたことで、正統なる土地の所有者が誰なのかをめぐって、部族間で激しい対立が生じていた。本論は、19 世紀の原住民土地法廷の裁判記録を用いた歴史人類学的な研究である。前半部では、土地の所有者を裁判で確定していく作業を通じて、法的な主体として部族が立ち現れ、その過程でモリオリとンガティ・ムトゥンガの両部族が、慣習についていかなる主張を繰り広げたかを検討する。後半部では、裁判記録の中の個人名をたどることで、相互に深い血縁関係にある部族の成員が、所属と同盟を渡り歩きながら原住民土地法廷をきっかけとして、部族への単一なる帰属を選択していった過程について明らかにする。
宮城 磯治 前嶋 美紀
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.57, no.1, pp.45-50, 2012-03-30 (Released:2017-03-20)

For better estimation of the temperature of red-hot volcanic ejecta from their images taken by online digital cameras at night, we studied the applicability of a new pyrometer to the images. Our pyrometer applies the theory of black-body radiation to the color of red-hot object. We examined the color of red-hot volcanic ejecta, a heated basaltic rock with known temperature, and infra-red LEDs. Because of the sensitivity to infra-red ray, a digital camera Nikon D40 can visualize hot basalt specimen at temperatures much lower (ca. 370℃) than the naked eyes (500~550℃). As a side-effect of this capability, color data of the hot basalt discord from the isothermal color lines calculated from the black-body radiation and the CIE colorimetric system. Night photographs taken by the online digital camera aimed at the explosive ash eruptions of Asama volcano (2 a.m. 2 Sep., 2009) indicated that the color of red-hot volcanic ejecta was disturbed by the influence of infra-red ray in the same manner as observed on the heated basalt specimen in the laboratory. As a result, the temperature of the volcanic ejecta would be much lower than their appearance in digital images (e.g., 1000℃) but higher than the detection limit (370℃). Comparison of the color of red-hot volcanic ejecta and isothermal color lines revealed that some of the volcanic ejecta fell along the 600℃ isotherm line of the black-body radiation, which suggests that volcanic cloud reduces the influence of infra-red ray. The estimated temperature (600℃) is consistent with those deduced from petrological observation and thermodynamic computation (600〜700℃). We conclude that color analysis of the images of red-hot ejecta taken by online digital cameras are useful in temperature evaluation when images suffer less influence of infra-red ray.
前田 勇樹
国立大学法人 琉球大学島嶼地域科学研究所
島嶼地域科学 (ISSN:2435757X)
vol.2, pp.41-61, 2021 (Released:2021-07-15)

宗前 清貞
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.63, no.1, pp.1_114-1_137, 2012 (Released:2016-02-24)

This article explains how LDP had developed post-war medical policy. Having very strong political ties with Japan Medical Association, LDP had supported JMA's claims for higher payment of social health care insurance. Business leaders and mayors as well as workers were all against high payment, but JMA doctors were strongly united and available to simultaneously refuse social insurance contract. Since no health care system would be possible without contracted doctors, LDP was afraid enough for big compromises with them. JMA seemed a successful political giant as a pressure group for medical industry.   On the other hand, new medical schools graduated 4000 more doctors every year since early 1970s. The expansion against JMA's favor was eagerly supported by local politicians and LDP pursued the programs for more rural doctors. Number of doctors increased rapidly and this was the beginning of the end of JMA era.   Structural changes inside medical environment happened to make hospitals more focused. Being grown surgical needs and chronic invalids, majority of medical expense went to hospitals. More doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals worked in hospitals. Thus interests within medical industry became greatly diffuse and JMA was no longer an exclusive representative of the business.   Politics of the medicals was the politics of medical economy for long time and JMA won games against cost bearers and Ministry of Welfare. The policy, however, also had another important element: public control over medical supply such as beds, professionals, and networks. MOW failed to establish authorities on such control so that this constraint limited following attempts for systematic medical service.
竹馬 章悟 小川 竜一 越前 宏俊
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.17, no.4, pp.175-184, 2016 (Released:2016-03-19)

Objective: To evaluate the validity of dosage adjustment of renally eliminated drugs using Giusti and Hayton method in patients with renal dysfunction by reviewing the pharmacokinetic data of the drugs.Design: A systematic literature review.Methods: Drugs with the following characteristics: ≥70% of the drug excreted in urine is the unchanged form and ≥20% of the drug in plasma is the unbound drug, were retrieved from Goodman and Gilman’s the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 12th edition.  For the drugs identified, the area under the concentration-time curves (AUC) obtained from pharmacokinetic studies in healthy subjects and patients with renal dysfunction were extracted from package inserts, interview forms, summary basis of approval, and by systematic review of the MEDLINE database.  Pharmacokinetic studies in children, patients with end-stage renal disease, patients on hemodialysis, and kidney transplanted patients were excluded from this review.  The observed AUC ratio (AUCRobserved) of a drug was calculated by dividing mean AUC of patients by that of healthy subjects, and stratified by creatinine clearance (CLcr) into three categories: 50 to 79 mL/min, 30 to 49 mL/min, and 10 to 29 mL/min.  Theoretical AUC ratios (AUCRpredicted) of drugs for the respective CLcr categories were calculated using Giusti and Hayton method.Results: Twenty-six drugs met our study criteria, and 43 data sets were obtained from the data sources.  The AUCRobserved deviated from the AUCRpredicted by more than ±50% in 3 of 35 (9%) data sets for CLcr 50 to 79 mL/min, 4 of 39 (10%) data sets for CLcr 30 to 49 mL/min, and 7 of 29 (24%) data sets for CLcr 10 to 29 mL/min.Conclusion: Since AUCRpredicted calculated by Giusti and Hayton method erratically over- or under-estimates the maintenance doses in patients with reduced renal function, the use of AUCRobserved is preferred for dose adjustment in these patients.
vol.81, 2007-11-30

This paper elucidates historical changes in the images of homoeroticism between male students in the Meiji Era and examines the factors behind this change. During the Meiji Era, intellectuals subscribed to a morality that prohibited homosexuality. However, some male students, known as kouha (solid students), shared common values that placed a positive value on homoeroticism between male students. They loathed falling victim to women's charms, and aspired to develop ideal relations between themselves and other elite male students. In the 1900s, the number of girls attending school increased markedly, and the presence of female students increased. These women came to be seen as suitable love or marriage partners for male students. In modern Japan, the emergence of female students helped to form the ideology of romantic love and a new positive image composed of love, marriage, and family. These changes brought about by the emergence of female students had an impact on the images of homoeroticism between male students. After the 1900s, a form of homoeroticism called "love between men" became popular among the nampa (soft students), and the kouha students lost their monopoly on homoeroticism. However, "love between men" was just a substitute for love between men and women. On the other hand, the kouha students strengthened their belief that they should avoid falling in love, as they thought it was too feminine. Therefore, they called close relations between men "friendships between men, " avoiding the use of the word "love." In this way, homoeroticism between male students was separated into "love between men, " as an imitation, and "friendship between men." Homoeroticism between male students was transformed into a form adapted to heterosexism.