前橋 健二
vol.106, no.12, pp.818-825, 2011 (Released:2013-10-08)
山崎 洋治 森田 十誉子 藤春 知佳 川戸 貴行 前野 正夫
一般社団法人 口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.68, no.1, pp.21-27, 2018 (Released:2018-02-28)

歯周病の予防に影響する口腔清掃習慣を,産業歯科健診情報を用いて縦断的に検討した.対象は,某企業の事業所従業員で2002年と2006年に歯科健康診断を受診した者1,985名(男性1,617名,女性368名,平均年齢40.0±9.2歳)とした.歯周病の評価はCPIで,健康行動(歯磨き,歯間ブラシおよびデンタルフロスの使用頻度,喫煙習慣)は自記式質問紙で調べた.ベースライン時の健康行動およびCPIの所見と4年後の歯周ポケット形成との関連性を多重ロジスティック回帰分析した. 2002年に歯周ポケットなしであった臼歯部セクスタントの7.3~9.5%,前歯部セクスタントの1.9~2.3% が,それぞれ4年後に歯周ポケットありに変化した.また,歯周ポケットなしのセクスタントが4年後に一箇所でも歯周ポケットありに変化した者と関連性が認められた要因は,1日3回以上の歯磨き(1回以下に対するオッズ比:0.68,p<0.05),デンタルフロスの毎日の使用(使用しないに対するオッズ比:0.41,p<0.05)およびベースライン時の歯周ポケットの有無(なしに対するオッズ比:1.52,p<0.01)であった. 以上の結果から,1日3回以上の歯磨きと毎日のデンタルフロスの使用は歯周ポケット形成の予防に有効であることが,また,歯周ポケットの保有は,歯周ポケットがない部位での新たな歯周ポケット形成のリスクとなることが示唆された.
藤巻 峻 新保 彰大 松井 大 時 暁聴 神前 裕
基礎心理学研究 (ISSN:02877651)
vol.34, no.1, pp.78-90, 2015-09-30 (Released:2015-12-26)

In the previous article (Kosaki, Shi, Matsui, Shimbo, & Fujimaki, 2015) we reviewed studies regarding how animals represent temporal information in classical conditioning. In this article, we first review various issues pertaining to interval timing in operant conditioning, with the main goal of providing a concise summary of procedural and theoretical developments in interval timing research. In the remainder of the article, we will review recent empirical findings and theories about the neural substrates underlying timing mechanisms both in classical and operant conditioning, and discuss how the hippocampus and striatum might contribute to different aspects of temporal information processing during conditioning. We then argue that the potentially different timing mechanisms implemented by the hippocampus and the striatum, as evidenced by the recent discovery of time cells in the hippocampus and consistent findings regarding involvement of the striatum in interval timing, might each be considered to constitute a part of functionally dissociable multiple memory systems that have been described elsewhere in the literature, particularly in the context of spatial learning and the organisation of voluntary behaviour.
前川 喜久雄 五十嵐 陽介
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.10, no.2, pp.33-42, 2006-08-30

In Tokyo Japanese, bimoraic accented particles like /ma'de/ and /su'ra/ are believed to lose their lexical accent when they are coupled with accented content words like /kyo'Hto made/. The deletion of particle accent, however, does not occur regularly. There are cases where particles constitute independent accentual phrases of their own, thereby preserving their lexical accents like in /kyo'Hto ma'de/. This paper examines this prosodic phenomenon by analyzing the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese (CSJ). Analysis of CSJ revealed that none of ten particles examined in this study showed perfectly regular accent deletion. It also turned out that there were four factors that favored independence of particles, viz., 1) semantic property of particles, 2) distance between preceding lexical accent and that of particles, 3) presence of BPM tones in the particles, and, 4) speaking style. Various analyses suggested consistently that it was the semantic property of particles that was the most influential. Particles of contrast and/or limitation (toritate nojoshi) like /ko'so/, /su'ra/, /sa'e/, /no'mi/ tend to retain their accent and prosodic independence much more frequently when compared to other particles including /na'do/, /ma'de/, /yo'ri/, /de'wa/, and /de'mo/.
前田 奎 大山卞 圭悟 関 慶太郎 水島 淳 広瀬 健一 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.64, no.1, pp.21-36, 2019-06-17 (Released:2019-06-25)

The purpose of this study was to investigate, using path analysis, causal relationships among motion factors for achieving a high release velocity in the male discus throw. The throwing motions of 61 male discus throwers were analyzed using three-dimensional motion analysis. Variables such as release velocity, velocities gained by each body segment, body segment velocity, body angle and angular velocity were obtained. The path model indicating the causal relationships among these factors was constructed by path analysis. The main results were as follows: Influences of velocities gained by each body segment on release velocity were largest for the arm, followed in order by the trunk and legs. Motion factors such as weight shift, acquisition of the velocity of the center of gravity, sweeping the legs, rotations of the hip and shoulder, twisting and untwisting of the trunk, acquisition of the velocity of the right knee and extension of the left knee had direct or indirect influences on the velocities gained by each body segment. Motion factors in the path model revealed causal relationships along the time sequence of the throwing motion. In addition, the path model in this study indicated the cause and effect structure of the throwing motion by which Japanese male discus throwers were able to achieve a high release velocity. The results of this study can be utilized for technical coaching of the discus throw based on causal relationships.
淺野 悟史 脇田 健一 西前 出 石田 卓也 奥田 昇
農村計画学会誌 (ISSN:09129731)
vol.37, no.2, pp.150-156, 2018-09-30 (Released:2019-09-30)
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Biodiversity in rural areas in Japan have been endangered by careless, due to paddy consolidation and mechanization. The farmers of the study site have maintained the water levels during winter, thereby providing a stable habitat for aquatic organisms. Residents and researchers discussed and detected spawns of Japanese Brown Frogs as “Environmental Icon” to evaluate how conservative farming is going well. The results of JBF-spawns survey indicated the conservation activities effected creating habitats for JBF, and these activities encouraged more farmers to join environmental conservation programs.
前田 梨奈 村尾 邦彦 石濱 崇史
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.13, pp.87-93, 2013 (Released:2013-12-28)

We initiated physical therapy for a female patient with Alzheimer’s disease who suffered a left trochanteric fracture that caused a short and unstable left stance phase in gait. Initially, we performed muscle stretching and strengthening, and weight-bearing exercises in the sitting and standing positions, but the patient could not follow the therapy and did not achieve the target strength because of attention deficit due to Alzheimer’s disease. However, the patient was capable of independent activities of daily living (ADLs) such as dressing and grooming. Therefore, we initiated an exercise therapy which involved putting on and taking off a sock. After the therapy was started, the strength of the patient’s left gluteus maximus and external and internal oblique muscles improved and the instability in her gait stance decreased. This experience shows the necessity of selecting a therapy focused not only on the impairments but also on the patient’s abilities to perform ADL.
加藤 征江 小前 佳代 福本 三紀
富山大学人間発達科学部紀要 (ISSN:1881316X)
vol.3, no.1, pp.39-47, 2008

The purpose of the research is to clarify the influence of preservation conditions on the deterioration of the vegetable oils used in daily life.Each of iodine value for five kinds of vegetable oil, that is, salad oil, olive oil, sesame oil, corn oil, and soy bean germ oil was obtained by the experiment, because iodine value shows the degree of unsaturated fatty acids as the constituents of lipid, and it seems to relate to the deterioration of oil. Then, the changes of the deterioration for five kinds of vegetable oil which were put on the preservation of eight weeks at a constant temperature of 60℃ were examined every week by the rate of weight increase (%), peroxide value (POV) and acid value (AV).Furthermore, both samples of salad oil used in frying the sliced potato and an unused salad oil were put on the place of sunlight irradiation and the shade, and were examined every week by peroxide value.As the result, it was concluded that the preservation conditions of a lower temperature and the shade place were extremely important in the preservation of vegetable oils.
小平 寛岳 国分 貴徳 瀧谷 春奈 藤嶋 弾 平田 恵介 名字 名前 塙 大樹 小林 章 金村 尚彦
公益社団法人 埼玉県理学療法士会
理学療法 - 臨床・研究・教育 (ISSN:1880893X)
vol.25, no.1, pp.22-26, 2018 (Released:2018-04-03)

【目的】歩行速度の違いによる立脚初期の股関節伸展筋群活動の変化に着目し,歩行速度が股関節キネマティクスに及ぼす影響について検討した。【方法】整形外科疾患のない成人男性 7 名を対象とし三次元動作解析装置,床反力計付きトレッドミル,表面筋電図を用いて0.9 m/s 歩行と1.8 m/s 歩行を計測した。計測から得られた立脚初期(10% 歩行周期)の筋活動量(大殿筋,大腿二頭筋,半腱様筋),外的股関節屈曲モーメント,股関節屈曲角度,重複歩長を条件間で比較・検討した。【結果】 0.9 m/s 歩行と比較し 1.8 m/s 歩行で外的股関節屈曲モーメント,重複歩長,股関節屈曲角度,半腱様筋活動に有意な増加がみられた。一方で,大殿筋と大腿二頭筋には有意な変化はみられなかった。【結論】歩行速度の増加に対し,立脚初期では股関節屈曲角度,重複歩長の増加による対応が行われ,この対応には半腱様筋の筋活動量増加の関与が示唆された。
井星 正氣 糸賀 紀晶 前田 孝一 J. V. R. Prasad
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
日本航空宇宙学会論文集 (ISSN:13446460)
vol.52, no.606, pp.302-308, 2004 (Released:2004-08-05)
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Modern day helicopters are frequently required to operate close to non-uniform ground surfaces. During operations above a moving ship deck, it can be foreseen that the hovering performance of the rotor has very different behavior compared with the cases of hovering above stationary flat ground plane. In this report, the hovering performance of the rotor above the moving ground in full ground effect is experimentally studied in order to provide qualified database for the validation of analytical study on dynamic ground effect. The moving ground is simulated by means of harmonic rolling and heaving motions of ground effect plate with variable amplitude and frequency. The thrust, torque and blade flap angle of the rotor were measured at rotor height from 0.4 to 1.5. It is shown that motion types of the ground and the amplitude and frequency of the moving ground have important effects on the variable loads in and out of the rotor disk in dynamic ground effect.