石川 みち子 小倉 美沙子 吉田 千鶴子 木内 千晶 畠山 怜子
一般社団法人 日本老年看護学会
老年看護学 (ISSN:13469665)
vol.10, no.1, pp.69-74, 2005

わが国は,類をみない速さで男女とも世界の長寿国となった.寿命の延長に伴い,100歳以上の高齢者(百寿者)も増え続けている.増加し続ける百寿者であるが,I県における百寿者の生活実態は把握されていない現状にある.そこで,百寿者の生活実態を明らかにすることを目的に,百寿者名簿で氏名と在住する市町村名が公表されている百寿者303名を対象として,質問紙調査を行った.データ分析は,質問紙に回答した時点で満100歳を超える180名を対象とした.基本属性,職業の有無,健康状態,日常生活動作および認知機能,食事摂取内容,介護認定状況,利用しているサービス,性格傾向,長生きの秘訣について質問紙調査を行った.今回は,日常生活動作および認知機能と,健康状態,居住形態,退職後の趣味・社会活動の関連性について検討した.居住形態については,自宅で生活している人のほうが有意に日常生活自立群が多く,自宅で生活している人のほうが有意に認知機能保持群が多かった.本研究の調査では, I県における百寿者の生活実態が明らかとなり,健やかな長寿を達成する要因を検討するための基礎資料となった.
大塚 二郎 吉田 昌史 野崎 考志 十朱 寧
公益社団法人 精密工学会
vol.2013, pp.827-828, 2013

若林 明雄 内山 登起夫 東條 吉邦 吉田 友子 黒田 美保 バロン-コーエン サイモン ウィールライト サリー
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.77, no.6, pp.534-540, 2007-02-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
6 15

The Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) children's version has confirmed reliability and validity in the UK. In the current study, the children's AQ was administered in Japan to investigate whether the UK results are found in a very different culture. Two groups of children from primary and secondary schools were assessed: Group 1 (n=81) children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD, including Asperger Syndrome and high-functioning autism); Group 2 (n=372) randomly selected controls, age-matched with Group 1. The children with ASD had a mean AQ score of 31.9 (SD=6.69), which was significantly higher than controls (mean AQ=11.7, SD=5.94). Males scored significantly higher than females in the control group, but not in the ASD group. The pattern of difference between the Japanese clinical group and the control group was remarkably similar to the findings in the UK.
吉田 典弘
相模女子大学紀要. C, 社会系 (ISSN:1883535X)
vol.76, pp.1-6, 2012

The purposes of this paper are to point put the problems of the Information Education of University and to develop a new concept useful in future. A new subject on Information literacy will begin in 2003 for high schools as "Information Studies". As a result, the Information Education for University will necessarily have to be changed. In this paper, logical thinking in automatic processing based on procedure methods is proposed. As a result, Teach in using Javascript make the logical thinking for the students.
吉田 武義 村田 守 山路 敦
地質学論集 (ISSN:03858545)
no.42, pp.297-349, 1993-04-30

The Tertiary Ishizuchi Cauldron, in the Setouchi volcanic belt of middle Miocene age in northwestern Shikoku, is 7-8 km in diameter and includes outer and inner ring fractures, inward dipping andesitic to dacitic welded tuffs, granodioritic to adamellitic central plutons, and andesitic to rhyolitic ring fault complexes (Yoshida, 1984). Major element chemistry suggests that the granodiorite and adamellite, as well as the volcanic rocks composing welded tuffs and ring dykes, form a comagmatic series. These volcanic and plutonic rocks, however, show two contrastive trends in some trace elements causing zircon and alkali feldspar bearing fractionation at lower temperature for plutonic rocks. The compositional zoning from porphyritic intermediate composition rocks to aphyric silicic rocks with similar assemblage and relative proportion of phenocrystic minerals suggests the importance of fluid separation from porphyritic magma during intrusion, along with possible phenocryst settling in the reservoir. Mineral assemblage and major geochemical criteria show that the intermediate composition rocks and silicic aphyric rocks belong to I-type and W-type (Murata & Yoshida, 1985a) granites, respectively. The MORB normalized patterns of those rocks including high-magnesian andesites from the Setouchi volcanic belt indicate that those magmas are derived from subduction zone with a contribution of incompatible element-enriched upper mantle, that is, from sub-continental upper mantle source at active continental margin. The Ishizuchi Cauldron formed by the eruption of voluminous pyroclastic flows, accompanied by caldera collapse along ring fractures and by intrusion of the same magma along the underground cauldron fractures that formed in the subsiding block. The change in fracture pattern from upward opening cone to concave-upward subsidence faults implies the rotation of the maximum stress axis from vertical to horizontal, owing to eruption of magma from the magma chamber and caldera collapse into the upward opening cone. Intrusion of silicic magma into concave-upward sheets from ring dikes produced resurgent doming of the upper part of the subsided block. In middle Miocene of the Southwest Japan, just after the end of the opening of Japan Sea, the direction of the maximum horizontal compressional stress changed from EW-trend to NS-trend. At the same time, Southwest Japan uplifted being compressed normal to the arc, and volcanic field rapidly extended to the south beyond the Median Tectonic Line. The Ishizuchi I-type and W-type granitic rocks at the northern end of the Outer Zone of Southwest Japan might be derived by orthopyroxene and plagioclase fractionation from mantle-derived K-rich high Mg andesitic magma. On the contrary, the I-type granitic rocks from the northern side of the Butsuzo Tectonic Line (BTL) and the S-type granitic rocks from the southern side of BTL are considered to be produced by partial melting of lower crust at a depth of about 20 km (Murata, 1984). The I-type granites were probably generated by partial melting of Ca-amphibole and plagioclase bearing intermediate igneous and/or metaigneous rocks, and the S-type granites formed biotite and orthoclase bearing rocks (Murata & Yoshida, 1985a). And, the A-type granitic rocks which derived from deep source occurat the southern end of the Outer Zone (Murakami et al., 1989). The distribution of those granitic rocks mainly controlled by the heterogeneity of source materials with different isotopic compositions at the lower crust to upper mantle and their thermal structure. The estimated regional heterogeneity of the source region of the magmas is compatible with the present seismic wave velocity structure in the Outer Zone of Southwest Japan. The middle Miocene igneous activities at the Setouchi and the Outer Zone of Southwest Japan might be triggered by the subduction of hot mantle region. Plate reconstruction at the middle Miocene of the Southwest Japan has done.
永松 哲郎 児玉 良明 角川 明 高井 通雄 村上 恭二 石川 暁 上入佐 光 荻原 誠功 吉田 有希 鈴木 敏夫 戸田 保幸 加藤 洋治 池本 晶彦 山谷 周二 芋生 秀作 山下 和春
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
no.192, pp.15-28, 2002-12
7 12

This paper is the second half of the report on the study on microbubbles carried out by the SR239 project of the Shipbuilding Research Association of Japan, and describes the full-scale experiment using "SEIUN MARU", a 116m-long training ship that belongs to the Institute for Sea Training. Using numerical analysis and the experimental data obtained in the preparatory study described in the first half of the report, the net energy saving of SEIUN MARU by microbubbles at 14kts was estimated to be 2%. In the full-scale experiment, the trajectory of the generated bubbles was observed using underwater TV cameras and was found to shift more upward than predicted. The local skin friction was measured at several locations on the hull surface, and the skin friction increase as well as decrease by the bubbles was measured. The local void ratio was measured at one point on the hull surface, and the bubbles were found to travel slightly away from the hull surface. The change of the ship speed and shaft horsepower by microbubbles was measured, and the decrease or increase of engine power at constant ship speed was analyzed. In the most cases of the experiment the ship speed decreased by the bubble injection, mainly due to the increase of ship resistance and the decrease of propeller efficiency caused by the bubbles going into the working propeller. But, by carefully choosing the bubble injection location and thus avoiding the bubble entrainment into the propeller, the 3% power saving at a constant speed of 14kts was obtained. By taking into account the power needed to inject bubbles against hydrostatic pressure due to water depth at the injection point, this corresponds to the net power saving of 2%. Thus the net power saving by microbubbles was measured on a full-scale ship for the first time in the world.
吉田 将人 大澤 宏祐 高木 基樹 広川 貴次 植草 義徳 加藤 晃一 新家 一男 夏目 徹 土井 隆行
no.53, pp.241-245, 2011-09-02

Thielocin B1 (1), isolated from the fermentation broth of Thielavia terricola RF-143 in 1995, consists of five multi-substituted benzene rings, which are connected with a 2,2', 6,6'-biaryl ether and four ester linkages. Recently, it was found that 1 strongly inhibits protein-protein interactions (PPIs) of PAC3 homodimer (IC_<50>= 0.02 μM) without inhibition of other PPIs such as PAC1/PAC2 or TCF/P-catenin. Since we are interested in the mode of action mechanisms of 1, we performed total synthesis of 1, and docking studies by NMR and in silico analyses. The key intermediate 2,2', 6,6'-biaryl ether 4 was synthesized from 7-membered lactone 6, which was prepared by oxidative lactonization of benzophenone 7, followed by chemoselective reduction of the lactone and removal of the resulting alcohol. The side wing 5 was synthesized from aldehyde 8 via formation of 3 and its coupling by esterification. Condensation of biaryl ether 4 and 5 was smoothly performed using trifluoroacetic anhydride to afford 21 in high yield. Formylation of 21 by treatment with dichloromethyl methyl ether and AgOTf, followed by Kraus oxidation provided acid 2. Coupling of the resulting acid 2 with phenol 3 afforded 22 in 70% yield. Finally, removal of the benzyl groups by-hydrogenation furnished thielocin B1 (1), whose spectral data were in good agreement with those of the natural product.
吉田 正温
島根大学農学部研究報告 (ISSN:0370940X)
vol.8, pp.49-50, 1974-12-15

1.This investigation was conducted to study the somatic chromosomes of Wasabia japonica MATSUMURA Cultivated var. Shimane No.3.2. Wasabia japonica M. cultivate var. Shimane No.3 is tetraploid and has the somatic chromosomes of 2n = 28. The chromosome number was shown for the first time by this study.
石川 和信 首藤 太一 小松 弘幸 諸井 陽子 阿部 恵子 吉田 素文 藤崎 和彦 羽野 卓三 廣橋 一裕
医学教育 (ISSN:03869644)
vol.46, no.3, pp.259-271, 2015-06-25 (Released:2017-03-03)

シミュレーション教育への理解と普及をはかり, 医学生の臨床能力の客観的評価システムを全国の医学部教員が連携して確立することを目的として, 第46回日本医学教育学会大会の開催翌日に, 医学生イベントとして, シムリンピック2014を開催した. 全国公募した12チーム36名の医学部5, 6年生が参加し, シミュレータや模擬患者を活用した6つのステーション課題に挑戦した. 各課題の構成, 難易度, 妥当性を臨床研修医の協力で検証し, 実行委員会でブラッシュアップした. 企画の構想, 実行委員会組織, 開催準備, 当日の概要, 参加者アンケート結果に考察を加えて報告する.