宗森 純 吉田 壱 由井薗 隆也 首藤 勝
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.39, no.2, pp.447-457, 1998-02-15

インターネットで接続されたパーソナルコンピュータと比較的安価な入力機器を用いて遠隔地間での研究指導を支援する遠隔ゼミナール支援システムを開発した.本システムは知的生産支援システムWadamanに共有カーソルなどのグループウェア用の機能を追加したRemoteWadamanと画像・音声コミュニケーションツールNetGearとを組み合わせたものである.本システムを用いて1年間にわたって大阪大学と鹿児島大学の2地点を結んで20回,東北大学と大阪大学,鹿児島大学の3地点を結んで5回の合計25回の研究指導(ゼミナール)を行った.その結果,本システムを用いた遠隔ゼミナールでは従来の対面のゼミナールと比較して1人あたりかかった平均時間などには大差なく指導できたが,対面独特の緊張感が弱まる傾向にあることが分かった.また,3地点を結んで遠隔ゼミナールを行うことによって異なる大学の学生が1つのゼミナールに同席し意見を出し合うことは利点ではあるが,第三者が割り込んで発言しにくいことが分かった.さらに通信状況がネットワークの混雑の度合いに大きく依存していて,3地点を結ぶと2地点と比較して通信が切断することが多くなることが分かった.We have developed a remote seminar support system which consists of personal computers and inexpensive input equipments.The software of the system consists of RemoteWadaman and NetGear.RemoteWadaman is an intelligent productive work card support system for collaboration and NetGear is a multimedia communication tool.This newly developed remote seminar support system was used on Internet.We have tried the remote seminar via Internet between two places of Osaka University and Kagoshima University 20 times and among three places of Tohoku University,Osaka University,and Kagoshima University 5 times.This Internet experiments shows that almost same seminar time per person was required as conventional seminar in the room and a remote seminar with Internet,however,aweaker tense atmosphere of student compared to the conventional seminar in the room was existed.The advantage of the seminar among three different places is the intellectual trigger because of simultaneous participation of different universities sutdents at the same seminar.The disadvantage,however,was a difficulty in participation of third person at this Internet seminar.Another disadvantage was more of ten communication disconnection among three places if compared to two places.This is because of more often traffic congestion of networks among therr places.
吉田 忠正
The Japanese Circulation Society
vol.28, no.9, pp.704-711, 1964

Recently, the hepatic circulation in hemorrhagic shock has been investigated by HEINEMANN, BRADLEY, SELKURT, FRANK and others. However, the opinions among the authors have not yet been in agreement but rather controversial, par icularly, as to the relationship between hepatic blood flow and cardiac output. HEINEMANN reported that hepatic blood flow fell sharply following hemorrhage and then returned spontaneously the control level in absence of the restoration of blood pressure. While, the others reported that hepatic blood flow did not recovered and remained in decreased level, having the same trend in blood pressure change. It seems likely that such a controversy will be partly due to the difference of the methods employed in measuring hepatic blood flow and partly to the confusion in recognizing the stage of shock, because the sequence of respective hemodynamic phenomenon is considerably different at the period of observation in this condition. The purpose of the present paper is to classify the relationship of hepatic blood flow and cardiac output throughout the entire course of hemorrhagic shock and its bearing on the irreversibility of shock. Oxygen utilization in the splanchnic viscera was also studied. The Relationship between Hepatic Blood Flow and Cardiac Output 1) Methods : Hepatic blood flow was measured by modified Frank's method. Twenty-two dogs ranging in weight from 8 to 20 kg were used and anesthetized with intravenous pentobarbital sodium of 25 mg/kg. A polyethylene catheter was passed through a right external jugular vein into the hepatic vein and then wedged into one of hepatic lobar veins. The outer end of the catheter in the hepatic vein was fixed at the level of the vena cava and allowed to drain continuously. The rate of hepatic outflow was measured by a graduated cylinder and stop watch. The blood collected was returned by transfer to an elevated burette draining into a left external jugular vein. Heparin (3-5 mg/kg) was given intravenously during the experiments. Cardiac output was calculated from indicator dilution curves according to the STEWART-HAMILTON principle. Two different procedures were used. In one method <SUP>32</SUP>P labelled red cells were used as an indicator and injected intravenously. Blood samples were collected successively from the femoral artery. In another cases, radio-iodinated serum albumin (RISA) was injected as an indicator. Cardiac output was calculated from radio-cardiograms by using a scintillation detector at the heart region and a rate-meter. 2) Results : We could distinguish the following two stages in hemorrhagic shock in relation to hepatic blood flow and cardiac output. a) The first stage : In the early stage of shock, hepatic blood flow decreases in parallel with the changes in cardiac output. b) The second stage : After same delay from the initial bleeding, hepatic blood flow decreases progressively without marked reduction in cardiac output. Consequently, a difference or "gap" appears in percentile changes of hepatic blood flow and cardiac output. c) Effects of transfusion : Complete recovery of arterial pressure, cardiac output and hepatic blood flow can be obtained by a transfusion performed in the first stage. Whereas, the transfusion made in the second stage give rise only transient recovery of arterial pressure and cardiac output.
小野田 尚佳 神森 眞 岡本 高宏 中島 範昭 伊藤 研一 宮崎 眞和 吉田 明
日本内分泌・甲状腺外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:21869545)
vol.33, no.2, pp.110-114, 2016 (Released:2016-07-28)

甲状腺乳頭癌(PTC)に対する放射性ヨウ素内用療法の現状を把握し,意義を見出すため,多施設共同の後ろ向き研究を行った。ʼ03~ʼ12年に初発のPTCに対し全摘術を受けた患者1,324例のデータを7施設から集積した。全摘,内用療法施行とも増加傾向にありʼ12年には全初発PTC手術例の60%,25%を越えた。内用療法は480例に施行され全摘例の36%に相当,M1,Stage ⅣB,ⅣC症例の2/3に施行されていた。疾患特異的生存率は内用療法施行群で有意に不良であった。予後リスクによって層別化すると内用療法施行により生命予後に差は認めなかったが,中間リスクの施行例は非施行例に比し術後診断の進行度が有意に高かった。本研究により内用療法の現状が明らかとなり,中間リスク患者での効果が示唆されたが,適応や治療法の問題点も確認され,内用療法の意義を見出すためにはさらなる症例集積研究が必要と考えられた。
吉田 明弘 西嶋 寛 角南 次郎 西嶋 克巳 岩田 雅裕 森島 秀一
公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会
日本口腔インプラント学会誌 (ISSN:09146695)
vol.9, no.1, pp.34-40, 1996-03-31 (Released:2017-11-05)

In recent years, implants have been widely used in dental and oral fields. Many investigators have reported the indication of implants. Most of these cases progressed well, but the others did not. To investigate the patient's awareness of dental treatments for removal of dental implants, we mailed a questionnaire to 33 patients. 1. The rate of collected questionnaires was 81.8%. 2. 92.6% of the patients underwent treatments such as partial dentures after removal of the implants, but only 40% of the patients were satisfied with these treatments. 3. This investigation clarified that informed consent between the dentists and the patients was insufficient.
西嶋 寛 吉田 明弘 角南 次郎 西嶋 克巳 岩田 雅裕 森島 秀一
公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会
日本口腔インプラント学会誌 (ISSN:09146695)
vol.9, no.1, pp.29-33, 1996-03-31 (Released:2017-11-05)

In recent years, implants have been widely used in dental and oral fields. Many cases have been reported, and the indication of implants has been investigated. Many cases progressed well, but a few cases did not. The unfavorable cases of dental implant were reexamined by clinical observation. The results were as follows 1. The number of unfavorable cases of dental implant increased until 1992 but decreased after 1993. 2. The patients were 20 males and 29 females, and 83.7% of them were 40-69 years of age. 3. Pain was the most common chief complaint of the patients, followed by swelling. 4. Systemic diseases, including hypertension and diabetes mellitus, were noted in 63.3% of the patients. 5. Only 24.5% of the patients who visited our department were referred to us by the dentists who performed the implantations. 6. Right after implantation, 26.5% of the patients showed symptoms. 7. Treatment at our department was removal of most of the implants.
吉田 敏 野城 智也
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.589, pp.169-176, 2005-03-30 (Released:2017-02-11)
2 5

Construction is complicated artificial action. The paper proposes the methodology to describe elements of construction. "Architecture" is one of the ways to analyze artificial actions, and the general concept of "Architecture" is the composition of system that is based on the pattern of relationship between elements. Primary meaning of "Architecture" was building and construction, because they are composed of many complicated elements. Then, this logic has been advanced in many fields such as computer industry, automobile industry and so on. It has great possibility to find brand new order of construction to study with advanced logic of "Architecture." The paper categorized the ways of description of system with "Architecture" concept, and demonstrated of description of construction aspects, then analyzed the possibility of description of construction as an artificial system.
和宇慶 真 小濱 剛 吉田 久
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.55Annual, no.3PM-Abstract, pp.219-219, 2017 (Released:2017-09-13)

吉田 史
日経Linux (ISSN:13450182)
vol.10, no.12, pp.63-72, 2008-12

吉田 雄哉
日経BP社 ; 1999-
日経Linux : Nikkei Linux (ISSN:13450182)
vol.14, no.10, pp.43-50, 2012-10

Webサーバーのアプリケーションは「フレームワーク」を使うと、あっという間に開発できます。著名な「Ruby on Rails」で、Amazonの書籍を検索できる蔵書管理アプリを作ってみましょう。無償で使えるクラウド「Heroku」でアプリを公開します。(co-meeting 吉田 雄哉) Part 2で開発したブラウザー上のゲームアプリに続き、Webサーバー上のアプリ開発に挑戦します。
吉田 毅
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.57, no.2, pp.577-594, 2012 (Released:2012-12-05)
1 1

The purposes of this study were to identify, from a sociological perspective, the main factors involved in the process that a former J-League soccer player overcame the challenges and difficulties over retirement, and to find features that would be informative for athletes facing problems related to retirement from sport. This J-Leaguer became wheelchair-bound after being severely disabled in a traffic accident, and was able to overcome various challenges and difficulties through a career transition to wheelchair basketball. His life history was investigated on the basis of data recorded mainly during interviews. This study was based on the subjective socialization theory, especially Erikson's theory of identity related to subjective action, which is considered to partly overcome the problems associated with contemporary socialization theory, with special reference to the specific significance of individuals who helped the subject to overcome his difficulties. The difficulties he experienced were related to both retirement and life with a walking disability, the former being in conflict with the subject's strong self-identity as an elite soccer player. The presence of “irreplaceable others”, including his wife who devoted herself to his support and their newborn baby, his sense of responsibility for them, and his pride based on self-identity enabled him to exercise his subjectivity (reflexivity), allowing him to overcome his difficulties. In terms of his career transition to wheelchair basketball, “leading others” and “associates” in a wheelchair basketball club played important roles. When athletes retire as players, the following points are considered important for overcoming their associated difficulties. It is vital that the new change of career is well balanced with the athlete's self-identity. The role of others such as “leading others” is influential in finding a suitable career field. Furthermore, it should not be overlooked that the feelings of athletes that allow them to exercise their subjectivity to overcome their difficulties, “irreplaceable others”, self-identity which is the main source of such inner feelings, and “associates” in a supporting role are all valuable in this respect.
吉田 宗平 河本 純子 紀平 為子

平成10年〜11年において、まず第1に、紀伊半島全体のALS患者頻度の動向と多発地の状況を把握するため、1973-94年紀伊半島三県の人口動態死亡票データにより死亡頻度の変遷を解析した。この22年間で紀伊半島三県において799例(男性472/女性327名 ; 男女比1.44 : 1)を得た。死亡年齢の高齢化と共に、平均年間死亡率(年齢調整)は和歌山県では最高値から漸次低下を示し、紀伊半島全体としては近年0.9人/10万人へと均一化する傾向が見られた。しかし、和歌山県牟婁郡ではなお高率が保たれていた。第2に、和歌山県における河川・飲料水、特に多発地区古座川町と対照地区串本町大島を中心に、主な微量元素の含有量を分析した。古座川水系の河川・上水道のCa,Mg含有量(平均Ca2.3, Mg0.75ppm)は最も低く、この傾向は日高郡以南のALS多発地帯に見られるが、紀伊半島最南端の離島串本町大島の井戸水のみは(Ca13.3, Mg4.3ppm)と全国平均レベル(Ca8.8, Mg1.9ppm)を上まわった。第3に、house-to-house studyを施行するため、特定疾患医療受給者情報を利用し、地域医療機関や保健所の協力を得て古座川・大島地区の予備調整を行った。1990-99年の10年間で古座川町では、ALS2名、PDC-ALS2名の計4名の発症が確認された。このうちPDC-ALS2例の家系には、共にALSの発症が確認され家族性例であることが判明した。過去この地区にはPDC-ALSの発症の記載はない。古座川の平成12年1月1日現在の時点有病率は、71.5人/10万人であったが、大島にはなお患者は確認されていない。現在、当初のALSのみを対象としたhouse-to-house surveyの計画を再考して、PDCを含めた家系および環境要因分析を中心とした研究課題として考慮中である。
山口 昌樹 花輪 尚子 吉田 博
生体医工学 : 日本エム・イー学会誌 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.45, no.2, pp.161-168, 2007-06-10

In order to realize a novel handheld monitor for the sympathetic nervous system, we fabricated an analytical system for salivary amylase activity (sAMY) using a dry-chemistry system called a"Cocoro Meter." The device to quantify sAMY using an activity rate method was completely automated. This method was made possible by the fabrication of a disposable test-strip equipped with built-in salivacollecting and reagent papers, and an automatic saliva transfer mechanism. Within a range of sAMY between 0-200 kU/l, the calibration curve for the monitor showed a coefficient of R^2=0.988 and CV (coefficient of variation) of 10.2%. The reproducibility between devices was within 10%. Moreover, it was demonstrated that : (i) the quantitativity of the sample collected by the test-strip was sufficient, (ii) the sublingual area was suitable as the sampling site of the saliva, and (iii) 30 s was sufficient for saliva sampling. Considering all of these effects including the saliva sampling site, a 12.1% CV was obtained for this monitor. A total of 1 min was sufficient to analyze the sAMY. Thus, this study demonstrated that the monitor might be used as a good index for psychological research.
新井 正敏 江口 亨 石田 晴幸 吉田 紀彦
一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会
システム制御情報学会論文誌 (ISSN:13425668)
vol.30, no.6, pp.228-237, 2017-06-10 (Released:2017-09-15)

To improve development efficiency, model based techniques have been increasingly applied in embedded systems. For example, MATLAB/Simulink is regularly used for expressing physical phenomena, including signal processing and control systems. While it is very effective in these areas, it lacks object oriented capabilities that have been proven to increase development efficiency in related domains. UML is effective for descriptions of structures using object oriented abstraction, however it cannot express physical phenomenon easily. Furthermore, in conventional software engineering,code-libraries are regularly used to deliver significant development efficiency improvements across a wide range of domains, however neither MATLAB/Simulink nor UML include code-libraries. In this paper, we propose an extended UML to combine an UML model, MATLAB/Simulink models and code-libraries in a single system so as to realize efficient development. In the extended UML, an entire system is defined as a structure that consists of model parts. Each model part is integrated using UML. After generating source codes using UML, additional source code details are added from MATLAB/Simulink models and code-libraries. We demonstrate the efficiency of the extended UML with an experiment that shows behavioral equivalence between the system created with the extended UML and the original simulation model.
吉田 智喜 山乙 教之 広野 修一
公益社団法人 日本化学会・情報化学部会
ケモインフォマティクス討論会予稿集 第40回ケモインフォマティクス討論会 山口
pp.P8, 2017 (Released:2017-10-19)

リガンドとタンパク質との間の相互作用を、アミノ酸残基フラグメントレベルで量子化学的に解析することが可能なフラグメント分子軌道(FMO)法は、阻害剤とタンパク質との間の相互作用を取り扱う創薬において非常に有用な手法である。本研究で我々は、FMO 法によって得られるフラグメント結合エネルギーを記述子としたPLS 回帰によるCDK2 阻害剤の三次元定量的構造活性相関を報告する。阻害活性既知リガンドと最も類似しているリガンドが結合しているCDK2 タンパク質X 線結晶構造に対してドッキング計算を行うことによって信頼できる複合体構造を作成してFMO 計算に使用した。幅広い活性の多様なリガンドについて阻害活性を予測することができるPLS 回帰モデルを作成することができた。
太田 智 遠藤 朋子 島田 武彦 藤井 浩 清水 徳朗 國賀 武 吉岡 照高 根角 博久 吉田 俊雄 大村 三男
一般社団法人 園芸学会
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science (ISSN:18823351)
vol.80, no.3, pp.295-307, 2011

カンキツトリステザウイルス(CTV)は,カンキツに重大な被害を引き起こす重要病害の一つである.カンキツ属との交雑が可能であるカラタチ[<i>Poncirus trifoliata</i>(L.)Raf.]は,広範な CTV の系統に対して抵抗性を示す.これまでに,カラタチの CTV 抵抗性をカンキツ属に導入するために育種計画が実行され,中間母本が育成されたことで,経済品種の作出に道が開かれてきた.本研究では,マーカー選抜により効率的に CTV 抵抗性をカンキツ属に導入できるように,CTV 抵抗性に連鎖した 4 つの DNA 選抜マーカーおよび各連鎖群上のカラタチの対立遺伝子を識別する 46 のマーカーを開発した.CTV 抵抗性連鎖マーカー 4 つのうち,1 つは共優性マーカーである Single Nucleotide Polymorphism マーカーで,3 つは優性マーカーの Sequence Tagged Site マーカーであった.これら全てのマーカーで,2.8%の例外を除き,後代における CTV 抵抗性・感受性とマーカーの有無とが一致した.さらに,これらのマーカーは高度にカラタチ特異的であり,検定したカンキツ属 35 の全品種・系統に対して適応可能であった.カラタチ由来の対立遺伝子を排除するための判別マーカーでは,46 のうち 9 マーカーが CTV 抵抗性の座乗する第 2 連鎖群に位置した.また,他の 31 マーカーを残りの 8 連鎖群におくことができた.これらのマーカーは,カンキツ属 35 品種・系統のうち少なくとも 1 つ以上の品種・系統に対し,カラタチ由来の対立遺伝子を識別することができた.本研究で開発されたプライマーセットは,戻し交雑により CTV 抵抗性を様々なカンキツ属系統に導入するためのマーカー選抜に利用可能と考えられた.<br>