安藤 繁 篠田 裕之 小川 勝也 光山 訓
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.29, no.5, pp.520-528, 1993-05-31 (Released:2009-03-27)
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This paper describes a theory, algorithm, and experimental results of a new 3-D sound source localization system which is based on the spatio-temporal derivative method applied to acoustic signals.The principle is outlined as follows. We observe the sound field through amplitude f and its spatiotemporal gradients fx, fy, ft of a single point. An instantaneous distribution of time-varying vectors fx, fy, ft, f in a 4-D gradient space is classified according to its degree of orderness. Each orderness is theoretically related to constraints on possible source locations. Under this classification, we obtain an unambiguous 3-D location of a single source under a second degree of orderness and a co-existing line or plane of double sources under a first degree of orderness.We applied the principle to a sound source visualizer system by which a possibility map of the source locale is accumulated and superposed realtimely on TV images. By several experiments, this system is shown to be able to localize multiple wideband sources such as white noises and human voices while discriminating a number of them.
小川 正巳 太田 保夫
日本作物學會紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.42, no.4, pp.499-505, 1973-12-30

This investigation was conducted on rice seedlings to elucidate the plant growth-regulating properties of 3-hydroxy-5-methyl isoxazole which is an effective fungicide against the damping-off organism of rice seedlings. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1) The promotion of root growth by 3-hydroxy-5-methyl isoxazole was assumed to be mediated by its metabolite (N-β-glucoside) in plants. 2) The formation and development of lateral roots and root hairs were accelerated in the early seedling stage. The root growth was vigorously promoted by 3-hydroxy-5-methyl isoxazole in the later seedling stage. 3) The rooting ability and root activity (oxidizing or reducing activity of roots) were enhanced by 3-hydroxy-5-methyl isoxazole.
小川 寛恭 横田 治 関 啓輔 小倉 真治 前川 信博
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13407988)
vol.11, no.4, pp.439-442, 2004-10-01 (Released:2009-03-27)

74歳女性。肺炎で加療中,全身に薬疹が出現し,これが急速に表皮剥離性病変となった。表皮剥離性病変は全体表面積の約70%に及び中毒性表皮壊死症(toxic epidermal necrolysis, TEN)と診断された。第8病日に敗血症性ショックとなり,一時循環動態は安定したが,第13病日に再度敗血症性ショックとなり第20病日に死亡した。血液細菌培養検査・便細菌培養検査の結果から,敗血症の原因としてbacterial translocation (BT)が示唆された。TENは長期完全静脈栄養法や抗菌スペクトルが広い抗菌薬の投与が必要になる場合が多いことと,腸管粘膜障害を起こすことからBTを起こしやすい病態と考えられる。また,TENの致死的合併症のほとんどは敗血症であり,敗血症の原因の1つとしてBTが挙げられる。この敗血症を予防するためにselective decontamination of the digestive tractによる積極的予防策が必要であると思われた。
小川 直之
フランス語フランス文学研究 (ISSN:04254929)
no.92, pp.155-168, 2008-03-21

Il s'agit d'un double feuillet de parchemin bien probablement du debut du XIV^e siecle. Ce feuillet, dont la partie superieure est entamee, contient un fragment de prose francaise en 236 lignes lisibles. Il a ete trouve chez un marchand de curiosites parisien. Le texte du fragment raconte une page de la guerre que les barons de Chypre sous le commandement de Jean d'Ibelin ont faite a Frederic II du Saint-Empire romain : il decrit, par exemple, la bataille de Casal Imbert qu'il date du mardi 3 mai 1232. Nous y avons reconnu la Continuation de Guillaume de Tyr, appelee aussi l'Histoire d'Eracles ; le recit du fragment correspond, en effet, au texte qu'on trouve dans les chapitres 27-36 du 33e livre de cette chronique editee par l'Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (Recueil des historiens des croisades. Historiens occidentaux, t. II, Paris, 1859). A la suite de la comparaison entre les lecons du fragment et celles des manuscrits utilises par l'edition de notre appui, nous avons etabli la filiation du fragment par rapport au ms. B. N. fr. 9082, qui a ete, par ailleurs, ecrit en 1295 a Rome. Les variantes donnees par le fragment ne sont generalement pas importantes, mais il y en a une, au moins, qui merite reflexion en ce sens qu'elle peut nous permettre de dater la production du fragment. Dans le present article, nous nous sommes limite a editer certains passages du fragment ; l'edition complete du texte sera presentee ailleurs. Et nous voudrions manifester toute notre gratitude au professeur Naoyuki Fukumoto, qui nous a aide a faire nos recherches sur ce fragment.
西 真理子 新開 省二 吉田 裕人 藤原 佳典 深谷 太郎 天野 秀紀 小川 貴志子 金 美芝 渡辺 直紀
一般社団法人 日本老年医学会
日本老年医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009173)
vol.49, no.3, pp.344-354, 2012 (Released:2012-12-26)
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目的:地域在宅高齢者における「虚弱(Frailty)」の疫学的特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした.方法:2001年に群馬県草津町在住の70歳以上全高齢者を対象に訪問面接調査を行い,虚弱の出現率を求めた.次いで,2005年に同町と新潟県与板町で行われた高齢者健診(対象70歳以上)のデータを使用し,虚弱高齢者の身体医学的,心理社会的特徴を調べた.虚弱の判定には,虚弱性指標として用いることの妥当性が確認されている「介護予防チェックリスト」を用いた.分析は男女別に行い,各変数について虚弱群と非虚弱群で比較検定し,虚弱の有無と各変数との関連は,年齢,地域,共通罹患の有無,ADL障害の有無を共変量においた多重ロジスティック回帰モデルを用いて分析した.結果:訪問面接調査には916名が応答し(応答率88.2%),うち912名を分析対象とした.虚弱の出現率は,男性で24.3%,女性で32.4%であった.虚弱の出現率は,男性は80歳以降,女性は75歳以降で急増する傾向がみられた.高齢者健診は1,005名が受け,うち974名を分析対象とした.多重ロジスティック回帰分析の結果を総合すると,身体的機能や心理社会的機能,生活機能などの低水準が虚弱高齢者の特徴として示された.また,非虚弱群に比べ虚弱群の方が,認知機能検査の成績が低く,抑うつ傾向の割合が高く,男性で聴力障害,女性で尿失禁や歩行障害の保有率が高いなど,いわゆる老年症候群との関連が示された.一方,心拍数と血圧,男性で一般的な血液検査項目と虚弱との関連は示されなかった.結論:70歳以上の在宅高齢者の約3割が虚弱であった.虚弱があらゆる老年症候群と密接に関係するmultifactorial syndromeであるという病態像が浮かび上がった.虚弱の病態は,心身機能や生活機能などの機能的諸側面の低さに現れやすく,一般的な臨床医学検査には表出されにくい特徴を有することが明らかになった.
小川 和男 寺田 忠史 本那 隆次
Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.32, no.3, pp.930-939, 1984-03-25

As a part of our search for new potent analgesic agents, novel fused pyrazole derivatives were synthesized. The reaction of 2-substituted-5-hydroxypyrazole (I) with ethyl 2-substituted (for example COCH_3 or CO_2C_2H_5) acylacetates (II) gave mainly pyrazolo [1,2-a] pyrazole-1,5 (1H, 5H)-diones (III). On the other hand, similar reaction of I with diethyl benzoylmalonate gave mainly pyrazolo [5,1-b] [1,3] oxazin-5 (5H)-one (V) but did not give III at all. Thermal and photochemical isomerization of III gave V. Methanolysis of IIIa in the presence of LiOH occurred with retention of the 4-ethoxycarbonyl-5-pyrazolone ring and similar products (VIa and VIf) were obtained by methanolysis of Va and Vf, respectively. Analgesic activities of the present new compounds were all inferior to that of aminopyrine.
神谷 卓郎 小川 健次郎
公益社団法人 化学工学会
化学工学 (ISSN:03759253)
vol.26, no.2, pp.373-377, 1962-02-01 (Released:2010-10-07)

Two methods are prevalent for the recovery of acetone in an acetate dry-spinning plant. One of them is the absorption process and the other, the adsorption one. The latter, having higher recovery efficiency and less steam consumption when employed in rectifying acetone, has come to be more widely used than the former, especially with the improvement in the properties of activated charcoal. But the absorption process has such merits as safety from explosion and possibility of perfectly continuous operation. The lower recovery efficiency, which is one of its drawbacks, can be improved by the circulation of the air laden with vapour. The circulation of the air, together with the use of the multi-stage turboblower and turbine pump helps to increase the thermal efficiency of this process. From this view point, the economical evalution has been made of the absorption process into which several improvements are put by the authors.By the application of a multistage turbine pump, higher coefficient of heat transfer is obtainable between the feed and the wast of the rectifying column.Furthermore, judging from the characteristics of the equilibrium curve of rectification, there is little difference between the two methods with regard to their construction costs of equipment and their consumption amount of calorific power, when the density of the feed is kept over 2.5% in weight, although, in this case, cool water at the temperature of 5°C or so is required for absorption use.The construction cost of the equipment can be much more reduced and the power required in the operation, much more saved, when the said cool water is supplied directly refrigerated with liquid ammonia.As to the circulating air, the power of the blower will be used effectively both for promoting the efficiency of the heat exchanger and for heating the air by increasing the compression ratio.Table 1 shows the comparison between the old and the new absorption processes with respect to the utility and the construction cost, and Table 3, the results of the actual operation carried out in the authors' plant.
ウー テ ナイン 水沼 達郎 長野 恭朋 馬 恒怡 小川 由紀子 長谷場 康宏 樋口 博紀 奥村 泰志 菊池 裕嗣
vol.2011, pp.146-146, 2011

Polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystal is one of the candidates for the next-generation display technology. In this study, effects of monomer/liquid crystal compositions on electro-optical characteristics of polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystal were investigated. By optimizing monomer/liquid crystal compositions, lower operating voltage, reduction in hysteresis and residual birefringence were achieved. However, some technical issues remain to be overcome.
大木 典雄 望月 茂喜 伊藤 昭浩 阿部 文昭 小川 修 保坂 陽之助 秋山 稔 持田 泰秀
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.4, no.6, pp.19-22, 1998
2 2

The seismic isolation retrofit of the main building of the National Museum of Western Art required excavating the foundation ground under the existent building and installing isolation devices beneath the existing footings. Before the installation of isolation devices, it was necessary to construct piles beneath the existing footings in order to support the weight of the building temporarily during excavation process. The piles were made of steel pipe segments, and were driven by oil jacks utilizing the weight of the building for reaction force. During the retrofitting process, the subsidence of the building supported by the piles were monitored and controlled to avoid causing damage to the superstructure.
西川 潤 宮嵜 孝子 鈴木 庸弘 板谷 優子 山脇 秀元 三原 弘 蓮本 祐史 藤浪 斗 小川 浩平 細川 歩 工藤 俊彦 杉山 敏郎
一般財団法人 日本消化器病学会
日本消化器病学会雑誌 (ISSN:04466586)
vol.108, no.9, pp.1535-1539, 2011 (Released:2011-09-05)
