小林 望 関口 正宇 斎藤 豊
日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 (ISSN:00471801)
vol.75, no.10, pp.417-423, 2022 (Released:2022-10-28)

小林 貴江 田上 和憲 中田 如音
日本小児アレルギー学会誌 (ISSN:09142649)
vol.36, no.2, pp.133-140, 2022-06-20 (Released:2022-06-20)

【背景】食物アレルギー(food allergy:FA)ガイドラインの整備が進み,さらにアレルゲン早期摂取の取り組みによりFA児の環境は変化しており,保育園では安全かつ正確なFA対応が必要である.保育園でのFA対応は多岐にわたり,地域の専門医がFA対応の実態を把握し,現場と共に改善できる点を探ることが重要である.【目的】FA児の在園状況,誤食事故の発生状況等に関し実態調査を行う.【方法】春日井市内の全保育園の代表者に対し,2017年度から3年間FA研修会を行うにあたり,開催1か月前にアンケートを配布・回収した.集計した結果は研修会内で報告した.【結果】全保育園から回答を得られ,3年間でFA児は,低年齢で減少していた.誤食事故件数は研修会開始前2013~2017年の平均20.6件/年から,開始後の2018年は7件/年,2019年は8件/年に減少し,誤食事故はおやつの時間に多かった.【結語】春日井市全保育園に対し,FA研修会を取り入れることにより,誤食事故を減らすことが可能であった.
小林 大祐
東洋学園大学紀要 = Bulletin of Toyo Gakuen University (ISSN:09196110)
vol.29, pp.63-78, 2021-02-15

河野 正司 吉田 恵一 小林 博 三浦 宏之
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.31, no.3, pp.764-769, 1987-06-01 (Released:2010-08-10)
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Many TMJ patients who have occlusal interferences often complain of pains in the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The pain occurs mainly in the insertion of the muscle (SCM-I) rather than in the middle of the muscle (SCM-M). In order to investigate a causative mechanism of pain in the sternocleidomastoid muscle in relation to occlusion, the activities of sternocleidomastoid and masticatory muscles were studied by means of EMG during functions in relation to the occlusal contact on six normal subjects. EMG activities of temporal, masseter, SCM-I and SCM-M were recorded by surface and needle electrodes.EMG activity was recorded from SCM-I in accordance with the activity of the masticatory muscles during tapping, clenching, and mastication. On the other hand little activity was registered from SCM-M. The amplitude of the EMG of SCM-I increased as the occlusal force increased. During chewing the sternocleidomastoid muscle was functioning more actively on the working side than on the non-working side.
坂本 信介 畔柳 聴 右京 里那 小林 郁雄 家入 誠二
日本暖地畜産学会報 (ISSN:2185081X)
vol.62, no.2, pp.99-105, 2019 (Released:2019-11-13)

牧場への野生動物の侵入をカメラトラップ法で調べる際に,カメラの設置位置や設置時期によって結果が大きく変わるかを調べるため,同一牧場内の様々な施設の内外に 1 年にわたり自動撮影カメラを 9 台設置し,飼養形態や利用方式が異なる施設ごとにまた季節ごとに野生哺乳類の出現状況を比較した.哺乳類の撮影頻度は施設間で大きく異なっており,相対的に乳牛舎内,肥育牛舎外,繁殖牛舎外では,食肉類の撮影頻度が高い傾向にあった.また,肥育牛舎,繁殖牛舎,倉庫では,動物の撮影頻度のうちわけが施設の内外で大きく異なっていた.イエネズミとノネズミのどちらもが施設外で撮影されたため,イエネズミの施設内外の移動と施設外での両者の直接的・間接的接触が懸念された.また各動物の出現頻度には季節性が見られた.以上の結果から,牧場内でカメラトラップ法を用いる際には,撮影地点や設置時期の選定が調査結果に影響を及ぼすと考えられる.
小林 潤平 関口 隆 新堀 英二 川嶋 稔夫
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.32, no.2, pp.A-AI30_1-24, 2017-03-01 (Released:2017-03-01)

We propose bunsetsu-based layouts to improve the efficiency of eye movements in reading Japanese text. When reading text, people tend to direct their gaze toward the center of a word. This is called the optimal viewing position. The optimal viewing position results in the shortest gaze durations and fewest re-fixations. In the case of Japanese text, the eyes tend to fixate on each characteristic Japanese linguistic unit (bunsetsu). An electronic Japanese text reader that facilitates accurate control of eye movements to bunsetsu segments could increase the reading rateand result in more efficient eye movements. In this study, we develop new techniques to decrease inefficient eye movements when reading Japanese text. In Experiment I, we investigate the effectiveness of the layout with bunsetsu-based line breaking. A bunsetsubased linefeed layout breaks a line between bunsetsu segments, i.e., splitting a bunsetsu segment is prohibited. The reading speed for the bunsetsu-based linefeed layout was faster compared to the conventional text layout with line lengths of 5–40 characters per line. The improvements in reading speed were likely due to the optimization of eye movements near the edge of a line. In the case of 5–11 characters per line, the improvements in reading speed were likely due to an increase in the number of lines that can be recognized by a single fixation. These results indicate that the bunsetsu-based linefeed layout is an effective technique to improve reading efficiency. In Experiment II, we develop a new micro-vibration text reader with bunsetsu-based segmentation. The new reader vibrates each bunsetsu segment in a different phase to enhance boundary information for eye guidance. The reading speed for the micro-vibration text was approximately 7%–12% faster compared to the stable text with line lengths of approximately 11–29 characters per line. The improvements in reading speed were likely due to a reduction in re-fixations within a bunsetsu segment and an increase in the number of lines that can be recognized by a single fixation without horizontal saccades. Moreover, 76% of the participants did not experience illegibility or incongruousness with the micro-vibration text reader. These results indicate that micro-vibration is an effective technique to improve the efficiency of reading text with line lengths of 11–29 characters per line without an increase in cognitive load or a decrease in comprehension. In Experiment III, we develop a new stepwise incremental indent layout with bunsetsu-based segmentation and a vertical scrolling operation. The reading speed obtained by the proposed layout of 4.4 characters per line was comparable to the fixed-line length layout of 29 characters per line. This improvement is primarily achieved by a reduction in the number of fixations. Moreover, 85% of the participants did not experience illegibility or incongruousness with the stepwise incremental indent layout reading. These results indicate that this layout is an effective technique to improve the efficiency of reading text with line lengths of 5 characters per line without an increase in cognitive load or a decrease in comprehension. These experimental results indicate that the Japanese electronic text reader with these proposed techniques can improve the reading speed of text with line lengths of 5–40 characters per line without an increase in cognitive load or decrease in comprehension.
中村 和夫 小林 奈保子 谷本 守正
公益社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品科学工学会誌 (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.61, no.9, pp.444-447, 2014-09-15 (Released:2014-10-31)
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食用きのこ12株のフスマ固体培養を行い,その抽出液の凝乳活性を測定した結果,ヤマブシタケ(Hericium erinaceum) NBRC 100328に高い凝乳活性を見い出した.さらにMAFF7株のヤマブシタケについて凝乳活性を測定したところ,4株について凝乳活性が存在した.これら5株について低温殺菌牛乳を用いたカードの作製を行った結果,5株全てにおいてカードの作製が可能であった.全凝乳活性およびカード収量が高かった,Hericium erinaceum MAFF 435060,MAFF 430234,NBRC 100328をチーズ作製に適した株として選抜した.
小林 康正 Yasumasa KOBAYASHI 京都文教大学人間学部・文化人類学科 KYOTO BUNKYO UNIVERSITY Department of Cultural Anthropology
人間学部研究報告 = Reports from the Faculty of Human Studies, Kyoto Bunkyo University (ISSN:18843743)
vol.10, pp.87-113, 2008-03-25

Seimei-gaku, also known as Seimei-Handan, (predicting a person's fortune on the basis of his surname and first name) is a popular fortune-telling method in Japan. It is traditionally believed that this method originated in ancient China and later began to be used in Japan; however, in reality, seimei-gaku was invented in modern Japan. In 1901, Sasaki Mono (1860-1902?), the inventor of Seimei-gaku, used newspapers to awaken the interest of people. This paper aims to explore the relationship between the demand for Seimei-gaku and large-scale publication of popular newspapers in the early twentieth century. Faith in Seimei-gaku was based on the magic of the printed word, and it was created by a media-saturated society. Seimei-gaku can be regarded as a superstition held by typographic man. During this period, the importance of information increased in association with the exponential growth of the market society, and the value of everyday-life experiences in traditional communities declined. Consequently, newspaper became an integral part of people's life. Seimei-gaku is considered to be a part of the information provided by newspapers. It had two prominent types that enabled it to achieve its objectives. One was reading a person's mind, and the other, predicting his future. These are the requisite skills for achieving success in an expansionary economy during the development of a market society.
井村 隆介 小林 哲夫
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.36, no.2, pp.135-148, 1991-07-15 (Released:2017-03-20)

This paper presents results of geologic investigation of the eruptive activity in the last 300 years of Shinmoedake, an active volcano in the Kirishima Volcano Group. The recent activity of this volcano is divided into four eruptive episodes : the 1716-1717, 1771-1772, 1822 and 1959 episodes. The most important activity occurred in 1716-1717. During the 1716-1717 eruption, fallout deposits, pyroclastic flows and mudflows were widely dispersed around the volcano. The products of this episode show that the eruption progressed with time from phreatic to magmatic. These field data are in good agreement with historic records of eruptive activity. According to the historic records, the eruptive activity lasted from 11 March, 1716 to 19 September, 1717. The 1771-1772 and 1822 activities produced base surges, pyroclastic flows, fallout tephra and mudflows that were confined to the slope and eastern base of the volcano, but historic records do not reveal the details of these eruptions. The field evidence shows the same phreatic to magmatic sequence as the 1716-1717 activity. However, the eruptions of both episodes were on a smaller scale than the 1716-1717 eruption. The 1959 activity was well described. This episode produced minor gray silty to sandy lithic fallout tephra indicating that only phreatic activity occurred. The fallout was distributed northeast of the vent. In conclusion, the field evidence and historical records show that each eruptive episode of the current activity of Shinmoedake progressed from phreatic to magmatic. The eruptions are frequently accompanied by pyroclastic flows and mudflows.

15 0 0 0 OA 清親畫帖

小林清親 畫
vol.[2], 1800
小林 照幸
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.54, no.2, pp.83-88, 2019 (Released:2020-07-11)

Lymphatic filariasis, commonly known as testicular hydrocele and elephantiasis, is one of the neglected tropical disease (NTDs). This infectious disease occurs when filarial parasites are transmitted to humans through mosquitoes (in Japan Culex pipiens pallens). Japan is the first country to control lymphatic filariasis and eradicate it. Controlling and eradicating it was mainly based on blood examination and chemotherapy with diethylcarbamazine (DEC). In 1962, the government of Japan initiated the National Filariasis Control Program in some areas of Kyushu (e.g., Kagoshima Prefecture including the highly endemic Amami Islands), Shikoku (Ehime Prefecture) and Tokyo (Hachijo-kojima Island in the southern Izu archipelago).The program was extremely successful, and the number of microfilaria carriers decreased quickly. In the highly endemic area of Okinawa, formerly called Ryukyu, which was under U.S. occupation from 1945 to 1972, the eradication program was started in 1965 with the assistance of the Japanese government and the U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR). In January 1965, a filariasis control campaign was started on the Miyako Islands based on the dedication of the community inhabitants. This control activity then encouraged campaigns on other islands (Yaeyama and the main island of Okinawa). Lymphatic filariasis was finally eliminated from all Okinawa Islands in 1978. A stone monument commemorating the eradication of filariasis was built in the front garden of the Miyako Health Center on November 25, 1988. The unveiling ceremony also celebrated the completion of filariasis control on Okinawa Islands and throughout all of Japan. Controlling and eradicating lymphatic filariasis in Japan is the result of Japan's world-class pharmacy and medical wisdom, as well as the efforts of industry, government and academia. It is a great drama full of humanism.
小林 敦 長谷川 朗 福田 美穂
国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構
情報管理 (ISSN:00217298)
vol.60, no.2, pp.89-99, 2017-05-01 (Released:2017-05-01)

デジタルコンテンツにおける著作権保護の仕組みの一つとして,電子透かしがある。静止画の著作権保護では,放送局,新聞社,雑誌社の他,製造業などでも導入されている。一方,映像の著作権保護では,特定の事業者間のコンテンツ利用契約の順守を目的に導入されたケースはあるが,不特定の個人が動画投稿サイトに不正アップロードするのを抑止する目的では,処理時間と計算機パワーの問題に加えて,DRM(Digital Rights Management)との競合などもあり,導入は進んでいない。しかしながら今後は,DRMを補完する形で不正行為者を特定する用途や,STB(Set Top Box)などエッジ装置での電子透かし埋め込みの可能性もあり,引き続き適用先の開拓を進めてゆく。
津曲 敏郎 小林 香与 葛西 香子
pp.1-25, 2006-08-31

津曲敏郎著; 小林香与協力; 葛西香子挿画, ウデヘ語の手引き : こんにちは! ウデヘ語で話しましょう! = Baagdifi! Udiemeji dianazafi!. 北海道大学文学研究科, 2006, 25p.