岡田 智 田邊 李江 飯利 知恵子 小林 玄 鳥居 深雪
子ども発達臨床研究 (ISSN:18821707)
vol.7, pp.23-35, 2015-03-25

小林 可夢偉 今宮 雅子
日経ビジネスassocie (ISSN:13472844)
vol.9, no.21, pp.72-76, 2010-12-21

小林 佳乃子 Kobayashi Kanoko
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.62, pp.55-72, 2016-03

This paper presents the issues of the social status of people with mental disabilities in the Edo era Japan by focusing on the examples of commutation of punishment and their social treatment upon such people's conducting criminal and other offences. The words which describe mental disabilities were classified into different kinds, namely ranshin, gumai and shukyo (which are similar to today's mentally incompetent, mentally deficient and ebrious state). Based on these words, there were some commutations of punishment when people with mental disabilities committed a serious crime. These commutations depended on the accused's social rank and pardon of the relatives of victims. There were also three other kinds of treatment for people with mental disabilities in the Edo era. These were not punishments, but the person was for example held captive or pulled down to a severe discriminatory status. People who fell under these treatments were split into these three types due to their personal situation. From the above certain issues arise, which will have to be addressed in further research. These include the relationship between the treatment of persons with mental disabilities and their social rank, gender and family ties.
小林 武志 長島 裕二 木村 凡 藤井 建夫
食品衛生学雑誌 = Journal of the Food Hygienics Society of Japan (ISSN:00156426)
vol.45, no.2, pp.76-80, 2004-04-25

内田 博之 小林 瑞希 細渕 亜実 太田 彩乃 大竹 一男 八巻 努 内田 昌希 小田切 陽一 夏目 秀視 小林 順
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.69, no.3, pp.215-224, 2014 (Released:2014-09-24)
1 9

Objectives: We aimed to determine the effects of age, period, and birth cohort on cervical cancer mortality rate trends in Japanese women, by age-period-cohort (APC) analysis. Additionally, we analyzed projected mortality rates. Methods: We obtained data on the number of cervical cancer deaths in Japanese women from 1975–2011 from the national vital statistics and census population data. A cohort table of mortality rate data was analyzed on the basis of a Bayesian APC model. We also projected the mortality rates for the 2012–2031 period. Results: The period effect was relatively limited, compared with the age and cohort effects. The age effect increased suddenly from 25–29 to 45–49 years of age and gently increased thereafter. An analysis of the cohort effect on mortality rate trends revealed a steep decreasing slope for birth cohorts born from 1908–1940 and a subsequent sudden increase after 1945. The mortality rate projections indicated increasing trends from 40 to 74 years of age until the year 2031. Conclusions: The age effect increased from 25–29 years of age. This could be attributable to the high human papilloma virus (HPV) infection risk and the low cervical cancer screening rate. The cohort effect changed from decreasing to increasing after the early 1940s. This might be attributable to the spread of cervical cancer screening and treatment before 1940 and the high HPV infection risk and reduced cervical cancer screening rate after 1945. The projected mortality rate indicated an increasing trend until the year 2031.
小林 太市郎
西洋古典學研究 (ISSN:04479114)
vol.7, pp.25-38, 1959-03-30

In Japanse mythology, Susanowo-no Mikoto is the god of the sea, of the nether world and of "the universal destruction. In these characters, he is almost identical to the Greek Poseidon. And by comparing the myths of the two gods, we can prove that he is even a Horse God like Poseidon. Thus a comparison of the two gods is very instructive, and affords much help in elucidating the obscure points of their myths. For example, the myth of the dispute over Attica between Athena and Poseidon is compared to that over heaven between Amaterasu-Omikami (goddess of the sun, and of the cereal) and her brother Susanowo. In the Japanese myth, this is not a mere dispute, but an invasion of heaven, the domain of the sun- goddess, by the destructive Susanowo. So, the original form of the Athenian myth must have been the invasion of Attica, the domain of Athena, by the destructive Poseidon. In the same way, the controversy of Poseidon with the sun about Corinth, and that with Hera about Argos (Paus. II 1 & 22), must have been originally the invasion of the Sea God, the Flood God in Argos, of these respective lands. The Japanese myth tells also that Amaterasu-Omikami, the sun-goddess, to conciliate the invader, afterwards accepted his proposal to bear children with him, and that by both standing face to face on the opposite side of the celestial river, the god and goddess respectively gave birth to many children (Perhaps the original form of the Athenian myth was that Athena, accepting a similar proposal of Poseidon, gave birth to the olive, and he to Thalassa. But this original form was rationalized afterwards.). Evidently, the prudery and the respect surrounding Imperial Household have here obscured the myth. But the comparison with the myth of Demeter and Poseidon in Arcadia (Paus. VIII 25 & 42) demonstrates beyond doubt that there was in fact a violation of Amaterasu-Omikami by Susanowo. And what is important is that Susanowo threw the skin of a horse into the weaving house of the goddess, breaking the roof, so that the goddess, surprised, wounded her sex with the shuttle, and, furious, hid herself in the dark cave (that is to say, she died). Consequently the whole world was invaded by dark and famine. Here also are much obscuring and distortion of the original form of the myth, due to the prudery and the respect for the deity. But here also the comparison with the Greek myth is very instructive, and attests that Susanowo was a horse (in reality a priest wearing the skin of a horse), when he had violated the goddess, and thus caused her death. (The tradition of Onkeon assures us that Demeter herself was then in the form of a mare, which must be a rationalized interpretation of later age. Primitively, all Hieros Gamos were performances by a human goddess and an animal god.) Thus, that Susanowo was also a Horse God is beyond doubt, and we also find the true meaning of Demeter's going in the cave (death) and a very clear suggestion of the cause of her death. In any case, we can thus, by this comparative method, establish the existence of the rite of Hieros Gamos performed by a 'human goddess with a Horse God in Greece and in Japan ; this rite constituting the first part of a double Hieros Gamos which represents and celebrates the death and the revival of the solar and cereal goddess. And although the Arcadian myth had only conserved the first part of this double Hieros Gamos, its complete development is clearly visible in the mysteries of Eleusis and in the Japanese myth of Amaterasu. (She is resuscitated by a Hieros Gamos of the goddess Ameno-Uzume with the god Sarudahiko, as Demeter was by that of Baubo with Iakkhos. ) But these myths, both Greek and Japanese, represent not only the Hieros Gamos rite of the revival of spring. They contain or conceal also some corresponding historical facts of the same nature on both sides. That is to say, I believe, one can find in them : 1. an invasion by the sea-men of the cultivated lands, and a war to subjugate the original habitants; 2. the conciliation of the sea-men with the original habitants by means of marriage ; 3. the new invasion by the mounted people who came to land across the sea. Of course, these historical facts were so much obscured as to form the myths. So, it is one of the principal aims of comparative mythology to elucidate these obscurities, and to find the facts through the myths ; at least to restore the original forms of the myths by comparing and analyzing their variously distorted or obscured forms in diverse civilizations.
小林 哲郎 池田 謙一
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.22, no.1, pp.58-71, 2006

The development of social capital in an online community was investigated by creating survey data of online game players. The results showed that the frequency of collective communication, the homogeneity of members, and the openness of the online community had positive effects on trust, while the size of community and community hierarchy had negative effects. This shows that participation in online communities can create social capital. Furthermore, the results showed that online social capital influences real-life behavior. For example, reciprocity online facilitated offline social participation, even after controlling for offline social capital and other real-life determinants. These results demonstrate the positive contribution of collective online communication to a democratic social system.
小林 正宏
公益社団法人 日本不動産学会
日本不動産学会誌 (ISSN:09113576)
vol.32, no.1, pp.98-105, 2018-06-28 (Released:2019-06-28)

Market price of existing houses in Japan depreciates more dramatically than in other advanced economies including the US. It is usually recognized that the price of the structure of wooden residential properties in Japan become zero after 20 years of construction. In this paper, actual transaction data from MLIT is analyzed with several assumptions because of availability of data. The attempt to decompose the price of the structure and land revealed that the structure component depreciates very rapidly and the price of the structure becomes not only zero but also negative after 28 years on average.
井村 隆介 小林 哲夫
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.36, no.2, pp.135-148, 1991

This paper presents results of geologic investigation of the eruptive activity in the last 300 years of Shinmoedake, an active volcano in the Kirishima Volcano Group. The recent activity of this volcano is divided into four eruptive episodes : the 1716-1717, 1771-1772, 1822 and 1959 episodes. The most important activity occurred in 1716-1717. During the 1716-1717 eruption, fallout deposits, pyroclastic flows and mudflows were widely dispersed around the volcano. The products of this episode show that the eruption progressed with time from phreatic to magmatic. These field data are in good agreement with historic records of eruptive activity. According to the historic records, the eruptive activity lasted from 11 March, 1716 to 19 September, 1717. The 1771-1772 and 1822 activities produced base surges, pyroclastic flows, fallout tephra and mudflows that were confined to the slope and eastern base of the volcano, but historic records do not reveal the details of these eruptions. The field evidence shows the same phreatic to magmatic sequence as the 1716-1717 activity. However, the eruptions of both episodes were on a smaller scale than the 1716-1717 eruption. The 1959 activity was well described. This episode produced minor gray silty to sandy lithic fallout tephra indicating that only phreatic activity occurred. The fallout was distributed northeast of the vent. In conclusion, the field evidence and historical records show that each eruptive episode of the current activity of Shinmoedake progressed from phreatic to magmatic. The eruptions are frequently accompanied by pyroclastic flows and mudflows.
熱田 幸司 小林 純子 菊池 雅之 林 応典 安藤 崇史 宮部 理香 新谷 恒弘 中山 隆盛
静岡赤十字病院研究報 = Journal of Japanese Red Cross Shizuoka Hospital (ISSN:09119833)
vol.40, no.1, pp.24-29, 2020-12-01

経肛門的直腸異物は,性的嗜好などが原因で肛門から異物が挿入され,抜去不可能となったものである.治療は一般的に内視鏡や経肛門的摘出術が,第一選択とされるが,難渋する場合には開腹手術への移行が必要になる. 今回,われわれは摘出の際の器具を工夫することで経肛門的に摘出し得た巨大直腸異物を経験したので報告する.
柏浦 正広 齋藤 一之 横山 太郎 小林 未央子 阿部 裕之 神尾 学 田邉 孝大 杉山 和宏 明石 曉子 濱邊 祐一
一般社団法人 日本臨床救急医学会
日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13450581)
vol.17, no.6, pp.794-799, 2014-12-31 (Released:2015-01-24)

小林 星太 大木 孝弘 金谷 祐希 寺沢 明宏 徳久 宏子 菅 幸生
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.48, no.5, pp.212-217, 2022-05-10 (Released:2023-05-10)

Terminal cancer patients receiving home care medicine require emergency home visits by a medical professional during sudden changes in symptoms. However, the actual situation of these visits by health insurance pharmacists is yet to be clarified. Therefore, in this survey, we retrospectively analyzed the actual situation of emergency home visits to terminal cancer patients by the Tokuhisa-chuo Pharmacy during a 1-year period in 2020. We included 134 emergency home visits conducted for 76 terminal cancer patients. Results indicated that emergency home visits tended to be more frequently performed closer to the patient’s end-of-life stage. Patients’ symptoms during emergency home visits were predominantly pain, dysphagia, fever, and respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms. Drugs such as opioids, gastrointestinal drugs, antimicrobials, and antipyretic analgesics were frequently used to control these symptoms. In particular, the number of emergency home visits intending to manage pain and provide opioids significantly increased in the week before death. This survey clarified the need for emergency home visits by health insurance pharmacists in cancer patients receiving home care medicine in their dying stages.