濱田 洋平 谷川 亘 山本 裕二 浦本 豪一郎 村山 雅史 廣瀬 丈洋 多田井 修 田中 幸記 尾嵜 大真 米田 穣 徳山 英一
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

村山 雅史 谷川 亘 井尻 暁 星野 辰彦 廣瀬 丈洋 富士原 敏也 北田 数也 捫垣 勝哉 徳山 英一 浦本 豪一郎 新井 和乃 近藤 康生 山本 裕二 黒田郡 調査隊チーム一同
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

黒田郡遺構調査の目的で,高知県浦ノ内湾の最奥部(水深10m)から採取した堆積物コアを解析した。当時の海洋環境や生物相の変遷履歴も復元することもおこなった。高知県土佐湾の中央部に位置する浦ノ内湾は,横浪半島の北側に面し,東西に細長く,12kmも湾入する沈降性の湾として知られている。高知大学調査船「ねぷちゅーん」を用いて、バイブロコアリングによって4mの堆積物コアが採取された。採取地点は,周囲からの河川の影響はないため,本コア試料は,湾内の詳細な環境変動を記録していると考えられる。採取されたコア試料は,X線CT撮影,MSCL解析後,半割をおこない肉眼記載や頻出する貝の採取,同定をおこなった。 堆積物の岩相は,olive色のsity clayであり,全体的に多くの貝殻片を含む。コア上部付近は,黒っぽい色を呈し強い硫化水素臭がした。また,コア下部に葉理の発達したイベント堆積物が認められ,その成因について今後検証する予定である。
谷川 亘 徳山 英一 山本 裕二 村山 雅史 田中 幸記 井尻 暁 星野 辰彦
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

廣瀬 丈洋 濱田 洋平 谷川 亘 神谷 奈々 山本 由弦 辻 健 木下 正高
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

Pore fluid pressure is important for understanding generation of both megathrust and slow earthquakes at subduction zones. However, its occurrence and quantitative constraints are quite limited. Here, we report the estimate of pore pressure by the analysis of transient upwelling flow from the borehole, that was observed while drilling the underthrust sediments in the Nankai Trough off Cape Muroto during IODP Expedition 370. In order to interpret the observed velocity and duration of the flow, we have solved a radial diffusion equation to estimate pore pressure before penetrating an aquifer. The calculation yields that the pore pressure exceeded ~3 MPa above hydrostatic and the size scale of the aquifer is several hundred meters, in case of an aquifer permeability of 10-13 m2. Our result suggests that the underthrust sequence is currently composed of patchily-distributed high-pressure aquifers.In the neighborhood of the drilling site, very low frequency (VLF) earthquakes have been reported (e.g., Obara and Kato, 2016). Seismic survey has suggested a possible linkage between high pore pressure zone and the distribution and generation of slow earthquakes (e.g., Kodaira et al., 2004). Furthermore, high temperature and pressure friction experiments by Sawai et al. (2016) suggested that a transition from stable to unstable slip behavior appears with increasing pore fluid pressure that is a prerequisite for the generation of slow earthquakes. Our result implies that the slow earthquakes at off Cape Muroto can be attributed with slip behaviors along not only décollement but also the patchily distributed high-pore-pressure aquifers in the underthrust sediments.
山本 雄二
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.84, pp.65-81, 2009-05-31 (Released:2018-05-01)

The purpose of this paper is to apply text theory to the reading of documents and to show an example of how the theory is applied.In the field of cultural studies, there has been an accumulation of attempts to read texts. Among texts, a document is a special text, since it is written to be read from the beginning and therefore requires a particular way of reading. One method of analysis is to locate a document in different discourses in which some words gain meanings and others lose them. This paper examines a judicial ruling as an example of a document and attempts to show how to read it.The judicial ruling taken here is a decision on a lawsuit seeking compensation for a suicide caused by bullying in Iwaki City (1990). The victim was a third-year male junior high school student. It attracted considerable attention because it was the first case in Japan in which a court accepted professional negligence by school teachers as the cause for the suicide of a student. Three different meanings in three different discourses, that is, judicial, sociological, and educational radiate from this decision. First, in the judicial discourse, it is seen as quite senseless since it accepts the negligence of school teachers who could not foresee the suicide of the victim.This senseless decision, however, may be understandable in a sociological discourse. For, as Durkheim states in The Suicide, people tend to commit suicide for reasons of trifling matters when they cannot feel any bond with their society. If people accept the thought that ijime bullying breaks the feelings of a bond with society, and if they recognize the maliciousness of this, school officials can be seen as responsible for preventing the worst possible outcome, even if the particular direct causes of a suicide are not necessarily identified. This is the logic of the ruling.At the same time, the ruling placed 40 percent of the negligence on the victim himself. This 40 percent acknowledges his will and reason, in other words, his personality until immediately before death. This indicates that other people can work with a victim as long as he is alive. There is no education without a personality. This is none other than to read the ruling as an educational discourse.As I have shown in the example above, reading a document in different discourses gives us opportunities to consider the many possible issues it potentially entails.
上岡 尚代 橋本 和幸 伊藤 マモル 小西 由里子 山本 利春
了德寺大学研究紀要 = The Bulletin of Ryotokuji University (ISSN:18819796)
no.8, pp.129-135, 2014

スポーツ選手を取り巻く環境条件には,天候,温度,湿度,サーフェイスの性状,用具など多岐にわたり,環境要因が適した状態に保たれる事は選手の健康を守る意味でも重要である.本研究ではスポーツ用具を用いる競技においてAdenosine TriPhosphate(以下,ATPと言う.)ふき取り検査法を用いた用具の清浄度を測定し,市販消臭剤と,コンタクトレンズ洗浄液に使用される「ポリヘキサメチレンビグアニド(以下,PHMBと言う.)」の清浄効果を比較検証し,競技者の衛生管理教育の基礎資料とする事を目的とした.方法は,剣道,フェンシング,なぎなた,アメリカンフットボールの顔に使用する用具(以下,顔用具と言う.)と手に使用する用具(以下,手用具と言う.)を対象に市販消臭スプレー使用前後及び,PHMBの使用前後のATP量を比較した.結果は,消臭スプレーでは手用具のATP量が減少し,顔用具では変化がみられなかった.一方,PHMBの使用後は顔用具,手用具とも減少した.この結果から,PHMBの活用はスポーツ用具の衛生管理に有用と考えられ,簡易で効果的な衛生管理方法の示唆を与える結果が得られた.
木下 弘喜 土肥 由裕 佐田 良治 木阪 智彦 北川 知郎 日高 貴之 栗栖 智 山本 秀也 木原 康樹
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.46, no.11, pp.1532-1537, 2014 (Released:2015-11-15)

【背景】心肺運動負荷試験 (cardiopulmonary exercise testing ; CPET) 中に観察される, 運動時周期性呼吸変動 (Exercise Oscillatory Ventilation ; EOV) は, 収縮障害を有する心不全にみられる運動耐容能低下や突然死と関連する現象として知られる. 近年, 拡張不全の予測因子としての有用性も報告された. 非虚血性心不全に関して, NYHAⅡ以下の比較的軽症例を中心とした報告で臨床的意義が相次いで明らかにされたが, NYHAⅢ以上の重症例を対象とした検討は稀である.  【目的】非虚血性心不全重症例における, EOV出現と心事故発症との相関を明らかにすること.  【方法】2009年4月から2011年12月の間にCPETを施行した非虚血性重症心不全患者 (NYHA分類class Ⅲ/Ⅳ) 76症例を, 主要エンドポイントを心血管イベントとして後ろ向きに検討した. 観察期間内に複数回CPETを施行した患者について, 換気パターンの変化を比較するサブ解析を行った.  【結果】EOVを認めた25症例 (EOV群) と, 認めなかった51症例 (非EOV群) の2群間で比較したところ, 死亡率はEOV群で20%と, 非EOV群9.8%と比較して有意に高く (p<0.05), 心不全入院を含む有害事象もEOV群32%, 非EOV群25%と, EOV群で高頻度であった (p<0.05). EOVが観察期間内に消失した3人のうち2人は死亡していた.  【結論】EOVは非虚血性心不全患者において, 生命予後・心血管イベントの予測因子となりうる可能性があることが示唆された.
清杉 孝司 巽 好幸 鈴木 桂子 金子 克哉 中岡 礼奈 山本 由弦 羽生 毅 清水 賢 島 伸和 松野 哲男 菊池 瞭平 山口 寛登
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

Catastrophic caldera-forming eruptions that discharge more than 40 km3 of Si–rich magma as pyroclastics are rare but extremely hazardous events (eruption magnitude >7). Estimating the eruption volume of pyroclastics and the magma discharge rate in caldera–cycle is essential in evaluating the risk and cause of catastrophic caldera–forming eruptions. For this reason, we took sediment cores with Hydraulic Piston Coring System (HPCS) and Short HPCS (S-HPCS) of D/V Chikyu at Kikai volcano in January 11–14, 2020. Kikai volcano (Kikai caldera) is located about 45 km off southern Kyushu Island, Japan. Except two islands (Satsuma Iwo-Jima Island and Take-Shima Island) on the northern part of the caldera rim, most of the caldera structure is under the sea. At Kikai volcano, three ignimbrites are known; the 140 ka Koabi ignimbrite, the 95 ka Nagase ignimbrite, and the latest 7.3 ka Koya ignimbrite.Sediments were recovered from 5 sites about 4.3 km off the northeastern side of Take-Shima Island. Each drilling site was separated by 10–20 m from any other site. The sediment was not consolidated. Bioturbation was not observed. The sediment sequence, from the top of the cores, consists of gravel unit, ill-sorted lapilli unit, reddish tephra unit, sandy silt unit, and white tephra unit. The sedimentary facies of these sediments is as follows.Gravel unit: The presence of this unit in the upper part of the sequence is suggested by gravels which fell in the drilling holes and recovered with the sediments of the lower sequence. The gravels are consist of white tuffaceous rock, obsidian, gray volcanic rock, reddish altered volcanic rock, gray pumice and altered pumice. They are angular to sub-angular in shape and varying in size up to 5 cm in diameter.Ill-sorted lapilli unit: This deposit consists of ill-sorted lapilli size light yellow colored pumices and lithics of dark volcanic rock, gray volcanic rock, and obsidian. The maximum grain size of the pumice is more than 5 cm, whereas the maximum grain size of the lithic is about 4 cm. The abundance of the pumice component varies with depth. The thickness of the unit is more than 7 m at the drilling sites. The color of the pumice suggests that this unit may be a secondary deposit of underlying Koya ignimbrite deposit.Reddish tephra unit: It consists of layers (maximum thickness at least 40 cm) of slightly reddish to orange ill-sorted pumice lapilli and thin layers (~1 cm thick) of relatively well-sorted ash. The thickness of the deposit is more than 5 m at the drilling sites. The characteristic color of pumice suggests that this unit is the deposit of Koya ignimbrite. Formation of relatively thin layers of lapilli and ash may be due to the deposition under the sea.Sandy silt unit: It consists of very fine fragments of black volcanic rock. The sediment contains small fragments (~5 mm) of sea shells and other organic materials. Foraminifars were also contained in this deposit. The thickness of this unit is at least 20.36 m.White tephra unit: This deposit mainly consists of ill-sorted white pumice lapilli and relatively well-sorted ash. The maximum pumice size is at least 11 cm. The thickness of the deposit is at least 30 m. The deposit is characterized by the presence of crystals of quartz, which is known as a remarkable feature of the Nagase ignimbrite deposit to distinguish it from the other tephra at Kikai volcano. Especially, the middle part of the recovered Nagase ignimbrite deposit (63–64 m below the seafloor) shows unique sedimentary face: it consists of only crystals of quartz (<2 mm in size), orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene (<1 mm in size), and magnetite (<2 mm in size). Formation of the sedimentary face may be due to the deposition of hot ignimbrite under the sea.Description of these sedimentary units is essential to distinguish the ignimbrite deposits and understand their flow behavior in the sea. We will show the detail of these sedimentary facies in the presentation.
丹羽 哲矢 布野 修司 モハン パント 山本 麻子 山田 協太
一般財団法人 住総研
住宅総合研究財団研究論文集 (ISSN:18802702)
vol.32, pp.189-200, 2006 (Released:2018-01-31)

保科 克行 重松 邦広 岡本 宏之 宮田 哲郎 大島 まり 山本 創太 山本 晃太

有馬 孝彦 佐々木 亮介 Carlito Baltazar TABELIN 田本 修一 山本 隆広 Tangviroon PAWIT 五十嵐 敏文
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
Journal of MMIJ (ISSN:18816118)
vol.136, no.6, pp.64-76, 2020-06-30 (Released:2020-06-30)

Rocks generated from tunnel construction projects for roads and railways throughout Japan have often leached out hazardous trace elements, such as arsenic (As) and selenium (Se). In nature, the oxyanionic species of As and Se have a variety of chemical species, so speciation is one of the crucial factors in their migration through natural geologic media. In this study, column experiments consisting of four types of crushed rock samples containing As and Se, and a river sediment (RS) as an adsorbent obtained near the tunnel construction site were conducted to evaluate the leaching and adsorption behavior of arsenite (As (III) ), arsenate (As (V) ), selenite (Se (IV) ), and selenate (Se (VI) ). The results showed that the dominant speciation of As and Se in the effluent from the rock layer was As (V) and Se (VI), and that the addition of a bottom RS adsorption layer or the mixing of RS with the rock layer decreased the leaching concentrations of As (III), As (V), Se (IV), and Se (VI). Cumulative leachability (CL) for each speciation through the column experiments was calculated to evaluate the amounts of As and Se retained in RS. The calculated CL showed that the bottom RS layer or mixing of RS with the rock reduced the CL of As (III), As (V), Se (IV), and Se (IV) ranging from 60 to 89%, 73 to 89%, 9 to 75%, and 36 to 60%, respectively; however, mixing of RS with the rock layer was ineffective in decreasing CL of Se (VI). The reduction of CL may be due to adsorption and/or coprecipitation by iron and/or aluminum oxides contained in RS. These results indicated that utilization of RS for the bottom adsorption layer was effective in reducing As and Se concentrations irrespective of their speciation, although that of mixed with rock layer was effective only in reducing As concentrations irrespective of their speciation.
谷口 真吾 橋詰 隼人 山本 福壽
vol.85, no.4, pp.340-345, 2003 (Released:2011-03-05)

谷口 真吾 橋詰 隼人 山本 福壽
日本林學會誌 (ISSN:0021485X)
vol.85, no.4, pp.305-311, 2003-11-16

谷口 真吾 本間 環 山本 福壽
日本林學會誌 (ISSN:0021485X)
vol.85, no.4, pp.350-354, 2003-11-16

樹木の開芽の生理機構を明らかにすることを目的として,トチノキ(Aesculus lurbinata)休眠芽(頂芽および側芽)の伸長,開芽ならびに新条件発達に及ぼす10種類の植物成長調節物質処理の影響を調べた。頂芽の伸長はジベレリン(Gas)処理で著しく促進された。一方,2種のジベレリン生合成阻害剤(AMO1618,ウニコナゾール.P : UCZ-P)の処理区では抑制された。また側芽の伸長はGas処理で促進されるとともに,エスレル(ET),ジャスモン酸(JA-Me),AMO1618およびUCZ-P処理でも促進された。さらに頂芽と側芽の開芽はGasおよびJA-Me処理によって促進された。これらの結果,既定芽タイプであるトチノキの芽の伸長にはジベレリンが重要な役割を果たしているものと考えられる。また,開芽にはジベレリンとジャスモン酸が関与している可能性が高い。