早川 由紀夫
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.36, no.3, pp.357-370, 1991-10-15 (Released:2017-03-20)

The recent progress of physical volcanology is reviewed focusing on studies on volcaniclastic flows and their deposits. Pyroclastic flows are high-particle-concentration, laminar currents with gas as a continuous phase. Pyroclastic surges are low-particle-concentration, turbulent currents with gas as a continuous phase. Lahars are flows of debris with liquid water as a continuous phase. Debris avalanches are catastrophic landslides in which a continuous phase is absent or plays no role for the motion. Owing to the upward gas flow, fluidization processes operate in pyroclastic flows. Flow behavior and resultant deposits are remarkably different depending the degree of fluidization, because it effectively reduces the yield strength of the flow. However, the distance traveled is slightly affected by the degree of fluidization. It is determined mainly by the mass incorporated at the source or by the velocity acquired when it wes initiated.
早川 由紀夫
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.40, no.3, pp.177-190, 1995-07-31 (Released:2017-03-20)

Loam is an international scientific term, however, it has been used in a peculiar way in Japan. Japanese loam is a massive, brown, weathered rock unit composed of silt, clay, sand and occasional lapilli. It extensively covers coastal terraces, river terraces, ignimbrite plateaus and other uplands around volcanoes. Loam is not a product of soil forming process operated beneath the earth surface against rock bodies ; but it is a sediment accumulated slowly on the earth surface. Small-magnitude volcanic eruptions play a very minor role for the sedimentation. An eolian reworking process of pre-existing fine-grained deposits by the wind plays a major role. This is proved by following facts : 1) loam has accumulated even during the time when no ash-fall was observed ; 2) a volcano infrequently erupts explosively and the intensity of ash fallout is far lower than the sedimentation rate of loam ; it is about 0.1 mm/year ; 3) loam is hardly thickening toward a volcano. Very small particles carried from continental China by the westerlies at a high altitude are contained in loam, however, in the area around volcanoes their contribution is little for the formation of loam compared with eolian dust carried from nearby bare grounds by local winds at a low altitude. Loam does not accumulate all the year round. Just before and during fresh verdure, occasional strong winds pick up fine particles into the air from a bare ground which is dried up by a high-angle sunlight and high-temperatures. Eventually fine particles will settle down in vegetation. The most favorable season for loam deposition is April to May, in which more than half of an annual amount is achieved. It is convenient and practical to define a single eruption by a tephra layer which is not interbedded with loam. The thickness of loam can be used for the quantitative measurement of geologic time intervals, in years to thousands years, on certain conditions. Lithology of Japanese loam and the mechanism of sedimentation are identical to those of loess in other areas, such as China, northern Europe, northern America and New Zealand. There is no reason to hesitate to designate Japanese loam loess.
早川 公
共生科学 (ISSN:21851638)
vol.11, no.11, pp.80-89, 2020 (Released:2020-07-10)

As Haruki Murakami argued in his “Wall and Egg” speech, awareness of the problem demands answers to how to engage with the “system” today. In order to think about it, this paper will consider it from the perspective of the human activity of “community development”. Specifically, we will briefly trace the process of community/city development in postwar Japan, and organize the trends of community development today. Then, using the discussion between D. Graver and J. Scott as a springboard, we will attempt to build an idea for “anarchic community development” which is currently under consideration.
早川 裕二 溝神 文博 長谷川 章 天白 宗和 間瀬 広樹 小林 智晴
一般社団法人 日本老年薬学会
日本老年薬学会雑誌 (ISSN:24334065)
vol.5, no.1, pp.1-6, 2022 (Released:2022-04-21)

Polypharmacy involves problems related to not only the use of many medications but also improper drug administration. The questionnaires used at the time of admission were retrospectively investigated to determine the number of drugs that patients would like to reduce. Most patients wanted to reduce the number of drugs prescribed to them. The target patients were those who visited the National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology and met the criteria during the hospitalization period from August 1, 2020 to November 30, 2020. In all, we selected 313 patients: 68 in the drug reduction group and 245 in the non-drug reduction group. We investigated the extent of desired reduction and the patient background factors for both groups. Multivariate analysis revealed significant differences between the groups in family management with an adjusted odds ratio of 2.62 (95% CI 1.30-5.29, P < 0.01) and in the number of drugs with an adjusted odds ratio of 1.20 (95% CI 1.09-1.31, P < 0.01). Analysis of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve(AUC)was carried out for all the cases. The cutoff for self-management was six points (AUC = 0.73, 95% CI 0.64-0.81, P < 0.01). Patients on polypharmacy who are taking more than six drugs, especially family-managed patients, often wish to reduce the number of medications and prescribe it from a pharmaceutical point of view. This aspect needs to be reviewed further.
森田 直之 簗瀬 立史 星 輝彦 林 克征 浅見 大治 川端 康正 中込 秀樹 早川 信一 金田 裕治
一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会
日本科学教育学会年会論文集 39 (ISSN:21863628)
pp.300-301, 2015 (Released:2018-08-03)

東京都立多摩科学技術高等学校(以下、本校)は、平成22 年に開校した東京都でも比較的新しい高校で、平成24 年に文部科学省のスーパーサイエンスハイスクール(SSH)に指定され、3 年が経過した。この間、本校で課題となったのは倫理教育の在り方についてであった。本校では、SSH 指定科目である「科学技術と人間」という科目で「技術者倫理」という単元を用意し授業を展開してきたが、生徒へのメッセージ性は不十分というのが我々教員の印象であった。そこで、生徒たちに考えさせることを主軸においた教育活動の実践として、未来の科学技術を多く取り上げたウルトラセブンを題材に倫理教育を行なうプロジェクトチームを立ち上げた。本研究では、我々の教育実践と教育効果の考察について報告する。
大沼 克彦 久米 正吾 濱田 英作 岡田 保良 宮田 佳樹 川又 正智 佐藤 宏之 早川 裕弌

上村 恵子 小里 明男 志賀 孝広 早川 敬一郎
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第32回全国大会(2018)
pp.3H1OS25a01, 2018 (Released:2018-07-30)

大橋 忠将 有山 ゆり 早川 惠理 長沢 美樹 杉山 徹
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.59, no.6, pp.407-413, 2016

49歳男性.鍼治療後14日で僧帽筋膿瘍,DKA(血糖値643 mg/dL,pH 6.916,総ケトン体20600 <i>μ</i>mol/L)を生じ,意識障害で当院に救急搬送となった.抗菌薬投与,デブリードマン,局所陰圧閉鎖療法(negative pressure wound therapy:NPWT)にて膿瘍の治療を行い,糖尿病に関しては強化インスリン療法で血糖管理した.感染及び血糖値改善後は基礎インスリン投与と経口血糖降下薬の併用療法(basal-supported oral therapy:BOT)に変更して血糖管理を継続した.もともと無治療の糖尿病(HbA1c 15.1 %)による易感染性があり,鍼治療を契機にして僧帽筋膿瘍,感染に伴うDKAを生じたと考えられた.管理不良の糖尿病の存在下では,鍼治療のような侵襲的医療行為により感染症が引き起こされる危険性があり,注意が必要である.
早川 純子 早川 智 西成田 進
日大医学雑誌 (ISSN:00290424)
vol.72, no.3, pp.150-153, 2013-06-01 (Released:2014-12-20)

Autoimmune disorders occur more frequently in women. This predominance is attributed to gonadal steroids related to immunoactivation, fetal microchimerism and/or X chromosome inactivation. Both in vivo and in vitro experiments have shown that estrogen up-regulates humoral immune responses, which are suppressed by androgen and progesterone. The histopathological similarities between Scleroderma (SSc) and Graft versus host disease (GVHD) suggest its pathophysiology as chronic GVHD between fetal cells and maternal tissues. This hypothesis was confirmed using highly sensitive PCR and in situ hybridization. However, other reports have suggested that chimeric fetal cells can restore damaged maternal tissues. Finally, recent advances in molecular biology have revealed skewed X chromosomal inactivation in patients with autoimmune disorders. Females exhibit chimeric X chromosome activation status between Xp (paternal) and Xm (maternal) cells. If thymic antigen presentation cells become skewed for Xp or Xm, central T cell selection lacks Xp or Xm directed regulatory T cells. Other explanations suggest reactivation of silenced X chromosome and subsequent CD40L transcription and/or lack of pseudoautosomal region relatedimmunoregulation in Xo monosomy lymphocytes. From the evolutionary antiquity of sex over the acquired immune system, we suggest that viviparity is the ultimate cause of inconsistencies in autoimmune recognition.
早川 卓志
一般社団法人 日本霊長類学会
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.34, no.1, pp.65-78, 2018-06-20 (Released:2018-08-22)

Genetic investigation of wild primates are crucial to understand kinship, population diversity, phylogeographic patterns, and heritable factors of phenotypes. Traditional DNA technology using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Sanger sequencing have restricted the genome-wide analysis of primates, particularly due to the low quality and low quantity of noninvasive DNA samples obtained from wild individuals. Following the post-genome era, next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have provided a new paradigm in primate studies. NGS has enabled the genome-wide analysis of primate DNA using noninvasive samples, such as feces. Metabarcoding and metagenomics analyses using fecal samples provide information on food items and commensal microorganisms of the host animal. Here, I review a history of DNA sequencing technologies and examples of NGS studies in wild primates. Further, I discuss the effectiveness of NGS application to noninvasive samples.
早川 文代
公益社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品科学工学会誌 (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.60, no.7, pp.311-322, 2013-07-15 (Released:2013-08-31)
4 8

Texture terms play an important role in food texture studies, especially in sensory evaluation. A well-organized texture lexicon assists researchers with sensory evaluation of texture. In this study, Japanese texture terms were collected, characterized, and classified in order to develop a texture lexicon. First, 445 texture terms in Japanese were collected from questionnaires to food scientists/technologists, literature searches, and interviews with experts. Next, foods associated with the 445 Japanese texture terms were collected and analyzed. The spatial configuration of the terms showed the structure of the Japanese texture vocabulary. The terms were then classified hierarchically by questionnaires and multivariate analyses. The classification in this study revealed some characteristics unique to the Japanese texture vocabulary, such as a wide variety of terms concerned with stickiness and elasticity. Additionally, the food texture vocabularies of Japanese consumers were investigated through questionnaires. The data showed that the recognition of some terms differed according to the gender, age and/or region of consumers. Some factors, such as eating experiences and dialect usage, could explain the reason behind these differences. The data obtained in this study can be applied to preliminary lexicon sources of descriptive sensory evaluation, and can provide useful clues to the understanding of Japanese texture terms.
早川 智
日大医学雑誌 (ISSN:00290424)
vol.67, no.1, pp.43-48, 2008-02-01 (Released:2010-09-17)

昆虫など大部分の無脊椎動物は短命であるが,タラバガニやダイオウイカなどは獲得免疫系を有しないにも関らず,30 年を超える寿命がある.興味深いことに自然界で採集される無脊椎動物には悪性腫瘍の報告が殆ど見られず,有顎魚類以上で初めて悪性腫瘍がしばしば見られるようになる.子宮内で胎児・胎盤を育てる真胎生は大部分の哺乳類で見られるが,哺乳類特有のものではなく,他の脊椎動物門のみならず無脊椎動物にも見られることがある.特異免疫系は軟骨魚類のレベルで進化したシステムであるが,真胎生を行う脊椎動物は父親由来の抗原を有する胎児に対して免疫学的拒絶を来たす可能性があり,その制御が重要な課題となる.近年,胎児胎盤が母体の免疫学的拒絶を免れるシステムが明らかにされるに至った.興味深いことにその多くは悪性腫瘍が拒絶を免れるために使用するメカニズムと一致している.悪性腫瘍の立場からすると,新たな免疫回避機構を発明するよりは,胎児胎盤が母体の拒絶を免れるシステムを用いたほうが手っ取り早いということになる.この事実から,脊椎動物における悪性腫瘍の出現は胎児胎盤の生着を許すような抑制性免疫システムの進化に依存する,言い換えれば進化の上でのトレードオフになっているのではないかという仮説を導くことができる1).
早川 裕一 松倉 公憲
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.112, no.4, pp.521-530, 2003-08-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
7 11 1

The mean recession rate of Kegon Falls is examined, estimating original location and age. Two locations (LI and LII) at which the waterfall originated are estimated based on the distribution of Kegon lava, while the age of origination is considered to be the same as that of the Kegon lava eruption, i.e., 20, 000 years ago. Two values of the mean recession rate obtained are 0.018 m/y for the case of LI and 0.10 m/y for the case of LII. On the other hand, the recession rate can be evaluated, as an order estimation, using the empirical equation of the authors (Hayakawa and Matsukura, Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 28, 2003), which shows relationships between the recession rates of waterfalls and the ratio of the erosive forces of rivers to bedrock resistance. The values of parameters used in the index of force/resistance ratio are obtained from existing data and field measurements for Kegon Falls. Substituting them into the equation, the recession rate is calculated to be in the order of 0.009-0.019 m/y. This result suggests that the recession rate for the case of LI is suitable for Kegon Falls.
藤原 賢哉 善如 悠介 西尾 圭一郎 小早川 周司 若森 直樹 地主 敏樹


6 0 0 0 通運夜話

早川慎一 著
早川 泰弘 城野 誠治
保存科学 = Science for conservation
no.57, pp.91-100, 2018-03-23

The Illustrated Scrolls of the Legends of Shigisan (Shigisan engi emaki) held at Shigisan Chôgosonshiji temple is a major extant example of Heian period painting that presents pictorializations of many of the legends related to Myôren, a saintly monk credited with later having revived the temple. The set consists of three handscrolls, with the first scroll known as The Scroll of the Rich Man of Yamazaki (Yamazaki chôja no maki) or The Flying Granary Scroll, the second scroll known as The Scroll of the Rite of Spiritual Empowerment for the Engi-Era Emperor (Engi kaji no maki), and the third scroll known as The Scroll of the Nun (Amagimi no maki). The Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties conducted an analysis of the colorants used in all three scrolls by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) during 2011-2012. Measurements (dia. 2mm) were taken at 707 places over the three handscrolls by using a portable device. Both Ca and Fe were detected in the XRF analysis of the Shigisan engi emaki at almost all of the sites measured. Cu, Zn, Ag, Au, Hg and Pb were detected in the areas with pigment, depending on the colors used and the thickness of their application. Ca and Fe were discerned in areas that had almost no pigment usage. It was determined that these elements come from the paper ground itself. In one section of the Engi scroll, Fe-based yellow ochre pigment was used. Although Cu is a principal element in the green color of malachite and the blue color of azurite, Cu-based pigments containing small amounts of Zn were found in the blue areas of the Yamazaki scroll only. Au was particularly conspicuous on the bowl in the Yamazaki scroll, the Buddhist wheel (rimpô) in the Engi scroll, and the great Buddha (Daibutsu) in the Nun scroll, where the gleam of gold color is almost invisible to the naked eye today. Numerous instances of orange pigment appearing as an underlayer for gold-colored pigments could also be discerned, and thus it was determined that a Pb-based orange color pigment was used to heighten the gold color effect. Conversely, the sites where Ag was detected on the Engi scroll were further characterized by the concurrent discernment of small amounts of Hg, although it is not possible at present to identify the source of this Hg. Hg, which is a principal ingredient in red-colored pigment cinnabar, was detected at almost all of the sites where red color was confirmed on the Shigisan engi emaki. While there are many instances where only line drawing was used to depict the figures in the Shigisan engi emaki,there are numerous instances of sites where traces of Pb could be detected on faces, hands and other places. This portable XRF device has been previously used in pigment analysis on the National Treasure Tale of Genji scrolls (Tokugawa Art Museum and Gotoh Museum), and the National Treasure Ban Dainagon scrolls (Idemitsu Museum of Arts). The use of the same device and the same parameters means that the analysis results for the different artworks can be compared directly.
栗原 宏幸 渡辺 美生 早川 孝彦
日本土壌肥料學雜誌 (ISSN:00290610)
vol.76, no.1, pp.27-34, 2005-02-05
15 6

The Japanese limit of cadmium (Cd) in brown rice is 1.0 mg kg^<-1>, and brown rice containing >0.4mg kg^<-1> has not been previously used for human consumption. The CODEX commission of FAO/WHO stipulates that the Cd content in cereal grains, such as rice and wheat, should be <0.4 and <0.2 mg kg^<-1>, respectively. Given this situation, the rehabilitation of polluted paddy fields is vital to Japanese agriculture. Phytoremediation is an emerging technology that employs plants to remove environmental pollutants such as heavy metals. Such efforts have proven cost-effective and are less disruptive to the environment compared to conventional soil clean-up methods. We could select kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) as a suitable plant for phytoremediation of cadmium-contaminated soils through pot-scale experiments. Then we conducted field trials using kenaf for 3 years (2001-2003) at a cadmium-contaminated paddy field in the southwest area of Japan. The kenaf showed large amounts of Cd-uptake each year. As fallen leaves contained large amounts of Cd, which was proven in the 2nd year trial, we managed to cultivate them in a proper space to avoid leaf fall in the 3rd year. Concerning with the production and Cd concentration, both of which are depending on width between plant rows and cultivation period, we proposed double cropping of kenaf in the southwest area of Japan for remediation of Cd. Our data clearly demonstrated that a significant level of Cd in the soil was taken up through the phytoremediation with kenaf.