小林 茂雄 津田 智史
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.623, pp.93-99, 2008-01-30 (Released:2008-10-31)
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The purpose of this research is to identify environmental factors related to the ease of borrowing a cigarette lighter from a stranger in a smoking area. An experiment was carried out in which subjects actually talked to ordinary smokers and borrowed lighters at smoking areas in Yokohama city. As a result, it was found that the ease of talking to a stranger corresponds almost exactly to the ease of entering the smoking area. The distance between the smoking area and the surrounding traffic, and the numbers of surrounding pedestrians were connected with the ease of borrowing behavior. The width of the entrance to the smoking area and the arrangement of benches, etc. were also related to the evaluation. The characteristics of suitable smoking areas for borrowing behavior were summarized into three main factors, that is, people can approach the place without feeling too conspicuous, smokers in the place seem not to have monopolized spaces, and the smoking area has a casual atmosphere which promotes interaction between people.
小林 茂雄 小林 美紀
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.79, no.699, pp.403-410, 2014-05-30 (Released:2014-07-15)
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This research examined staying behaviors in streets at midnight in Shibuya area, and evaluated sitting sensation of the outdoor elements continuously from 16:00 till 5:00 on the next day. The investigated results are summarized as follows.- The number of sitting people in the streets increased most at 23:00, and the sitting people's ratio to the people on the streets was the highest around 3:00 a.m. It was observed that people converted various interspaces produced by reduction in traffic or closing of shops into the comfortable staying spaces.- The outdoor elements evaluated that people could sit and talk or eat increased continuously from 23:00 to 5:00, and the elements evaluated that they could do such behaviors comfortably increased most at 23:00.- The possibility of supporting midnight staying behaviors based on the investigation and the interview was examined. It was considered effective to change the diversity steps close to the streets to the seating elements.
若林 茂
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.68, no.6, pp.623-635, 1992-06-20 (Released:2012-09-24)
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It is widely acknowledged that high viscosity water-soluble dietary fibers such as pectin and guar gum affect a lowering of blood glucose levels and a reducing of insulin secretion following a sugar load. However, as dietary fibers vary in origin and in chemical properties, their physiological functions differ as well. In this study the effects of Indigestible Dextrin (PF-C), a low viscosity, water-soluble dietary fiber obtained through acid and heat-treatment of potato starch, on various aspects of sugar tolerance were examined.First, the influence of PF-C on sucrose hydrolysis was examined in rat intestinal mucosa cell homogenate confirming that PF-C did not inhibit sucrase activity. Then, in order to investigate the influence of PF-C on sugar digestion-absorption, an experiment was performed by using the everted intestinal sac of the rat in vitro. PF-C did not have an effect on glucose-transport into the serosal medium, whereas PF-C did inhibit the transport of hydrolyzed-glucose from sucrose, with no change in the hydrolysis of sucrose.Recently, Crane et al. reported that there is a specific route for hydrolyzed glucose from sucrose in glucose-absorption on the enteric surface (disaccharidase related transport system). The possibility exists that PF-C specifically affects this pathway. Further, total glucagon released into the serosal medium stimulated by both glucose and sucrose were reduced by PF-C.On the basis of these results, an oral sugar tolerance test was conducted in both rats and healthy human subjects. In male Sprague-Dawley rats (8 weeks old, 250-280g) concurrent administration of PF-C (0.6g/kg body weight) reduced an increase in plasma insulin levels with no change in glucose levels following a glucose (1.5g/kg body weight) load. Further noted were reductions in increases in both plasma glucose and insulin levels following a sucrose (1.5g/kg body weight) plus PF-C (0.6g/kg body weight) load to that of the sucrose (1.5g/kg body weight) single load. These findings reflect the above mentioned in vitro results. Moreover, in healthy male subjects the increase in both plasma insulin and glucagon-like immunoreactivity (Gut GLI) levels following a Trelan-G75 load were significantly reduced by concurrent administration of PF-C.From these observations it would appear that the effectiveness of reducing insulin secretion by PF-C results due to the decrease in sugar absorption by inhibiting the disaccharidase-related transport system. As glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), [an incretin in the enteroinsular axis] secreted with Gut GLI from intestinal L cells, is known to enhance insulin secretion following a sugar load, the resulting effectiveness by PF-C to reduce insulin secretion is thought to be attributed to the action on this enteroinsular axis mechanism.
広林 茂樹 田村 祐輔 山淵 龍夫 大薮 多可志
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌E(センサ・マイクロマシン部門誌) (ISSN:13418939)
vol.127, no.4, pp.258-259, 2007-04-01 (Released:2007-07-01)
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In this paper, we monitored the electromagnetic waves generated by human activity. We investigated a monitoring system that used the bioelectric potential of a plant. Four subjects walked on the spot at a distance of 60 cm from a rubber tree and we measured the variation in the bioelectric potential of the tree produced by the stepping motion. The results confirmed that the electromagnetic waves generated by a person walking on the spot produced a measurable response in the bioelectric potential of a plant. It was also found that this variation in the bioelectric potential varied in synchrony with the subject's walking pace.
若林 茂 里内 美津子 野上 義喜 大隈 一裕 松岡 瑛
公益社団法人 日本栄養・食糧学会
日本栄養・食糧学会誌 (ISSN:02873516)
vol.44, no.6, pp.471-478, 1991-12-19 (Released:2010-02-22)
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馬鈴薯デンプンを加熱分解して調製した難消化性デキストリン (PF: 食物繊維含有量58.2%, およびPF-C: 91.6%) の脂質代謝に及ぼす影響をラットを用いて検討し, 以下の成績を得た。(1) コレステロール無添加飼料で5週間飼育したラットの血清コレステロール (119±7.6mg/dl) およびトリグリセライド値 (218±39.0mg/dl) は, PF-C 10%摂取により, それぞれ有意な低下 (94.2±6.0および145土20.0mg/dl) を示した。(2) 市販固形飼料を給餌したラットに飲料水としてPF (20%水溶液) およびPF-C (5~20%水溶液) を5週間与えたとき, 血清および肝臓コレステロール値は有意に低下し, その程度は摂取したPFおよびPF-C水溶液の食物繊維含有量に依存していた。(3) そのときの糞便中への総胆汁酸排泄量は, PFおよびPF-C摂取群で有意な増加を示し, 同様に, (4) 盲腸内容物中の総短鎖脂肪酸量, とくにプロピオン酸量は有意に高値であった。また, (5) 体重, 血清総タンパク質, カルシウム, GOTおよびGPT活性は, PFおよびPF-C摂取によってなんら影響を受けなかった。さらに, (6) 飲料水交換法により, PF-C摂取の有無によって血清および肝臓コレステロール値は容易に変化することが確認された。
小菅 啓子 井上 和子 富田 弘美 杉山 真理 小林 茂雄
一般社団法人 日本繊維製品消費科学会
繊維製品消費科学 (ISSN:00372072)
vol.34, no.12, pp.640-651, 1993-12-25 (Released:2010-09-30)

下着と上着の着用意識の関係, 並びに, 下着・上着の着用意識と社会心理的特性との関係を検討することを目的とし, 学生・OL・母親を対象に質問紙法により調査を行った.主な結果は次の通りである.(1) 下着・上着の着用意識について, それぞれ, 因子分析を行い各々8因子を抽出した.下着の因子は, コーディネイト志向, デザイン性, 規範意識, 機能性, 習慣性, 趣味嗜好性, 経済性, 着用感である.上着の因子は, ファッション志向, 多様嗜好, 心理安定感, 自己顕示, 個性化, 経済性, 外観性, 素材意識である.(2) 抽出された下着及び上着の着用意識の各因子間の相関を, 正準相関分析により解析した.下着の経済性の因子は, 上着の経済性, 多様嗜好性の因子との間に関連があり, 更に下着のコーディネイト志向の因子は, 上着の自己顕示, ファッション志向, 心理安定感, 素材意識との間に関連がある.(3) 下着・上着の着用意識と社会心理的特性の関係は, 双方の着用意識について, 自己顕示欲と好奇心との間に相関の有意性が認められた.(4) 被験者群の違いは, 下着の着用意識において, 母親は実用性, 学生は経済性を重視する傾向にあり, 上着の着用意識においては, 学生・OLは服装によって心理安定感を得, 母親は経済性や素材意識などの機能面を重視していることが認められた.更に, 社会心理的特性については, 学生は同調と情報欲求, OLは自己顕示欲, 母親は同調の各特性と, 下着の着用意識との間に相関の有意性が多く認められた.
小林 茂樹 広渡 俊哉 黒子 浩
蝶と蛾 (ISSN:00240974)
vol.61, no.1, pp.1-57, 2010-05-31

チビガ科Bucculatricidaeは,幼虫が若齢期に葉にもぐる潜葉性の小蛾類である.成虫は開張6-8mmで,世界ではおよそ250種が知られる.中齢期において幼虫は潜孔を脱出し,老熟すると本科に特徴的な縦の隆条をもった舟底形のマユを葉や枝上につくり蛹化する.日本では,アオギリチビガBucculatrix firmianella Kuroko,1982,ナシチビガB.pyrivorella Kuroko,1964,クロツバラチビガB.citima Seksjaeva,1989の3種が知られており,最近筆者らによってハマボウチビガB.hamaboella Kobayashi,Hirowatari&Kuroko,2009,ならびにコナラチビガBucculatrix comporabile Seksjaeva 1989とクリチビガB.demaryella(Duponchel,1840)が追加された(有田他,2009).しかし,本科にはヨモギ属を寄主とするヨモギチビガBucculatrix sp.など,多くの未同定種の報告があり,種の分類・生活史の解明度が低く,種レベルの研究が不十分であった.そこで本研究は,日本産の本科の新種を含む未解明種の形態・生活史を明らかにすることに努め,既知種を含めた本科の分類学的再検討を行った.野外調査とともに大阪府立大学や小木広行氏(札幌市),平野長男氏(松本市),村瀬ますみ氏(和歌山市)などの所蔵標本を用い,日本各地の成虫を調査した.奥(2003)が同定を保留した4種についても,交尾器の形態を確認した.その結果,4新種,11新記録種,2学名未決定種を加えた計23種を確認した.確認された23種を,交尾器の特徴から10種群に分類し,16種の幼虫期の習性をまとめ,3タイプに分類した.幼虫習性は,11種で多くのチビガ科の種でみられる型(1.中齢以降は葉の表面にでて葉を摂食する.2.脱皮マユは2回作る)が見られ,茎潜り,ヨモギにつく3種に見られた脱皮マユを一度しか作らない型は,Baryshnikova(2008)の系統の初期に分化したと考えられるグループに属した.ヤマブキトラチビガとシナノキチビガはシナノキの葉の表と裏側をそれぞれ利用していたが,形態は大きく異なっており,それぞれ,ブナ科とバラ科に潜孔するグループに形態的に近縁と考えられた.また,メス交尾器の受精管が交尾のうの中央に開口することが本科の共有派生形質であることを示唆し,さらに調査した日本産18種でこの形質状態を確認できた. 1.Bucculatrix firmianella Kuroko,1982アオギリチビガ(Plates 1(1),2(1-11),Figs 3A-C,10A)開張6-8mm.前翅は白色に不明瞭な暗褐色条が走り,前翅2/3から翅頂に黒鱗が散在する.雄交尾器のバルバ,ソキウスは丸く,挿入器は細長い.幼虫は6〜10月にアオギリの葉にらせん状の潜孔を作る.住宅の庭木や大学キャンパスなどで発生がみられた.分布:本州,四国,九州.寄主植物:アオギリ(アオギリ科). 2.Bucculatrix hamaboella Kobayashi,Hirowatari&Kuroko,2009ハマボウチビガ(Plates 1(2),2(12-17).Figs 1D,3D-F,10B)開張5.5-8mm.前翅は白色から暗褐色で黒鱗が全体に散在する.雄交尾器のバルバ,ソキウスは長く,バルバの先端に1対の突起がある.幼虫は初夏から11月初旬までみられ,若齢幼虫はハマボウの葉に細長く線状に潜り,その後茎内部に潜る.三重県では,蕾内部に潜孔している幼虫や種子の摂食が観察されている(中野・間野,未発表).分布:本州(三重,和歌山)寄主植物:ハマボウ(アオイ科). 3.Bucculatrix splendida Seksjaeva,1992ハイイロチビガ(新記録種)(Plates 1(3),2(18-20).Figs 1C,3G-I,9E,10C)開張8mm内外.前翅及び冠毛は黒色で,容易に他種と区別できる.本種は,奥(2003)によってBucculatrix sp.4として記録された.幼虫は,夏にみられヨモギの葉の表側表皮を残して薄く剥ぎ,点々と食痕を残す.分布:北海道,本州(岩手,長野);ロシア極東.寄主植物:ヨモギ(キク科). 4.Bucculatrix laciniatell Benander,1931アズサガワチビガ(新称,新記録種)(Plates 1(4).Figs 3J-L)開張9mm.前翅は白色で,前縁から後方に明るい茶色の斜列条が走る.雄交尾器の挿入器は先端が鉤爪状に反り,バルバの先端には細かい棘状の突起がある.平野長男氏採集の長野県梓川産の1♂にもとづいて記録した.ヨーロッパでは,Artemisia laciniata(キク科)を寄主とすることが知られる.分布:本州(長野);ヨーロッパ.寄主植物:日本では未確認. 5.Bucculatrix sp.1(nr.bicinica Seksjaeva,1992)(Fig.9D)本種は,奥(2003)によってBucculatrix sp.3として記録された.雄交尾器は,挿入器の先が大きく反り返り,把握器は長細くなる.沿海州産のB.bicinica Seksjaeva,1992に雄交尾器は似るが,同定を保留した.分布:本州(岩手).寄主植物:不明.6.Bucculatrix maritima Stainton,1851ウラギクチビガ(新称,新記録種)(Plates 1(5),2(21,22).Figs 9A,10D)開張75mm.前翅は濃茶色に白色が混じり,基部に明瞭な白斜条が走る.雄交尾器の把握器は先端が深く切れ込み,雌交尾器の交尾口は,おわん型になる.小木広行氏採集の北海道鹿追産の1♂と山崎一夫氏採集の大阪府大阪市産の1♀にもとづいて記録した.山崎(私信)によると潜孔とマユを大阪市北港処分地で観察している.同様に淀川河口付近のウラギクでも潜孔痕が観察できた.ヨーロッパでは,ウラギクAster tripolium,Artemisia maritima(キク科)を寄主とすることが知られる.分布:北海道,本州(大阪);ヨーロッパ,ロシア.寄主植物:ウラギク(キク科). 7.Bucculatrix notella Seksjaeva,1996ヨモギチビガ(新称,新記録種)(Plate 1(6),2(23-28).Figs 1C,4A-D,10E)開張6-7mm.前翅は乳白色で,茶から暗褐色の斜条が前縁1/2および2/3に走るが,斑紋の変異が大きい.雄交尾器は,テグメンの先端が発達し,雌交尾器の交尾口はカップ状になる.幼虫は,春から秋にかけてみられ,近畿地方では冬にも若齢幼虫がみられた.後齢幼虫はヨモギの葉に小孔を開け,そこから組織を摂食する.北海道では,ハイイロチビガと混棲しているのが観察された.分布:北海道,本州(長野,三重,奈良,大阪,和歌山,兵庫),九州;ロシア極東.寄主植物:ヨモギ(キク科). 8.Bucculatrix nota Seksjaeva,1989イワテヨモギチビガ(改称,新記録種)(Plate 1(7).Figs 1C,4E-G,9B)開張8mm.前翅は乳白色に褐色の斜条が走る.本種は,奥(2003)によってヨモギチビガBucculatrix sp.1として生態情報とともに記録されたが,ヨモギを寄主とするチビガとしては全国的に前種の方が普通に見られるので本種をイワテヨモギチビガとした.形態,生態ともに前種に似るが,雄交尾器のソキウスが長く発達し,挿入器の先端は大きくフック状に反る.分布:本州(岩手,長野);ロシア極東.寄主植物:ヨモギ,オオヨモギ(キク科). 9.Bucculatrix sp.2(nr.varia Seksjaeva,1992)(Fig.9C)本種は,奥(2003)によってBucculatrix sp.2として記録された.雄交尾器は,ソキウスの側面が広がり,把握器は先が指状になる.沿海州産のB.varia Seksjaeva,1992に雄交尾器は似るが,同定を保留した.分布:本州(岩手).寄主植物:不明. 10.Bucculatrix sinevi Seksjaeva,1988シネフチビガ(新称,新記録種)(Plate 1(8).Figs 4H-I,10F)開張7.0-8.0mm.前翅は乳白色で,茶鱗が散在する.雌雄交尾器は,特徴的で雄交尾器のソキウスは小さく,バルバは幅広く先端が尖る.雌交尾器の交尾口の両側には牛角状の突起が伸びる.分布:北海道;ロシア極東.寄主植物:不明. 11.Bucculatrix altera Seksjaeva,1989アムールチビガ(新称,新記録種)(Plate 1(9).Figs 5A-E,11A)開張7.0-8.2mm.前翅は白色で茶〜暗褐鱗が散在する.雄交尾器は,挿入器内に多数の鉤爪状突起がある.雌交尾器は,前種と同様に角状突起を有しアントゥルムは幅広の筒状になる.分布:北海道;ロシア極東.寄主植物:不明. 12.Bucculatrix pyrivorella Kuroko,1964ナシチビガ(Plate 1(10),2(29-32),3(1-7).Figs 1A,2,5E-G,11B)開張7.0-8.0mm.前翅は白色で,不明瞭な明るい茶の斜条が走る.雄交尾器のソキウスとバルバは弱く硬化し,エデアグスは長い.幼虫は,奈良では5月から9月まで発生し,街路樹や庭木のサクラでよくみちれる.かつてはナシ園の害虫として問題となった.分布:北海道,本州,四国,九州;韓国,ロシア極東.寄主植物:ナシ,リンゴ,サクラ類,ズミ(バラ科). 13.Bucculatrix citima Seksjaeva,1989クロツバラチビガ(Plate 1(11),3(8-11).Figs 5H-J,11C)開張6.0-7.0mm.前翅は乳白色で,前縁1/3と2/3から後縁に濃茶の斜列条が走る.雄交尾器は,ソキウスを欠きバルバ先端は櫛歯状になる.本種は,奥(2003)がクロツバラから採集した幼虫を飼育・羽化させ,日本から記録した.本研究では,クロウメモドキを新たに寄主に加え,幼虫の発育過程を記載した.また,雌交尾器を初めて図示した.分布:北海道,本州(岩手,長野);ロシア極東.寄主植物:クロツバラ,クロウメモドキ(クロウメモドキ科). 14.Bucculatrix armata Seksjaeva,1989シナノキチビガ(新称,新記録種)(Plates 1(12),3(12-21).Figs 6A-C,11D)開張6.0-7.5mm.前翅は白色で,不明瞭な燈褐鱗が散在する.雄交尾器はソキウスを欠きバルバは強く硬化する.幼虫は8月に発生し,シナノキの葉の表側を主に利用する(小木広行氏観察).北海道では,本種とヤマブキトラチビガが葉の表と裏側をそれぞれ利用するのが観察されている化分布:北海道;ロシア極東.寄主植物:シナノキ(シナノキ科). 15.Bucculatrix univoca Meyrick,1918ノアサガオチビガ(新称,新記録種)(Plates 1(13),3(22-30).Figs 6D-H,11E)開張5.0-6.5mm.前翅は茶色で1/2に黒点,前翅2/3から翅頂に黒鱗が散在する.雄交尾器は特徴的で,バルバの中ほどに突起が発達し,その先端は櫛歯状になる.幼虫は9月にみられたが,村瀬(私信)によると2月初旬に採集されたことから,年間を通して発生すると思われる.分布:九州(鹿児島[奄美]),琉球(沖縄[沖縄本島,石垣島]);台湾インド.寄主植物:ノアサガオ,サツマイモ(ヒルガオ科). 16.Bucculatrix demaryella(Duponchel,1840)クリチビガ(Plates 1(14-15),4(1-13).Figs 7A-C,11F)開張6.0-7.5mm.前翅は黄白色で,茶褐鱗が散在する.本種,クヌギ,コナラ,ケヤキ,コギチビガは斑紋が酷似し,確実な同定は交尾器の確認が必要.幼虫は7月初旬から10月まで発生し,クリ,シラカンバの葉に短い螺旋状の潜孔を作る.本種はヨーロッパでは他にカエデ類,ハシバミ類を利用することが知られる.那須御用邸(栃木県)の調査で日本から記録された(有田他,2009).分布:北海道,本州(栃木,長野,愛知,奈良,大阪);ヨーロッパ,ロシア.寄主植物:クリ(ブナ科),シラカンバ(カバノキ科). 17.Bucculatrix serratella sp.nov.ケヤキチビガ(新種)(Plates 1(16),4(14-22).Figs 7D-F,12A)開張5.0-6.0mm体前翅は黄土色で,茶褐鱗が散在する.雄交尾器の挿入器とユクスタの先端は鋭く尖る.雌交尾器の第8節腹側は硬化し,しわ状の模様がある.本種は,大和田ら(2006)によって皇居で採集されたマユと食痕からケヤキチビガBucculatrix sp.1として記録されたものである.幼虫は,5月から10月に発生し,ケヤキの葉に線状の潜孔を作る.本種は,街路樹や寺社林などでよく見られる.分布:本州(東京,長野,愛知,三重,奈良,大阪).寄主植物:ケヤキ(ニレ科). 18.Bucculatrix kogii sp.nov.コギチビガ(新種)(Plate 1(17).Figs 7G-I)開張7-8mm.前翅は白色で茶鱗を散布する.雄交尾器は前種に似るが,挿入器先端に多数の棘状突起を有し,ユクスタも小さい.♀は未知.分布:北海道.寄主植物:不明. 19.Bucculatrix thoracella(Thunberg,1794)ヤマブキトラチビガ(新称,新記録種)(Plates 1(18-19),4(23-30).Figs 1B,7J-K,12B)開張6-7.5mm.前翅は山吹から燈褐色で1/2に黒色帯,同様に中央から翅頂に黒色中線が走る.北海道産の個体は,斑紋が明瞭ではない.本州では奈良県大台ヶ原で成虫のみが得られており,北海道では幼虫は6-8月に発生し,シナノキの葉の裏側を主に利用する(小木広行氏観察).8月の世代はマユで越冬する.ヨーロッパでは,カエデ類,クリ類,ブナ類も利用することが知られている.分布:北海道,本州(奈良[大台ヶ原]);ヨーロッパ.寄主植物:シナノキ(シナノキ科). 20.Bucculatrix muraseae sp.nov.ハンノキチビガ(新種)(Plates 1(20),5(1-6).Figs 8A-B,12C)開張6-8mm.前翅は乳白色で明るい茶の3斜線条が走る.雄雌交尾器は次種に似るが雄交尾器のソキウスの形で区別できる.幼虫は7月初旬から9月に発生し,黄褐色のマユを作る.分布:北海道,本州(奈良,大阪,和歌山,兵庫).寄主植物:ハンノキ(カバノキ科).
鳴海 邦匡 渡辺 理絵 小林 茂
地図 (ISSN:00094897)
vol.60, no.1, pp.17-35, 2022-03-31 (Released:2023-09-14)

For the Taiwan expedition (1874) and military action to suppress local resistance after the SinoJapanese War (1894-5), Japanese navy prepared nautical charts re-engraving from British Admiralty charts. Concerning place names, Japanese Hydrographical Office tried to transcribe those on British charts into Chinese characters locally used. However, it was not easy to infer exact Chinese characters on the basis of transliterated alphabetical local place names on British charts. Although a Chinese nautical chart titled Da Qing yi tong hai dao zong tu 大清一統海道總圖 (General map of the Chinese coast and sea-routes) re-engraved from a British chart was consulted, even place names of major ports of Taiwan on it were not always correct, because it transliterated many local place names phonetically into Chinese characters. After a process of trial and error up to 1905, place names in Chinese characters conformed to local use were put on Japanese charts of Taiwan.
小林 茂
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
天気 (ISSN:05460921)
vol.66, no.2, pp.113-140, 2019 (Released:2019-03-31)

From the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War in 1937 to the end of the WWII in 1945, Japanese military occupied wide areas in East and Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific. Along with the extension of the front, Japanese military's weather surveys replaced existed local ones and interrupted their continual observation. In addition to ground observation, it carried out upper-air observation with pilot-balloon and radiosonde to support its air forces on the basis of the extended survey network. As for the data accumulated up to the end of the WWII by Japanese military, however, it has been believed that they were lost in the disturbances of war and to restore this wartime discontinuity is almost impossible. Scrutinizing book stocks of several institutions at home and in the United States, such as the Library of Congress, the author found not a few unused materials, in which wartime weather data had been recorded. In this paper, following up the wartime vicissitudes of Japanese weather survey, he reviewed instructive cases, where such materials had been rescued successfully, in order to promote the efficient search of buried data in the near future.
伊東 清志 猪俣 裕樹 丸山 拓実 荻原 直樹 佐藤 大輔 八子 武裕 四方 聖二 北澤 和夫 小林 茂昭
pp.1183-1196, 2021-11-10

広林 茂樹
電子情報通信学会論文誌. A, 基礎・境界 (ISSN:09135707)
vol.91, no.1, pp.153-161, 2008-01-01

小林 茂雄
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.69, no.585, pp.7-12, 2004
5 1

In this research, an experiment was conducted to evaluate lighting environments in a commercial street in different time zones when the shops were open and after they had closed. In the results, the evaluation of the lighting environment while shops were open was very high for shopping behavior etc., but the evaluation after the shops were closed was low for all usage behaviors. The evaluations of shopping behavior, feeling of security, and nuisances, etc. tended to be determined chiefly by the average luminance level of the street. Moreover, color and height of street lights, and strength and color of shops' internal illuminations were found to have a strong effect on relaxing scenery and atmospheric behaviors.
津田 智史 小林 茂雄
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.71, no.609, pp.85-91, 2006-11-30 (Released:2017-02-17)
1 1

The purpose of this research is to examine the effects of interpersonal distance from others on the emotions and behavior of couples staying along by the sea. An investigation to observe the behavior of actual couples, and an experiment to assess the opinions of the couples were carried out in the early evening and the nighttime. In the results, the following points were demonstrated. ・ Couples tended to stay together longer and more closely when the distance from others was large. This tendency appeared more strongly in the nighttime than in the early evening. Couples expected to maintain a private space of at least 2 to 3 meters on both sides. ・ Women tended to notice the proximity of others more in the early evening. This tendency was stronger when the others were groups of men rather than mixed male-female groups. ・ Generally in the evening, couples' behavior was not affected by the attributes of others. In some cases, couples moved even closer together when another couple approached than when no-one was near.
小林 茂雄 津田 智史
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.623, pp.93-99, 2008-01-30

The purpose of this research is to identify environmental factors related to the ease of borrowing a cigarette lighter from a stranger in a smoking area. An experiment was carried out in which subjects actually talked to ordinary smokers and borrowed lighters at smoking areas in Yokohama city. As a result, it was found that the ease of talking to a stranger corresponds almost exactly to the ease of entering the smoking area. The distance between the smoking area and the surrounding traffic, and the numbers of surrounding pedestrians were connected with the ease of borrowing behavior. The width of the entrance to the smoking area and the arrangement of benches, etc. were also related to the evaluation. The characteristics of suitable smoking areas for borrowing behavior were summarized into three main factors, that is, people can approach the place without feeling too conspicuous, smokers in the place seem not to have monopolized spaces, and the smoking area has a casual atmosphere which promotes interaction between people.
長田 美穂 杉山 真理 小林 茂雄
繊維機械学会誌 (ISSN:03710580)
vol.45, no.11, pp.T193-T199, 1992-11-25 (Released:2009-10-27)
1 1 8

目的刺激対象を見慣れれば, その刺激対象に好感を抱くようになるという単純接触の効果が, 服装の印象の場合についても成り立つかどうかを検討することを目的とする.成果新奇な服装図版を刺激対象とした実験を通して, 「親しみやすい―親しみにくい」, 「好きな―嫌いな」の尺度には, 刺激の1回呈示条件ないし10回呈示条件よりも20回呈示条件において好感度が高くなり, 単純接触の効果が現われた.しかしながら, 「感じのよい―感じのわるい」の尺度には, 単純接触の効果は現われなかった.これらのことから服装の場合, 呈示回数が少なくとも10回を超えて20回近くになれば, 単純接触の効果がはっきりと現われることが明らかになった.このように, ただ単に何回も目にするだけで服装に対する好感度が高まってくることは, 服装の流行の採用動機の一つとして, 単純接触の効果が関与していることが考えられる.
中川 健一 長谷川 裕晃 村上 正秀 大林 茂
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.856, pp.17-00165-17-00165, 2017 (Released:2017-12-25)

Badminton is one of the most popular sports in the world and is famous as the sport having the fastest initial velocity of a batted ball among all ball games. Initial velocity immediately after smashing may reach up to 408 km/h (113 m/s) at maximum. A badminton shuttlecock generates significant aerodynamic drag and it was confirmed that the high deceleration characteristics was related to the slots located at the leg portion of a shuttlecock in the previous study. Turnover refers to the flipping experienced by a shuttlecock when undergoing heading change from nose pointing against the flight path at the moment of impact and a shuttlecock indicates the aerodynamically stable feature for the flip movement just after impact. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of gaps on the aerodynamic stability (turnover stability) of a badminton shuttlecock during the flip phenomenon. In the present study, the flow field around the shuttlecock during impulsive change of an angle of attack (flip movement) was measured by using the smoke flow visualization and the behavior of the shuttlecock during the flip movement was evaluated in comparison with that of the conic model (with no gaps). The turnover stability of a badminton shuttlecock is affected by gaps of the shuttlecock skirt.
佐藤 悦子 梅澤 絹子 小林 茂雄
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.49, no.1, pp.59-68, 1998-01-15

The purposes of this study are to investigate how the hemline widths of jeans affect the body movements of healthy persons when putting on and taking off jeans, and how they are related to wearing comfortability. In the experiment, four types of jeans with different hemline widths were used. The types were classified as middle-slim (S1), middle-straight (S2), roomy-straight (S3), and soft-middle-straight (S4). Subjects were 30 healthy female university students. They were classified into three groups by body size: large, medium and small. After videotaping the subjects putting on and taking off each type of jeans, each subject was required to answer a sensory evaluation sheet consisting of 21 items using the SD method. They were also asked which leg they mainly used in their daily activities. The results were as follows: 1) With regard to required time for putting on and taking off each type of jeans, significant differences were found among the types of hemline width. For putting on jeans, the longer the time required, the narrower the hemline width was. This was shown as follows: S1, S2&gtS3, S4. Particularly, the large body size group, showed remarkable differences. For taking off jeans, S1 showed significantly longer time, while the large body size group showed significantly longer time than other groups. 2) Concerning the sense of comfort in wearing, S2 and S3 types showed significant differences. Particularly, the small body size group gave the highest points to S2; the items, such as, "suberigayoi," "hadazawarinoyoi," and so on. 3) Regarding which leg is used to step into and out of jeans, it was confirmed that the different types of hemline widths did not affect which leg was used for the movement.
小林 茂雄 中村 芳樹 木津 努 乾 正雄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.61, no.487, pp.33-41, 1996
7 6

The brightness of a room interior can be roughly determined from its luminance. However, the luminance of a room interior is not even, but rather is an amalgam of high-luminance areas and low-luminance areas. In this research we intended to determine the effect of luminance distribution on brightness. First, we conducted a experiment to estimate the brightness of stimuli that are of the different luminance distribution. Next, a experiment that examined the relationship between the characteristics of luminance variations and brightness in interior environment was conducted. As a result, the brightness in a room interior depended not just on luminance of visual field but also on the distribution of field luminance, and that although luminance distribution that originates in the varying reflectance of walls and floors does not affect brightness to a great extent, the luminance distribution resulting from non-uniform lighting caused an interior to seem darker.