高田 亮 大島 治 荒牧 重雄 小野 晃司 吉田 克史 梶間 和彦
The Volcanological Society of Japan
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.37, no.5, pp.233-250, 1992-11-15 (Released:2017-03-20)

The subaerial history of Aogashima volcano (about 3 km3 in volume) was studied. The sequence of volcanic activity is summarized as follows: the growth of Kurosaki volcano (0.3 km3 in volume; basalt>andesite) in the northwestern area of Aogashima island; the construction of the main edifice of Main stratocone (basalt≫andesite) in the southeastern area; the fissure eruptions of Aphyric basalts (<0.1km3 in volume) on the northwestern flank; a surge activity (Ojiroike surge deposits) (basalt>ndesite) at about 3,000 y.B.P.; the eruptions of Kintagaura lavas (0.15 km3 in volume) filing the Southeasern basin, and airfalls (Yasundogo airfalls tephras) (0.4 km3 in volume; basalt>andesite) on the east and north flanks 3,000-2,400 y.B.P.; the occurrence of a debris avalanche (Nagashizaka debris avalanche deposits) associated with the formation of the Ikenosawa crater (1.7 km×1.5 km insize); the Tenmei (A.D. 1781-1785) eruption (0.08km3 in volume; andesite). Based on the historical records and the geological data obtained in this study, the sequence of the Tenmei eruption is restored as follows: according to historical records, a small ash eruption occurred in 1781; in 1783, the Tenmei eruption began with an explosive scoria effusion (Tenmei airfall tephras 1) associated with cone building (Maruyama pyroclastic cone); in 1785, ash fall continued intermittently for more than one month (Tenmei airfall tephras 2); finally, the Ikenosawa crater was filled with lava flows (Tenmei lavas 1 and 2). During the development of Aogashima volcano, magma paths were shifted over a distance of about 4 km. Some geological units derived from different magma paths have different, parallel trends of chemical composition in SiO2 vs. oxide diagrams. The chemical composition of magma changed with the shift in magma path. Each trend consists of a combination of plagioclase accumulation and crystallization. The magma-supply rate of Aogashima volcano was fluctuating in time and space with the growth of each geological unit, which may have led to the generation of andesite magma.
梶原 将志
シェリング年報 (ISSN:09194622)
vol.25, pp.107-116, 2017 (Released:2019-08-06)

Hölderlin erforschte in seinen Dichtungen seine Bestimmung und den Grund des Dichtens. Aber er kam allmählich zu der Einsicht, dass es für einen Menschen unmöglich ist, seinen eigenen Daseinsgrund zu fassen und davon zu reden. Nach dieser selbstkritischen Reflexion setzte er sich mit der Grundlosigkeit des Dichters und Dichtens auseinander, und zwar just in den Dichtungen und durch das Dichten. In diesem Aufsatz vollziehe ich die Vertiefung seines Problembewusstseins nach und schildere sie, mittels der entgegengesetzten Stichwörter „geschickt“ und „schicklich“, als den Übergang vom ersten zum letzten. Schließlich wird die poetische Verfahrungsweise, die Hölderlin erreichte, eine „mediale“ genannt.
梶原 景範 高橋 裕樹 中嶋 正之
芸術科学会論文誌 (ISSN:13472267)
vol.3, no.1, pp.69-75, 2003 (Released:2008-07-30)

ボリュームオブジェクトが互いに干渉したシーンをレンダリングする方法を提案する.本提案方法は,信学ソ大2001で提案し,映情学誌,Vol.56,No.10,に採録の光線ボリュームを用いたボリュームとポリゴンの干渉シーンのレンダリング方法を拡張したものである.ボリュームの各ボクセルを通過する光線の色とそこまでの透過度を計算し, 光線ボリュームバッファに出力しておくことによって,ボリュームもポリゴンも統一的にテクスチャ付きのポリゴンとしてレンダリングすることを特徴とする.本論文では,ボリュームと干渉するボリュームを半透明ポリゴンの規則的に配列した層と見なして,ボリュームとボリュームの干渉シーンのレンダリングへ拡張した.これによって,ポリゴン用グラフィックパイプラインでボリュームとポリゴンまたはボリュームが互いに干渉したシーンをレンダリング可能である.本提案方式は,光線ボリュームバッファの生成においては, ボリュームとポリゴンの干渉を考慮することなくボリュームを単独で処理すればよいことをを特徴とする.
緒方 正人 村木 茂 マ クワンリュー 梶原 景範 劉 学振 越塚 健児
芸術科学会論文誌 (ISSN:13472267)
vol.1, no.1, pp.1-7, 2002 (Released:2008-07-30)
1 1

科学技術上の諸問題を計算機を用いて解き,結果を直感的に把握したいとの要求,あるいは高度医療におけるMRI,CT, 超音波診断装置などのデータの表示,などから大容量の3次元情報を可視化する高速かつ安価なボリュームレンダリングシステムが必要とされている.ボリュームの可視化は, 処理するデータ量が膨大であることから,高速表示には,高価なスーパコンピュータや専用ハードウエアが用いられている.本論文は,市販のPC を複数用いて構成する低価格な高速ボリュームレンダリングシステムを提案し, その性能評価を示す.このシステムの高速化は,提案の空間分割シアーワープ法(Spatially Partitioned Shear-Warp Method)法により達成する.
梶 龍輔
宗教学論集 (ISSN:03873323)
vol.2017, no.36, pp.3-30, 2017 (Released:2021-04-17)

The purpose of this thesis is to clarify how people who belong to the Oomoto, a Japanese New religious movement, have interpreted the doctrine advocated by the religion’s founder, taking into consideration the mechanics of Japanese society and religious communities. Leaders of the Oomoto consistently desired to communicate their religious doctrine to the rest of society as well as to explain its context. While attempting to absolve myself from any kind of bias, I pay attention to the existing academic research in order to explain the nature of“ doctrine” which was invisible.
梶田 真
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Series A (ISSN:18834388)
vol.90, no.3, pp.191-214, 2017-05-01 (Released:2022-03-02)

梶原 洋一
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.128, no.4, pp.34-58, 2019 (Released:2021-08-26)

梶 雅範
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.27, no.165, pp.24-36, 1988 (Released:2021-09-21)

The author has examined the historical context of the first edition of Mendeleev's famous chemistrytextbook The Principles of Chemistry (Osnovy khimii) written during 1868-1871. Mendeleev's career began in 1854, when he published his first scientific paper, and reached its first landmark in 1869, when he announced his discovery of the Periodic Law of the Elements. Those years were the period of great change and reforms in Russia, beginning in the middle of the 1850's after the defeat in the Cremean War, and running its course by the end of the 1860's, climaxed by the emancipation of the serfs in 1861. It was also the time of change in chemistry the dispute over the merits of different atomic weight systems had been finally settled, the classical organic structural theory had emerged, and several systems of classifying all elements based on Cannizzaro?s new atomic weight system had been presented by several chemists. The author has paid special attention to the objectives which the Russian chemists, including Mendeleev, were expected to achieve during 1860's. There were two: the practical and the theoretical. The practical objective was the education of qualified professionals for the new capitalistic production Russia then was in want of. The educational system, especially at higher level, was reorganized during this period, and enough number of Russian chemists acquired posts in the academic institutions, so that they could form the Russian Chemical Society in 1868 Their theoretical objective was to deal with the current theoretical problems as well as the experimental ones in chemistry to meet the needs of the period when the classical foundation of chemistry was about to be laid. The author has shown that Mendeleev's famous textbook was the culmination of his work in regard to those two objectives. The Principles of Chemistry, offering an advanced way of systematization of inorganic chemistry, was the new textbook for universities urgently required by Russian society, and in the process of s writing the final step to the discovery of the' Periodic Law was taken.
梶 雅範
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.26, no.163, pp.140-155, 1987 (Released:2021-09-21)

Firstly, the author has analyzed Mendeleev's first paper on the periodicity and has shown that the development and the interaction of the following two concepts should play the important role in Mendeleev^ path to the discovery of the law, i.e., the concepts of fundamental im of matter and of chemical classification. Secondly, in order to show the course by which Mendeleev approached the dicovery, the author has examined his scientific works from 1854, when he published his first scientific paper, up to February 17(March 1 in present calendar system), 1869, when his first periodic table was compiled The study has shown that one can divide these years into three periods: I, 1854-61:II, 61-67: III, 68-69. Period I: His early work was concerned with the physicochemical properties of chemical substances which could be used as criteria cf their classification Though he could not reach satisfactory classification, his studies helped the development of his concepts of fundamental unit of matter, such as the atomic weight, the elements and so forth. Period II: Though he succeeded in systematization of organic compounds by his "theory of limits", he encountered difficulties in understanding so-called indefinite compounds in terms of atomic theory To avoid them, he distinguished the term "element" from "simple body" to give the former an attribute of "atom" and limited the scope of the atomic weight to definite compounds. Period III: The writing of the textbook Osnovy Khitnii (The Principles of Chemistry) in 1868 made him search for the fundamental property of elements for classification The comparison of the atomic weights of two dissmimilar groups of elements led him to conclude that the atomic weight is the fundamental property (i,e.,it belongs directly to his concept of "element" and determines all the other properties of elements), and that all the elements could be systematized in the table now known as the periodic table, if their atomic weights are used as criterion• These two interrelated recognitions are what he achieved through his discovery on February 17,1869.
石川 雄大 高木 昭佳 梶浦 新也 真鍋 優希子 髙橋 則正 小野 敦央 加藤 敦
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.47, no.1, pp.1-9, 2021-01-10 (Released:2022-01-10)

Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) reduces patient quality of life, but there is little evidence of preexisting supportive care drugs. Mirogabalin is a novel drug with indications for peripheral neuropathic pain, and its mechanism of action involves strong and selective binding to the voltage-gated calcium channel α2δ subunit. We examined the effects of mirogabalin on CIPN. We followed up 21 patients with CIPN caused by taxanes or platinum-based anticancer drugs who started mirogabalin. A numerical rating scale (NRS) was used for the evaluation, and pharmacists evaluated the mirogabalin dose at its initiation by creatinine clearance in all patients, and no overdoses occurred. Mirogabalin significantly reduced NRS scores from a median of 6 to 2 (P < 0.001), and the median number of days of mirogabalin administration until determination of the best effect was 29.5 days. Furthermore, the median NRS significantly decreased by administration of mirogabalin in both the taxanes-based anticancer drug group and the platinum-based anticancer drug group. In the safety investigation, a somnolence grade of 1 or 2 was observed in 4 patients, an edema grade of 1 or 2 in 4 patients, and an edema grade of 3 was observed in 1 patient. There were no serious side effects that required hospitalization. Our study suggests mirogabalin has a palliative effect on CIPN and may be an important supportive care drug for chemotherapy. Simultaneously, it’s considered that pharmacists evaluate renal function and contribute to proper use, so that patients can expect the maximum drug efficacy after the introduction of mirogabalin.