黒田 友紀 杉山 二季 望月 一枝 玉城 久美子 船山 万里子 浅井 幸子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.49, pp.317-325, 2010-03-10

The purpose of this paper is to examine how gender imbalance is constructed and what gender issues occur in teacher allocation at elementary schools. We conducted an interview survey to 10 male teachers in metropolitan areas to examine the actual conditions of male teacher allocation in elementary schools and analyze how gender imbalance occurs. Female teachers are prone to be allocated to lower grades and male teachers aren't much even if they want to. This imbalance results from gender biased consideration for female teachers, who carry out responsibility for care of their family and young children. Work of upper grades is so tough and hard that female teachers tend to avoid taking charge of upper grades. And then male teachers are often taken their workplaces in upper grades and they do busy and hard work. Male teachers are also expected masculine and controlling role to student behavior. Additionally work of upper grades is in a spotlight or central parts at schools, on the other hands, work of lower grades is regarded as shadow work. This gender imbalance works as sexual discrimination in elementary schools. Some experiences of male teachers suggest possibilities to change gender imbalance in teacher allocation. Changing balance of disproportionate work between lower grades and upper grades and sharing hard work will improve institution and structure in schools.
浅井 幸子 玉城 久美子 望月 一枝
和光大学現代人間学部紀要 (ISSN:18827292)
no.4, pp.21-36, 2011-03

杉山 二季 黒田 友紀 望月 一枝 浅井 幸子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.44, pp.281-299, 2005-03-10

The purpose of this paper is to examine how women elementary and junior high school principals construct their careers. We conducted an interview survey to 12 women teachers in 3 prefectures to consider their careers. We analyze their careers focusing on structural factors that determine personal experiences. Main findings are as follows. 1) Most women principals didn't depict clearly defined career plan. In promotion for principal or vice-principal, their principals played an important role as gatekeeper in the process. 2) In their promotion, some women principals changed their work place from junior high schools to elementary school because of occupation by male principals at junior high school. 3) Women principals carry out responsibility both of occupational and of family by asking their parents (in law) for care of their family and young children.
大桃 敏行 秋田 喜代美 村上 祐介 勝野 正章 牧野 篤 藤村 宣之 本田 由紀 浅井 幸子 北村 友人 小玉 重夫 恒吉 僚子 小国 喜弘 李 正連 植阪 友理 市川 伸一 福留 東土 新藤 浩伸 齋藤 兆史 藤江 康彦 両角 亜希子 高橋 史子 星野 崇宏 伊藤 秀樹 山本 清 吉良 直 星野 崇宏 伊藤 秀樹

浅井 幸子
公益財団法人 日本学術協力財団
学術の動向 (ISSN:13423363)
vol.27, no.6, pp.6_26-6_29, 2022-06-01 (Released:2022-10-21)

現在進められている子ども政策の総合化は、福祉的な観点が焦点化されており、教育と学びの観点は後景化している。本稿では、グローバルなECEC(early childhood education and care)政策の動向を参照しつつ、教育と学びの観点の重要性を述べている。その際に、重要なのは、ECECに二つの考え方があるという事実である。一つは、将来の労働者たるべき子どもを就学と学びへと準備するものとしてのECECであり、もう一つは、今既に市民である存在の子どもに大人や仲間との交流の機会と市民であることを学ぶ機会を与えるものとしてのECECである。後者は子どもの権利を基盤としつつ醸成されてきた権利ベースの子どものイメージを基盤としている。総合的な子ども政策を構築するにあたっても、子どもをその未熟さやヴァルネラビリティにおいてのみ定義するのではなく、大人とともに世界の意味と文化を構築する存在、今、ここの市民として位置づける視点が必要である。
浅井 幸子
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.86, no.2, pp.249-261, 2019 (Released:2019-10-12)

浅井 幸子 黒田 友紀 金田 裕子 北田 佳子 柴田 万里子 申 智媛 玉城 久美子 望月 一枝
日本教師教育学会年報 (ISSN:13437186)
vol.27, pp.110-121, 2018-09-29 (Released:2020-07-06)

This study introduces a case of school reform in a public elementary school, hereon named “A-school”, in the city of O, Japan, in which all teachers engaged in the challenge to share their responsibility for all students in the school. The study analyzes how the teacher-community at A-school developed through the school reform. It is noteworthy that the teacher-community at A-school was uniquely developed by teachers’ sharing about their “inabilities” rather than “abilities”. The study, then, focuses on this unique sharing culture to analyze how individual teachers in A-school had experienced their school reform by using a narrative inquiry approach. Considering A-school as a narrative community, we interviewed several teachers and school staff, and analyzed their narratives from three viewpoints; “personal story”, “community narrative”, and “dominant cultural narrative”. As a result, we found out the following: (1) The narrative based on the dominant culture in ordinary elementary schools tends to emphasize individual classroom teacher’s responsibility for students in his/her own class. Such narrative makes it difficult for ordinary elementary schools to achieve the goal “All teachers should be responsible for all students in a school.” (2) Counter to the dominant narrative emphasizing individual responsibility, teachers in A-school positively disclosed their “inability” to share their responsibility for their students. The principal took the initiative to disclose her own “inabilities”, which then provided veteran teachers in A-school a safety to share their own “inabilities”. Those principal’s and veterans’ narratives then encouraged young teachers in A-school to also disclose their “inabilities”. (3) The teachers in A-school realized that being aware of one’s own “inability” and asking for others’ help do not mean giving up one’s own responsibility. Instead, the teachers found that they pursued their own responsibility through continuous questioning of their “abilities” needed for their students’ education.
山田 直輝 原 祐樹 川島 誠 浅井 幸江 井藤 聡美 深見 晴江 伊藤 守
一般社団法人 日本臨床衛生検査技師会
医学検査 (ISSN:09158669)
vol.67, no.3, pp.307-313, 2018

浅井 幸 横山 康之 斉藤 晃一 大友 友昭 松田 登
The Kitakanto Medical Society
北関東医学 (ISSN:00231908)
vol.35, no.4, pp.415-421, 1985-09-01 (Released:2009-10-15)

Diseases in the oral cavity of infants are very different from those of adults because the oral tissues of infants are growing, and the oral conditions such as food and drink or dental treatment materials are different. There are many indistinct points in the case of cysts or tumors of infants as there are few case reports on them. The authors have experienced the following interesting cases : Case 1 An 11-month-old male with a mucous cyst located in the left palate glossal arch.Case 2 A 1-year-old female with a fibroma located in the median palate.Case 3 A 1-year 8-month-old male with an embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma located in the left margin of the posterior tongue.Each patient was treated by resection under general anesthesia and the postoperative course was uneventful. Cases like the above are relatively infrequenct among infants. It is ordinarily thought that both mucous cysts and fibroma are caused by local factors and inflammation. Refering to our cases, we suggest that such diseases as mucous cysts and fibroma are related to antecedent embryological causes.
浅井 幸子
教育學研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.66, no.2, pp.183-192, 1999-06-30

浅井 幸子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.38, pp.307-316, 1998-03-26

The aim of this paper is to describe the thought process of Sukeo Sakurai (1887-1951) at a private experimental primary school "Ashiya-Jido-no-Mura" (1925-1938), forcusing on his pursuit of "Self". In Taisho liberal education the construction of "Self" in children was regarded as essential. But Sakurai attempted to reform education through pursuing for "Self" in himself as a teacher. Sakurai was a teacher at the elementary school attached to Nara women's higher normal school from 1917 to 1924,which was the main research center for developing "Learning Method". He criticized the proponents of the method on two grounds. First, after he lost his identity as a teacher at the school, he tried to reestablish it based on unmediated and emotional relationships with children. Second, he denied the existence of the generalizable truth in his pursuit for his inner truth. Sakurai established "Ashiya (Mikage)-Jido-no-Mura" in 1925 as a place where there was no oppression on "Self" of each child and teacher. Teachers came to the school to depict their own "Selves". Sakurai dreamed a utopia where people lived with perfect freedom, consolation, and happiness as in a playing park. But Sakurai's dream gradually became narcistic. With the shortage of funds, what "Ashiya-Jido-no-Mura" meant changed from a place as an utopia of "Self" to the stage where he performed a tragic hero. After closing the school in 1938,his pursuit for "Self" turned out to have stemmed from his narcistic love to "Mother", which supported and symbolized the nation "Japan".
浅井 幸子
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.38, pp.307-316, 1998-03-26

The aim of this paper is to describe the thought process of Sukeo Sakurai (1887-1951) at a private experimental primary school "Ashiya-Jido-no-Mura" (1925-1938), forcusing on his pursuit of "Self". In Taisho liberal education the construction of "Self" in children was regarded as essential. But Sakurai attempted to reform education through pursuing for "Self" in himself as a teacher. Sakurai was a teacher at the elementary school attached to Nara women's higher normal school from 1917 to 1924,which was the main research center for developing "Learning Method". He criticized the proponents of the method on two grounds. First, after he lost his identity as a teacher at the school, he tried to reestablish it based on unmediated and emotional relationships with children. Second, he denied the existence of the generalizable truth in his pursuit for his inner truth. Sakurai established "Ashiya (Mikage)-Jido-no-Mura" in 1925 as a place where there was no oppression on "Self" of each child and teacher. Teachers came to the school to depict their own "Selves". Sakurai dreamed a utopia where people lived with perfect freedom, consolation, and happiness as in a playing park. But Sakurai's dream gradually became narcistic. With the shortage of funds, what "Ashiya-Jido-no-Mura" meant changed from a place as an utopia of "Self" to the stage where he performed a tragic hero. After closing the school in 1938,his pursuit for "Self" turned out to have stemmed from his narcistic love to "Mother", which supported and symbolized the nation "Japan".