1 0 0 0 OA 日本書紀 30巻

[舎人親王] [編]
vol.[12], 1610
涌嶋 三津子 王 麗麗 日高 あゆみ 藤原 佐美 中島 涼 石 娟娟 西川 禎一
Osaka Urban Living and Health Association
生活衛生 (ISSN:05824176)
vol.54, no.4, pp.271-284, 2010-10-30 (Released:2010-11-10)

Escherichia coli is a normal inhabitant of the intestinal tract in humans and warm-blooded animals; however, certain strains cause enteric disease in their hosts and are referred to as diarrheagenic E. coli (DEC). Based on distinct epidemiological and clinical features, specific virulence determinants, and other characteristic markers such as enterotoxins and adherence phenotype, DEC strains have been classified into the following six pathotypes: enteropathogenic E. coli; Shiga toxin-producing E. coli; enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC); enteroinvasive E. coli; enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC); and diffusely adhering E. coli. E. coli that does not have any diarrheagenic characteristics other than the EAEC heat-stable toxin 1 (EAST1) gene is defined as EASTEC. Although EAST1 has not been widely accepted as a virulence factor, we focused our attention on EASTEC because outbreaks due to EASTEC O166:H15 have occurred in several cities since the first incident in Osaka, Japan, in 1996. In the present review, we discuss EASTEC as a possible seventh group of DEC. Guanylin is secreted in the colon and acts physiologically as an agonist of the guanylyl cyclase receptor to regulate electrolyte and water transport in the epithelia. EAST1, like the heat-stable enterotoxins of ETEC, may mimic guanylin and cause diarrhea. However, epidemiological studies show that the EAST1 gene (astA) is very prevalent not only among EASTEC strains from diarrheal patients but also in healthy people, domestic animals, and meat products. The presence of astA itself may therefore not necessarily indicate that the strain will be diarrheagenic in the intestine. Production of active EAST1 should be checked since astA seems to have numerous variants. The development of a convenient assay for EAST1 is essential. Further epidemiological studies are also required to elucidate whether EASTEC forms a seventh group of DEC; such studies would also identify additional virulence traits such as colonization factor.
江村 超 熊谷 正朗 王 磊 郷古 倫央
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.35, no.1, pp.17-23, 1999

Dynamically walking robots require attitude sensors of high resolution and wide-band frequency response. If these characteristics are not good enough, it is difficult to control the robots stably. Rate gyros are widely used attitude sensors in walking robots, but the rate gyro which has both characteristics of sufficiently high resolution and wide-band frequency response is heavy and expensive. Therefore, the authors tried to get a small, light and low-cost rate gyro which has excellent characteristics both in resolution and response frequency by using multiple sensors and subtraction type of filters.<br>In this paper, first, a method to expand response frequency of rate gyros without reducing their resolution and an idea of subtraction type of filters which are useful for expanding frequency range are presented. The subtraction type of filter means the filter that has a transfer function obtained by subtracting another transfer function from 1 (unity). This filter provides flat response after composing two signals whose response frequency ranges are different each other. In this case, one is a signal obtained from a rate gyro whose resolution is high enough but response frequency is low, and the other is a signal obtained from a rate gyro whose resolution is low but response frequency is high enough.<br>If we use an inclinometer together with rate gyros, we can sufficiently decrease zero-drift of gyros, because the inclinometer senses angular displacement by referencing gravity direction and its zero stability is high enough. However, the inclinometer is influenced by horizontal acceleration. This means that we have to use a low-pass filter whose cutoff frequency is extremely low to eliminate signal component induced by horizontal acceleration. Attitude sensor using two rate gyros mentioned above and one inclinometer showed good characteristics concerning zero stability, resolution and response frequency range.
王 子龍
東京大学 経済学研究
vol.60, pp.15-31, 2018

王 飛 高橋 光輝
研究報告デジタルコンテンツクリエーション(DCC) (ISSN:21888868)
vol.2016-DCC-12, no.7, pp.1-7, 2016-01-14

王 海波
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.10, pp.135-156, 2020-03-20

満洲語は満洲・ツングース系の言語であり、元々清国(1616-1912)を建てた満洲族の言語である。満洲語の古典語1(以下「 満洲古典語」または「古典語」)は17世紀から18世紀末にかけて清国で使用された満洲語を指す。本稿で扱う満洲語三家子方言と黒河方言2は、現在中国黒龍江省チチハル市富裕県三家子屯と同省黒河市で話される満洲語の方言である。また、本稿で扱う満洲語シベ方言3は、現在中国新疆ウイグル自治区のチャプチャルシベ自治県で話される満洲語の方言である。
王 治 渡部 大志
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18845258)
vol.18, no.6, pp.417-421, 2019 (Released:2019-12-27)

To improve the safety of autonomous cars, their obstacle detection capability in bad weather must be substantially improved. Haze is a major factor that degrades outdoor images. Although various dehazing schemes have been proposed, a dehazing scheme designed to improve obstacle detection capability has not been reported. Hence, we present a dehazing algorithm that enhances the safety of an autonomous car. This algorithm should be able to work in real time, even using edge computers typically installed as car electronics. Furthermore, this algorithm should work on grayscale images, as systems dependent on color images are often unaffected by environmental color changes caused by factors such as a setting sun. The empirical results showed that our grayscale image-based proposed algorithm is comparable to the results of current cutting-edge methods, and operates in real time.

1 0 0 0 OA 船山遺書

vol.第54册, 1865
名古屋大学人文学フォーラム (ISSN:24332321)
no.1, pp.93-106, 2018-03-31

Japan has the south part of Middle-East Railway and the right to operate of Fushun Coal after the Russo-Japanese War. In 1906, Japan established the South Manchu Railway Co. Ltd. and a number of immigrants from Japan as pioneers take this opportunity to 'develop' Manchu. At meanwhile, the local culture influence and interfere with "Manchu Railway". Japan began to publish newspaper and magazine in Manchu, which is known as "Cultural Development". For instance, the official magazine called THE LIGHT of MANCHURIA, which published by The Culture Association of Manchuria in 1920; it has been renamed as MANCHURIA. Japan is study the data about China in detail that basis on the survey and research though the newspapers and magazines. The main purpose of the study is the crucial task of national characteristic. According to the MANCHURIA, the Ballad of national character and social reality has become the most important reflects in the research. In the 1930s, a number of study books of Chinese folk songs have been published in Manchu. Some of them even still republished after the war. On this paper research is based on the MANCHURIA, which will focus on the Japanese interests at that age. As start the analyses on the data of Chinese folk songs or Manchu folk songs, and explain the study of how the Japan observe the Chinese society by folk songs study, and what is the role of folk songs played in this process. In addition, this paper also discusses the change of Chinese folk songs from 20s to 40s. This paper is divided into five parts, Japanese studies of Chinese folk songs and question consciousness; Chinese national character in folk songs; the imag e of China or Chinese in folk songs; the different landscape in Manchuria's new folk songs; resistance and marginalization of political folk songs.
石原 暢 篠原 翠 苫米地 伸泰 村田 浩美 王 文娟 水野 眞佐夫
日本生理人類学会誌 (ISSN:13423215)
vol.21, no.3, pp.87-95, 2016 (Released:2017-10-31)

This study aimed at evaluating the effect of habitual exercise and the level of daily physical activity on executive function (i.e. inhibitory control) and mental health status in youth adults. Twenty-four undergraduate- and graduateuniversity students participated in this study. All of the subjects underwent evaluations of their mental health (The General Health Questionnaire 28; GHQ28), inhibitory control (Stroop Color and Word Test), past- and current- exercise habits, and daily physical activity levels (International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Version). Current habitual exercise and the level of low intensity physical activity were inversely correlated with score for GHQ28. Past habitual exercise was inversely correlated with reaction time for incongruent trial of the Stroop Color and Word Test. The level of vigorous physical activity was inversely correlated to the accuracy for incongruent trial. This study demonstrates that the level of low intensity daily physical activity may improve inhibitory control and maintain the optimal status of mental health, while the level of vigorous intensity physical activity might lead to an impairment of inhibitory control in youth adults.
竹村 正明 廣田 章光 王 怡人 細井 謙一 原 頼利 富野 貴弘 土屋 勉男 井上 隆一郎 水野 学 滝本 優枝
