日浦 幹夫 織田 圭一 石渡 喜一 前原 健寿 成相 直 牟田 光孝 稲次 基希 豊原 潤 石井 賢二 石橋 賢士 我妻 慧 坂田 宗之
脳循環代謝(日本脳循環代謝学会機関誌) (ISSN:09159401)
vol.28, no.2, pp.297-302, 2017

<p>運動介入が脳機能の保持・改善に重要な役割をもつことが疫学および臨床研究により提唱されてきた.運動が脳機能に及ぼす影響と関連する生理学的背景を探索する目的で,PETを活用して有酸素運動による局所脳血流量(regional cerebral blood flow: rCBF)と脳μ-オピオイド受容体系の変化を検討した.oxygen-15-labeled water(<sup>15</sup>O-H<sub>2</sub>O)を用いたPET研究では有酸素運動中に一次運動感覚野,小脳,島皮質などで広範な脳領域でrCBFが増加することが示され,このような変化は局所の神経活動の亢進や周辺の神経受容体への影響を介して運動による神経可塑性の発現のメカニズムに関与することが推測される.<sup>11</sup>C-Carfentanil を用いたPET研究では有酸素運動後に生じるポジティブな気分変化や激しい運動に伴う疲労の発現に辺縁系や下垂体に分布するμ-オピオイド受容体系が関与し,その変化には運動強度の違いや気分変化の個人間差が影響することが提示された.PETを活用した神経画像研究は,運動に伴う脳機能変化のメカニズムに関与する要因であるrCBFおよび神経受容体系の変化を検証するために有用な手法である.</p>
石橋 武彦
兵庫農科大學研究報告. 畜産学編 (ISSN:04415450)
vol.1, no.2, pp.27-28, 1954-12

鶏を暗室で飼育した場合は前回報告したと同様生殖腺の発達は抑制せられて性成熟は遅らされるが冠や肉髯は極めてよく発達する。併し此の様な冠の発達は去勢して暗室に飼育したものでは認められないことから暗室飼育の影響は直接冠に変化を与えるものではなく矢張り先ず生殖腺に影響し二次的に冠に及ぶものと考えられる。此の研究は九州大学農学部畜産学教室で加藤嘉太郎教授の御指導の下に行われた。加藤先生の御懇篤なる御指導に感謝すると共に多大の御援助を賜わつた松尾信一教官に厚く御礼を申上げる。 / The size of fowl's comb becomes larger in proportion to the development of gonad, for the comb growth depends mainly upon the presence of androgen. In the bird kept in dark room, however, the comb and wattles develop well in spite of small testis. In order to determine the various factors which influence upon the comb growth, the author has reared capons in lighted-or dark-room for about 5 months from the 40th day to the 180th day after hatching, and made a trial whether such a phenomenon is observed on the capons kept in the dark room or not. The result does not show the effect of darkness on the comb growth of the capon, accordingly, it is thought that darkness stimulates the gonad and effects indirectly upon the comb growth.
上田 広和 三瓶 良和 日浦 祐樹 石橋 正敏
石油技術協会誌 (ISSN:03709868)
vol.72, no.4, pp.333-346, 2007

Oil fields occur in the Sagara district of Shizuoka Prefecture, despite the disadvantageous geological conditions of a fore-arc setting. We investigated the petroleum system of this fore-arc basin in southern Shizuoka Prefecture based on hydrocarbon compositions of oils, source rock potential, organic matter type, and burial history of the Paleogene to Neogene sediments. Argillaceous rock samples from the MITI-Omaezakioki well and from outcrops in the Kakegawa and Sagara districts were analyzed for geochemical properties by CHNS elemental analyzer, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, and GC/MS.<br>Various maturity parameters in the Sagara oils indicate differing maturity levels, ranging up to the condensate zone. The range in maturity parameters is wider in the northwest flank of the Megami anticlinorium than in the southwest flank. The upper layers of the Lower Miocene Towata Formation and the lower layers of the Lower Miocene Matsuba Formation have relatively high potential for hydrocarbon generation (up to TOC=0.9 wt%, S<sub>2</sub>=2.8mg/g and HI=350mg/gC). The highest-potential layer of the Matsuba Formation was probably deposited in a highly productive marine environment during deposition of siliceous clastic sediments. No equivalent high-potential layers were identified in the MITI-Omaezakioki well, suggesting that the organic-rich layer formed only in the northern part of the basin. In the Eocene-Oligocene Mikura Group, layers relatively rich in TOC (up to 0.7 wt% in over-matured black shale) were observed in the Kakegawa area and also in the MITI-Omaezakioki well. According to epimerization of sterane and hopane isomers, thermal gradient was higher in the northern part of the basin than in the south. In both areas the Kurami Group only reached medium-light oil zone, whereas the Mikura Group reached the condensate zone. The thermal structure of the basin thus changed significantly between the Paleogene and Neogene.<br>On the basis of basin modeling simulation of the MITI-Sagara well, medium-light oils (Ro=0.7-1.0%) were generated in the Mikura Group at ca. 29 Ma and 15 Ma, and condensates (Ro=1.2%) at ca. 2 Ma. The Kurami Group generated medium-light oils (Ro=0.7-1.0%) at ca. 15 Ma and 2 Ma. Therefore, the ca. 2 Ma condensates from the Mikura Group migrated and were contaminated by oils from the Kurami Group and bitumens from the upper reservoir layers (e.g. Sagara Group).
石橋 賢 深瀧 創 宮田 一乘
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.30, no.1, pp.229-236, 2015

Recently, sizzle words have been utilized for various product packages. These words have effective communicative performance to convey deliciousness of food. In particular, onomatopoeias are used for many product packages because they can convey the texture of food sensuously. When using sizzle words, producers may consider consumers' impressions. This study aims to investigate the relations between consumers' impressions and sizzle words through an experiment. The experimental targets were four rice crackers of different hardness because their textures were directly related to consumers' impressions and some packages of rice crackers used a few sizzle words for advertising. The results of this experiment indicated five tendencies: (1) the sizzle words regarding satisfaction, tradition, and typicality, and the onomatopoeias including "<i>zaku</i>" are appropriate for an extremely hard rice cracker; (2) the sizzle words regarding lightness and comfort, and the onomatopoeias including "<i>saku</i>" are appropriate for a non-hard rice cracker; (3) the sizzle words regarding aridity, fineness, and unforgettable taste are appropriate for a slightly hard rice cracker; (4) the onomatopoeias expressing crunchy texture are appropriate for a quite hard rice cracker; (5) rough texture of food brings a sense of satiety. In addition, we performed a factor analysis using the results with 14 onomatopoeias in the experiment. The analysis results showed three factors: brittleness, irritation, and lightness. In future, we expect that these results can be utilized for guiding a choice of an appropriate sizzle word.
進士 智子 大西 司 石橋 正祥 山本 彩加 長野 明日香 相良 博典 巖本 三壽 石井 正和
特定非営利活動法人 日本禁煙学会
日本禁煙学会雑誌 (ISSN:18826806)
vol.12, no.6, pp.111-119, 2017-12-22 (Released:2018-01-30)

【目 的】 薬局における受動喫煙防止対策を妨げている要因を明らかとするために、アンケート調査を実施した。【方 法】 t-薬局いんふぉに掲載されている薬局の管理薬剤師(500名)を対象にアンケート調査を実施した。【結 果】 回収率は46.0%(230/500名)だった。全面禁煙している薬局は77名に留まった。全面禁煙化していなかった薬局(151名)のうち、分煙や受動喫煙防止対策がない(対策なし)と回答したのは37名だった。全面禁煙化していない薬局では、全面禁煙している薬局と比較して、年齢が高く、個人経営が多かった。また、禁煙支援には非積極的であり、受動喫煙に対する理解も乏しかった。【結 論】 受動喫煙防止対策が不十分な薬局の薬剤師は、年齢が高く、個人経営であった。
山本 彩加 石橋 正祥 大西 司 巖本 三壽 石井 正和
特定非営利活動法人 日本禁煙学会
日本禁煙学会雑誌 (ISSN:18826806)
vol.13, no.4, pp.71-78, 2018-12-12 (Released:2019-01-23)

【目 的】 薬局での加熱式タバコの販売や、薬局薬剤師の加熱式タバコ使用者に対する禁煙支援に関して、禁煙外来を行っている医師の考えを明らかとするためにアンケート調査を実施した。【方 法】 禁煙外来を行っている医師(200名)を対象にアンケート調査を実施した。【結 果】 回収率は37.0%(74名/200名)だった。加熱式タバコが紙巻タバコに比べて有害性が低いと感じる医師は約3割にとどまった。加熱式タバコにより薬物治療での疾患のコントロールに影響がでたと感じた医師が19名(25.7%)いた。医師は薬局での加熱式タバコの販売を制限し、薬局薬剤師が加熱式タバコ使用者に禁煙支援をすべきと考えていた。【結 論】 加熱式タバコ使用者に対して、禁煙支援することは当たり前になってきている。医師は、薬局薬剤師が加熱式タバコ使用者に対して禁煙支援することを求めている。
石橋 敬太郎
一般財団法人 日本英文学会
英文学研究 支部統合号 (ISSN:18837115)
vol.6, pp.53-60, 2014

In his play Bussy dAmbois (c. 1604), George Chapman created a hero who takes an unyielding stand against courtiers at Henry III's court and governs himself by the law of his own reason. More important in the play is that Guise and Monsieur appear as ministers of fate and providence. The French courtiers are controlled by stoic moral doctrine, the belief in the rationality of Nature. According to the stoics, God imparted a rational design to the degrees of Fate which govern Nature. In Chapman's play, the French courtiers believe that human nature is created within the divinely ordered scheme. For Bussy D'Ambois, however, human nature is constructed from the law of his own reason, not from the supernatural existences of fate and providence. Bussy challenges the providential view of human nature conceived by Guise and Monsieur. What is the nature of the element that made Chapman embody the hero's idea of human nature in a sharp contrast with that of the French courtiers? To examine this problem, I would like to focus on interrogation of the stoic view of human nature by intellectuals in the early Jacobean period. In the time when Bussy d'Ambois was composed, it was believed among the stoics that natural law emerges from the universe as "encoded" in creation with order, value and purpose. In virtue of his rational capacity, man synchronizes with this teleological design and discovers within it the main principles of his own moral law. The most famous exponent of such view was Richard Hooker, a divine of the Church of England in Elizabethan period. He combined with it a version of Christian providentialism. In the play, Bussy claims that rational man is a law unto himself, preserving a higher degree of virtue than law can legislate. He governs himself by the law of his own reason. There is a remarkable parallel between the portrait of Bussy and Sir Francis Bacon's portrait of human nature. In Bacon's view, the ontological basis of human beings was nature as the intrinsic principle-intellectual reason-within himself, not derived from God. Considering human nature as intellectual reason, he attempted to free people from the stoic traditional authorities, such as church and sacred kingship. In this sense, the hero's view of nature in the play serves as the precise inversion of Hooker's positive dependence of man upon God-man within nature created by God. To illustrate the conflict between the two human natures, it is important that Bussy's love for Tamyra is gained by obedience to reason. With his refusal of stoicism, the play's supernatural dimension works against fate and providence. In particular, Behemoth and his spirits are shown to be incompetent. But Guise sees the hero's interrogation of providentialism creating an arbitrary order that jeopardizes all "law", especially the idea of kingship itself. By the actions of Guise and Monsieur, finally, Bussy dies in a scene which begins with repudiations of teleology, providence and natural law to be found anywhere in stoicism of the early Jacobean period. An idea of fate and providence in human nature is still preserved at Henry III's court. However, the effect is too detached to praise Guise and Monsieur's providentialism. Actually, Bussy is transmogrified into a new star in the "firmament," an abiding reminder of his repudiations of stoic view, at the end of the play. Strongly aware of Bacon's human nature, therefore, Chapman illustrated the conflict between the two human natures seen in early Jacobean period. In doing so, the dramatist explored the significance of the hero striving to insulate himself from the stoic view of human nature by his self-fashioning in order to become a law unto himself.
藤村 彰夫 安部 正真 中村 智樹 野口 高明 岡崎 隆司 矢田 達 石橋 之宏 白井 慶
vol.2010, pp.63, 2010

田中 宏昌 石橋 忠良
公益社団法人 日本コンクリート工学会
コンクリート工学 (ISSN:03871061)
vol.19, no.6, pp.3-11, 1981-06-15 (Released:2013-04-26)

鉄道構造物の高架下は現在多目的に利用されている。そのため, 高架下からの火災の発生により列車の運行に支障の生ずることもある。本稿は, 鉄道高架橋の火災被害とその復旧方法について紹介するものである。
小松 弘典 及川 利洋 石橋 大樹
The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.63, no.6, pp.594-603, 2005-06-01 (Released:2009-11-13)
2 4

The demand for 2'-deoxynucleosides is increasing rapidly in the fields of gene therapy, biological research, and medical diagnosis. Development of an efficient synthetic method has been expected over the past few decades. We developed a novel synthetic method applicable to industrial manufacture of all four natural 2'-deoxynucleosides. Chemically synthesized 2-deoxyribose 1-α-phosphate (dRP) was enzymatically converted to thymidine (T), 2'-deoxycytidine (dC), 2'-deoxyadenosine (dA), and 2'-deoxyguanosine (dG) in the presence of nucleoside phosphorylase. This chemo-enzymatic method consists of three distinctive technologies : (i) stereoselective synthesis of dRP by crystallization-induced asymmetric transformation; (ii) an efficient method to expedite enzymatic conversions by adding Mg (OH)2; (iii) development of a new enzyme for the enzymatic synthesis of dC.
青木 友浩 西村 真樹 片岡 大治 石橋 良太 森下 竜一 野崎 和彦 橋本 信夫 宮本 享
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中学会
脳卒中 (ISSN:09120726)
vol.32, no.6, pp.538-543, 2010-11-26 (Released:2010-12-03)

Cerebral aneurysm (CA) is a main cause of a lethal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Given the high incidence of CA in general population, the mechanisms of CA formation should be unlabelled and novel medical therapy for CA before rupture should be developed. The typical pathological feature of CA walls is the decrease of extracellular matrix (ECM). Decreased ECM results in the weakness of CA walls leading the enlargement and rupture of CA. In this article, we have reviewed the recent findings about the mechanisms of decreased ECM in CA walls mainly revealed by experiments using rodent CA models. ECM is the dynamic structure with the continuous synthesis and degeneration of matrix protein. In CA walls, the induced expressions of proteinases by chronic inflammation in arterial bifurcation are present and actively participated in the pathogenesis of CA. Further the synthesis of collagen is suppressed in CA wall through inflammatory stimulus in arterial walls. These results combined together indicate that both decreased synthesis and increased degeneration of ECM by chronic inflammation in CA walls contributes to CA formation. Further these results demonstrate the therapeutic potential of anti-inflammatory drugs for CA.
芦澤 一英 内川 清彦 服部 禎一 石橋 泰雄 三宅 康夫 里 忠
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.110, no.3, pp.191-201, 1990-03-25 (Released:2008-05-30)
1 2

In designing the dosage form, one major factor controling their physicochemical properties is solid forms of the drug powder. The method for improving the physicochemical stability of unstable β-lactam antibiotics is very important. E1040 is a novel parenteral 3-betaine type cephalosporin which has a broad antibacterial spectrum and potent activities against Citrobacter, freundii, Enterobacter cloacase, and glucose-nonfermentative bacteria, including P. aeruginosa. The present study was intended to provide the solid-state chemical stability of perenteral steril dry dosage form of E1040. The chemical stability differences among the various solid forms, dry amorphous, additive freeze dried amorphous solid and crystalline powder, were evaluated as a function of temperature by thermo stress tests. Freeze dried anhydrous amorphous form was the first steril dry dosage form investigated during the preformulation study. However, this compound is chemically unstable, in the titer of them, reduction are observed in the freeze dried amorphous solid. In order to select the most suitable solid form of E1040, two methods were used. One was crystalline solid and the other was NaCl additive freezedried formulation. Through our experiments, the solid-state chemical stabilization can be achieved by these two methods (effect of crystal structure and effect of NaCl additive).
武石 勝 筏圭 太朗 武田 英嗣 石川 信幸 田上 雅之 中俣 由紀子 石橋 晃
ペット栄養学会誌 (ISSN:13443763)
vol.5, no.2, pp.63-69, 2002-04-10 (Released:2012-09-24)

Although a large number of ferrets as a pet are increasing in Japan, they are imported from USA, Canada, and New Zealand etc. Because there are a few available reports on the nutritional character of them, in order to develop a diet for ferrets, three experiments were conducted using gonadectomized male and female ferrets. In Expt.1, the intake of diets with one of four protein sources, meat meal, chicken meal, fish meal and soybean meal was compared. The intake of diet with meat meal was most among them. In Expt.2, the intake of meat meal diets with five crude protein (CP) levels from 20 to 40% CP were compared. The diet with 30% CP was most consumed. When the meat meal diet with 30% CP was supplied daily the consumption of CP and digestible energy per metabolic body size (BW kg0.75) were estimated to be 11.3 g and 150 kcal/day, respectively. In Expt.3, the digestibility of nutrients and the absorbed rate of amino acids of meat meal diet with 30% CP were determined by total feces collection method. The digestibilities were estimated to be 83.0% for CP,96.0% for crude fat, and 74.2% for nitrogen free extract, respectively. The average absorbed rate of AA was higher than 70%. The obtained values except digestibility of NFE were higher than those reported in cats.
岩田 大吾 土岐 知弘 大森 保 石橋 純一郎 高井 研
日本地球化学会年会要旨集 2008年度日本地球化学会第55回年会講演要旨集
pp.137, 2008 (Released:2008-09-06)

鳩間海丘は南部沖縄トラフの水深1,500 mに位置する直径約4 kmのカルデラ火山である。沖縄トラフの海底熱水系は背弧・島弧系であり,堆積物が豊富であるという特殊な環境から世界で初めて海底面からの二酸化炭素ハイドレートの噴出が観測されるなど,日本における熱水研究に様々な科学的題材を提供してきた。鳩間海丘における熱水活動は,1999年の有人潜水探査船「しんかい2000」による潜航調査において初めて発見された。2006年8月に行われたNHKの取材時には,世界で初めて熱水が青く見える現象が観測された。過去の調査では観測されたことのない青色熱水であることから,海底熱水活動の活発化した可能性等が指摘された。本研究では,発見当時青く観測された熱水噴出孔から2007年3月及び7月に熱水試料を採取し,化学分析すると共に分光学的に解析を行い,2000年の分析結果と比較して化学組成の変化と青く観測された原因を明らかにした。