佐野 晴洋 山下 節義 川西 正祐 井口 弘 吉永 侃夫 小城 勝相 塚本 幾代 藤田 博美 岡本 浩子 加藤 伸勝 宮本 宣博 浮田 義一郎 山根 秀夫 森 律 池田 栄三 乾 修然 藤岡 惇 阿部 醇吉
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.37, no.2, pp.566-579, 1982-06-30 (Released:2009-02-17)
1 3

An epidemiological survey and clinical investigations were carried out on 162 retired workers from manganese mines and ore grinders, who were the residents of the Tamba district of Kyoto Prefecture. Most of the workers had been employed in small industrial factories with less than five employees under very poor working conditions. Fifty-five percent of them had worked in the mines and factories for longer than 11 years. Forty-six percent had been retired for 11-20 years, whereas 27% for longer than 21 years. A group of 124 people living in the same region but who had not been exposed to manganese served as the control group.The incidence of subjective symptoms associated with chronic manganese poisoning such as emotional instability, psychomotor irritability and neurologic abnormalities was apparently high in the experimental group and it increased with the period of exposure to manganese dust. Twenty-eight percent of the workers reported the subjective symptoms while they were employed, but 45% of them reported as late as six years after they retired.Of the retired workers, five (3.1%) had parkinsonism, three (1.9%) showed symptoms of hemiparkinsonism, and fifteen (9.3%) showed neurological symptoms including maskedlike, gait unbalance, slurred speech and imparied fine movements. Forty-five percent of these patients recognized these abnormalities for more than five years after they had left the contaminated workings. It is noteworthy that 39% of the retired workers were diagnosed as having pneumoconiosis.Some of the problems encountered in diagnosing manganese poisoning after exposure has been terminated is also discussed here.

1 0 0 0 OA 筠庭雑考

中山 豊男 平良 盛三 池田 昌人 芦澤 広 織田 実 荒川 勝雅 藤井 節郎
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.41, no.1, pp.117-125, 1993-01-15 (Released:2008-03-31)
5 10

By developing 6-amidino-2-naphthyl 4-guanidinobenzoate (I, FUT-175) as a basic structure, its various derivatives were synthesized and their inhibitory activities on trypsin, plasmin, kallikrein, thrombin, C1^- and C1s^- as well as on complement-mediated hemolysis were examined. The protective effect of these compounds on complement-mediated Forssman shock was also examined in guinea pigs. 6-Amidino-2-naphthyl 4-[(4, 5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-2-yl)amino]-benzoate (41, FUT-187) was found to be a suitable compound for oral administration with anti-complement activity superior to that of compound I.
中田(有田) 節子

梅山 秀明 工藤 貴子 中川 節子
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.29, no.2, pp.287-292, 1981-02-25 (Released:2008-03-31)
7 10

The heat of complex formation of H3PBH3 was calculated to be -15.3 kcal/mol by double zeta ab initio LCAO MO SCF calculations ; this is very similar to the experimental values for (CH3)3PB(CH3)3 and (CH3)3PBF3. The origin of complex formation of H3PBH3 was elucidated by energy decomposition methods. The order of contributions is ES-(41%)>CT (37%)> PL (22%). The d atomic orbitals on phosphorus play a role in increasing the polarization energy upon complex formation. The barrier to internal rotation of H3PBH3 was calculated to be 2.4 kcal/mol, which is in very good agreement with the experimental value of 2.47kcal/mol. The exchange repulsion and the charge transfer energy related to the staggered form contribute to the barrier to internal rotation. The change of the charge transfer energy corresponds to the difference of the barrier heights between H3PBH3 and H3SiCH3. The energies of complex formation of F3PBH3 and (CH3)3PBH3 were calculated, to investigate the origin of the barrier to internal rotation.
大石 勉 平岡 節郎 加藤 禎人 多田 豊 全 炯圭 山口 隆生
The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
化学工学論文集 (ISSN:0386216X)
vol.24, no.6, pp.907-911, 1998-11-20
2 1

バイオリアクターとして実用化されている特殊撹拌翼 EGSTAR (イージースター) の動力特性を実験的に明らかにした.邪魔板無しの所要動力は摩擦係数と修正 Re数を用いたパドル翼に対する亀井ら (1995) の動力相関式の形でまとめることができた.パドル翼に対する翼相似パラメーターγ<I>n</I>p<SUP>0.7</SUP><I>b/H</I>は EGSTARでは1.57γ(<I>d/H</I>)(<I>h</I><SUB>d</SUB>/<I>d</I>)<SUP>0.59</SUP>と修正された.邪魔板有りの所要動力は亀井らの動力相関の手法を用いることができた. EGSTAR撹拌翼の完全邪魔板条件とそのときの動力数は次式で示された.<BR>(<I>BW/D</I>) <I>n</I><SUB>b</SUB><SUP>0.8</SUP>≧0.74 (<I>h</I><SUB>d</SUB>/<I>d</I>) <SUP>0.12</SUP><BR><I>N</I><SUB>Pmax, ε</SUB>=3.7 (<I>h</I><SUB>d</SUB>/<I>d</I>) <SUP>0.59</SUP> (1-ε) <SUP>-1.1</SUP>
伴 節

齋藤 宗香 倉橋 節也
横幹連合コンファレンス予稿集 第4回横幹連合コンファレンス
pp.67, 2011 (Released:2012-03-14)

河村 善也 亀井 節夫 樽野 博幸
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.28, no.4, pp.317-326, 1989 (Released:2009-08-21)
24 41

The Middle and Late Pleistocene mammalian faunas of Japan are described with new opinions on their succession and relation to the continental faunas. Although fossil materials assignable to early Middle Pleistocene are seemingly scarce in Japan, the fauna of that time is considered to have been transitional between the Early and Middle Pleistocene ones. On the other hand, fossil records which are younger than early Middle Pleistocene are abundant from the mainlands of Japan; viz. the Honshu-Shikoku-Kyushu area.In the middle Middle Pleistocene, the fauna of this area contained a considerable number of taxa which are extant today in the area (about 50%). It was also characterized by a high proportion of endemic species and the predominance of temperate forest elements. From this time to the late Middle Pleistocene, several species disappeared from the fauna; at the same time, immigrants from the continent were scarce. The faunal characters of the late Middle Pleistocene were basically identical with those of the preceding time.In the early Late Pleistocene, no mammal seems to have immigrated from the neighboring continent, and faunal composition was almost consistent with that of the late Middle Pleistocene. The elements of that fauna still persisted in the late Late Pleistocene, apart from the extinction of a few forms. In addition to the fact mentioned above, immigration from the northern part of the continent was recognized in the late Late Pleistocene, although it was restricted to a few large herbivore forms and to a short time duration.The introduction of the continental faunas to the mainlands of Japan during Middle and Late Pleistocene times was not so remarkable as previously inferred. Therefore it becomes doubtful that the faunas of the area were drastically replaced by the immigration of the Choukoutien, Wanhsien and Loess faunas of China during those times.
吉本 充宏 藤井 敏嗣 新堀 賢志 金野 慎 中田 節也 井口 正人
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017

富士山周辺の市町村では、火山防災行政担当者は2〜3年で異動する。これらの担当者は、異動当初の数日の引き継ぎのみで、基礎的な知識等については、火山防災パンフレットや短時間の講演会を聴講するのみである。そのため、知識の伝達や対策の継続性がしばしば滞ることがある。これまでも研修会や図上訓練などを実施することにより、火山防災担当者のスキルを向上させる試みは数多く行われているが、効果が上がっていない場合も多い。図上訓練の効果を上げるには、さまざまな個々の火山や火山防災特有の知識を必要とするが、それらを簡単に提供できる仕組みもない。本研究では、行政担当者が、継続的に知識を取得し、共通課題を共有し、地元の火山噴火に的確に対応できる人材育成を目指した研修プログラムを構築することを目的とする。関係機関へのヒアリングを基に研修プログラム案を作成し、平成29年1月に試験的に研修会を実施した。プログラムの内容は火山噴火や災害の基礎知識、実際の噴火災害対応に関する知識、現行の富士山火山広域避難計画を学び、それらを振り返るための演習(図上訓練)で、実施時間は半日、他の業務と連携して行えるように富士山火山防災会議協議会山梨県コアグループ会議に合わせて開催した。研修会の運営はNPO法人火山防災機構に依頼し、研修会には、オブザーバーを含め50名が参加した。演習としては、「噴火警戒レベルに応じて実施する対策」と題してワールドカフェ形式の図上訓練を行い、最後に全体討論会として班毎の発表と講評、アンケートを実施した。 アンケートの結果、総じて定期的な火山防災研修を望む声が多く、年に1~2回程度実施し、2回の場合は担当者が新規に入れ替わる4月と秋頃に各1回程度、火山防災協議会開催時と同時期に行うのが望ましいとの情報が得られた。開催時間は演習100分程度を含め半日程度が望ましく、内容としては今回実施した内容に加えて「火山防災情報」や「住民等への広報」等の内容が必要とされる。運営面では、別途予算の確保は必要となるが、持続的に実施する場合においては担当者が変わらない民間事業者等の支援を受けることも有効だと考えられる。 本研究は、東京大学地震研究所と京都大学防災研究所の拠点間連携共同研究によって行われたものである。
根本 俊和 青木 秀夫 池 愛子 小林 節雄
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.22, no.10, pp.635-639,659, 1973

本邦においてはゴキブリを起因抗原とする気管支喘息はまだ報告されていない.ゴキブリ(クロゴキブリ)の虫体成分から作製された抽出液を用い, 39例の喘息例に皮内反応を行ったところ, 4例(10%)のものが即時型陽性であった.皮内反応陽性のもの3例に吸入誘発試験を行ったところ, 1例のものにゴキブリ抽出液(16PNU 1ml)の吸入呼吸困難と乾性ラ音が出現した.症例:36才, 主婦症例は1961年以来呼吸困難発作を起こし, 最近ゴキブリの臭いをかぐと息苦しくなるのに気づいている.26種類の抗原抽出液で皮内反応を行ったところ, 室内塵, ゴキブリ, ブロンカスマベルナの3抽出液に陽性であった.Prausniz-Kustner反応を室内塵とゴキブリについて行い, 両者とも陽性であったが, 熱処理血清で陰性であった.中和試験を行い, ゴキブリと室内塵とは互いに交叉しないことが証明された.ゴキブリ抽出液の吸入により, FEV_<1.0>は1620mlから1160mlと28%の減少をきたした.
常盤 洋子 矢野 恵子 大和田 信夫 今関 節子
北関東医学 (ISSN:13432826)
vol.52, no.1, pp.43-52, 2002-01-01 (Released:2009-10-21)

【背景と目的】女性にとって出産期は母親になる危機的移行期ととらえることができ, 出産体験は母親の自尊心や産褥早期の母子相互作用にプラスまたはマイナスに影響する可能性があると考えることができる.多胎児の出産はハイリスクな状態におかれるため, 母子ともに生命の危険にさらされる機会が多く, 母親が出産による心的外傷を受ける危険性が高いことが考えられるが, 双胎児を出産した母親の出産体験の自己評価と母親意識の関係についての実証的研究は少ない.そこで, 本研究では, 双胎児を出産した母親の出産体験の自己評価と産褥早期の母親意識との関係について検討することを目的とした.【対象と方法】調査の対象は, 双胎を出産した母親11名, 初産婦7名, 経産婦4名.不妊治療による双胎7名, 自然双胎は4名である.分娩様式は, 経膣分娩2名, 帝王切開11名である.研究期間は平成11年2月~平成12年8月であった.経膣分娩をした母親は産褥3日目に, 帝王切開分娩の場合は一般状態が安定し, 創部痛の訴えがなくなったことを確認してから面接が実施された.面接内容は出産体験の自己評価と母親意識の2項目について半構成的面接が実施された.具体的には, 出産体験については, 「出産はどうでしたか」, 「あなたの出産体験は点数をつけるとしたら何点ですか」, 「その理由は何ですか」の3項目について面接を行った.母親意識の形成・変容については, 母親になった実感として, 「母親になった実感はどのようなときに感じますか?」, 「母親としての充実感」, 「子どもの養育についての気持ち」, 「子どもの成長についての気持ち」の4項目について面接が実施された.面接の内容はテープに録音し, 逐語録を作成した後, 出産体験の自己評価と母親意識について内容分析を行った.【結果】100点を満点とする母親の自己採点による出産体験の満足度は出産様式による違いは認められず, 個々の理由によるものであることが示された.出産体験の自己評価に影響を及ぼす要因は単胎を出産した母親を対象にした常盤ら (2001) の先行研究の結果と違いはなかった.具体的には妊娠期の健康管理, 分娩方針に関するインフォームドコンセント, 出産に対する満足感, 新生児の健康状態, 出産直後の児への接触, 分娩時・分娩直後の産科医療スタッフの関わりがあげられた.【考察】産褥早期に出産体験を肯定的に評価した母親は双子の育児に積極的に関わる態度が確認された.一方, 出産体験を否定的に受け止めている母親は産褥早期に授乳を拒んだり, 子どもを可愛いと思えないなど母親になる心理過程において専門家の心理的援助を必要とすることが示唆された.
安斉 碕 赤坂 巌 木下 孝明 石辺 尚明 友清 直 東 節男
Nihon University School of Dentistry
The Journal of Nihon University School of Dentistry (ISSN:00290432)
vol.17, no.3, pp.66-72, 1975

From the experimental results it is made out that both PAC and ZPC, when soaked in water, show contraction and weight change to a great degree. That is, PAC shows contraction in dimension ranging from 0<I>i</I>20% to 0.28% 30 minutes after the beginning of mixing, while ZPC shows 0.24% of contraction. From the comparison of PAC and ZPC in the velocity of contraction in the initial stage of setting, it is presumed that PAC, as compared with ZPC is very slow in the velocity of setting reaction and unstable, for in the case of PAC, contraction continues for about 10-20 days, while ZPC becomes almost stable after 5 days. That is, it is presumed that contraction and weight decrease appearing in the initial stage of setting are closely related to the setting reaction. It is generally considered that the setting reaction of polyacrylic acid whose molecular formula is (CH<SUB>2</SUB>CHCOOH) n is due to the chelate bond between COOH of polyacrylic acid and Zn ion dissociated from ZnO, accompanied with dehydration, but it has not been confirmed as yet. But, at least, it can be presumed that the form of this bond would be -O-Zn-O-C-O- and Zn<OO>C-.<BR>Again, it is considered that as the result of chelate bond, water formed is gradually scattered outside from the set product of cement and consequently the weight decrease proceeds gradually. That is, it is presumed that the setting reaction due to chelate proceeds comparatively slow to continue for a long time. This is obvious from the fact of weight decrease, too. It is indeed a very interesting fact that in all cases except D, the weight change curves are rising from a day after, indicating the weight increase becoming larger gradually, and though there are some possible reasons for this fact such as the association between COOH group, the hydrophilic group existing in the molecule of polyacrylic acid, and H<SUB>2</SUB>O, water absorption due to the pores in the surface of set products and the transformation of zinc oxide ZnO into zinc hydroxide Zn(OH)<SUB>2</SUB>, still there remain points not yet clarified in this phenomenon. Again, as D, though the weight decrease can be seen up to 20 days after, from the fact that its weight increases slightly after 30 days, it can be presumed that in this case too, like in other cases, weight increase is ultimately continuing. But in this case, the setting reaction is considered_ very slow.<BR>On the other hand, it is a wonder that the dimensional change curves show contraction despite the weight increase. But from the fact that contraction becomes larger as time goes on, it can be presumed that the weight increase, unrelated to contraction caused by the setting reaction, is mainly due to the water absorption at the surface of set products.<BR>Anyway, it is obvious that PAC has contractivity and water absorbability. From this very fact it can be presumed that there is the possibility of the excellent adhesive strength of PAC being gradually deteriorated.<BR>Next, the dimensional and weight changes after 30 days in case the powder-liquid ratio is varied are as follows : in case the amount of powder is increased by 20% as compared with the standard consistency, the contraction rate decreases by approximately 50%, and the weight increase becomes very slow. Contrarily, in case the amount of powder is decreased by 20%, the results become completely reversed.<BR>The above fact suggests that in case the amount of powder is increased, ZnO showing a filler effect in the set products presumably suppresses the contraction. Again, the increase of the amount of powder means the relative decrease of polyacrylic acid, and it is understood that the weight change decreases because of the decrease of the unreacted acid and the decrease of the pore rate.<BR>At any rate, by making the amount of powder increased it becomes possible to make the dimensional and weight changes with the passage of time smallest, and undoubtedly the efficiency of cement can be
川口 安郎 中村 芳正 佐藤 俊幸 武田 節夫 丸中 照義 藤井 節郎
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.98, no.4, pp.525-536, 1978

After oral administration of 5-fluoro-1, 3-bis (tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-2, 4-pyrimidinedione (FD-1), the level of 5-fluoro-2, 4-pyrimidinedione (5-FU) was 5 to 7 times higher in the plasma and normal tissues and 8 to 12 times in tumor tissue than after administration of 5-fluoro-1-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-2, 4-pyrimidinedione (FT). Moreover, these levels were maintained longer than after administration of FT. In tumor tissue, the concentration of 5-FU was still as high as 1.42 &mu;g/g 12 hr after administration of FD-1. FD-1 was degraded to 5-fluoro-3-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-2, 4-pyrimidinedione (3-FT) by liver microsomal drug-metabolizing enzymes in vitro and to FT spontaneously. Subsequently, FT was converted enzymically to the active substance, 5-FU, and 3-FT changed to 5-FU spontaneously. Conversion of FD-1 to 5-FU via 3-FT was greater than via FT. It is concluded that a large amount of 5-FU formed after administration of FD-1 is formed via 3-FT. &gamma;-Hydroxybutyric acid was found to be formed in vivo and in vitro from the tetrahydrofuranyl group of FD-1.