藤田 之彦 日吉 一夫 若杉 直俊 作田 亮一 柳田 恭子 淵上 達夫 後藤 一彦 大久保 修 内海 康文
一般社団法人 日本小児神経学会
脳と発達 (ISSN:00290831)
vol.20, no.1, pp.59-63, 1988-01-01 (Released:2011-08-10)

ロタウイルス腸炎罹患を契機にそれまで頻発していた痙攣発作が一時的に全く消失した点頭てんかんの2例を報告した. 2例ともに症候性点頭てんかんであり, 一日に10回程度のシリーズ形成の痙攣発作が下痢出現後3日目には1日に1回となり5日目からは全く消失した. また脳波上も2例ともに改善し, 発作波は限局化を示した. しかしそれぞれ痙攣発作消失後16日目と30日目に下痢出現前と同様の発作型で再発した. これらの作用機序は不明であるが, 突発性発疹症や麻疹などの感染症でも同様の報告があり免疫学的作用機序などが推察された.
横光 健吾 金井 嘉宏 松木 修平 平井 浩人 飯塚 智規 若狭 功未大 赤塚 智明 佐藤 健二 坂野 雄二
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.86.14321, (Released:2015-09-15)

This study explores the psychological effects that Japanese people experience when consuming their “Shikohin”, such as alcohol, tea, coffee, and tobacco. We conducted a cross-sectional study among 542 people, from 20-to 69-year-old, who regularly consumed any one of “Shikohin” in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, and Chiba. The participants responded to an anonymous questionnaire concerning the consumption patterns of their “Shikohin” and the psychological effects that they experienced in taking in their “Shikohin”. Results obtained using the K-J methods showed three common psychological effects in each “Shikohin”. These effects included an increase in relaxation response, the promotion of social relationships, and an increase in positive mood. Our findings suggest that Japanese people may get some common effects through consumption of different “Shikohin”.
若狹 重克
藤女子大学QOL研究所紀要 (ISSN:18816274)
vol.11, no.1, pp.79-86, 2016-03-31

矢野 裕芳 若色 峰郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.591, pp.49-56, 2005
1 1

This study aimed to identify planning factors that relate effective utilization of large-scale public gymnasium for athletic meets. In this topic, the utilization states of the arena space of Yoyogi National Stadium was surveyed. The following items were considered as planning factors to effective utilization of an arena space: 1) Duration of event 2) Features of spectators, number of spectators, number of days of using the facility, the ratio of "number of spectators" to "number of days of using the facility", and period necessary for preparation for each event 3) Kind of temporary equipment and places to install the equipment 4) Load carrying capacity of floor for installing the equipment, view from spectators' seats, methods of using lighting fixtures, and methods for installing scaffolds for the equipment 5) Heavy-duty zone to install large equipment used in the event
若宮 翔子 ヤトフト アダム 河合 由起子 秋山 豊和 荒牧 英治
情報処理学会論文誌データベース(TOD) (ISSN:18827799)
vol.9, no.3, pp.14-24, 2016-09-30

森 淳子 宇都宮 彬 鵜野 伊津志 若松 伸司 大原 利眞
大気環境学会誌 (ISSN:13414178)
vol.32, no.2, pp.73-89, 1997-03-10

1990年から1992年, 九州北部の2地点(対馬と福岡県小郡)においてエアロゾル観測を実施した。大気中での寿命が長く広域汚染の原因と考えられる硫酸粒子(サルフェート)については両地点において一致した挙動がみられた。一方, 硝酸粒子(ナイトレート)とアンモニア粒子は観測地点周辺の影響を受け, 内陸に位置する小郡では, 離島の観測地点である対馬に比べ両イオンの濃度が高かった。1991年6月と1992年2月に両地点でS0_4^<2->を中心に高濃度現象がみられた。1992年2月の観測データのイオンバランスの解析から, 対馬では酸性のNH_4HS0_4粒子の存在が示された。この2つのエピソードを中心に, 観測データとトラジェクトリー解析により輸送過程の解析を行った。1991年6月は典型的な梅雨期の気象条件であった。九州北部地域が梅雨前線の南部に位置する場合には太平洋高気圧下で低濃度, 北部に位置する場合には高濃度となった。これは, 大陸・朝鮮半島の大発生源から排出された汚染物質が前線の北部に滞留・変質しつつ前線付近に北西の気流によってもたらされたことが一因と考えられた。これらの結果は, 梅雨期においても大陸起源の高濃度の汚染物質の長距離輸送が生じることを示している。一方, 1992年2月に観測されたサルフェートなどの高濃度現象は, 西高東低の気圧配置下において北西季節風によって大陸からもたらされたと考えられる。低気圧は北緯23〜30。付近の日本の南岸を次々と通過し, その後に中国大陸東岸付近に高気圧が張り出し西高東低の気圧配置が出現している。この条件下で吹き出した北西風により大陸からの高濃度汚染物質が九州北部に輸送されたと考えられ, 冬型の気象条件下での高低気圧の通過が長距離輸送の要因であることが示された。
山口 信吉 山沢 新吾 若林 嘉一郎
農業機械学会誌 (ISSN:02852543)
vol.43, no.2, pp.239-245, 1981 (Released:2010-04-30)

米粒胚乳の応力緩和係数を求めるため, 前報と同様に円柱状の胚乳試片の単軸圧縮試験および応力緩和試験を行い, 次に示す結果を得た。(1) 米粒の長さ方向, 幅方向および厚さ方向の負荷試験より, 米粒はほぼ等方性であると認められた。(2) ひずみ約1%以内で, 米粒の粘弾性は線形を示し, 縦応力緩和係数E(t) およびせん断応力緩和係数G(t) を表す実験式は試片の温度と含水率の関数となる。(3) 米粒を熱および水分レオロジー的に単純な材料と仮定すると, 基準状態 (T0=293°K, w0=0.17d. b.) における応力緩和係数と換算時間の関係, すなわち, マスター曲線を表す実験式が得られた。
向井 孝徳 宮下 裕充 若木 利子 松永 久美子 福本 太郎 沢村 一 新田 克己
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. AI, 人工知能と知識処理 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.106, no.38, pp.1-6, 2006-05-11

これ迄,マルチ議論エージェントシステムにおいて,各エージェントの知識ベースは,対象問題に関する言明文(ルール)で表現され、オントロジー知識は用いられていない.一般にWeb上の電子商取引等の問題では,売り手と買い手の売買に関するそれぞれの固有の戦略的知識以外にオントロジー知識を用いた推論が必要と考えられる.本研究では、各議論エージェントがセマンティックWeb上のOWL DL言語,または,記述論理SHOIN(D)で表現された共有知識としてのオントロジーと,EALP(或は,ELP)の論理プログラムで表現された各自のルールベースの知識の両者を議論・推論で扱えることを目的として,オントロジーに関する単調な記述論理推論系と対話的証明論に基づくマルチ議論エージェントの非単調な推論との統合推論方式の提案,及び,それに基づく議論エージェントシステムとセマンティックWeb推論系の統合推論システムの試作と評価を行なった.
若生 広子 高橋 伸夫 松井 圭介
The Geographic Education Society of Japan
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.49, no.3, pp.12-33, 2001

The purpose of this study is to investigate the spatial structure and characteristics of tourism activities of women living in northern residential area of Sendai City. What we are concerned particularly here are the changes in women's tourism activities by life-stage. A questionnaire survey on one-day recreation, lodging tourism and overseas tourism in the past one year was held in July, 1999 for this study.<br>The results of our study can be summarized as follows.<br>All the destinations of one-day recreation concentrate within a sphere with 180km radius from home. But, the spatial structure of lodging tourism presents different patterns according to the time periods. The destinations of one-night lodging tourism concentrate within a sphere with 350km radius from home, while some destinations of two-nights lodging tourism distribute in the nationwide range. On the one hand, destinations of two or fewer nights lodging tourism concentrate along the south-north axis composed by the Tohoku Expressway and Shinkansen. On the other hand, the destinations of three or more nights lodging tourism distribute throughout the whole country.<br>We can find the relationship between destination selection and purpose, companion, transport approaches and seasons. Furthermore, women's intention such as for shopping and food can also be found in destination selection.<br>There exists a significant relationship between women's tourism activities and their life-stage, which is divided by marriage, the birth of the first child and the age of the youngest child. With less domestic constraint, both unmarried women and childless married women have a kind of higher frequency and wider space tourism activities. And most of unmarried women take tour with their friends.<br>Compare with it, the tourism activities of married women with children present a kind of lower frequency and narrower space pattern if their youngest children are still infants. And the majority of their companions are limited to their family members. Although their tourism activities become higher in frequency and wider in space as their youngest children grow up, their companions don't change. This phenomenon suggests that the tourism activities of married women with children have been influenced greatly by childcare.<br>The tourism activities of married women with children begin to change when their children entered junior high school. Their tourism activity spaces turn to be narrower and they always tour with their husbands or friends as their children grow up. They can decide their tourism purposes by themselves. It can be thought as a result of the independence of their children.
若生 広子 高橋 伸夫 松井 圭介
新地理 : 日本地理教育學會會誌 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.49, no.3, pp.12-33, 2001-12-25
2 3

The purpose of this study is to investigate the spatial structure and characteristics of tourism activities of women living in northern residential area of Sendai City. What we are concerned particularly here are the changes in women's tourism activities by life-stage. A questionnaire survey on one-day recreation, lodging tourism and overseas tourism in the past one year was held in July, 1999 for this study.<br>The results of our study can be summarized as follows.<br>All the destinations of one-day recreation concentrate within a sphere with 180km radius from home. But, the spatial structure of lodging tourism presents different patterns according to the time periods. The destinations of one-night lodging tourism concentrate within a sphere with 350km radius from home, while some destinations of two-nights lodging tourism distribute in the nationwide range. On the one hand, destinations of two or fewer nights lodging tourism concentrate along the south-north axis composed by the Tohoku Expressway and Shinkansen. On the other hand, the destinations of three or more nights lodging tourism distribute throughout the whole country.<br>We can find the relationship between destination selection and purpose, companion, transport approaches and seasons. Furthermore, women's intention such as for shopping and food can also be found in destination selection.<br>There exists a significant relationship between women's tourism activities and their life-stage, which is divided by marriage, the birth of the first child and the age of the youngest child. With less domestic constraint, both unmarried women and childless married women have a kind of higher frequency and wider space tourism activities. And most of unmarried women take tour with their friends.<br>Compare with it, the tourism activities of married women with children present a kind of lower frequency and narrower space pattern if their youngest children are still infants. And the majority of their companions are limited to their family members. Although their tourism activities become higher in frequency and wider in space as their youngest children grow up, their companions don't change. This phenomenon suggests that the tourism activities of married women with children have been influenced greatly by childcare.<br>The tourism activities of married women with children begin to change when their children entered junior high school. Their tourism activity spaces turn to be narrower and they always tour with their husbands or friends as their children grow up. They can decide their tourism purposes by themselves. It can be thought as a result of the independence of their children.
若林 千代
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1999, no.120, pp.10-27,L5, 1999

In contemporary Okinawan history studies, attention has largely focused on events in the political process of the reversion to Japan in 1972 and thus presenting the image that Okinawan postwar history can be neatly divided into two distinct eras. Recently, however, this premise has been questioned in light of the rape incident of 1995 and recent political issues, which show that pre-1972 problems remain almost three decades later. The U. S. -Japan military security regime has consistently been the main factor that fetters democracy and self-reliance in Okinawa throughout both periods.<br>This thesis proceeds from the premise above, and the author maintain that the basic foundation of relations and issues in postwar Okinawa until the present day originates after the Battle of Okinawa in 1945. The U. S. Forces inherited, occupied and developed the military air bases on Ie Island, central and south west coast of Okinawa Island (where U. S. Forces are based now) which the Japanese Army had constructed in the early 1940's. The surviving Okinawans interned in camps in the Northern area were not permitted to return to their homes and rebuild their villages.<br>On 15 August, the U. S. military government established the Advisory Council of Okinawa to rebuild government functions, a body composed of fifteen Okinawan representatives chosen by the Okinawan leaders and the American authorities. Although the Council was an organization hand-picked by the U. S. military government from above and no more than a sup-port group for the occupation, the debates in the Council went beyond the implementation of administrative policies. According to the records, the Council sought &ldquo;self-government&rdquo; institutions including the separation of police powers, war reparation from the Japanese government, freedom of speech. and press, popular elections for the democratic governmental body, and the proposition of a constitution for Okinawa. These debates were primarily focused on the situation inherited from Japanese rule, in which the Okinawans became enmeshed in the modern Japanese state system not as a colony, yet as a marginalized group within an imperialist power.<br>The demands for political change, however, did not last long. The events in the weeks after the surrender of Japan between August and October 1945 shuttered them. From late September to early October, the U. S. Joint Chiefs of Staff designated the military bases in Okinawa as a &ldquo;primary base, &rdquo; for possible air base sites in the American overseas base system, and examined the possibility of exclusive rule. The U. S. Military Government in Okinawa changed the orientation of its &ldquo;self-government&rdquo; program and ignored the debates formerly discussed by the Advisory Council. Moreover, the military government suppressed freedom of speech and press, the Okinawans' demands to be allowed to return to their villages, and a general election for the governor and gubernatorial elections. The military government regarded the Okinawans as having no experience of living in a &ldquo;democracy&rdquo; and therefore the most appropriate form of government in Okinawa was the &ldquo;prewar political institutions&rdquo; with its strict controls from above. This, of course, reflected U. S. military strategy as it sought to use Okinawa as a &ldquo;primary base&rdquo; and develop a governing structure that would facilitate &ldquo;exclusive rule&rdquo; by U. S. Forces.<br>The Okinawan political leaders in the Advisory Council reacted cautiously to the military government and attempted to avoid conflicts with its new ruler. In spite of pressure from the Okinawans for the return of their villages and agricultural land, the Council ignored the petition protests from the leaders of local districts. The Advisory Council finally recognized that the &ldquo;Nimitz Proclamation&rdquo;
小豆畑 康児 川名 秀忠 東 守洋 東 和彦 若新 英史 大矢 佳寛 佐野 文子 亀井 克彦 張ケ谷 健一
日本医真菌学会総会プログラム・抄録集 第49回 日本医真菌学会総会 (ISSN:09164804)
pp.176, 2005 (Released:2005-09-07)

症例は 70 歳の米国人男性。来日前から中耳炎と難聴があり、来日後は咳、発熱が続いていた。某院に通院、その後、入院していたが、症状が悪化し、千葉大学医学部付属病院に転院した。血尿・蛋白尿が出現し、C-ANCA も陽性だったことから Wegener 肉芽腫症の診断がなされ Cyclophosphamide 及びステロイドによる治療が行われた。治療開始から約一ヵ月後、胸水の出現とその増加があり、上肺野には斑状影を認めた。胸水培養より特定できない真菌が検出されたため、千葉大学真菌医学研究センターにおいて精査したところ、血清抗体価、PCR、DNA シークエンスなどから Coccidioides immitis と判明した。これに対し、抗真菌薬による治療を行ったが、肺症状の悪化と低酸素血症が続いた。その後、全身状態も悪化し、胸水の出現から約一ヶ月半で死亡した。千葉大学において病理解剖が実施され、検索の結果、肺・肝臓・脾臓に内生胞子を充満したコクシジオイデスの球状体が見られた。
濤榮松 宏仁 樽茶 清悟 石川 統 藤原 晴彦 塩川 光一郎 深町 博史 若林 健之 桑島 邦博 土肥 絢子 グラー ロバート 吉田 榮 植田 榮司
vol.32, no.4, pp.4-19, 2001-03

学部教育を考える/壽榮松先生を送る/この13年は何であったか/石川統先生を送る/定年退官に際して思う、40年の研究生活のこと/塩川光一郎先生を送る/35年の研究を振り返って : 生命を電子で見る/若林先生を送る/理学部での日々/土肥絢子さんを送る/退官にあたって/吉田さん退官によせて
三部 靖夫 渡辺 真太郎 干 冬 中村 太一 若宮 直紀
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. IE, 画像工学 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.102, no.468, pp.13-18, 2002-11-14

槇 俊孝 若原 俊彦
vol.2014-GN-92, no.16, pp.1-5, 2014-05-08

近年,Web上のデータをリンクしてデータ共有を効果的に行う LOD(Linked Open Data) が注目されている.LOD は構造化されたデータ同士をリンクさせ,セマンティック・ウェブを実現するために必要不可欠なものとなっている.本研究では,Wikipedia を用いた LOD を提案し,これを用いて論文にメタデータを自動付与し論文のクラスタリングを試みる.電子情報通信学会は,2013 年 4 月から論文誌や研究会などの論文を横断的に検索できる I-Scover を提供しているが,キーワードや技術分野などのメタデータが欠損などにより完全ではないという問題点がある.そこで我々は,I-Scover に登録されている論文データを対象にして Wikipedia による LOD を用いてメタデータの自動付与を行い,論文のクラスタリングによって検索効率の向上を図る.