西川 向一 平澤 由美
Japan Ergonomics Society
人間工学 (ISSN:05494974)
vol.35, no.3, pp.177-184, 1999-06-15 (Released:2010-03-12)
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床暖房環境が学習に与える影響を計測するため, 被験者実験を実施して検討を行った. 学習の定義は様々であるが, 学習を集中力, 注意力, 記憶力に基づく精神作業と定義し, 環境がそれぞれの作業に与える影響の計測を行うこととした. 実験では, 床暖房方式の頭寒足熱型とその逆の環境である頭部が暑く足下が寒い頭熱足寒型の環境を設定し, それぞれの環境で学習を計測して比較を行った. その結果, 集中力を計測するために行った連続加算テストでは, 床暖房環境では作業量の降下が見られず集中力が持続していることが確認できた. ブルドン抹消テストによる注意力の計測では, 床暖房環境下で高い注意力が現れていることを確認した. また, 記憶力のテストでは, 短期記憶の再生, 及び記憶の再認する2つのテストにおいて床暖房環境はともに良い結果であった. これらの結果は, 床暖房環境が学習を行うのに適した環境であること示唆している.
西川 俊作
三田商学研究 (ISSN:0544571X)
vol.14, no.5, pp.41-65,表3枚, 1971-12
西川 泰夫
放送大学研究年報 (ISSN:09114505)
no.26, pp.25-37, 2008

本論では、「心理学」という学問が、わが国に移入され定着するに至る背景やことの経緯を当時の人物の交流関係から再検証するとともに、なお未解決の論点をあらたな資料を基に再検討した。しかしなお、今後に多くの論点が残る。 心理学(新心理学)の導入と定着に日本初の役割を担ったのは、元良勇次郎である。その彼がアメリカ留学に至る間の経緯は、新島襄と津田仙との深い交友関係による直接、間接のつながりに支えられていた。この件を再検証する。 一方、そもそもの「心理学」と言う名称の由来やその語源(原語)に関する論点もなお未解決である。「心理学」という日本語表記と「psychology」という英語表記との結びつきはいかに確立したのか。この件の発端には、西周の大きな関与がある。彼は、ヘーヴンの著作「精神哲学(メンタル・フィロソフィー)」を訳出して「心理学」と題して出版した。他方、西は自著や他の訳書では一貫して、「サイコロジー」に対して「性理学」と訳出していて、心理学とサイコロジーとを直接結びつけてはいない。しかし、性と心は同義語と想定することも可能である。この仮説の再検証に当たっては、西村茂樹の著作や講演内容がヒントとなることが分かった。西村は当時、文部省で編纂課長を務める傍ら、大学に「聖学科」を置くというアイデアを提唱してもいた。また、「性善説」と題する講演で、この「性」という用語の定義内容を確定するために、これを「心」と読み替えて行うと述べている。さらに、彼の著作「心学講義」では、彼の言う「西国の心学」とは「心理学」に他ならないという主張を展開している。こうした見解をもとにあらためて「心理学」という名称の由来と当時の「心理学」の制度的位置づけを検討した。 なお、西村茂樹と津田仙は、幕末の佐倉藩士という共通の出自をもつ。彼らの略伝を示し「心理学」のルーツをめぐる議論に重ね彼らにまつわる広い人脈ならびに相互関係への言及を試みた。千葉県郷土史、近現代史の一断面である。
村嶋 正幸 成田 有吾 岩崎 英一 橋爪 永子 出口 晃 西川 政勝 出口 克巳 白川 茂
The Japanese Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis
日本血栓止血学会誌 (ISSN:09157441)
vol.3, no.6, pp.392-398, 1992-08-01 (Released:2010-08-05)
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The effect of a novel compound, 3-isobutyryl-2-isopropylpyrazolo [1, 5-a] pyridine (ibudilast, KC-404), on human platelet aggregation and its mechanism of action were investigated.In vitro, KC-404 inhibited human platelet aggregation induced by ADP, collagen, adrenalin, platelet activating factor and arachidonic acid but not by ristocetin. Together, KC-404 and agents which increased cAMP (prostaglandin I2, prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), forskolin) or cGMP (3-morpholinosydnonimine (SIN-1)) produced synergistic inhibitory effects on platelet aggregation.KC-404 inhibited human platelet cAMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) (IC50: 50μM) and cGMP-PDE (IC50: 5.2μM) activities. cAMP and cGMP concentration of human platelets were not increased by KC-404 itself. PGE1, an adenylate cyclase stimulator, increased cAMP content; KC-404 enhanced the effect of PGE1 on cAMP accumulation. SIN-1, which stimulates guanylate cyclase, increased cGMP content; KC-404 enhanced the effect of SIN-1 on cGMP accumulation.These results suggest that effects of KC-404 on accumulation of cyclic nucleotides and inhibition of platelet aggregation are mediated via inhibition of platelet cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activities.
西川 武志 小林 菜津美 岡安 多香子 山田 玲子 磯貝 恵美子 磯貝 浩 山下 利春
公益財団法人 日本ビフィズス菌センター
腸内細菌学雑誌 (ISSN:13430882)
vol.20, no.4, pp.321-327, 2006 (Released:2006-11-28)

カテキンの抗菌活性については多くの報告がみられている.一方,最近ペットボトル等のお茶を飲む人が多くなっている.そこで,市販のカテキン含有飲料の病原性大腸菌感染症に対する予防効果を検討することを目的として,腸管出血性大腸菌O157(EDL931およびHK)および非病原性大腸菌MV1184に対するカテキン含有飲料の増殖抑制作用について検討した.また,併せて毒素産生抑制作用についても検討した.紅茶,緑茶1,緑茶2および番茶は大腸菌に対して強い増殖抑制作用を示した.この中でもカテキン含有量の最も多い緑茶2が,すべての大腸菌に対し極めて強い増殖抑制作用を示した.また,供試したE. coli O157はベロ毒素1型(VT1)産生株であり,紅茶,緑茶1,緑茶2,および番茶によって毒素の産生は抑制あるいは阻止された.これらの結果から,茶を飲用することは,O157をはじめとする病原性大腸菌感染症を予防するのに有効であると考えられた.
加藤 拓哉 関野 正樹 松崎 大河 西川 敦 齋藤 洋一 大崎 博之
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.50, no.1, pp.180-188, 2012-02-10 (Released:2012-07-13)

We previously proposed an eccentric figure-eight coil design which induces sufficient currents in the brain at lower output powers of stimulator. In the present study, numerical analyses were performed with various coil design parameters, such as outer and inner diameters and number of turns, to investigate the influence of these parameters on the eddy current distribution in the brain and the coil characteristics. Increases in the inner diameter, the outer diameter, and the number of turns caused increases in the induced currents. In order to downsize the stimulator system, we need to strengthen the eddy current in the brain, maintaining inductance as small as possible. Our results show that it is effective to enlarge outer diameter. In addition, there is only small difference in the eddy current distributions between the eccentric coil and the concentric coil in direction along with the coil plane and with depth of the brain.
安藤 利奈 山崎 知恵子 岩城 寛尚 辻井 智明 矢部 勇人 西川 典子 永井 将弘 野元 正弘
一般社団法人 日本臨床薬理学会
臨床薬理 (ISSN:03881601)
vol.48, no.5, pp.167-171, 2017-09-30 (Released:2017-10-28)

Parkinson's disease (PD) causes motor impairment, but motor dysfunction can be improved by treatment. However, the package inserts of PD therapeutic drugs state “do not drive a car” as an important precaution in Japan. In addition, the package insert of non-ergot dopamine agonist (DA) states specifically “do not drive a car or operate a machine” as a warning because non-ergot DA causes sudden sleepiness and somnolence. On the other hand, driving is a very important means of transportation for daily living and work. Even though doctors explain at the clinic that the patients should not drive while on medications, many patients are forced to drive in everyday life. In addition, somnolence and sudden sleepiness differ among individuals. Therefore, doctors are confused about instructing patients to refrain from driving. We investigated the relation between non-ergot DA and driving situation in PD patients, which is a serious issue in the clinical setting. All 362 PD patients who visited our offices were interviewed regarding their driving situation, and detailed medications and car accidents were examine in 154 patients who continued driving a car or stopped driving after the onset of disease. In the investigation of medications, 51 patients were taking non-ergot DA, 36 patients (70.6%) of whom continued to drive. In addition, 20 of 154 patients had serious car accidents, but only six of the accidents were associated with somnolence and sudden sleepiness. In the examination of medications at the time of accident, there was no difference between non-ergot DA and other medications. These results suggest that upon receiving instructions from healthcare professionals, PD patients drive while making appropriate judgment about medication-induced somnolence. However, in this study, the number of patients who experienced serious car accidents was small, and the numbers of patients taking ergot DA and non-ergot DA were limited. Further larger scale study is required to confirm the findings. Preparation of guidelines related to instructions on taking PD medications is necessary, which include medication taking during holidays, consideration of the occurrence of sudden sleepiness and somnolence, and judgement of whether to continue driving.
西川 亮 西村 幸夫 窪田 亜矢
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.80, no.710, pp.895-905, 2015

&nbsp;This research focuses on the &ldquo;historical routes policy&rdquo; by the Cultural Affairs Agency in Japan. This paper aims to clarify 1) its philosophy, 2) the policy's influences on local areas and 3) this policy's difficulties.<br>&nbsp;The results are as follows;<br>&nbsp;1) The policy aims both conservation of the routes in the regional scale and walkable environment.<br>&nbsp;2) Not only the historical routes but also the heritage along the routes were listed and conserved.<br>&nbsp;3) Changes of the framework and the character of the historical routes made this policy difficult to succeed.
西川 知亨
京都社会学年報 : KJS
vol.9, pp.219-235, 2001-12-25

An individual sometimes recognizes embarrassment in everyday life. He tends to hate to be embarrassed. So he tends to avoid embarrassment. This "embarrassment avoidancers" image is one aspect of socialized man. But this aspect cannot fully cover the social meaning of "embarrassment". "Embarrassment" seems to have some crucial social meaning not only in avoidance but also in expression. This essay is to evaluate the social meaning of embarrassment from Goffman's point of view. Embarrassment can be recognized when something (or someone) is deviated from some rules. This essay is dealing with two contexts. First, it deals with the embarrassment when someone's act seems to be deviated from some ritual rules. Second, it deals with the embarrassment when incompatible principles seem to encounter in one place. In both cases, an individual tries to deal with emerged embarrassment. In the first case, he or others try to change the meanings of deviant act into the meanings that can be seen as acceptable. The main devices for remedial work are, for example, accounts, apologies, and requests. And in some cases, embarrassment is not an object of avoidance but one of expression. This seems to be one aspect of elasticity of social structure. In the second case, it is almost impossible to change principles in one situation. He tries to adjust oneself to reduce the seriousness of conflict by denying current reality. And to express embarrassment has some social function. To express embarrassment leaves the possibility that incompatible principles can maintain. So embarrassment has social function for elasticity of social structure. "Embarrassment" seems to tell us how we lead our lives in many incompatible social principles.
西川 徹
日本生物学的精神医学会誌 (ISSN:21866619)
vol.25, no.3, pp.131-134, 2014 (Released:2017-02-16)

本シンポジウムでは,4 名のケタミンによる抗うつ効果の研究者が,最近得た成果について講演した。初めに,世界で初めてうつ病患者の治療に低用量のケタミンを導入した,Yale大学精神科の Krystal 教授が単独で投与した低用量ケタミンの抗うつ作用について最新の知見を報告した。次に,札幌鈴木病院の岡本主任医長が国立精神・神経医療センターで行った,難治性うつ病への修正電気療法において,麻酔にケタミンを使用する方が通常の propofol を投与するより優れていることを示した。3 番目の,浜松ホトニクスの塚田 PET センター長は,サルにおける PET 脳画像解析を進め,低用量のケタミンが NMDA 型グルタミン酸受容体遮断薬としてだけでなく,セロトニン取り込み阻害薬としても作用することを明らかにした。最後に,ミシガン大学の Domino 教授が抗うつ効果と基礎研究がもたらした謎のいくつかを説明する,ケタミンの多様な神経薬理学的メカニズムを展望した。
西川 輝昭
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.34, pp.67-70, 2013-02-28 (Released:2018-03-30)

The current financial crisis at the International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature (ITZN) is reported here in the hope of inspiring widespread participation in an urgent, earnest, and ultimately successful fund-raising effort to save it. The organization, purpose, and history of ITZN are recounted here in brief, and evidently for the first time in Japanese, to foster a wider and better understanding of its significance. ITZN financially supports the entire operation of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) and its Secretariat, whose activities are indispensable for stability in the scientific names of animals. The Commission is responding innovatively to new technical opportunities by developing tools to make nomenclature more accessible and reliable, as shown by the 2012 amendment to the Code to allow valid electric publication and the relaunch of ZooBank, the Official Registry for Zoological Nomenclature, in a new architecture and better interface, both giving rise to an impressive increase in registrations. Establishing ZooBank as a gold-standard archive of scientific names is as important a task as the related endeavors of keeping archives of type specimens (the core role of Natural History Collections) and archives of published information (the core role of libraries and online data archives). ITZN's financial underpinnings must be restored quickly, with an assurance of steady and adequate future income. The risk is such that it could fail and be dissolved as soon as 2013. If ITZN founders, ICZN's ability to function will be severely compromised. A new "subscription" campaign to encourage annual pledges of funds to ITZN from stakeholder institutions and organizations around the world (museums, learned societies, businesses, etc.), including in Japan, is outlined.