堀部 純男
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.6, no.4, pp.180-185, 1967-12-30 (Released:2009-08-21)
2 2

Principle and experimental method of paleotemperature analysis were reviewed. The temperature coefficient of equilibrium constant of exchange reaction of oxygen atom between water and carbonate is large enough to enable us to calculate temperature of formation of carbonate in water. By the recent development of mass spectrometric and experimental techniques for the measurement of isotopic ratio of oxygen, paleotemperature can be measured within the experimental error of ±0.5°C and the development is completely attributed to the effort of Urey group. Japanese mass spectrometer such as Hitachi RMU-6 and RMS-4 can be used satisfactorily for this purpose. The development of other temperature scale such as phosphateand silicate-scale is strongly desired to eliminate the hypothesis that the old ocean water had the same oxygen-18 content as that of the present day.
川幡 穂高 氏家 宏 江口 暢久 西村 昭 田中 裕一郎 池原 研 山崎 俊嗣 井岡 昇 茅根 創
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.33, no.1, pp.19-29, 1994-02-28 (Released:2009-08-21)
4 4

海洋における炭素循環の変動を調べるために, 西太平洋に位置する西カロリン海盆の海底深度4,409mから堆積物コアを採取して, 過去30万年にわたり平均1,000年の間隔で無機炭素 (炭酸カルシウム) と有機炭素の堆積物への沈積流量を詳細に分析した. その結果, 炭素カルシウムの沈積流量は過去32万年にわたって大きく変動し, 極小値が約10万年の周期をもっていることが明らかとなった. また, 有機炭素の沈積流量は, 主に氷期に増大したが, これは基礎生物生産が高くなったためであると考えた. 無機炭素と有機炭素の形成・分解は, 海洋と大気間の二酸化炭素のやりとりに関しては, 逆の働きをしている. そこで, 堆積粒子に含まれる両炭素の沈積流量の差を用いて, 大気中の二酸化炭素の変動と比較した. その結果, 約5万年前の炭酸カルシウムの沈積流量が非常に増加した時期を除いて, 大気中の二酸化炭素濃度の変動と堆積粒子中の有機・無機炭素沈積流量の変動は第一義的に一致しており, 大気中の二酸化炭素の変動と海底堆積物とが何らかの関連をもっていたことが示唆された.
早田 勉 八木 浩司
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.30, no.5, pp.369-378, 1991-12-25 (Released:2009-08-21)
8 8

Stratigraphic studies of local tephras distributed around the foot of Quaternary volcanoes in Northeastern Honshu, Japan have been carried out since the beginning of the 1969's. Since the discovery of the AT tephra in Fukushima Basin in 1976, a total of seven late Quaternary widespread tephras have been found, interbedded at many localities with local tephras. These are the B-Tm, K-Ah, AT, DKP, Aso-4, Pm-I and Toya tephras, in descending order. They link the stratigraphy of local tephras throughout the late Pleistocene with those in the central and southern parts of Japan. Consequently they are useful in studies of late Quaternary tectonic movements, geomorphic history relating to climatic change, volcanic activities and archaeology in Northeastern Honshu.Ignimbrites of the Lower and Middle Pleistocene have been found in the vicinity of Mt. Hakkoda, along the upper course of the Tama River, Onikobe and Shirakawa areas. Widespread tephras, predating the last interglacial, have not been discovered there yet. It is necessary to find them to support the development of geochronology and other related studies of the Middle Pleistocene in Northeastern Japan.
松井 愈 松澤 逸巳
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.23, no.4, pp.233-244, 1985-01-31 (Released:2009-08-21)
8 7

The purpose of this paper is to report the stratigraphy, age and tectonic movement of the Pliocene-Late Pleistocene deposits on the Makubetsu Plateau in the central region of the Tokachi plain on the basis of the geological relations of these deposits and K-Ar age data of the pyroclastic materials and obsidian pebbles collected from 8 horizons in these deposits.1. The Tokachi Super Group, Pliocene-Early Pleistocene, distributed in this Plateau, is divided into the Ikeda and the Osarushinai Formations in ascending order. According to the molluscan and foraminiferal fauna, paleomagnetic stratigraphy and K-Ar age data, the age of the Ikeda Formation is correlative to the latest Pliocene, and the Osarushinai Formation to Early Pleistocene. The Osarushinai Formation, composed of clastic and pyroclastic materials, was accumulated in shallow sea and terrestrial basin formed subsequently by the westerly shifting of the center of the Ikeda depositional basin.2. The Makubetsu Plateau was transformed into an upheaving area after the deposition of Osarushinai Formation, while the Obihiro Basin remained as a relatively subsiding area. Along the western margin of the Makubetsu Plateau runs an active tectonic line called Oribe Fault.3. It is noticeable that the thick fanglomeratic deposits, the Kochien Gravel Bed, prevail throughout this Plateau. The lithofacies of this Gravel Bed suggest that the western hinterland, Hidaka Belt, was eroded away vigorousely in Middle Pleistocene. Some younger gravels and pyroclastic deposits cover the dissected Kochien Gravel Bed. Those younger gravel deposits are fan-surface deposits formed by erosion and resedimentation of the older thick gravel bed.4. The areal changes in the altitudes of both the upper surface and the basal level of the Kochien Gravel Bed in and around this area have been critically analyzed to detect the Late Pliocene to Holocene tectonic movements which displaced and deformed this gravel bed. It has been disclosed as a result of this study that the activity of the Oribe Fault has a right-lateral strike-slip component and shows a vertical component decreasing gradually since Early Pleistocene. Moreover, it is worth notice that the Oribe active fault appears to have originated along the boundary between the Hidaka and Tokoro belts.
安田 喜憲
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.21, no.3, pp.255-271, 1982-10-31 (Released:2009-08-21)
30 36

Pollen analytical examination is carried out using the 32.2m core taken from a bottom of the Lake Mikata which is located in Fukui Prefecture (35°33′32″N.L.. 135°53′40″ E.L.). From the result of pollen analysis, 10 local pollen zones can be distinguished that is from lower upward MG (I, II, III), FG (I, II, III, IV, V), L and R. Each local pollen zone is sub-divided into several sub-zones.MG I and II zones (ca. 50, 000-41, 000B.P. years) are characterized by stabilized high values of Cryptomeria and Alnus suggesting cool and damper climate. This period is correlated with Port Talbot Interstadial in North America.MG III zone (ca. 41, 000-35, 000B.P. years) starts with short cold epoch which is defined by temporal increase of Tsuga. After this temporal cold epoch, frequency values of Cryptomeria shows unstability decreasing upward, on the other hand, Tsuga increases upward. This period is a transitional period from Interstadial to Pleniglacial.FG zone (ca. 35, 000-15, 000B.P. years) is marked by a decline of Cryptomeria with increase of Tsuga, Abies, Picea, Pinus Haploxylon and grass pollen like Artemisia, Thalictrum, Polygonum and Compositae indicating cold and dry climate. This zone is roughly subdivided into three characteristic periods.FG I zone (ca. 35, 000-31, 000B.P. years) is characterized by high values of Tsuga and other sub-alpine coniferous trees suggesting cold and dry climate.FG II zone (ca. 31, 000-24, 000B.P. years) is defined by increase of pioneer trees like Betula, Salix and Alnus replacing Tsuga. This zone occupies a relatively warm epoch and correlates with Plum Point Interstadial in North America.FG III, IV, V zones (ca. 24, 000-15, 000B.P. years) are dominated by Tsuga, Picea, Abies and Pinus Haploxylon indicating cold and dry climate. But the climate at FG IV zone (ca. 20, 000-18, 000B.P. years) shows wetter condition than those of FG III (ca. 24, 000-20, 000B.P. years) and FG V (ca. 18, 000-15, 000B.P. years) zones.L zone is defined by the decrease of Tsuga, Picea, Abies and Pinus Haploxylon with increase of Quercus and Alnus suggesting a climatic ameriolation. The opening of this zone is dated at 15, 000B.P. years.R zone is characterized by the sudden decrease of Tsuga, Picea, Abies and Pinus Haploxylon with the sudden increase of temperate trees like Fagus, Quercus, Juglans and Carpinus. Grass pollen also decreases suggesting the development of dense temperate broad-leaved forest under warm and moist climatic condition. The opening of this R zone is dated in 10, 000B.P. years.
鈴木 秀夫
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.11, no.4, pp.171-180, 1972-12-28 (Released:2009-08-21)
1 2

Locations of the main frontal zones in the Würm Glacial Age are reconstructed as in Fig. 1. Abbreviations in the figure are as follows: A; Arctic or Antarctic Front, P; Polar Front, NI; Northern Intertropical Convergence Zone, SI; Southern Intertropical Convergence Zone, s; northern summer location and w; northern winter location. An English version of this article with a slight difference in explanation has already appeared in the Bulletin of the Department of Geography University of Tokyo No. 3, 1971, under the title of “Climatic Zones of the Würm Glacial Age.”
奥村 晃史
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.34, no.3, pp.191-194, 1995-08-31 (Released:2009-08-21)
6 2

菊地 真
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.40, no.3, pp.171-183, 2001-06-01 (Released:2009-08-21)

谷口 康浩 川口 潤
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.40, no.6, pp.485-498, 2001-12-01 (Released:2009-08-21)
2 8

日本列島東北部を中心に分布する長者久保・神子柴文化に土器が出現する.青森県大平山元I遺跡は,最古の土器を出土した遺跡の一つである.大平山元I遺跡出土土器の表面に付着していた煮炊きのコゲとみられる微量の炭化物を試料として,加速器質量分析計(AMS)による14C年代測定を行った結果,12,680±140~13,780±170yrs BPの年代値が得られた.長者久保・神子柴文化よりも相対的に新しい十和田八戸テフラのAMS14C年代が12,380±110~13,080±60yrs BPであることに照らしてもこれは妥当な年代であり,長者久保・神子柴文化期における土器出現の14C年代は13,000yrs BP以前に遡る可能性が強い.INTCAL98を使用して大平山元I遺跡の14C年代を暦年較正すると15,320~16,540cal BPとなる.これは晩氷期の年代域よりもさらに古い.土器の出現は後氷期に起こった人類技術革新の一つと説明されてきたが,極東地域では最終氷期の寒冷な環境下ですでに土器の使用が始まっていたことが確実となった.長者久保・神子柴文化期を縄文時代草創期に含めている現在の時代区分は見直しが必要である.
岡崎 浩子 兼子 尚知 平山 廉 伊左治 鎭司 加藤 久佳 樽 創 高桑 祐司 百原 新 鵜飼 宏明
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.43, no.5, pp.359-366, 2004-10-01 (Released:2009-08-21)
10 12

加藤 茂弘 岡田 篤正 寒川 旭
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.47, no.4, pp.233-246, 2008-08-01 (Released:2009-05-14)
3 3

瀬戸内低地帯東部を構成する大阪湾周辺の活断層,とくに六甲山地や淡路島中・北部の活断層や大阪湾断層帯について記述し,それらとの関連において,第四紀における大阪堆積盆地や播磨灘の形成過程を検討した.大阪堆積盆地は約3.3~3.5 Maに形成されはじめ,約1~2 Maには大阪湾断層帯や六甲—淡路島断層帯などの活動開始により,隆起部の淡路島を境にして大阪湾側(狭義の大阪堆積盆地)と播磨灘側(東播磨堆積盆地)に分断された.約1 Ma以降は,大阪湾北西部の活断層帯で右横ずれ断層運動が顕著となり,六甲山地以西の地域の西への傾動運動が始まった.東播磨堆積盆地は,高塚山断層などの活動により約1 Maまで沈降を続けたが,断層運動の衰退と西への傾動運動により,それ以降は隆起域に転じた.一方,約1 Ma以降の傾動運動により西播磨平野や播磨灘の中・西部は沈降域(播磨灘堆積盆地)となった.約0.4 Maの高海面期には,六甲—淡路島断層帯の右横ずれ運動により局地的な低下域となった明石海峡を通じて,播磨灘にはじめて海水が侵入した.その後の播磨灘では,高海面期毎に海域が南西へと拡大していき,最終的に現在の播磨灘が形成されたと考えられる.
高木 信行
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.28, no.5, pp.399-411, 1990-01-31 (Released:2009-08-21)
5 6

The Tama River flows from the Kanto Mountains, 1, 000 to 2, 000 meters high, and across the Kanto Plain into Tokyo Bay. Fluvial terraces from the Late Pleistocene are well developed along the river. They are classified into four groups according to the differences in the relative height above the river floor and in the tephra-cover. These are, from older to younger, the Musashino (80ka-60ka), Tachikawa (30ka), Aoyagi-Haijima (20ka-15ka), and Lower terraces (15ka-).Concerning the longitudinal profile of the terraces along the river, the Aoyagi-Haijima terrace, whose profile is steeper than those of the Musashino terrace and the present river-floor, crosses both of them and converges into the Tachikawa terrace in the upstream direction. Moreover, the Aoyagi-Haijima terrace is assigened downstream to the buried valley floor beneath the recent formations in and around Tokyo Bay. Further, in the gorge of the Kanto Mountains in the upper reaches of the river, a prior buried valley bottom is exposed under terrace deposits, which tends to be assigned downstream to the Musashino terrace in the lower reaches of the river. On the basis of the above results, the author interprets fluvial processes and terrace formation along the Tama River. The results are as follows.1) In the upper reaches of the Tama River, the profiles of the Aoyagi-Haijima terrace diverge from the prior buried valley bottom in the upstream direction. This is attributed to the fact that fill deposits in the prior valley accumulated more thickly in the upper reaches, and that the increase in gradient is larger in the upper reaches. This is because the amounts of debris which were yielded in this drainage area were in excess of stream capacity at that time. This accumulation in the upper reaches took place from 80ka to 50ka.2) In the upper reaches, the valley remained filled for a lengthy period of time, from 50ka to 20ka in terms of tephrochronology. Meanwhile the valley wall was worked backwards by lateral erosion. Afterwards major terracing by vertical erosion occrred, resulting in an undersupply of debris during Post Glacial time.3) Although the drainage basin of the Tama River was in a non-periglacial region, fluviatile accumulation took place during the transition from interglacial to glacial because of an increase of sediment yield in the upper reaches. Therefore the terraces are climatic terraces. The phenomena of crossing terraces are related to the difference in terrace type between climatic terraces in the upper reaches and thalassostatic terraces in the lower reaches.
松島 義章
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.38, no.6, pp.503-514, 1999-12-01

相模トラフの北東側に位置する大磯丘陵や三浦半島は,完新世においても地殻変動の活発な隆起地域で,3~4段の完新世海成段丘が発達する.その中で,三浦半島南部に分布する段丘は,海食洞窟や考古学資料などから約6,000yrs BP,約4,000yrs BP,約3,000yrs BPの汀線や離水が明らかとなった.三浦海岸に対応する3回の間欠的な地殻変動のあったことが分かった.<br>相模湾北東沿岸は顕著な隆起を示し,その背後に「秦野-横浜線」の沈降帯が存在しているが,完新世ではその軸方向が南にやや下がり,秦野-大船-金沢八景を結んだ線で把えられる.<br>国府津-松田断層を挾んで大磯丘陵南西部一帯は,約6,500yrs BPに離水したことが貝類群集,<sup>14</sup>C年代や鬼界アカホヤ火山灰(K-Ah)によって確認された.この離水を起こした変動では,国府津-松田断層に変位が認められず,約6,500yrs BP以降における本断層の活動で大磯丘陵の著しい隆起,森戸川低地の緩やかな沈降となっている.足柄平野南西端の小田原は約4,500yrs BPには離水しており,海成層が+5mを超えて明瞭な隆起を示す.その上限高度は,東の国府津-松田断層が位置する森戸川低地に向かって序々に沈降する.<br>相模トラフの南西側に位置する伊豆半島では,約6,000yrs BPの旧汀線を示す証拠を陸上で見出だすことができず,縄文海進は半島北部で約4,000yrs BP,南部では約3,000~2,000yrs BPまで存続していて,その後に隆起に変わっている.<br>相模湾沿岸の溺れ谷低地の海成層中には,多くの津波堆積層の介在が確認され,その形成年代から沿岸に分布する海成段丘の離水時期を解明する手掛かりが得られた.今後は,この研究手法によって相模湾沿岸の詳しい地殻変動史を明らかにすることができよう.
大嶋 和雄
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.29, no.3, pp.193-208, 1990-08-20 (Released:2009-08-21)
104 142

The problem of the maximum depth to which the sea level dropped during the last glaciation is even more difficult and obscure than that of high sea levels. Some evaluations have been proposed, based on the estimations of the depth of the Holocene sediment base in the coastal plain or on the consideration of submerged sediments or geomorphological features now found on continental shelf. Many Japanese geologists estimate -100 to -140m for the last glacial low stand sea level, but some doubt is cast on their data and opinions. Our estimate of -80±5m was a conservative interpretation based on dates for shells and peat obtained from the shelf and coastal plains of the Japanese Islands.1. Charts show that wherever sizable inland seas are separated from the ocean by narrow straits, current erosion holes (sea caldrons) exist either in the narrow straits or directly adjacent to them. The Tsushima strait is a part of the shelf, although there is a relatively deep hole (to -160m) along the east side of Tsushima Island. The depth of this deep hole attains 50m below the surrounding relict wave-cut terrace (-110m to -115m). In this case, the depth of the relict wave-cut terrace may reflect the sea level (about -100m) at the time of the Tsushima strait formation.2. As a result of continuous seismic profiling surveys in Ishikari Bay, the buried valleys on the continental shelf are known to be deeper than 90m. The buried valleys were formed at the stage of the lowest sea level, during the last Glacial Age. However, we observed that Ishikari river may be 10m to 15m deep near its mouth. The available data indicate a relative rise of sea level since the valley was cut, amounting to about 80m.3. The breadth to depth ratio of the straits around the Japanese Islands seems to reflect each still standing sea-level stage, such as -100±10m, -80±5m and -45±5m, after the formation of these straits.4. For most of the Pleistocene, the Japanese Islands were connected with the Korean Peninsula, and the present major islands themselves were tied to each other. It is sure that large mammals such as elephants migrated into the Japanese Islands through land bridges. In the early Shimosueyoshi transgression (about 100, 000y.B.P.), when the sea level was about -100m, the Japan Sea was connected with the Pacific through narrow passages located in the Korean and Tsugaru straits. At the time of the last Glacial Age, when the sea level fell to about -80m, land bridges between Honshu and other lands were never formed. We now believe that it might have been 12, 000 years ago when the sea level rose to about -45m. This was the final stage of the land bridge in the Soya strait between Sakhalin and Hokkaido.
河村 善也 樽野 博幸 稲田 孝司
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.46, no.5, pp.399-411, 2007-10-01 (Released:2009-03-26)
1 4

姫島から産出した1個のゾウ臼歯化石を系統分類学的に詳しく記載した.この化石は姫島の海岸のすぐそばの浅い海底から採取されたもので,おそらくそこに露出していた前期~中期更新世の堆積物から産出したものと思われる.この化石は,その形態の特徴から,マンモスゾウの祖先種の一つであるトロゴンテリゾウ(Mammuthus trogontherii)の右下顎第3大臼歯に同定できる.この化石の産出の意義を述べるとともに,日本や周辺の大陸から知られる古型マンモス類の化石と比較して,東アジアにおけるトロゴンテリゾウの時間的分布や移動についても議論した.
永田 武 秋本 俊一 上田 誠也 清水 吉雄 小島 稔 小林 和男
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.1, no.1, pp.7-10, 1957-05-30 (Released:2009-08-21)

A palaeomagnetic study has been conducted of the volcanic rocks in the North Izu-Hakone volcanic region, Japan, where the complete succession of lavas has been determined by H. Kuno. By sampling 4∼7 oriented rock-specimens at each of the localities, the period from the very beginning of the Pleistocene to the Holocene has been covered, where the maximum time interval between consecutive samples may probably be not more than several tens of thousands years except that between two samples of middle to younger Pleistocene when the volcanic activity did not occur within the region concerned. Care was taken not to use the rock samples of which natural remanent magnetization may have suffered from any significant disturbances, geologically, chemically, magnetically or otherwise. Selection of proper samples was performed according to the criteria for the stability of remanent magnetization proposed by us previously (Journ. Geomag. Geoelec., VI, No.4). The major findings in this study are: 1) During the whole Quaternary age, the axis of the geomagnetic centred dipole was fluctuating around an axis of which north pole changed from φ=72°N, λ=86°E to φ=81°N, λ=32°W. 2) The direction of polarization of the centred dipole was reversed at a time in the earliest Quat rnary, namely, during the middle period of the formation of the Usami volcano.
澤 祥 太田 陽子 渡辺 満久 鈴木 康弘
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.39, no.3, pp.233-240, 2000-06-01 (Released:2009-08-21)
3 1

三田村 宗樹 中川 康一 升本 眞二 塩野 清治 吉川 周作 古山 勝彦 佐野 正人 橋本 定樹 領木 邦浩 北田 奈緒子 井上 直人 内山 高 小西 省吾 宮川 ちひろ 中村 正和 野口 和晃 Shrestha Suresh 谷 保孝 山口 貴行 山本 裕雄
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.35, no.3, pp.179-188, 1996-07-31 (Released:2009-08-21)
