中塚 義実
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第70回(2019) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.36_2, 2019 (Released:2019-12-20)

谷中 拓哉 近田 彰治 矢内 利政
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.16056, (Released:2017-01-24)

A wide range of topspin rotation of a bat around the long-axis, referred to as “rolling”, has been observed in baseball batting, but the mechanical reasons for the large variability among individual batters has not been examined. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors determining this variability in rolling velocity among professional baseball players. Twenty-nine professional batters each performed eight “free-batting” trials. An electromagnetic tracking device was used to measure the three-dimensional rotational motion of the bat in each trial. The rolling velocity was 678±376°/s, comprised a negative contribution attributable to the batter's effort of exerting torque (Mechanism 1; −1144±488°/s) and a positive contribution attributable to the gyroscopic effect (Mechanism 2; 1808±339°/s). A significant positive correlation (r=0.67, p<0.05) was found between the rolling velocity and the negative contribution of Mechanism 1. These results indicate that (a) the torque exerted by the batter resists the rolling and that (b) a higher rolling velocity is attained by batters who exert a smaller resistive torque on the bat than those who exert a larger torque. On the other hand, no correlation (r=0.09) was found between the rolling velocity and positive contribution of mechanism 2. These findings suggest that the batter makes an active effort to resist rolling, and that the amount of resistive torque exerted by the batter is the primary reason for the inter-individual difference in rolling velocity attained at the instant of ball impact. As the resistive torque is likely to be exerted by the nobside hand in the form of pronation torque (Ae et al. 2015) and the pronation causes lowering of the bat-head (increasing nutation angle), a reduction of the pronation torque should decrease the resistive torque acting on the bat, helping to attain a high rolling velocity. In fact, we observed a greater deceleration of nutation velocity in the fast-rolling group than in the slowrolling group (p<0.05). To attain the high rolling velocity, therefore, we suggest that batters should aim to build up the nutation velocity of the bat until about 50 ms before ball impact, and then vigorously decelerate it immediately before ball impact.
大峰 光博
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.61, no.2, pp.629-637, 2016

The purpose of this study was to analyze problems related to the mechanism whereby students can accept corporal punishment during extracurricular sports activities with reference to the books <i>Escape from Freedom</i> and <i>Man for Himself</i> that were central to Erich Fromm's authority theory. Specifically, the author focused on the concepts of &ldquo;authoritarian character,&rdquo; &ldquo;authoritarian ethics,&rdquo; and &ldquo;authoritarian conscience.&rdquo; Fromm pointed out that anxiety prompted Germany's citizens to give up their freedom in order to obey authoritarian powers such as Hitler and the Nazis.<br>  Students taking part in extracurricular sports activities were considered from the viewpoint of Fromm's authority theory. It was revealed that students comply with a leader's authority in order to relieve anxiety, and have positive thoughts about corporal punishment. Furthermore, it was found that such acceptance of corporal punishment succeeded in eliminating conspicuous suffering, but not in removing any underlying conflicts.<br>  Fromm pointed that fear of anxiety was relieved by spontaneous activity. To achieve spontaneous activity by students, it was suggested that some form of measure that does not create the type of partnership that occurred between Germany's citizens and Hitler would be desirable for any relationship between the leader of extracurricular sports activities and the students.<br>
中川 宏 熊本 水頼
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.18, no.2, pp.83-89, 1973-10-25 (Released:2017-09-27)

ウェイトリフティングの選手について, ベンチプレスを行なわせたときの筋の作用機序について筋電図学的に検討した. 1) 手関節の姿勢制御を示すような筋の働きは認められなかった. 2) 肘関節はただ単純に伸展を行なっているだけで, 姿勢制御を示す筋の働きは殆んど認められなかった. 3) 筋力に余裕のあるとき, 肘関節伸展は上腕三頭筋外側頭のみで行なわれ, 筋力の劣るときは同筋長頭も参画した. 長頭の収縮がもたらす肩関節伸展の力は, 肩関節屈曲筋群の活動の増強で消却された. 4) 肩関節は水平位内転と屈曲の合成された動きを示す筋放電様相を呈した. 5) 挙上能力の劣るものには, 無駄な, かつまた抑制的と考えられる筋放電も認められた.
鈴木 大地
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.68, pp.13, 2017

<p> 平成29年3月、文部科学省は、スポーツ庁創設後初めてとなる第2期「スポーツ基本計画」を策定しました。</p><p> この第2期計画に掲げられた施策は、「~スポーツが変える。未来を創る。Enjoy Sports、 Enjoy Life~」という理念のもと、国民やスポーツ団体の活動を通じて実現される「スポーツの価値」が最大限発揮されるためのものであることに留意して策定されています。</p><p> スポーツ行政を総合的・一体的に推進するために創設されたスポーツ庁の役割は、「スポーツ参画人口」を拡大することだけではなく、他分野との連携・ 協力により、新たな課題にも取り組む中でスポーツの新たな価値の創造を支援し、それらを高め、豊かな「一億総スポーツ社会」の実現を目指すことにあります。</p><p> 例えば、スポーツは積極的に社会を変える重要な媒体となり得るものであり、スポーツを通じて障害者、女性、子供、高齢者等の社会参画が促され、周囲の人々の意識改革が図られることで「共生社会」の実現につながっていきます。</p><p> また、第2期計画では、スポーツを通じた健康増進や地域活性化、国際交流及び協力の拡充、スポーツビジネスの拡大などにも取り組むこととしています。</p><p> 2020年東京大会等を好機としてスポーツの価値を飛躍的に高めるとともに、大会後のレガシーとして確実に引き継がれ、持続させるためには、スポーツに関わる全ての人々が一丸となって取り組むことが必要です。</p><p> この講演では、国民、スポーツ団体、民間事業者、地方公共団体、国等が一体となってスポーツ立国を実現できるよう、第2期計画に込められたスポーツ庁のビジョンと施策を解説しながら、日本体育学会を中心に、それぞれの団体に期待される役割についての意見を申し上げます。</p>
大山 泰史 青柳 領 八板 昭仁 田方 慎哉 川面 剛
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.69, pp.271_1, 2018

<p> 教員が想定していない観点からの受講生の授業の評価を知ることは、授業の質の向上改善に繋がると考えられる。そこで、本研究は、バスケットボールの授業に対する感想文にテキストマイニングを用いて受講生が受けた授業に対する潜在化している評価の構造を明らかにする。大学および高等専門学校でバスケットボールの授業を受講した学生218名に対し、授業に対する評価を自由記述形式で回答する感想文の作成を依頼し、その文章中から名詞と動詞と形容詞を抽出した。まず、頻度分析の結果、「ショット」「練習」「試合」「ドリブル」「パス」等の名詞が多く、学生の評価の観点が攻撃の基本技能にあることが考えられた。さらに、コレスポンデンス分析およびクラスター分析を行い、品詞間の関連を分析した結果、「名詞×形容詞」では「楽しい」「上手い」など好意的な評価を示す形容詞に「バスケ部」「生徒」「戦術」などの名詞が、「きつい」「難しい」など否定的な評価を示す形容詞に「指導」「レイアップ」の名詞が近い位置を示し、授業中のバスケ部員への憧れや戦術を学習することが好意的に捉えられ、逆にレイアップシュートの練習につまずきがあったことが示唆された。</p>
桜井 伸二 池上 康男 矢部 京之助 岡本 敦 豊島 進太郎
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.35, no.2, pp.143-156, 1990-09-01 (Released:2017-09-27)
10 6

Many joint actions are involved in the throwing motion of a fastball pitch; therefore, two dimensional (2-D) procedures are insufficient for analyzing the throwing motion. In this study,three dimensional (3-D) high-speed cinematography was used to record fastball pitches of varsity baseball pitchers. Two small reference sticks were fixed on the hands and forearms of the throwing arm of the subjects to detect their movements.The direct linear transformation (DLT) method was used for 3-D space reconstruction from 2-D images filmed by two from 2-D images filmed by two phase-locked cameras (200 frames/s).The throwing arm has seven degrees of freedom of joint motion except in the fingers; three for the shoulder, one for the elbow, one for the radioulnar, and two for the wrist. Following seven joint angle changes corresponding to all these degrees of freedom were obtained throughout the pitching motion. 1) horizontal abduction/horizontal adduction angle at the shoulder joint, 2) abduction/adduction angle at the shoulder joint, 3) internal rotation/external rotation angle at the shoulder joint, 4) flexion/extension angle at the elbow joint, 5) pronation/supination angle at the radio-ulnar joint (forearm), 6) radial flexion/ulnar flexion angle at the wrist joint, 7) palmar flexion/dorsi flexion angle at the wrist joint. The results showed that horizontal adduction and internal rotation of the shoulder,extension of the elbow, pronation of the forearm, and palmar flexion of the wrist were the important joint actions for fastball pitching in baseball. Preliminary to these motions were motions in the opposite direction; e.g., horizontal abduction and external rotation of the shoulder,flexion of the elbow, supination of the forearm, and dorsi flexion of the wrist were detected.These motions in the opposite direction would be useful to extend the range of the motion in each joint angle. The results also appear to be connected to intrinsic muscle propertios, that greater power can be exerted during shortening of the muscle when it is stretched just before the shortening action.
宮西 智久 藤井 範久 阿江 通良 功力 靖雄 岡田 守彦
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.41, no.1, pp.23-37, 1996-05-10 (Released:2017-09-27)

We investigated the contribution of the motions in the upper torso and the throwing arm joints to the ball velocity during the baseball throw. The ball velocities caused by the anatomical rotations at the upper torso, shoulder, elbow, wrist and metacarpophalangeal joints were calculated as the vector products between the anatomical angular velocity vectors of joints and the respective relative displacement vectors from the joint centers to the center of ball, by using a mathematical model reported by Sprigings et al. (1994). Horizontal throws of twenty-four male university baseball players were filmed using a three-dimensional DLT method. In order to verify the ball velocities obtained from the anatomical joint rotations from the instant of the stride foot contact to the ball release, the velocity of ball measured directly from video recording was compared with that calculated by the mathematical model. A good agreement was acquired between the velocity of ball measured and that calculated. The velocities obtained from the left-rotation, flexion at the upper torso joint and the horizontal flexion at the shoulder joint contributed to the ball velocity in the early phase where the increase of ball velocity was slow. The velocities obtained from the internal-rotation at the shoulder joint, extension at the elbow joint, palmar-flexion at the wrist joint, and left-rotation/flexion at the upper torso joint contributed in the late phase where the increase of ball velocity was rapid. At the ball release, the contribution of each joint, which is the ratio of the positive ball velocity obtained from the anatomical joint rotations to the summation of individual positive ball velocities was as follows; 34.1% by the internal-rotation at the shoulder, 17.7% by the palmar-flexion at the wrist, 15.2% by the extension at the elbow, and 9.6% by the left-rotation at the upper torso joint.
池田 志織 遠藤 俊郎 安田 貢 三井 勇 田中 博史 横矢 勇一 飯塚 駿
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第67回(2016) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.141_2, 2016 (Released:2017-02-24)
