稲川 郁子 畑山 元政
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.70, pp.272_1, 2019

<p> 柔道は、嘉納治五郎が殺傷の手段である柔術から危険な要素を取り除き、安全性の高い要素を抽出して教育的価値を付加し普及させたことは広く知られている。現在普及している競技としての柔道には、危険要素である当身技は含まれていない。嘉納は、柔道の持つ教育的側面を重視する一方で、武術としての柔道も重視していた。嘉納は、柔道の稽古法には乱取、形、講義、問答があるとしたが、このうち乱取と形について、乱取に偏重する傾向のある修行者に対し、どちらに偏ることなく稽古する必要性を繰り返し説いている。嘉納の主張は、現代においては「柔道修行者の教養としての形」を軽視することへの戒めの文脈で語られることが多いが、嘉納は、修行者が当身技を軽視することによる柔道の武術性の風化を恐れていた。急所を狙い殺傷能力の高い当身技を、嘉納は、柔道の創始から晩年に至るまで重視し続けた。本発表では、柔道の7種の形に定められた身体動作のうち、当身技による部分について考察する。</p>
岡野 憲一 山中 浩敬 九鬼 靖太 谷川 聡
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.16068, (Released:2017-03-13)

This study examined for the first time the correlation between the spike jump (SPJ), an action specific to volleyball, and other jumps among 202 top-level male volleyball players from domestic leagues (84 from the V. League and 118 from the first division of the Kanto University Volleyball Association). We then categorized the ability of the players during stretch-shortening cycle exercise (SSC) to examine the characteristics of SPJ performance and other positions. The results indicated that, on the one hand, ability in both the counter movement jump (CMJ) and rebound jump (RJ) is required for the SPJ, RJ showing more prominence among elite players. On the other hand, for SSC ability, exercise requiring a longer duration, such as the CMJ, was found to be more critical for the SPJ with a one-step run-up. In terms of different player positions, the results suggested that a middle blocker (MB) with a shorter run-up required a jump that exerts force through longer-duration SSC exercise, whereas a wing spiker (WS) with a full run-up demonstrated more ballistic SSC exercise in his jump. On the basis of these findings, this study has shown the importance of evaluating the characteristics of jump performance according to each player position when designing or choosing the most appropriate physical training exercises for volleyball players.
近藤 雄一郎 竹田 唯史
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.69, pp.219_2, 2018

<p> 本研究は、アルペンスキー競技回転種目を対象として、オリンピックテストイベントとオリンピックでのタイム分析を実施し、両者の比較からオリンピック本大会に向けたテストイベントにおけるレース分析の有効性について検討することを目的とした。分析対象レースは、2017年にオリンピックテストイベントとして開催されたFar East Cup男子回転競技1本目と、2018年に開催された平昌オリンピック男女回転競技1本目とした。タイム分析では、スタートからゴールまでを急斜面上部・急斜面下部・中斜面・緩斜面の4区間に分割して各区間におけるタイムを算出し、ピアソンの相関係数検定を用いて各区間タイム及びゴールタイムの相関関係について検討した。タイム分析の結果、テストイベントのレース及びオリンピックのレース共に、全ての区間タイムとゴールタイムの間に有意な相関関係が認められ、特にテストイベントのレースとオリンピック女子のレースで類似したレースパターンの傾向がみられた。したがって、オリンピック本大会に向けて競技力水準の異なるテストイベントのレース分析を行うことには意義があると考えられた。</p>
須藤 明治 山田 健二 山村 俊樹 鴫原 孝亮 羽毛田 高聖
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.70, pp.241_2, 2019

<p> 一般的に、握力の評価は、静的最大筋力であり、筋肉の力をみる代表値として用いられている。そして、近年、握力が強い人は、積極的に身体を動かす習慣を持っていることが予想され、より多く筋力を使い、脳への刺激も活発であり、それが心肺機能や循環器機能を高め、認知症や梗塞などの発症リスクを低くしているのだと言われている。また、手の運動が脳の活性化や健康に役立つことも知られている。そこで、本研究では、直径40mmの筒状の棒長さ35cm(A-bou) とし、ほぼmaxで握りしめてから、ひねる動作を繰り返した時の筋活動を測定した。その結果、握力52.1kgの時を100%MVCとして、A-bouを握ったときの筋活動は、腕橈骨筋104.7、尺側手根屈筋110.0、上腕二頭筋15.6、上腕三頭筋2.0、三角筋5.6、僧帽筋1.8、大胸筋19.4、脊柱起立筋33.9であった。そして、ひねり動作時は、腕橈骨筋71.1、尺側手根屈筋19.8、上腕二頭筋3.4、上腕三頭筋1.3、三角筋7.9、僧帽筋4.6、大胸筋20.9、脊柱起立筋32.1であった。また、血流値は2.4倍となった。このように、筋出力を調整することにより、血管への刺激が連続的に行われ、血管自体の柔軟性が高まるのではないかと推察された。</p>
梅垣 明美 大友 智 上田 憲嗣 深田 直宏 吉井 健人 宮尾 夏姫
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.63, no.1, pp.367-381, 2018-06-10 (Released:2018-06-20)

In school education, it is important to encourage students to improve their social skills. Umegaki et al. (2016b) have developed an instructional model known as the Acquisition of Social Knowledge in Sport (ASKS) Model for facilitating improvement in social skills in the context of physical education. They consider that the ASKS Model with heterogeneous team organization would improve social skills that would be applicable to daily life outside of physical education classes and help students to maintain these social skills. However, no previous study has examined whether the ASKS Model would be effective for homogeneously organized teams. Therefore, the present study was designed to examine the type of team organization that would be most effective for the ASKS Model by comparing physical education classes with the ASKS Model based on homogeneous teams and heterogeneous teams. The study focused on physical education classes for male students in the second year of junior high school. The classes included those without the ASKS Model, those with the ASKS Model based on homogeneous teams, and those with the ASKS Model based on heterogeneous teams. A formative evaluation of friendship-building and the KiSS-18 questionnaire on paper were administered before and after each class. The study confirmed 2 points: First, the ASKS Model appeared to be effective when heterogeneous teams were organized. Second, the effectiveness was suggested to be improved when heterogeneity of motor skills was maintained, rather than heterogeneity of social skills.
池本 淳一
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.2, pp.529-547, 2014

&nbsp;&nbsp;This paper focuses on the position of &ldquo;Ju-ken&rdquo; matches and their promoter, Kenji Kano, in Japanese boxing history. A &ldquo;Ju-ken&rdquo; match was a match between a judoist and a boxer, and such bouts were held from the middle of the Taisho era to the early Showa era in Kobe, Tokyo and Osaka. The main organizer of these matches was the &ldquo;International Ju-ken club&rdquo;, whose owner Kenji Kano was the nephew of Jigoro Kano. This study divides the history of Ju-ken into three periods, each with respective features.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;The first period was from October 1919 to April 1921. Ju-ken at this time was intended to reform judo into a competitive sport through fighting with boxing. Although judo had been well established at that time, it was facing a challenge due to loss of its spirit and form as a martial art during the process of sportification. Jigoro Kano, the founder of Judo, was unhappy with this change. By studying boxing, karate, aikido, stick fighting and other martial arts, he aimed at creating a &lsquo;Martial Art Judo&rsquo;. His nephew Kenji Kano pursued martial art-oriented judo as well, but his approach to reconstructing judo as a martial art was through mixed martial arts games, the &ldquo;Ju-ken match&rdquo;.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;The middle period was from May 1921 to March 1925, when Ju-ken evolved into a spectator sport that encapsulated the struggle for superiority in terms of nationality and ethnicity. Because Kodokan prohibited their members from participating in any mixed-martial arts match from April 1921, Ju-ken became a spectator sport. In addition, after charity matches following the Great Kanto Earthquake, in order to bring more excitement to the game, Ju-ken heightened the opposition and rivalry based on the nationalities and ethnicities of the athletes.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;The final period was from April 1925 to August 1931, when Ju-ken changed into a show that was intended to provoke nationalistic emotions among the audience. After the development of &ldquo;normal&rdquo; boxing, Ju-ken held normal boxing matches in their games and adopted new boxing-like rules. These new rules and the point systems put foreign boxers at a disadvantage when fighting against Japanese judoists, ensuring that Japanese would always defeat foreigners.<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;Finally, through assimilation of knowledge and focusing on boxing, this study argues that Ju-ken matches created a background for localization of modern boxing in Japan.<br>
小谷 泰則
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.133_2, 2016

<p> ウエイトリフティングにおいてはバーの軌跡を視覚的に捉えることができれば、フォーム改善に用いることができる。しかしこの様な映像システムは高価であり入手が困難である。本研究では、バーの軌跡を描けるようなアプリケーションを開発し、ウエイトリフティングの選手がこれらを容易に入手できるようにすることを目的とした。アプリケーションはiPhone用とMac用の2種類を開発した。アプリケーションでは、バーの軌跡・移動距離・速度等を表示できるようにした。作成したアプリケーションの一部は無料でダウンロードできるようにし、ウエイトリフティング選手が容易に用いることができるようにした(AppStore: WeightLifting Motion、WeightLifting Motion X)。これまでは高額であったバーの軌跡を描くシステムを安価に提案できるシステムを構築することが可能になった。</p>
大森 肇
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第67回(2016) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.52_3, 2016 (Released:2017-02-24)

森田 啓 荒牧 亜衣 植木 陽治 深澤 浩洋
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.64, no.1, pp.303-313, 2019

The purpose of this research is to consider ways to encourage critical thinking in Philosophy of Physical Education and Sports classes. Introductory classes for students specializing in sports education were observed. Students reviewed a specific example in which a batter was given an intentional walk five consecutive times and they aimed to consider the case critically.<br> Right after watching the case on screen, students noted whether they agreed with such a practice or not. Then, 3 points were explained and students noted their opinion again.<br> The 3 points were;<br> (1) position of activities of sports clubs<br> (2) regarding it as a competitive sport<br> (3) regarding it as part of education (Physical Education)<br> In 4 years, 8 classes were held and 1,020 students participated in them. 118 of them (11.5%) changed their opinion after listening to the explanation. It must prove that those students were able to analyse even their own initial judgement critically and perceive it differently.<br> Furthermore, the following became clear from comments written after the classes:<br> By watching and using a specific example on screen, there is a possibility to eliminate/reduce negative images some people hold towards sports(P.E.) philosophy or philosophy. It also increases the possibility to engage students positively by introducing active learning of actually thinking and writing down their opinions.
堀山 健治 田中 豊穂 中川 武夫 林 邦夫 伊保 清次
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.33, no.3, pp.175-183, 1988-12-01 (Released:2017-09-27)

This study was planned to to compare the hearing level of Kendo-Players with that of non-Kendo-Players to make clear whether or not long term practice of Kendo causes hearing loss. Pure-tone audiometry by air conduction was applied to 172 Kendo-Players and 76 non-Kendo-Players with an audiometer (Audiometer AA-69, Audiogram Recorder RE-05, Soundproof Room AT-45, Rion, Japan). Among them, the following cases were excluded from the analysis. 1) Cases who have had medication against tuberculosis. 2) Cases with perforation in the tympanic membranes. 3) Cases with occupational experience of more than a year in noise nuisance. 4) Cases with experience of head phone listening for more than one hour a day, twice a week for at least one year. The thresholds of hearing between 149 Kendo-Players (cases, age: 19-76) and 44 non Kendo-Players (controls' age: 20_78) were analysed to compare mean hearing thresholds between the age groups, and to examine covariance adjusted with age. The dose-response relationship was examined by the partial correlation coefficients controlled by age between the thresholds of hearing and the length of Kendo experience (year) or the total experience hours of Kendo (hour). The rusults showed that the hearing loss of Kendo-players was greater than non-Kendo players, especially at the frequency of 4000 and 8000 Hz in the age group of 30-59 years old. It is supposed that long term practice of Kendo may cause hearing loss. Further study, however, will be needed to re-examine the dose-response relactionship with more carefully selected samples for the epidemiological survey in the future.
工藤 孝幾
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.25, no.1, pp.13-20, 1980-06-01 (Released:2017-09-27)

Certain studies concerning human perception has revealed that vision dominates all the other sense modalities. This study tried to confirm the visual dominance over kinesthesis by taking a case of memorizing an arm movement which was visually monitored, and to record a score in an attempt to demonstrate the degree of visual dominance over kinesthesis. An arm positioning task was selected for this experiment, and its basic procedure of measurement will follow. First, subjects memorized a standard distance by vision and kinesthesis. While moving the right arm for a certain standard distance, they were allowed to observe the movement by vision. But some artificial conflicts were produced between these two sense modalities in this case. Then, subjects attempted to repeat the arm movement for the same standard distance, when the conflicts were removed. How much the reproduced distance was close to the visual or kinesthetic information which were conflicting with each other, was recorded, which was presented in per cent scores. The results indicated the followings: 1) Almost all subjects did not realize the conflicts. While the visual dominance score showed that vision dominated kinesthesis, the score also showed that the dominance, was not complete. 2) The longer the standard distance, the stronger was the visual dominance, which may be interpreted as follows. As the standard distance increased, the kinesthetic matching errors became greater, while the visual matching errors were relatively constant. These trends suggested that when the standard distance became longer, subjects depended on the visual information more strongly than when it was shorter. 3) Individual differences of visual dominance score were examined. The results did not necessarily support the existence of indivisual differences. But, further studies may be necessary to draw any definite conclusions on this matter.
川村 卓 島田 一志 高橋 佳三 森本 吉謙 小池 関也 阿江 通良
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.2, pp.423-438, 2008-12-10 (Released:2009-02-25)
25 4

The purpose of this study was to analyze three-dimensionally two groups of baseball strikers, i.e. high and low swing speed groups, and to compare the kinematics of their upper limb motion. Sixteen skilled male strikers were videotaped with two synchronized high-speed video cameras operating at 200 Hz. One trial in which the maximum bat head speed was achieved was selected for each subject and digitized to obtain three-dimensional coordinates of the segment end-points and the bat using a DLT technique. Subjects were divided into High (n=8) and Low (n=8) groups according to the bat head speed. The angles compared between the two groups were abduction-adduction, horizontal abduction-adduction, flexion-extension and internal-external rotation for both shoulders, flexion-extension for both elbows, supination-pronation for both forearms, radius-ulnar flexion, and dorsi-palmar flexion for both hands. The sequential data were normalized with the time from the point when the speed of the grip was over 3 m/s to the ball impact, and then averaged.1 Angles of elbow extension, forearm supination of the top arm, and ulnar flexion of both hands were much changed. However, the angles of both shoulder joints, bottom elbow and bottom forearm showed little change.2. The High group showed significantly larger shoulder adduction and horizontal adduction of a bottom arm than the Low group in 0–10% time and 50–70% time (p<0.05). The High group showed significantly smaller top elbow extension than the Low group in 40–70% time and 90–100% time (p<0.05).3. The High group showed significantly smaller top hand supination than the Low group in 100% time. In the time, the High group showed significantly larger bottom forearm pronation than the Low group in 50–70% time (p<0.05). The High group showed significantly larger dorsiflexion of the bottom hand than the Low group in 20–30% time (p<0.05).