日経コンピュータ = Nikkei computer (ISSN:02854619)
no.1028, pp.41-43, 2020-10-29

田澤 実
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン = Lifelong Learning and Career Studies (ISSN:13493051)
vol.18, no.2, pp.15-29, 2021-03

This study investigated and clarified how flood survivors narrate stories of their disaster experiences. Previous studies have indicated two types of collective representations: those derived from shared perceptual experiences and those derived from shared conceptual propositions. We conducted a quantitative text analysis of survivors’ reports of Typhoon Kathleen in Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture, about their experiences. In Study 1, we analyzed the entire narration for co-occurrence networks, and in Study 2, we analyzed noun frequencies of only passages in which survivors directly mention the disaster. The results indicated that the survivors of Typhoon Kathleen mainly developed representations derived from shared conceptual propositions and relatively few representations of shared perceptual experiences. We have discussed these results from the perspective of community disaster prevention.
木田 秀幸 近藤 敬三 飯田 健一
一般社団法人 日本農村医学会
日本農村医学会学術総会抄録集 (ISSN:18801749)
vol.54, pp.121, 2005

【はじめに】<BR>院内感染対策において臨床検査室は様々な役割を担っている。その中でも感染情報の提供は、治療薬剤選択や院内感染への迅速な対応に不可欠でありリアルタイムな情報が必要とされる。しかし日常業務の中で全ての医師にリアルタイムな情報提供を行なうことは困難であるのが現状である。そこで新しい感染情報提供の方法として株式会社富士通北海道システムズの協力の下、細菌Webの構築を行なったので報告する。<BR>【システム構成】<BR>当院オーダシステム及び検査システム更新(2004年3月1日)に伴い、Webサーバとして検査システムサーバを利用し、クライアントとしてLAN接続されている全てのオーダリング用及び検査システム用PCを使用した。<BR>ソフトウエアは、WebサーバInternet Information Server、情報データベースOracle、WebデータベースMicrosoft Access2002を用いた。クライアントの動作環境はInternet Explorer5.0以上、Adobe Acrobat Reader5.0以上とした。また、書類のスキャニングを行なうために当初設置予定であったレーザープリンタ1台をスキャナー付プリンタへ変更した。<BR>セキュリティ対策としては、ログイン情報、患者情報の暗号化や医師以外の閲覧者をある程度制限することとし、パスワード、ログイン名については検査室で管理することとした。<BR>【方法】<BR>月に1度開催される院内感染対策委員会の資料については、スキャニング後PDFファイルとしてアップロードを行ない、夜間の検査システム日時更新処理中に細菌Webへ反映される。<BR>前日-当日間で最終報告された細菌検査結果を毎日午前7時に情報データベースより自動収集しWebデータベースの自動更新を行なう。臨床サイドは各病棟、診察室に設置してあるクライアントから細菌Webへアクセスし必要な情報を検索する。<BR>【結果】<BR>Web導入以前の感染情報は、医師からの問い合わせや検査技師からの連絡、月1度開催される感染対策委員会報告などに限られていたが、細菌検査室よりリアルタイムな情報をWeb上に公開することにより、必要な感染情報を比較的容易に得ることができ、また無線LANを装備したノート型PCも各病棟等に設置されているため病棟内を移動しながらの検索も可能となった。<BR>「感染委員会提出文書一覧」では委員会に提出された文書を月別に、「その他の文書一覧」ではWeb操作手順書などが添付されている。「リアルタイム集計表示」では様々な検索条件での絞込み機能を持つことにより必要なデータを容易に引き出すことが可能となった。また、システム更新の数か月後に検体検査の最終報告書出力の廃止を行なったが細菌検査の報告書出力も同時に廃止することができ、技師・看護師・事務員等の作業軽減につながった。<BR>【まとめ】<BR>当院の細菌Webは、検査システムとLAN回線を利用することにより、新たなソフトウエアやハードウエアを購入することなく構築することができた。また、クライアントにオーダリング用PCを用いているためWeb参照後のオーダが容易であり対象患者の病室は、オーダシステムにある病棟マップにより確認が可能である。<BR>臨床へ提供する情報としては満足できるものが構築できたと思うが、今後は利用状況などを調査し、より利用されるよう啓蒙していかなければならないと考える。<BR>(尚、本研究は北海道農村医学研究会の助成物件によるものである)
朴 沙羅
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.54, no.3, pp.89-104,173, 2010

The purpose of this article is to examine what actually happened in the Suita incident, a well-known political riot in postwar Japan, and how the incident was told and reconstructed after it took place. The Suita incident is famous in the history of Japanese social and political movements for its nonviolence, cooperation with Korean Japanese, and the victory in a trial which lasted for 20 years. However, even though this incident is well known and often recounted, and although it critically influenced the Japanese Communist Party, which organized the incident, there are few studies which clarify "what happened", and "how events are narrated" by whom, how and why. Therefore, using documentary resources and interviews with the participants, this article first looks at "what happened" in the Suita and Hirakata incidents, and then examines how these two incidents have been recounted and their images have been molded by three component entities, namely the Japanese Communist Party, Korean Japanese, and the Japanese government. The "Suita incident" was, in a sense, very useful for all three, and all three profited from it by making partisan speeches on this political riot, slanted in a particularly favorable way for each.
堀内 孝
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.14, no.2, pp.137-143, 2016 (Released:2017-01-06)

In this study, I investigated the effect of the recall time of autobiographical memory on conscious and automatic memory processes. Two-second and six-second recall time conditions were used as experimental variables in two different experiments. The contribution degree of conscious and automatic memory processing in relation to the recall time of autobiographical memory were calculated using the Independence/Remember-Know procedure (Jacoby, 1998; Jacoby & Hay, 1998). For conscious memory processing, the results of both experiments showed that the six-second recall time condition exceeded the two-second recall condition. In contrast, for automatic memory processing, both experiments showed no significant difference between the two-second recall time condition and the six-second recall time condition. These results show that, although the recall of automatic memory processing functions well at two seconds, the recall of conscious memory processing was still increasing at six seconds. The observed differences between conscious memory processing and automatic memory processing confirm the validity of the separation of conscious and automatic memory processing in relation to the recall of autobiographical memory.
日経ビジネス (ISSN:00290491)
no.1811, pp.30-33, 2015-10-12

辻原 万規彦 角 哲
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.785, pp.1998-2009, 2021-07-30 (Released:2021-07-30)

When we examine the relationship of the governing process by the Empire of Japan with their construction activities in the area under Japanese administration,it is important for us to examine the state and the role of Japanese administration office buildings. Karafuto Prefecture, commonly known as South Sakhalin, was officially established by the Empire of Japan in 1907 after the Russo-Japanese War. In this study, we focus on the headquarter buildings of the Karafuto Agency in Toyohara, presently Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Oblast (Prefecture), Russian Federation. The drawings included in the official documents of the Karafuto Agency owned by the Archives of Hokkaido were listed and scanned. Most of these drawings, 48 in total, have not had previous references. These drawings and documents made it possible for us to examine the overview of the headquarter buildings of the Karafuto Agency in Toyohara. Before the conflagration in 1942, this headquarters of the Karafuto Agency consisted of several buildings: the two-storied main building (including the old wooden building, the new reinforced concrete annex, and the old reinforced concrete annex), the two-storied old wooden annex, the two-storied new wooden annex (including the new wing and the temporary wing), some storehouses, and other small buildings. The Room names or roles in these buildings were also identified by using some drawings. The construction periods of each building were roughly estimated by several drawings and documents. There is a possibility that Mr. Yasushi TAMURA, “Gishi”, chief engineer of the Karafuto Agency, planned the two-storied old wooden main building with reference to the standardized layout for the division headquarter building in the Imperial Japanese Army in the Meiji era. However, the conflagration in 1942 destroyed the two-storied old wooden main building constructed in 1907 and some small buildings. After the conflagration in 1942, at the same site they planned a two-storied reinforced concrete new headquarter building with its basement, which was formed in an inverted m-shape. However, practically, because of the lack of Japanese governmental budget they constructed only the east part of this building: the front entrance part, one-storied north wing with the basement, two-storied main part with the basement, and two-storied east wing with the basement in 1945. There is a possibility that Mr. Yoshio KAIZUKA, “Gishi”, chief engineer of the Karafuto Agency, planned this new headquarter building with reference to the typical layout for the prefectural office buildings in Japan in the Showa era. Furthermore, there is a high possibility that the existing building, which are found out at present at the same site, is part of this new headquarter building that was planned and constructed after the conflagration. Because some drawings for old main building of Karafuto Agency constructed in 1907, some drawings for the old annex and the new annex, and some elevation drawings for the new headquarter building were not confirmed, our confirmation of these materials is our future issue.
涌井 伸二
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.65, no.636, pp.3252-3259, 1999-08-25 (Released:2008-02-26)
1 1

The precise positioning stage is ordinary mounted on the isolated table. For the positioning of its stage, PID compensator is widely used. There are many PID tuning methods, such as the ultimate sensitivity method. However, these methods are effectively applied to the plants described by "first-order lag+dead time". Then, it is difficult to realize the desirable positioning for the stage mounted on the isolated table by the simple applying of these method. Therefore, the knowledge based adhoc parameter tuning has been carried in the production field. However, this tuning easily introduces the tradeoff between the command and disturbance responses and then an adequate compromise is required. In this circumstances, we have doubts whether absolute positioning ability inherent in the stage itself is actively used. In this paper, in order to progress the positioning performance of the stage, we try to derive the tuning formulas based on Kitamori's method. The command and disturbance designated formulas are derived. Through the numerical simulation, it is clear that the practical formulation can be derived.

1 0 0 0 歌仙の組糸

陸軍省 編
vol.大正9年9月1日調 索引, 1924
青木 謙二 川畑圭一郎 黒木 亘 園田 誠 廿日出 勇
国立大学法人 情報系センター協議会
学術情報処理研究 (ISSN:13432915)
vol.22, no.1, pp.64-70, 2018
