加藤 真介 小林 純也
一般社団法人 日本放射線影響学会
日本放射線影響学会大会講演要旨集 日本放射線影響学会第53回大会
pp.59, 2010 (Released:2010-12-01)

低線量放射線は、MAPキナーゼ系の活性化やNO合成酵素(NOS)の誘導など細胞内情報伝達系に影響を与える可能性を有するが、詳細は不明である。一方、神経成長因子(NGF)は、末梢神経系に作用し、その軸索伸長を促す生理活性物質である。この因子の細胞内情報伝達経路の詳細は完全には解明されていないものの、その作用発現にはMAPキナーゼ系の持続的活性化を要すること、およびNOを介した経路が関与する可能性があることなどが報告されている。上記を考え合わせると、低線量放射線照射がMAPキナーゼ系の活性およびNO産生に影響を及ぼすことで、NGF誘導の神経軸索伸長を促進する可能性が想起される。そこで、神経分化のモデル細胞として知られるPC12細胞を用いて、低線量放射線のNGF誘導神経軸索伸長に及ぼす影響について検討を行った。 PC12細胞を低線量率γ線の持続的照射下でNGF刺激し、神経軸索伸長の程度を解析するとともに、関連タンパク質の発現をウエスタンブロッティングにより観察した。NGFによるMAPキナーゼ系の活性化は、照射群においてさらなる亢進が一時的に認められたものの、その後は抑制され、NGFシグナルの低下が起きていると考えられた。実際、NGFによる神経軸索伸長は、照射群においてわずかではあるが低下していた。この現象におけるNOの関与を調べるために誘導型NOSの発現を観察したところ、その発現上昇が認められた。さらに、照射による軸索伸長抑制は、NOスカベンジャーおよびNOS阻害剤によって抑制された。以上のことより、低線量の放射線照射は、予想に反し、NOの産生を介してNGF誘導の神経軸索伸長を抑制するものと考えられた。放射線感受性の低い神経系細胞におけるこのような発想の研究はほとんどなく、本知見は、低線量放射線の神経系に対する影響を検討する上で有意義な情報を提供するものと考える。
KOGA Tetsuo
人文研究 : 大阪市立大学大学院文学研究科紀要 = Studies in the humanities : Bulletin of the Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences, Osaka City University (ISSN:04913329)
vol.69, pp.5-20, 2018

Langston Hughes' last book of poetry is here reasserted as the author's major and critical attempt at summarizing his whole poetic output, rather than being a mere deathbed volume to combat the changing political situation of the times. By carefully documenting and discussing the poet's editorial work of recharging the older poems under the new and changed titles, in addition to the genuinely new poems, it may finally be shown that the principal intent of the poet's endeavors should lie in resonating his "original" stance in the matters of freedom and democracy, matters which are the two most "popular" themes for black people in America. After a brief introduction of the situation where the poet decides to publish his newest volume of poetry, the question of "originality" is raised as a topic which, in an Emersonian context, never collides with the notion of popularity, but merely accentuates the poet's prophetic vision of racial emancipation and an uplift of the democratic ideal in the mode of a popular address to the masses. The sections titled "The New Beat of The Panther and the Lash," "'American Heartbreak' through 'Dinner Guest; Me,'" and "Daybreak in Alabama" all tackle to analyze the major poems, and also to ascertain the poet's motive for summarizing his lifelong struggle for racial equality.
江原 由美子
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2007, no.20, pp.13-24, 2007

The subject of this paper is to consider the influence of Gender Free Bashing (GFB) on present-day Japanese society. GFB means that there are certain political groups which oppose a gender-equal policy in Japan. Those who advocate GFB think that people who use words such as ‘gender’ or ‘gender-free’ are extremists who deny the existence of natural sex difference and family. Past researches has shown that GFB had influenced many young men who had supported nationalistic view. In this paper, I try to show the influence of GFB from the viewpoint of various people in connection with GFB. And I also try to show that the main aim of GFB is to achieve a invisible change in gender-equal policy through a supply of voluntary alignment of a member of administrative occupation.
中澤 渉
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.70, pp.203-223, 2002-05-15 (Released:2011-03-18)

This paper analyzes the effects of high school admissions based on junior high school recommendations. Educational reformers in Japan tend to believe in the importance of ideals and to ignore the facts, and they fail to consider the intentions of actors. As a result their plans and reforms, especially the reforms of the entrance examination system, often fail. According to Coleman, sociologists have failed to focus on micro-macro links. Though one actor may behave rationally, the aggregate of many people's acts often leads to unintended consequences. If we use rational choice theory, we can explain this missing link. However, some sociologists criticize rational choice theory as having no evidence, so I use my original data to check the validity of the theory.The intent of the policymakers is toselect students who have original personality, break the hierarchical system in high school, and relax competition. However, to begin with, we cannot objectively evaluate studentswith different types of personality. Personality indexes are limited to experiences as student leaders, captains of sports clubs, sports tournament winners, excellent students who have abilities in art, etc. However, students who achieve high scores in academic subjects also tend to get such achievements. It is hard even for students who get high scores to pass the entrance exams, because other competitors also have excellent scores and good skills and these “indexes.” The recommendation system does not include paper tests. Students who are not able to achieve high scores do not have rivals and competitors. Therefore, the recommendation system allows a relaxation of competition only for those students who cannot get high scores. On the other hand, the gap between students who get high scores and those who cannot get high scores tends to expand.It is possible that through therecommendation system, the problems involving the educational system in Japan will become worse and worse. It is impossible to avoid the occurrence of unintended consequences. There are a variety of ways to understand and grasp the social situation and environment surrounding oneself. So it is natural that different persons act in different ways. However, sociologists must consider and predict the perverse effects of social policy.
張 世波 Acuna Cesar M. 矢沢 彬
東北大學選鑛製錬研究所彙報 (ISSN:0040876X)
vol.40, no.2, pp.143-154, 1985

Three kinds of melting experiments were carried out for investigating the equilibria between ferrite slag and matte as follows : (I) Calcium ferrite slag and copper matte were brought into equilibrium under a current of SO_2-Ar gas. This corresponds to the condition of oxidizing smelting. (II) Calcium ferrite slag, copper matte and metallic copper were brought into equilibrium under a current of Ar gas. This corresponds to the condition of reducing smelting. (III) Three liquid phases of slag, matte and copper were brought into equilibrium under a current of SO_2-Ar gas. This corresponds to the direct production of copper by oxidizing smelting. In all of these cases, the distribution behaviour of arsenic, in addition to those of the principal components, was investigated. The solidified samples were investigated by microscope and electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) to confirm the structure and composition for each phase obtained. The following crystallites were recognized in each phase. In the metal phase : a. Matrix of copper metal containing arsenic. b. Small bluish-grey particle of Cu_2S or bornite. c. Small greenish-grey crystallite of copper arsenide. d. Small light-grey arsenide consisting of Cu-Fe-As. In the matte phase : i. Bluish-grey matrix consiting of Cu_2S and bornite solid solutions. ii. Hair-like metallic copper. iii. Tiny dark grey crystallite of CaS. iv. Round dark grey particle consisting of calcium ferrite and bornite. v. White particle of iron. vi. Round yellowish-white grain consisting of copper and arsenic. vii. Tiny grey eutectic-type grains of Cu_2O recognized under very high oxygen potential. viii. Dark grey boundary crystallites observed in low grade matte. Sulfide-oxide mixture of Fe-Ca-S-O system. In the slag phase : 1. Large dark grey plate-like crystallites of 2CaO・Fe_2O_3. 2. Large grey plate-like crystallites of FeO・Fe_2O_3・CaO. 3. Massive light grey crystallites of FeO or Fe_3O_4. 4. Tiny dark grey grains observed in calcium ferrite crystallite. 5. Light yellow crystallites of FeS. 6. Brown or bluish-grey crystallites of bornite. 7. Greenish-grey plate-like or massive crystallites. Sulfide-oxide mixture of Fe-Ca-S-O system. 8. Small metallic copper grains. 9. White spherical crystallites of Fe occasionally containing As.
前田 更子
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 = The Journal of history (ISSN:03869369)
vol.104, no.1, pp.155-187, 2021-01

敬虔なカトリックの女性信者は、ライシテに価値を見いだすフランス共和国で何を考え、どのように生きたのだろうか。それが国民統合の使命を担った公立学校の教師だったとするとさらに問題は複雑であろう。本稿では、アルプスの山岳地帯を拠点とし、主に両大戦間期に活動した女性カトリック・グループ「ダビデ」を取り上げる。彼女たちのネットワークは雑誌や図書館制度、巡礼を通して全国に広がり、一九二〇年代末には公立小学校に勤務する女性教員の一割ほどを惹きつけた。共和国の小学校教師としての使命を果たしつつ信者として生き抜くことは、ダビデにとって両立可能であり相互補完的でさえあった。共和国とカトリシズムはともに、彼女たちに人との親密なつながりをもたらし、自己を主張し防衛する手段をも与えた。本稿では、第三共和政期フランスの小学校教師の日常世界を明らかにし、宗教の社会的意義をジェンダーの視点から考察する。This article considers the ideas and activities of the Davidées, a group of Catholic female teachers who worked in public schools. This is firstly an attempt to clarify the daily lives of female teachers in rural France during the Interwar period, and secondly an effort to present one case to help us understand how pious individuals adapted to the modern nation state that promoted laïcité as a national principle. The historical sources employed in this study are chiefly letters written by Marie Silve and Marthe Lagarde, who were leading members of the Davidées, records of the interviews of Marie Silve by the Catholic intellectuals Jean Guitton and Emmanuel Mounier, and the monthly Aux Davidées, published by the group itself. The Davidées were created in 1916 in the sanctuary of Notre-Dame du Laus, located in the Southern Alps, where six female teachers, who were newly graduated from the teacher-training college in Digne, met with the veteran teacher Mélanie Thivolle. These women were fervent Catholics, but at the time in the sphere of elementary educators there was, on the one hand, a powerful leftist teachersʼ union that would not recognize the teachersʼ faith, and, on the other hand, the Catholic church that condemned public schools as "schools of the devil" and encouraged the faithful to join private schools. Given these circumstances, the women founded the Davidées in order to fulfill their duties as public school teachers and at the same time to keep and even enhance their faith. The Davidées network, which valued their occupation and faith equally, gradually spread throughout the nation via their periodicals, library system and pilgrimages, and by the end of the 1920s they had attracted to their ranks approximately 10% of the female elementary teachers working in public schools. Carrying on their faith while fulfilling their mission as public school teachers for the Republic was for the Davidées something that could not only coexist, but in fact be complementary. Furthermore, both the Republic and Catholicism provided them intimate links to various people and gave them the means to advocate for and protect themselves. This article attempts to throw new light on the previous understanding of teachers in the time of the Third Republic from the viewpoints of religion and gender.
村上 達哉 奥出 潤 大滝 憲二 大場 淳一 郷 一知 松居 喜郎 酒井 圭輔 田辺 達三
一般社団法人 日本人工臓器学会
人工臓器 (ISSN:03000818)
vol.17, no.3, pp.1121-1124, 1988

先天性心疾患における右室-肺動脈間の再建に使用する目的で、グルタルアルデヒド処理ウマ心膜(Xenomedica®)を用いたvalved conduitを自作し、その水力学的特性についてin-vitroで実験を行なった。一尖弁・二尖弁・三尖弁を持った三種のconduitを作成し、これを補助人工心臓ポンプを中心とした実験回路に装着して実験を行なった。心拍数・駆動圧を種々に変化させるとともに、弁部分に対する圧迫や偏平化による弁機能への影響についても検討を加えた。三種のconduitのうち、一尖弁conduitは全般的に逆流が多く変形にも弱かった。また三尖弁conduitは逆流は少ないが、圧迫変形によって弁抵抗が増加した。これに対して、二尖弁conduitは各種条件下で比較的安定した性能を示し、圧迫に対しても弁機能が大きく損なわれることがなかった。したがって、本conduitは胸骨と心臓の間で圧迫されるような臨床例でも十分に機能を発揮しうると考えられた。
西田 慎
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 = Bulletin of Nara University of Education. Cultural and social science (ISSN:05472393)
vol.69, no.1, pp.49-62, 2020-12

This article gives an overview of studies on protest movements concerning 1968 Germany. Today, many historians treat "1968" as a global phenomenon and a historical major "watershed." Young people fought against authoritarian universities, governments, and hierarchical structures, for freedom, justice, and self-determination. Movements spread worldwide. In West Germany, they struggled in opposition to the hierarchical structures of universities, the Kiesinger-government, the so-called emergency laws, and the Vietnam War.In 2018/2019, 50 years after 1968, many museums in Germany held exhibitions about the events of 1968. Reviewing the literature on "1968" and visiting "1968" exhibitions, this article stresses the following four points about the research trends on "1968" in Germany. First, many studies have emerged from a regional perspective. Second, studies from a global perspective have increased simultaneously. Third, many studies focus on political, social, and cultural events around 1968. Fourth, the" long 1960s," running from roughly 1959 to 1974, has taken on a new significance as a "watershed" in German history, beyond the significance of 1968 alone.