金出 武雄
The Robotics Society of Japan
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.5, no.5, pp.376-383, 1987-10-15 (Released:2010-08-25)
3 3
深見 純生 Sumio Fukami
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
no.39, pp.7-18, 2009-03

Although it is difficult to reject emphatically the theory that Hundian, the legendary founder of Funan, came originally from India, the probability seems higher that he was of Southeast Asian origin. The itinerary of Suwu, a member of the royal family of Funan, to and from India in the early third century CE demonstrates the unfamiliarity between the two countries. In which case, the founding of Funan, the earliest known case of state formation in Southeast Asia, assumed to have taken place around the first century CE, and also its development into the center of the Southeast Asian trade network in the third century, must have been a result not of Indian influence but of developments taking place in Southeast Asia itself. The "Indianization" theory, in the sense that state formation in Southeast Asia took place after its contact with Indian civilization, thereby loses credibility.
津田 左右吉
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho
vol.6, no.2, pp.257-272, 1916-05

1 0 0 0 OA 伊達郡誌

金沢西石 編
海老原 聡 井岡 誠司 伊藤 義道 入部 正継 何 一偉 田中 孝徳 土居 元紀 中田 亮生
公益社団法人 日本工学教育協会
工学教育 (ISSN:13412167)
vol.69, no.4, pp.4_94-4_100, 2021 (Released:2021-08-01)

In this paper, we report a case study of project-based learning (PBL). PBL aims to allow students to experience collaboration across disciplines. The class comprised several teams, each of which consisted of students belonging to different departments. First, the students learned biomimetics prior to PBL and attempted to develop new commercial goods with the knowledge gained. The teams could make full use of the university’s facilities, such as 3D printers, to produce objects precisely. The students’ final results included the development of a propeller for hydropower or a drone. The students evaluated themselves using a rubric that we specifically developed for the class. The evaluation confirmed that the students became aware of the need and importance of teamwork.
徳本 静代 武井 直已 瀬川 和幸 毛利 久夫 古前 敏明
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.59, no.4, pp.381-388, 1985

1976~1983年の間, 広島県の一看護i学校に在籍した女子学生941名 (延1,939名, 18~24歳) を対象に各年1回HBV関連抗原・抗体を追跡調査し, HBV感受性者の動向と健康者集団でのHBV水平感染の実態を血清学的に検討した.<BR>延対象のHBs抗原陽性率 (RPHA法, EIA法) は1.7%, HBs抗体陽性率 (PHA法) は14.7%で, これらを3力年移動平均でみると前者が1.4~2.1%の間でほぼ横ばいの, 後者が18.7~10.4%で年々1~ 2%の減少の傾向を示した.学科別では第2臨床看護i学科 (夜間部, 昼間は医療業務に従事) のHBs抗体陽性率19.1%は臨床看護学科の11.0%に比較して有意に高率 (x2test, p<0.01) であった.<BR>1学年時のHBs抗体陽性率は調査前半 (1976~1979年) が16.3%, 後半 (1980~1983年) が9.3%で, 入学前のHBV感染状況は減少の傾向を示した.学科別では第2臨床看護学科が有意な低下 (X<SUP>2</SUP>test, p<0.05) を示していた.<BR>一方, HBe抗原陽性carrierは6名認められた.しかしながら対象内のHBV水平感染については, 調査期間中に3例 (0.4%, 1: 265) の新感染例を確認したがそらが対象集団内における水平感染であるとする証拠は血清学的な追跡からも, 在籍調査からも得られなかった.<BR>なお, 200倍希釈血清におけるHBc抗体価 (EIA法) はcarrierではIH%90%以上であり, 感染初期ではIH%30%以下であった.
武田 浩輝
日本豚病研究会報 (ISSN:09143017)
no.65, pp.41-43, 2015-02

長岡 信治 西山 賢一 井上 弦
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.119, no.4, pp.632-667, 2010-08-25 (Released:2010-11-08)
4 6

The Miyazaki Plain is situated at the western end of the forearc of the Southwest Japan Arc, and is one of the standard areas of the Quaternary system in Japan. Many tephra layers were supplied from volcanoes in the Ryukyu and Southwest Japan arcs during Quaternary. The authors establish the stratigraphy and chronology of sediments during middle Pleistocene to Holocene in the Miyazaki Plain using tephrochronological methods, and discuss landform development and tectonics. The sediments are subdivided into Kariya formation, Nojiri formation (the Highest terraces), the Higher terrace deposits, the Middle terraces deposits, the Lower terraces deposits, and the Holocene formation (alluvium plain). Kariya formation of 1 Ma-500 ka, is fluvial sediments which are partially accompanied by marine sediments. Nojiri formation is 500-300 ka old and fluvial and marine sediments form the highest terraces. Shiinoki member in Nojiri formation has a transgressive sediment and is correlated with MIS 9. The higher terraces are composed of Kukino fluvial terrace of 330-240 ka and Chausubaru fluvial terrace of 240 ka. The middle terraces consist of the four fluvial and marine terraces: Sanzaibaru terrace of 140-120 ka, Baba terrace of 110 ka, Nyutabaru terrace of 110-90 ka, Karasebaru terrace of 90 ka, and Saitobaru terrace of 90-80 ka. Sanzaibaru terrace with a thick transgressive sediment and well-developed marine terraces correlates with MIS 6-5e. Nyutabaru terrace is mainly fluvial accompanied partially by marine terraces, and emerged in MIS 5c. Baba and Saitobaru terraces are fluvial only. Saitobaru terrace with a gravel bed over 10-m thick indirectly corresponded to the transgression in MIS 5a. All of the lower terraces of 70-10 ka are fluvial, and are subdivided into ten terraces: Shimizu, Okatomi, Toyobaru 1, Toyobaru 2, Ikazuno, Oyodo, Fukadoshi 1, Fukadoshi 2, Mikazukibaru 1, and Mikazukibaru 2. Their steep longitudinal profiles indicate that sea-level when the terraces formed was lower than the recent one. This lower sea-level stage chronologically corresponds to MIS 4-2. Fukadoshi 1,2 terraces, the profile of which is the steepest of all the terraces, were formed in MIS 2, the last glacial maximum. Shimotajima marine terraces and recent alluvium correspond to Holocene high sea level and transgression in MIS 1. The tectonics of the Miyazaki Plain during the past 2 Ma are estimated from landforms and geological structures. During 2-1 Ma, the forearc basin beneath the sea was uplifted slowly and the Miyazaki Plain emerged. Then the left-lateral movement of Wanitsuka Mts block bordering the plain on the north formed the two pull-apart basins of the Kariya and Nojiri formations at the southern part of the plain during 1-0.3 Ma. The left-lateral movement was caused by the opening of the Okinawa Trough in the back arc of Ryukyu Arc. At 0.3 Ma, the Miyazaki plain suddenly began uplifting rapidly due to E-W trend compression. During 0.8-0.6 Ma, the movement direction of the Philippine Sea Plate changed from NW to WNW, and then the plate subducted obliquely along the Nankai trough. Consequently, the Southwest Japan forearc including the Miyazaki Plain decoupled from the inner arc, moving westward, and finally caused the E-W trend compression and uplifting around the Miyazaki Plain. The uplift rate of the southern part of the plain accelerated from 0.1 m/ka to 1 m/ka during the last 0.3 Ma at the southern part of the plain. In detail, the tectonical mode is domical uplifting the center, which is several kilometers off Miyazaki City in the Pacific Ocean. The domical uplifting and the increasing uplift rate relate to the isostasy of the subducting Kyushu-Palau Ridge on the Philippine Sea plate under the Miyazaki Plain or a rising serpentinite diapir in the crust of the Eurasia plate.
尾形 哲也 菅野 重樹
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.65, no.633, pp.1900-1906, 1999-05-25 (Released:2008-02-26)

This study discusses the communication between autonomous robots and humans through the development of a robot which has an emotion model. The model refers to the internal secretion system of humans and it has four kinds of the hormone parameters to use to adjust various internal conditions such as motor output, cooling' fan output and sensor gain. We surveyed 126 visitors at '97 International Robot Exhibition held in Tokyo (Oct. 1997) in order to exaluate psychological impressions of the robot. As the result, the human friendliness of the robot was confirmed and some factors concerning with the human robot emotional communication were discovered.
中村 薫 広瀬 芳彦
The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.53, no.8, pp.668-677, 1995-08-01
3 27

Recently, lipases are used widely as reagents for syntheses of chiral compounds, although organic chemists have only a little knowledge about characteristics of individual lipases. Reactivities and selectivities of lipase-catalyzed reactions are reviewed from a viewpoint of organic syntheses in the present article, which will be usefull for a guide to the proper selection of a lipase for kinetic resolutions of racemic compounds.