小渕 敦子 西村 拓 溝口 勝 井本 博美 宮崎 毅
公益社団法人 農業農村工学会
農業農村工学会論文集 (ISSN:18822789)
vol.77, no.2, pp.137-143, 2009-04-25 (Released:2010-11-01)

黒ボク土を用いて地表面燃焼下における土壌中の温度,体積含水率,炭素・窒素含有率の変化を測定した.土壌試料を内径15cmの素焼土管に充填し,地表面で炭を6時間燃焼した.燃焼中の地表面温度は600~700℃になった.湿った土では土壌温度は95~100℃まで上昇し,しばらく停滞し,その後再度上昇した.乾燥した豊浦砂では土壌温度の停滞はなく,連続的に,より急激に上昇した.このことから,温度の停滞は土壌水分蒸発に伴う潜熱消費によるものと考えられる.土壌温度が100℃を超える深さは燃焼時間の平方根に比例して深くなった.これは,燃焼開始時の初期体積含水率が大きいほど,地表面における燃焼の影響が及ぶ土層が浅くなることを示唆している. 電気炉を用いた燃焼試験では,500℃以上で土壌の炭素・窒素含有率はそれぞれ0.4, 0.1 g kg-1より小さくなった.一方,地表面を燃焼した土壌カラムにおいては,土壌温度上昇に伴って炭素・窒素含有率は低下したものの,土壌温度700℃においてもそれぞれ20, 1.0 g kg-1を超える,炭素,窒素含有率を示した.
萩原 英敏 Hidetoshi HAGIWARA
淑徳短期大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of Junior College of Shukutoku (ISSN:02886758)
no.53, pp.39-52, 2014-02-25

Journal of Radiation Research 編集委員会
Journal of Radiation Research (ISSN:04493060)
pp.1107140221-1107140221, (Released:2011-07-16)

The atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki led to two different types of radiation exposure; one was direct and brief and the other was indirect and persistent. The latter (so-called exposure to residual radiation) resulted from the presence of neutron activation products in the soil, or from fission products present in the fallout. Compared with the doses from direct exposures, estimations of individual doses from residual radiation have been much more complicated, and estimates vary widely among researchers. The present report bases its conclusions on radiation doses recorded in tooth enamel from survivors in Hiroshima. Those survivors were present at distances of about 3 km or greater from the hypocenter at the time of the explosion, and have DS02 estimated doses (direct exposure doses) of less than 5 mGy (and are regarded as control subjects). Individual doses were estimated by measuring CO2– radicals in tooth enamel with the electron spin resonance (ESR; or electron paramagnetic resonance, EPR) method. The results from 56 molars donated by 49 survivors provided estimated doses which vary from –200 mGy to 500 mGy, and the median dose was 17 mGy (25% and 75% quartiles are –54 mGy and 137 mGy, respectively) for the buccal parts and 13 mGy (25% and 75% quartiles: –49 mGy and 87 mGy, respectively) for the lingual parts of the molars. Three molars had ESR-estimated doses of 300 to 400 mGy for both the buccal and lingual parts, which indicates possible exposures to excess doses of penetrating radiation, although the origin of such radiation remains to be determined. The results did not support claims that a large fraction of distally-exposed survivors received large doses (e.g. 1 Gy) of external penetrating radiation resulting from residual radiation.
村田 滋
公益社団法人 日本化学会
化学と教育 (ISSN:03862151)
vol.61, no.7, pp.368-370, 2013
全 惠利
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. TL, 思考と言語 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.113, no.354, pp.25-29, 2013-12-07

国際化により、日本のようなモノリンガル社会でも、多様な言語と背景を持つ多言語話者は状況・聞き手・場面によって言語を使い分けている。特に、感情の言語化やその使い分けは日本語教育においてほとんど扱われていないのにも関わらず、多言語話者は自分の力で日本語と他の言語を使い分けて自分の感情や意志を表現していく。その背景には、日本語ではできない感情の表現や日本語でこそ表せるようになった感情の表現を身につけていくような日本社会における・日本語の習得や言語社会化(Language Socialization)への経験があると考えられる。そこで、本稿では、日本社会における多言語話者炉どのように言語のコードスイッチングを通じて感情を言語化しているか、どのようにして異なる言語を巡る感情の表現ができるようになったのか、をみる。そうすることで、今後日本語教育において、日本社会の多言語話者への感情の表現を指導したり、サポートしたりすることが可能であるか、可能だとしたらどのようなところに力を入れるべきかを考える。
小田嶋 悟
東海大学課程資格教育センター論集 (ISSN:13492438)
no.1, pp.26-20, 2002

The Imperial Rescript on Education brought a unity of the view about moral. The result was that moal education was thought of as school subjects. It is important that moral ideas differ from ideas about morality.
高 史明 雨宮 有里
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.28, no.2, pp.67-76, 2013

It has been shown that with regard to Blacks in the US, in addition to old-fashioned racism (a traditional and blatant form of racism), modern racism (a more subtle form, where one denies racism but nevertheless holds negative affect and belief against Blacks) has appeared in the post-Civil Rights Movement era (McConahay, 1986). Using the questionnaire method and exploratory factor analysis for Japanese college students, the present article revealed that this distinction between the two forms of racism is useful to describe racism against Zainichi Koreans (Korean residents in Japan). Furthermore, the present research investigated the consequences and underlying factors of the two forms of racism. Racism intensified contradictory discontent against Zainichi Koreans simultaneously, and had expected effects on the estimation of the number of Zainichi Koreans per unit of a certain kind of worker and people on social welfare in Japan. Protestant work ethics (Mirels & Garrett, 1971) intensified and humanitarianism-egalitarianism (Katz & Hass, 1988) weakened the two forms of racism. Implications of these findings were discussed.
塩谷 芳也
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.29, no.3, pp.157-169, 2014

Th purpose of the study is to examine the impact of received social support on the mental health of victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake. An Internet survey was conducted on September 9, 2011. Participants were victims of the disaster aged 18-69 years who lived in Miyagi prefecture (N=1,000). Depression was measured using the Japanese version of K6. Types and times of social support received within one month from the earthquake were measured. Samples were divided into lightly damaged victims (n=781) and severely damaged victims (n=219). Statistical analyses showed that cases who received "psychological encour-agement" tend to have depression after half a year of the earthquake only in the case of lightly damaged victims. Controlling for stressful events such as the death of family members and depression in the one month following the earthquake, psychological encouragement maintained a significant effect on depression for half a year from the earthquake. The mechanism that produced this correlation was explained in terms of the ambiguous and unstable identity of lightly damaged victims of the disaster.
宮嶋 由布
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.57, pp.309-322, 2011-04-25

This study examines the reasons why many elementary school children love"Pocket Monster" (Pokemon). Pokemon is a sum of monster characters and is the most popular character among children these days. Children can get these monsters and put them into small balls in the Pokemon game. They can acquire, collect, and grow them in the game. In the study, elementary school children completed a questionnaire asking them to identify their favorite characters and to write the reasons they liked them. The data were analyzed by focusing on those who liked Pokemon, and the differences depending on sex and age were analyzed. As a result, many children selected their favorite characters from a large number of Pokemon characters according to their traits and special abilities or the children's impressions about Pokemon, such as "cool", "strong" and "cute." Especially, many boys in lower and middle grades liked Pokemon because the characters have strong power. Moreover, Pokemon was liked by children because the characters are not only strong, but also cute. These results show that Pokemon can support children's dependence and independence by relating to their aggressiveness and tendency to be dependent.
高橋 和宏
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2012, no.170, pp.170_46-170_60, 2012-10-25 (Released:2014-10-26)

During the Ikeda administration (1960–1964), Japan’s index of import liberalization accelerated from 40% in 1960 to 93% in 1964, approximately same as in the European Economic Community countries. Such rapid liberalization, however, prompted severe anxiety among the Japanese, who feared their economy might be swallowed up by “black ships.” Focusing on actions of the Economic Affairs Bureau (EAB) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the leadership of Prime Minister Ikeda Hayato, this article explores the rising of Japan’s economic nationalism, its underlying logic, and how Japan government restrained it. Under insistence from the U.S. government, Japan decided to liberalize its trade restrictions in 1960. Such overt foreign pressure, however, fueled economic nationalism among Japan’s governmental agencies. Believing trade liberalization was needed to not only meet U.S. demands to expand free trade and defend the dollar but also strengthen Japan’s economy, EAB urged Ikeda to take assertive action. Consequently, Ikeda expressed his determination to hasten the removal of trade restrictions when he visited the U.S. in 1961. Nonetheless, intense nationalism was inherent in the Japanese government, especially among its economic agencies. Although they considered trade liberalization necessary, they rejected its basic theory—the principle of comparative advantage—fearing that Japan’s infant heavy industries might be forced out, obliging Japan to specialize only in light industries. Hoping to avoid that outcome, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) introduced legislation titled “Temporary Measures for Promotion of Specific Industries” intended to create a new industrial structure and strengthen competitiveness of the Japanese heavy industry through public-private cooperation. However, this bill could not muster enough support for enactment because it emphasized regulation rather than free trade. Instead of trade regulations, Japan’s economic agencies regarded higher tariffs as the means to prevent acceleration of imports. In opposition, the U.S. and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) called for linear tariff cuts at the start of the Kennedy Round negotiations. MITI and the Ministry of Agriculture resisted drastic tariff cuts, but their insistence on protecting domestic industries was so self-serving that Japan was reproached during the GATT negotiations. It was Ikeda’s initiative that persuaded the intractable economic agencies and enabled Japan to participate affirmatively in the Kennedy Round negotiations. This article concludes that Ikeda’s leadership was essential to Japan’s overcoming of the forces of economic nationalism and liberalizing its trade policies. Ikeda believed that the Japanese economy would become more vigorous and competitive through trade liberalization.
菅原 遼
公益社団法人 日本農芸化学会
化学と生物 (ISSN:0453073X)
vol.51, no.10, pp.717-719, 2013-10-01 (Released:2014-10-09)

横田 恵子
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.19, pp.183-194, 2005-03-31

Social movements like Feminism have decreased during the last decade. Especially, young women who seem to adapt to Japanese society are less committed to such activities than others. Besides, these women have few interests outside their ordinary lives. However, it doesn't mean that these women have had any problematic experiences. The young women never take part in the Claim-making Activities because they have been annoyed by strong affirmation adopted by social movements during the past decade in Japan. We have to explore an alternative way to empower these women.
落合 博志 神作 研一 恋田 知子
「書物で見る 日本古典文学史」解説 = Various Early Japanese Books ――Introduction to Bibliography――
pp.1-10, 2016-06-20

本展示では、上代から明治初期までの文学を、書物(古典籍)によってたどります。最近の研究動向にも配慮はしましたが、むしろ教科書でなじみの深い作品を 中心に据えて、文学史の流れを示しました。写本の表情や版本の風合いに触れながら、豊かな日本古典文学史の諸相をお楽しみください。This exhibition traces history of Japanese literature with books from ancient time to the beginning of Meiji period.We try to show the flow of Japanese literature history with familiar works as well as considering the recent study result. Please enjoy the various aspects of Japanese literature history as watching expression of manuscripts or texture of printed materials.
中澤 篤史 西島 央 矢野 博之 熊谷 信司
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.48, pp.317-337, 2009-03-10

In secondary school of Japan under the current national curriculum (course of study), the club activities had not been corroborated institutionally despite that they were very important aspect of schoollife alike lesson activities. But on the coming national curriculum, it has described that club activities should be related with school curriculum properly, especially paying attention to circumstances or situations of each school. Nevertheless it had not got such information and those data. In this paper we'll endeavour to illuminate the circumstances about adviser-teacher of club activities, the relations of teaching on club activities to guidance, also to the other school affairs from the questionnaire survey to teachers in the Tokyo metropolitan area and seven prefectures, Iwate, Niigata, Shizuoka, Nara, Kagawa, Yamaguchi, and Kagoshima./ We will deal with the following issues in this paper. 1) School survey; the relations between the size of schools and club activities, the obligation on participation in club activities, assignment of adviser-teachers, school aims concerning club activities. 2) Teachers survey; circumstances of club activities, the management system of club activities and coaches, teachers'experiences about club activities, management and coaching, the other school affairs, teachers'opinions concerning coaching and teaching.