新しい論文:「漢訳アビダルマにおける宇宙論と『宿曜経』」。仏教と占星術に興味がある方、ご覧ください。(New paper in Japanese, English version is forthcoming.) https://t.co/MYvkEh09RX https://t.co/yvRDlKWnhc
The National Diet Library of Japan 国立国会図書館 has a lot of great digital resources, including many scanned texts from China and Japan. I often find print editions which I can use and cite. Here are some materia medica prints. 本草綱目圖3卷. https://t.co/MFRUcBV67K https://t.co/qrU696OveY
Wamyō ruiju shō 倭名類聚抄, a Japanese dictionary of c. 934, starts with astral terms. The Pleiades (mǎo 昴 in Chinese) are called 須八流 (Subaru) in Japanese. Connected with Agni, which is a bit of Vedic influence via Amoghavajra's astrology manual. https://t.co/Z99F6iQlXl https://t.co/MakZKsizPz
これ: CiNii 図書 - A dictionary of modern star names : a short guide to 254 star names and their derivations https://t.co/P8SYqKhcu3 #CiNii ただ、この本の記述についてはクーニッチのドイツ語の研究書を見るべき。