小川 浩司 松崎 道男 宮下 裕子 本村 茂樹 伊藤 章 大久保 隆男 丸田 壱郎 児玉 文雄
公益社団法人 日本化学療法学会
vol.35, no.5, pp.398-410, 1987-05-25 (Released:2011-08-04)

白血病治癒の主要薬剤であるDaunorubicin (DNR) の代謝, 分布, 排泄を知るために, 白血病患者にDNR 40 mgを3分間で静注し, 血中濃度 (血漿中, 赤血球中濃度), 尿中排泄を高速液体クロマトグラフィー (HPLC) を用いて測定した。 同時に3コンバートメントオープンモデルを用いて血中濃度の薬物動力学的解析を行ない, 以下のような結果を得た。1. DNRの血漿中, 赤血球中濃度のピーク値は5分後にあり, 各々228.00±204.00ng/ml, 237.00±111.00ng/gであった。 血中濃度曲線は, α, β, γの3相を呈した。 血漿DNRの半減期は, α相0.0351±0.0157 hr (約2分), β相1.83±2.01 hr, γ相15.8±8.4 hrであった。2. DNRの主要代謝物は, Daunorubicinol (DNR-OL) であり, その血漿中, 赤血球中濃度のピーク値は, 96.50±62.90 ng/ml, 205.00±115.00 ng/gであった。 2時間値で, DNRの血漿中濃度は20.00±15.80 ng/ml, DNR-OL 41.40±27.20 ng/mlで, 赤血球中濃度は40.00±19.50 ng/g, 40.20±13.60 ng/gであり, 2時間以後では, DNRよりDNR-OLの濃度が高値となることが示された。3. 3コンパートメントオープンモデルの解析結果では, DNRの体循環コンパートメントから組織コンパートメントIIおよびIIIに対する移行速度定数K12, K13は大きく, 逆に組織II, IIIから体循環コンパートメントへの移行速度定数K21, K31は小さく, DNRは速やかに組織に移行し, 組織に高濃度に保持され, 放出は緩やかであることが考えられた。 また, 体循環コンパートメント分布容量V1は, 組織コンパートメント分布容量V2+V3に比べ極めて小さく, 投与されたDNRの多くが組織に分布することが示唆された。4. 尿中排泄率は, 24時間においてDNR 6.33±2.93%, DNR-OL 5.30±2.48%で, 総排泄率は, 11.8±5.1%で尿中への排泄は少ないことが示された。
今坂 友亮 福永 智洋 伊藤 章 杉谷 栄規 小西 啓治 原 尚之
vol.57, pp.1032-1033, 2014

川端 浩一 伊藤 章
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.11097, (Released:2012-09-29)
5 1

A study was conducted to investigate differences in bat swing between the use of long and short bat grip positions. Fifteen male baseball players were videotaped at 250 Hz using two high-speed video cameras while they were batting balls placed on a batting tee and pitched at 80, 100, and 120 km/h by a pitching machine. The bat head and grip end were digitized, and the three-dimensional coordinates were calculated using the direct linear transformation (DLT) method. Bat head velocity at impact employing the long grip position was significantly higher than that when the short grip position was used, but grip velocity and bat angular velocity at impact employing the short grip position were significantly higher than those when the long grip position was used, independent of pitching speed. These findings suggest that bat head velocity at impact was affected mainly by the radius of gyration. Bat head velocity at impact using both grip positions decreased significantly as pitching speed increased. This may have reflected the efforts of the players to improve batting accuracy, since the bat head velocity at impact was significantly lower for the short grip position than for the long grip position at all pitching speeds. These results regarding the relationship between speed and accuracy indicate that the short grip position is advantageous for improving batting accuracy.
赤丸 祐介 弓場 健義 山崎 芳郎 籾山 卓哉 伊藤 章 春日井 務 吉田 康之
一般社団法人 日本消化器外科学会
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.40, no.2, pp.221-226, 2007 (Released:2011-06-08)
1 1

症例は62歳の男性で, 1970年(27歳時), 粘血便で発症し, 全大腸炎型の潰瘍性大腸炎と診断された. 再燃緩解型でサラゾピリン, プレドニン内服などの加療を受けていたが, 1998年以降は無治療であった. 2004年11月, 貧血の精査目的で当院を受診, 大腸内視鏡検査にて, 緩解期の潰瘍性大腸炎に合併した盲腸癌の診断を得た. 2005年2月, 結腸右半切除, D3郭清術を施行した. 摘出標本では盲腸腫瘍に加えて, 虫垂にも粘液産生を伴う腫瘍性病変を認めた. 両者はそれぞれ独立して腫瘍を形成し, 正常粘膜を介さず隣接して存在した. 病理組織学的検索では盲腸高分化腺癌と虫垂粘液嚢胞腺癌との異なる組織型の癌が, 混ざり合うことなく, 明瞭な境界を伴い相接しており衝突癌と診断した. 大腸における衝突腫瘍の報告は少なく, また自験例のような盲腸と虫垂から発生した悪性腫瘍同士の衝突の報告例はなく, 極めてまれな症例と考えられ, 若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する.
伊藤 章 斉藤 昌久 淵本 隆文
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.42, no.2, pp.71-83, 1997-07-10 (Released:2017-09-27)
1 5

A study was performed to compare joint torque development with EMG activities, and to investigate the relationship between peak torque and power during different phases of leg movement at different sprint velocities from the starting dash to full stride. Cinematographic recordings of sprint movement together with ground reaction forces and EMGs from seven lower limb muscles were obtained from four male sprinters at the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 9th, 13th and 19th (maximal velocity) steps from the sprint start. Joint torque and power in the hip, knee and ankle were computed from analysis of the film and ground reaction forces. The results can be summarized as follows: 1) The developmental patterns of joint torque and power, and the EMG activities were similar from the first step to the maximal velocity. 2) The phases of torque development were parallel to the related EMG activities. 3) Stretch-shortening cycles of muscle were observed in the m. Soleus during the foot contact period and in the m. Biceps femoris during the latter half of the swing period. 4) There was no peak torque or power that showed a decrease with increased sprint velocity. 5) Peak torque and power that increased with sprint velocity were (a) torque and positive power of the hip flexors during the first half of the swing period, (b) torque of the hip extensors during the latter half of the swing period, (c) torque and negative power of the knee extensors during the first half and latter half of the swing period, (d) torque of the ankle extensors during the middle of the foot contact period, (e) negative power of the ankle extensors during the first half of the foot contact period, and (f) positive power during the latter half of the foot contact period. These results suggest that muscles in the hip and knee joints cooperate with the change in swing movement, and that muscles in the ankle joint cooperate with the change in drive movement as sprint velocity increases. 6) The peak torque and power that remained high independent of sprint velocity were (a) torque and positive power of the hip extensors from the middle of the swing period to the middle of the foot contact period, (b) torque of the ankle extensors during the foot contact period, and (c) power of the ankle extensors during the latter half of the foot contact period. These results indicate the importance of the hip extensors and ankle extensors in sprinting.
中井 聖 佐川 和則 豊岡 示朗 伊藤 章
近畿大学教養・外国語教育センター紀要. 一般教養編 = Kinki university center for liberal arts and foreign language education journal. Liberal arts edition (ISSN:21857032)
vol.1, no.1, pp.3-13, 2011-03-01

【Abstract】 The aims of the present study were to investigate characteristics of variations in substrate metabolism with time during prolonged exercise in trained women and to examine the optimal exercise intensity and duration of endurance training in women as exercise prescription. Expired gas was measured in ten trained women who performed 120-min treadmill walking and running at several exercise intensities. Substrate oxidation was computed by substituting determined oxygen uptake and carbon-dioxide output into stoichiometric equations. A constant level of energy expenditure was needed during prolonged exercise at the same intensity, but the enhancement of lipid metabolism with exercise duration led to an increase in fat-derived energy provision and a decrease in the dependency ratio of carbohydrate-derived energy to required energy. Lipid metabolism during low-intensity exercise wasconstantly-enhanced with duration whereas that during moderate- and high-intensity exercise was slowly increased beyond 60 min after initiating exercise and the proportion of fat-derived energy to required energy decreased with increasing exercise intensity. These findings suggest that women inendurance training should continue low-intensity exercise for as long time as possible and that they should select the moderate-intensity to sustain exercise beyond 60 min in order to increase the total volume of energy expenditure.
三木 文雄 生野 善康 INOUE Eiji 村田 哲人 谷澤 伸一 坂元 一夫 田原 旭 斎藤 玲 富沢 磨須美 平賀 洋明 菊地 弘毅 山本 朝子 武部 和夫 中村 光男 宮沢 正 田村 豊一 遠藤 勝美 米田 政志 井戸 康夫 上原 修 岡本 勝博 相楽 衛男 滝島 任 井田 士朗 今野 淳 大泉 耕太郎 青沼 清一 渡辺 彰 佐藤 和男 林 泉 勝 正孝 奥井 津二 河合 美枝子 福井 俊夫 荒川 正昭 和田 光一 森本 隆夫 蒲沢 知子 武田 元 関根 理 薄田 芳丸 青木 信樹 宮原 正 斎藤 篤 嶋田 甚五郎 柴 孝也 池本 秀雄 渡辺 一功 小林 宏行 高村 研二 吉田 雅彦 真下 啓明 山根 至二 富 俊明 可部 順三郎 石橋 弘義 工藤 宏一郎 太田 健 谷本 普一 中谷 龍王 吉村 邦彦 中森 祥隆 蝶名林 直彦 中田 紘一郎 渡辺 健太郎 小山 優 飯島 福生 稲松 孝思 浦山 京子 東 冬彦 船津 雄三 藤森 一平 小林 芳夫 安達 正則 深谷 一太 大久保 隆男 伊藤 章 松本 裕 鈴木 淳一 吉池 保博 綿貫 裕司 小田切 繁樹 千場 純 鈴木 周雄 室橋 光宇 福田 勉 木内 充世 芦刈 靖彦 下方 薫 吉井 才司 高納 修 酒井 秀造 西脇 敬祐 竹浦 茂樹 岸本 広次 佐竹 辰夫 高木 健三 山木 健市 笹本 基秀 佐々木 智康 武内 俊彦 加藤 政仁 加藤 錠一 伊藤 剛 山本 俊幸 鈴木 幹三 山本 和英 足立 暁 大山 馨 鈴木 国功 大谷 信夫 早瀬 満 久世 文幸 辻野 弘之 稲葉 宣雄 池田 宣昭 松原 恒雄 牛田 伸一 網谷 良一 中西 通泰 大久保 滉 上田 良弘 成田 亘啓 澤木 政好 三笠 桂一 安永 幸二郎 米津 精文 飯田 夕 榊原 嘉彦 螺良 英郎 濱田 朝夫 福山 興一 福岡 正博 伊藤 正己 平尾 文男 小松 孝 前川 暢夫 西山 秀樹 鈴木 雄二郎 堀川 禎夫 田村 正和 副島 林造 二木 芳人 安達 倫文 中川 義久 角 優 栗村 統 佐々木 英夫 福原 弘文 森本 忠雄 澤江 義郎 岡田 薫 熊谷 幸雄 重松 信昭 相沢 久道 瀧井 昌英 大堂 孝文 品川 知明 原 耕平 斎藤 厚 広田 正毅 山口 恵三 河野 茂 古賀 宏延 渡辺 講一 藤田 紀代 植田 保子 河野 浩太 松本 慶蔵 永武 毅 力富 直人 那須 勝 後藤 純 後藤 陽一郎 重野 秀昭 田代 隆良
The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.61, no.8, pp.914-943, 1987

Clavulanic acid (以下CVAと略す) とticarcillin (以下TIPCと略す) の1: 15の配合剤, BRL28500 (以下BRLと略す) の呼吸器感染症に対する有効性と安全性をpiperacillin (以下PIPCと略す) を対照薬剤として, welI-controlled studyひこより比較検討した.<BR>感染症状明確な15歳以上の慢性呼吸器感染症 (慢性気管支炎, びまん性汎細気管支炎, 感染を伴った気管支拡張症・肺気腫・肺線維症・気管支喘息など) およびその急性増悪, 細菌性肺炎, 肺化膿症を対象とし, BRLは1回1.6g (TIPC1.5g+CVA0.1g) 宛, PIPCは1回2.0g宛, いずれも1日2回, 原則として14日間点滴静注により投与し, 臨床効果, 症状改善度, 細菌学的効果, 副作用・臨床検査値異常化の有無, 有用性について両薬剤投与群間で比較を行い, 以下の成績を得た.<BR>1. 薬剤投与314例 (BRL投与161例, PIPC投与153例) 中, 45例を除外した269例 (BRL投与138例, PIPC投与131例) について有効性の解析を行い, 副作用は293例 (BRL投与148例, PIPC投与145例) について, 臨床検査値異常化は286例 (BRL投与141例, PIPC投与145例) について解析を実施した.<BR>2. 小委員会判定による臨床効果は, 全症例ではBRL投与群78.8%, PIPC投与群79.4%, 肺炎・肺化膿症症例ではBRL投与群 (79例) 82.1%, PIPC投与群 (73例) 79.5%, 慢性気道感染症症例ではBRL投与群 (59例) 74.6%, PIPC投与群 (58例) 79.3%の有効率で, いずれも両薬剤投与群間に有意差を認めなかった.<BR>3. 症状改善度は, 肺炎・肺化膿症症例では赤沈値の14日後の改善度に関してPIPC投与群よりBRL投与群がすぐれ, 慢性気道感染症症例では胸部ラ音, 白血球数, CRPの3日後の改善度に関してBRL投与群よりPIPC投与群がすぐれ, それぞれ両薬剤投与群間に有意差が認められた.<BR>4. 細菌学的効果はBRL投与群68例, PIPC投与群57例について検討を実施し, 全体の除菌率はBRL投与群75.0%, PIPC投与群71.9%と両薬剤投与群間に有意差は認められないが, Klebsiella spp. 感染症においては, BRL投与群の除菌率87.5%, PIPC投与群の除菌率16.7%と両薬剤群間に有意差が認められた. また, 起炎菌のPIPCに対する感受性をMIC50μg/ml以上と50μg/ml未満に層別すると, MIC50μg/ml未満の感性菌感染例ではBRL投与群の除菌率69.6%に対してPIPC投与群の除菌率94.7%とPIPCがすぐれる傾向がみられ, 一方, MIC50μg/ml以上の耐性菌感染例ではPIPC投与群の除菌率12.5%に対して, BRL投与群の除菌率は66.7%と高く, 両薬剤間に有意差が認められた.<BR>5. 副作用解析対象293例中, 何らかの自他覚的副作用の出現例はBRL投与群5例, PIPC投与群11例で, 両薬剤投与群間に有意差は認められなかった.<BR>6. 臨床検査値異常化解析対象286例中, 何らかの異常化が認められた症例は, BRL投与141例中45例 (31.9%), PIPC投与145例中28例 (19.3%) で, 両薬剤投与群間に有意差が認められた. 臨床検査項目別にみると, GPT上昇がBRL投与140例中26例 (18.6%), PIPC投与140例中14例 (10.0%), BUN上昇がBRL投与128例中0, PIPC投与127例中4例 (3.1%) と, それぞれ両薬剤投与群間での異常化率の差に有意傾向が認められた.<BR>7. 有効性と安全性を勘案して判定した有用性は, 全症例ではBRL投与群の有用率 (極めて有用+有用) 76.3%, PIPC投与群の有用率の74.8%, 肺炎・肺化膿症症例における有用率はBRL投与群81.0%, PIPC投与群75.3%, 慢性気道感染症症例における有用率はBRL投与群70.0%, PIPC投与群74.1%と, いずれも両薬剤投与群間に有意差は認められなかった.<BR>以上の成績より, BRL1日3.2gの投与はPIPC1日4gの投与と略同等の呼吸器感染症に対する有効性と安全性を示し, とくにβ-lactamase産生菌感染症に対しても有効性を示すことが確認され, BRLが呼吸器感染症の治療上有用性の高い薬剤であると考えられた.
馬場 崇豪 和田 幸洋 伊藤 章
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.45, no.2, pp.186-200, 2000-03-10 (Released:2017-09-27)
12 7

The muscular activity pattern, function and maximal contraction velocity during the starting dash and sprint running at maximal velocity were studied. The subjects were five adult male sprinters, whose sprint running movements in the sagittal plain were analyzed (100 fps) from videotape recordings made with a high-speed catera. The ground reaction forces and EMGs of eight leg muscles were also recorded. Changes in length from the origin to the insertion (muscle-tendon complex : MTC) of the eight leg muscles were calculated using several methods reported by Grieve et al. (1978), Hawkins and Hull (1990), Visser et al. (1990) and Jacobs and Van Ingen Schenau (1993). The muscular activity pattern and the maximal contraction velocity were investigate from the change in length of the MTC when the EMG activity was observed. The turnover velocity of the muscular activity pattern in the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) was calculated from the acceleration of the contraction. Also the hip, knee and ankle joint torques were calculated, and the following results were obtained.1. Changes in muscular activity pattern and maximal contraction velocity during the starting dash During the first half of the swing period, the m.gluteus maximus exhibited shortening activity, the m.rectus femoris exhibited stretching activity and the m.iliopsoas exhibited SSC muscular activity. The m.vastus lateralis exhibited shortening activity during the last half of the swing period and stretching activity during the first half of the foot contact period. The m.biceps femoris exhibited SSC muscular activity from the middle of the swing period to the middle of the foot contact period. The m.gastrocnemius and m.soleus exhibited SSC muscular activity during the foot contact period. Above all, the maximal shortening stretching velocity, and the turnover velocity increased with increasing sprint running velocity after the start, except for the shortening velocity of the m.gastrocnemius and m.soleus, and the stretching velocity of the m.vastus lateralis, whose contraction velocity stayed almost constant. 2. Muscular activity and function during sprint running at maximal velocity During the first half of the swing period, the m.rectus femoris produced knee extension troque by stretching activity which functioned to reduce the knee flexion force which occurred through the joint force related to hip flexion torque. During the latter half of the swing period, knee flexion torque developed as a by-product from the m.biceps femoris, which serves as a hip extensor. On the other hand, the knee extension force which occurred through the joint force related to hip extension torque, the momentum required to extend the knee joint, and the knee extension torque which was produced by the shortening activity of the m.vastus lateralis were observed during the same period. Therefore, the knee extension movement observed from the outside occurred as a result of the total of these forces. The m.tibialis anterior acted to offset the ankle extension force which occurred through the joint force related to knee extension torque during the first half of the swing period, and the ankle extension torque developed during the latter half of the swing period preparation for foot contact by the m.gastrocnemius an m.soleus.
大塚 光雄 伊藤 美智子 伊藤 章
体育科教育学研究 (ISSN:13428039)
vol.27, no.1, pp.1-18, 2011-03-25 (Released:2013-03-26)

The effects of two methods of teaching elementary school 6th graders in a hurdle class were compared in the present study. One is a new teaching method which emphasizes jump over hurdles high and long. The other is a general teaching method which emphasizes hurdle clearance movement. The former refers to jumping over hurdles, trailing the back leg parallel to the trunk and to run in a three-stride rhythm. This method was used in experimental group (13 boys and 8 girls). The latter refers to stepping over the hurdles as low as possible, trailing the back leg parallel to the ground and to run in a three-stride rhythm if students can. This method was used in control group (13 boys and 8 girls). Each class comprised 6 days. The effects were assessed as pre- and post-test performance in 40-meter hurdle races filmed with six cameras. We analyzed measurement items in hurdling and interval run movements and time required to finish the race. The main findings were as follows. 1) All of the students in experimental group (p< 0.001) and 80% students in control group (p< 0.05) improved hurdle records in the post-test. 2) Post-test hurdling velocity in both groups significantly increased, while interval run velocity significantly increased in the experimental group. 3) Both hurdling and take-off distances significantly increased in the experimental group in the post-test. 4) Post-test hurdle clearance time in the control group significantly decreased. These findings suggested that the new method of teaching is effective in improving all of their hurdle records, and fundamental ability to repeat run and jump in turn without hitting hurdles.
伊藤 章一 ITO Shoichi
岩手大学教育学部附属教育実践研究指導センター研究紀要 (ISSN:09172874)
vol.5, pp.149-177, 1995-03-01
