辻田 純三 伊藤 清臣 黛 誠 田中 信雄 堀 清記 小石 秀夫
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.46, no.1, pp.2-11, 1980 (Released:2011-10-21)

パプアニューギニア高地人の成人男子18名,日本人成人男子20名の身体計測およびパプアニューギニア現地での戸外および家屋内の環境温度の測定を行なって次の結果を得た。1)パプアニューギニア人の身長および体重の平均値は夫々,158.4cm,61.3kgで日本人の夫々の平均値,171.6cm,68.2kgより有意に小さかった。しかし,パプアニューギニア人のRohrer's indexおよびBrugsch's indexの平均値は逆に日本人の平均値より大きかった。2)パプアニューギニア人の胸囲,腹囲,上腕囲,大腿囲,下腿囲の平均値は,日本人の平均値よりやや小さいかその差はわずかであった。パプアニューギニア人の前腕囲の平均値は日本人の平均値より大きかった。パプアニューギニア人の上肢長の平均値は日本人の平均値よりわずかに小さかったが,手の長さ,下肢長,足の長さはパプアニューギニア人の方が日本人より長く,パプアニューギニア人の四肢長と身長との比は日本人の値より有意差をもって大きかった。3)パプアニューギニア人の皮下脂肪厚は日本人のそれより有意に薄かった。又,皮下脂肪厚より算出された体脂肪含有率は日本人のそれより有意に少なかった。4)パプアニューギニア人の足の形は,日本人と比べて足長に比し足巾が長く,足底面積が広く,親指と小指が長軸に対して扇形に開いており,山道の歩行に適応して変化していた。5)パプアニューギニア人のBushhouseは日本製木造家屋,スチール製建物に比べて日中の室内温が低く,環境温度の観点よりみると秀れた家である。6)パプアニューギニア人の身体的特徴は,彼等が日常生活において毎日山歩きの激運動を行なっていること,摂取カロリー量が少ないこと,および熱帯高山気候の影響によって形成されたものと思われる。
角田 圭雄 木本 慧 坂本 和賢 大橋 知彦 中出 幸臣 伊藤 清顕 豊田 秀徳 冨田 栄一 熊田 卓 米田 政志
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.61, no.10, pp.496-503, 2020-10-01 (Released:2020-10-08)
1 2

伊藤 清彦 ローズ エリザベス L. 趙 殷範
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織科学 (ISSN:02869713)
vol.44, no.4, pp.4-13, 2011-06-20 (Released:2022-08-20)

伊藤 清司
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.23, no.3, pp.185-202, 1959-07-25 (Released:2018-03-27)

Among the materials of ancient China, especiary among the Inscriptions of Bronze Vessels (金文) of Western Chou Dynasty (西周), we have found a number of records that tell us that the Emperor of China (天子) often shot water-birds and fishes personally at the Holy Pond (辟雍) in the suburbs of the capital. (〓〓Yu-Kuei;麦尊Mai-Tsun;礼記・月令Li-Chi・Yueh-Ling etc.) This custom originally came from the religious belief that spring would come earlier if game were offered af the end of winter. In国語・魯語(Kuo-Yu・Lu-Kuo) it states, "In the end of the coldest season, the officers of fushery hunted big fishes and water-birds and prayed to gods sacrificing them for easier coming of spirng". People thought water-birds and fishes were spirits of spring, as they would appear with the coming of spring. And this belief was connected with the divination which foretold whether the year would be abundant or meager by the amount of game. In Shih-Chin (詩経) people sang, "Men divine by fishing to see whether they will have an abundant harvest or not." (小雅・無羊; Hsiao-Ya・Wu-Yang) By the Inscriptions of Bronze Vessels of Western Chou Dynasty, we know that the rites of the personal cultivation (籍田) and of shooting were performed together by the Emperor. (令鼎, Ling Ting) And when the Emperor, the supreme ruler of the whole country, performed this shooting ritual, the year's crop for the whole country was forecast at the same time. So, the ritual was a very responsible business for him, and was performed very impressively. Hence we know that the shooting ritual as an annual act of divination came to be related with the agricultural ritual. But later it was celebrated not only with the agricultural ceremony but also with various kinds of rituals and the game which had been shot down then were dedicated to gods. The shooting ritual had gradually lost its original meaning and changed into a kind of symposium for praying gods with offering game. Often there people ate the offerings and swore each other by gods. On the other hand, people also prayed to the gods by shooting wild beasts, such as bears, deers and tigers etc., above the ground. We have already noted that there was such a ceremony in Yin Dynasty (殷代) on the Inscriptions of Bone (甲骨文) and I think that its significance was similar to the above-mentioned. Keeping step with the change in the meaning, the shooting ritual had changed greatly in its form. In the later half of Western Chou Dynasty, it became obsolete for the Emperor to shoot personally at the Holy-Pond. It was performed at some shooting range (〓,〓,序) which was set near by the Pond. And there the Emperor himself did not shoot game any longer, but his subjects competed in the shooting with each other for the prize which would be given by His Majesty. (〓曹鼎,Hsi-Ts'ao-Ting;師湯父鼎, Shih-T'ang-Fu- Ting;礼記・射義, Li-Chi・She-I) In this competition, however, we heve found some traces of the old custom. They used the target of canvas with the hide or the picture of a bear, deer or tiger on it. In some cases, people called the target by the name of Hu (鵠) or Hou (候). Hu (鵠) is the name of a water-bird. But Hou (候) means usually a feudal lord (候). Therefore some people have said that the purpose of the Shooting ritual was to punish the bad feudal lord and that the Emperor made his subjects shoot the target which represented the evil lord and therefore the target was named after候(Hou). (cf.陳槃"候与射候"; Ch'en-P'an "Hou and Shooting the Target") But I believe候was originally the name of a bird 鴻(Hung) and then the target (Hou) itself was modelled after the bird that was a object to be shot in the early period.
関 復華 小林 直樹 渡辺 和子 伊藤 清隆 荒木 洋之助 石戸 良治
公益社団法人 日本化学会
日本化学会誌(化学と工業化学) (ISSN:03694577)
vol.1985, no.10, pp.2040-2047, 1985-10-10 (Released:2011-05-30)

溝上 雅史 杉山 真也 村田 一素 鈴木 善幸 伊藤 清顕

IL28B遺伝子の転写蛋白インターフェロンλ3 (IFN-λ3)の測定法を新規開発し、患者末梢血単核球をex vivo刺激で得られた上清や血清のIFN-λ3が良好なPeg-IFN/RBV併用療法効果予測が可能で本法の臨床的有用性を証明した。また、BDCA3陽性樹状細胞はC型肝炎ウイルスを認識し、toll-like receptor 3を介してIFN-λ3を産生することを示した。
伊藤 清美

CYP3A4により代謝されるミダゾラムの経口投与後の血中濃度は、臨床において、エリスロマイシン(EM)およびクラリスロマイシン(CAM)の併用では大きく上昇するのに対し、アジスロマイシン(AZM)の併用では、相互作用の程度は非常に小さいことが報告されている。マクロライド系抗生物質によるCYP3A4の阻害機構は、阻害剤の代謝物が酵素と共有結合し不可逆的な阻害を起こす、いわゆるmechanism-based inhibitionである。そこで本研究では、阻害様式を考慮したモデルによりin vitro試験からin vivo薬物間相互作用を定量的に予測する方法論について検討した。NADPH存在下ヒト肝ミクロソームを、種々の濃度のEM、CAMあるいはAZMと共に37℃でプレインキュベーションした後、ミダゾラムを添加し、3分間インキュベーションを行った。生成したミダゾラムのα位および4位水酸化代謝物をHPLCにより定量し、酵素不活化に関する速度論パラメータを求めた。マクロライド系抗生物質濃度および酵素とのプレインキュベーション時間に依存して、ミダゾラムのα位および4位水酸化反応は同程度に阻害され、阻害の程度はEM、CAMに比べてAZMでは非常に小さかった。得られたパラメータと、マクロライド系抗生物質とミダゾラムの体内動態パラメータの報告値を生理学的薬物速度論モデルに代入し、in vivo相互作用のシミュレーションを行った結果、ミダゾラムのAUCはEM(500mgt.i.d.5days)の併用により約3.7倍、CAM(250mg b.i.d.5days)の併用では約2.3倍上昇するのに対し、AZM(500mgo.d.3days)の併用ではほとんど変化がないことが予測され、臨床の報告とほぼ一致した。以上の結果から、マクロライド系抗生物質において、この方法論の妥当性が示唆された。
髙峯 和則 吉﨑 由美子 島田 翔吾 髙屋 総一郎 玉置 尚徳 伊藤 清 鮫島 吉廣
vol.106, no.1, pp.50-57, 2011 (Released:2012-12-06)

芋焼酎の中にローズオキサイドはシス体およびトランス体が検出され,それぞれ0.8~4.6μg/Lおよび0.3~l.9μg/Lであった。ローズオキサイドの閾値は25%アルコールでは0.35μg/L,芋焼酎では14μg/Lであった。閾値での評価は「甘い」, 「華やか」, 「バラ様」であった。ローズオキサイドは一次もろみとサツマイモからは検出されなかった。モデルもろみ(pH4.2,アルコール15%)を30℃で5日間加温するとシトロネロールからローズオキサイドへ変換された。しかしネロール,ゲラニオール,リナロールおよびα-テルピネオールからは変換されなかった。シトロネロールからローズオキサイドへの変換は蒸留工程およびモデルもろみをpH3.5以下にすることで促進された。麹菌と酵母によるシトロネロールからローズオキサイドへの変換は確認されなかった。シトロネロールはゲラニオールを前駆体として酵母により変換されたが,麹は変換に関与しなかった。以上のことから,ゲラニオールから酵母の微生物的変換作用により生成したシトロネロールが発酵過程で酸触媒による化学的変換作用によりローズオキサイドに変換し, 蒸留工程で変換が促進されることが明らかになった。
伊藤 清司
史學 (ISSN:03869334)
vol.34, no.3, pp.277-303, 1962-03

The folk-tale called the "Portrait Wife" Story in Japan is of the same type as the "Featherclothing" (鳥衣説話) in China. The latter has been already discussed by W. Eberhard, and the outline of the story is as follows: (cf. Typen Chinesischer Volksmarchen 195, Das Federkleid FFC No. 120.) 1. Ein Mann hat eine so schone Frau, dass er sich nie von ihr trennen kann. 2. Aus wirtschaftlichen Grunden muss er aber Geld verdienen. 3. Die Frau gibt ihm ein Bild von sich mit als Ersatz dafur, dass er sie nicht sehen kann. 4. Das Bild wird vom Wind in den Hof des Konigs getragen. 5. Der Konig lasst sie suchen und holen ; sie wird Konigin. 6. Der Mann macht sich ein Kleid aus Federn und kommt eines Tages auf Verabredung an den Hof und bieted Gemuse an. 7. Seine Frau lacht zum ersten Mai, als sie sieht. 8. Der Konig, der sehr betrubt darubt war, dass sie nie lachte, freut sich, tauscht das Federkleid mit dem Konigskleid. 9. Der mann lasst den ins Federkleid gekleideten Konig toten, wird selbst Konig. This type of stories have been found widely among the Chinese of the several provinces-Chiang-su (江蘇), Che-chiang (浙江), Kuang-tung (廣東), which have been mentioned by Eberhand, and Anhui (安徽), etc.; moreover, it is found among such minorities as Miao (苗), Bai (白), Tibet (藏), Zhuang (僮) and Nasi (納西), etc. of the province of Hu-nan (湖南), Kui-chou (貴州), Ssu-ch'uan (四川), Yun-nan (雲南) and Hsi-kang (西康), etc. These folk stories are often accompanied by the introductory parts which tell how a beautiful woman passed through life before she gets married to a poor young man, and these introductory stories are divided broadly into three groups: 1. a group of stories in which the beautiful woman is a heavenly maiden or a dragon-daughter. 2. a group of stories in which she is high-born, for expample a princess. 3. no introductory stories. The groups (1) and (2) are further divided into some outgroups respectively. We find it difficult to tell which of the above mentioned groups is the original pattern of the introductory part of the "Featherclothing" Story. The "Portrit Wife" stories in Japan also have various kinds of introductory parts, which are classified into three groups as well, and most of which have exactly the same introductory stories as in the "Featherclothing" Story in China. This fact seems to prove that the "Portrait Wife" Story and the "Featherclothing" Story have the same origin. But the problem is not so simple, for we find one remarkable difference between the story in China and that in Japan. In the former, the hero visits his wife in the palace, wearing the feather clothing (rarely the skin clothing) which she commanded him to wear when she was about to be taken out of her house by the emperor; in the latter, as we can see from the fact that this story is not called "Featherclothing" Story, the hero has not received any instruction from her about the clothing to put on. Accordingly I will set forth my own view, which is as follows: It is not in point to presume that the "Featherclothing" Stories that had various kinds of stories in their introductory part came to lose the factor of feather clothing after they came to Japan. Probably they had already lost this factor in China, and got mixed with many folk stories after they came to Japan, and came to have various kinds of stories in their introductory parts. What does the feather clothing-the remarkable factor in the "Featherclothing" Story in China-mean on earth ? The Japanese type of these stories has its originality in lacking that factor, but the heroine in Chinese ones never leaves her husband without commanding him to put on the feather clothing. Why ? The principal point is that the story has the factors where the man is always under the control of his wife who was oridiginally a heaven maiden in the introductory part (for example, the Featherclothing story in Kuantung), and it is by the feather clothing that she makes the poor, honest man happy. I think that it is by the mysterious power that, on wearing, the man's feather clothing, the emperor fall into misery. The folk tale talked among the "Ch'uan Miao" (川苗) is very suggestive in the respect, it runs that a Warty Toad obtained a good wife, became human, and became Emperor, (cf. D. C. Graham: Songs and Stories of the Ch'uan Miao. p.182-183). This is evidently a complex story which contained factors of other stories, and the outline of it is as follows: The emperor stole away the wife of the toad to be his wife. The warty toard followed along after his wife and the emperor. He followed them until they arrived in a big flat. When the warty toad arrived there, he turned somersaults. When he turned over a somersault he turned in to a yangman. When he turned a somersant back again, he turned again into a warty toad. The emperor looked at it, and the wife said to the emper- or., "If you will put on the clothing of the warty toad, I will believe you more." Then the emperor took off his clothing and gave it to the warty toard, and the warty toad took off his skin and gave it to the emperor. The emperor put on that skin and turned over a somersault, and that skin stuck to him, when he turned a somersault back again, he could not take off that skin. Additionally a common factor in the "Featherclothing" Story and the "Portrait Wife" Story-namely the factor that after the wife gave her husband her portrait, it is thrown off by the windseems not to be found in the original pattern of the Stories. But it seems to me that in earlier times-at least before the Story came from China to Japan,-the factor had already come into the Story and made it more interesting.
伊藤 清 太田 剛雄 原 昌道
公益財団法人 日本醸造協会
日本釀造協會雜誌 (ISSN:0369416X)
vol.82, no.4, pp.289-293, 1987-04-15 (Released:2011-11-04)
1 1

清酒もろみ中の香気成分の米粒への吸着について検討を行った。1.みかけの吸着定数を求めたところ, カプロン酸エチルは酢酸イソアミルの約10倍, カプリル酸エチルはそのさらに10倍吸着し易いことがわかった。2. 脂肪酸のエチルエステルは主に米澱粉中のアミコースによる包接作用で米粒に保持され, その他に香気成分全般について米蛋白質への吸着が関与していることがわかった。3.もろみ中でも, 香気成分は米粒に吸着し酒かすへ移行したが, ろ液仕込を行うことにより清酒への移行率を高めることができた。
伊藤 清
公益財団法人 日本醸造協会
日本醸造協会誌 (ISSN:09147314)
vol.87, no.1, pp.17-21, 1992-01-15 (Released:2011-09-20)

清酒麹の造り方は万流と言われているが, 造り方によってα-アミラーゼ, ヴルコアミラーゼ, 酸性プロテアーゼなど酒造りにとって重要な酵素の活性バランスが異なると共に麹菌の代謝生産物も異なり, 醪での発酵に大きく影響する。銘柄による酒質の違いはこの麹の違いに依存するところが大と思われる。本稿では, 清酒麹で重要と考えられいる破精込について初めて科学的な解明に取り組まれた著者にその研究成果を解説していただいた。
保坂 幸毅 松橋 絵里 伊藤 清香 久米 愛 金城 正治
秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻紀要 (ISSN:18840167)
vol.18, no.2, pp.110-119, 2010

脳卒中片麻痺患者の片手片足での車いす駆動は、体幹前傾での駆動が望ましいとされている。しかし、体幹の傾きが片足駆動における駆動特性にどのような影響を与えるかは明らかにされていない。そこで、体幹の傾きを変化させた時の片足駆動を運動学的・運動力学的に解析し、駆動特性を明らかにするために、体幹の傾きを前傾位・中間位・後傾位に設定し、車いすの片足駆動を行った。その時の初回駆動のビデオ撮影、下肢・体幹の表面筋電図と足圧の計測と10mの直進・スラロームの駆動時間の測定、駆動後のVisual Analog Scale(以下、VAS)に主観的評価も加え、体幹の傾きによる片足駆動の違いを比較検討した。 対象者は、高次脳機能障害や認知症が動作遂行能力を妨げておらず、FIMの歩行・車いすの項目で自立となっている脳卒中片麻痺者8名とした。 初回駆動時間は中間位に比べ、前傾位で有意に短かった。%EMGでは腹直筋は前傾位、脊柱起立筋は後傾位で有意に大きかった。また、下肢の筋は後傾位で大きい傾向にあった。単位時間・体重あたりの足圧は後傾位で有意に値が小さかった。10mの直進駆動では後傾位に比較し、中間位で有意に速かった。スラローム駆動では後傾位に比較し、前傾位・中間位で有意に速かった。VASでは後傾位で駆動しにくい傾向にあり、前傾位では怖さを感じていた。 この結果から前傾位・中間位で効率がよく、対象者の心理面を考慮すると中間位での駆動が最も安定することが示唆された。This study kinematically and kinetically analyzed propulsion with one foot while changing the inclination of the trunk. The study had subjects propel a wheelchair with one foot while adopting either a forward-leaning posture, an upright posture, or a backward- leaning posture in order to reveal propulsion characteristics. During this activity, initial propulsion was captured on video, surface electromyography of the leg and trunk was performed, foot pressure was measured, propulsion time on a 10-m long straight course and slalom was measured, and propulsion was subjectively assessed afterwards using the Visual Analogue Scale(VAS). These indices were used to compare and study differences as a result of trunk inclination. The subjects were eight individuals with hemiplegia due to stroke.Initial propulsion took significantly less time with a forward-leaning posture than with an upright posture. The %EMG activity of the rectus abdominis was significantly greater with a forward-leaning posture while that of the erector spinae muscles was significantly greater with a backward-leaning posture. In addition, the %EMG activity of the leg muscles tended to be greater with a backward-leaning posture. Foot pressure per unit time and body weight was significantly lower a backward-leaning posture. Propulsion on the straight course was significantly faster with an upright posture than with a backward-leaning posture. Propulsion on the slalom course was significantly faster with a forward-leaning posture or an upright posture than with a backward-leaning posture. VAS scores indicated that propulsion was more difficult with a backward-leaning posture, and subjects mentioned fear of falling when in a forward-leaning posture.The current results suggest that propulsion is more efficient in a forward-leaning posture or an upright posture and that propulsion is most consistent when the subject is in an upright posture given the subject's mental state.
伊藤 清司
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.39, no.1, pp.106-108, 1974-06-30