髙島 周志 竹中 博美 泉 由紀子 齋藤 伸一 住谷 哲 中村 秀次 佐藤 文三
公益社団法人 日本人間ドック学会
人間ドック (Ningen Dock) (ISSN:18801021)
vol.25, no.1, pp.44-49, 2010 (Released:2013-02-28)

目的:非アルコール性脂肪性肝障害(Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease:以下,NAFLD)の患者の多くでインスリン抵抗性を示すことが報告されてきている.しかし,インスリン抵抗性がNAFLDの原因なのか結果なのか,脂質代謝に如何に関与するのか,抵抗性がインスリン作用発現機構のどのステップで生じているのか等は不明な点が多い.今回我々は人間ドック受診者を対象に,NAFLDにおけるインスリン抵抗性が生じる機構について検討した.方法:当センターを2008年に受診した3,698名の中で,アルコール飲酒の習慣がなく,糖および脂質に関する薬を服用していない男性521名,女性575名を対象とした.インスリン抵抗性の指標としては,糖代謝関係のHOMA-Rと,脂質関係のTG/HDL-Cを用いた.脂肪肝の有無は腹部超音波検査で判定した.結果:HOMA-R値上昇とともに脂肪肝の発生頻度も上昇した.一方TG/HDL-C値上昇とともに脂肪肝の発生頻度も増加し,ROC解析でTG/HDL-C値はHOMA-Rと同等の脂肪肝検出能を持っていた.結論:NAFLDの発生頻度はHOMA-R値上昇につれ増加し,インスリン抵抗性はNAFLDの病態に関与することが示唆された.また,インスリン抵抗性はレセプター以降の,糖質制御経路と脂質制御経路の分岐以降で生じていると考えられた.
木野 孔司 杉崎 正志 羽毛田 匡 高岡 美智子 太田 武信 渋谷 寿久 佐藤 文明 儀武 啓幸 石川 高行 田辺 晴康 吉田 奈穂子 来間 恵里 成田 紀之
一般社団法人 日本顎関節学会
TMJ : journal of Japanese Society for Temporomandibular Joint : 日本顎関節学会雑誌 (ISSN:09153004)
vol.19, no.3, pp.210-217, 2007-12-20

ここ10年ほどの間にわれわれの顎関節症への保存治療は大きく変化した。個々の患者がもつ行動学的, 精神的寄与因子の管理・是正指導と同時に, 病態への積極的訓練療法を取り入れている。その結果, 改善効果割合の増大と通院期間の短縮がみられた。この効果を確認し, 今後の治療方法改善に向けた検討を目的として, 2003年に実施した治療結果を1993年に報告した保存治療成績と比較した。対象は1993年が382例, 2003年は363例である。治療方法の比較では, 1993年はほぼ病態治療のみであり, 鎮痛薬投与, スプリント療法, 訓練療法, 関節円板徒手整復術などが行われていた。2003年では患者から抽出した個々の行動学的寄与因子の是正指導, 局麻下での徒手的可動化, 抗不安薬や抗うつ薬投与, 心療内科との対診が新たに取り入れられ, 訓練療法, 鎮痛薬投与が多くなり, 逆にスプリント療法, 関節円板徒手整復術は減少した。1993年調査で用いた効果判定基準に従うと, 1993年 (39.8%) に比べ2003年 (61.0%) の著効割合は有意に大きかった (p<0.001), 有効まで含めた改善効果も2003年が有意に大きかった (p=0.001)。逆に通院期間は中央値11.5週から8週と有意に減少した (p=0.030)。これらの結果から, 個々の寄与因子是正指導および訓練療法の効果を前向きに検討する必要性を確認した。

1 0 0 0 序文

木下 秀文 佐藤 文憲
Japanese Journal of Endourology
vol.30, no.2, pp.115, 2017

<p> 尿膜管は膀胱から臍にいたる管腔であるが, 臍から膀胱頂部までの様々な部位で, 拡張した管腔が遺残する場合がある. 部位により, urachal cyst, urachal fistula, urachal sinus, urachal diverticulumなどと呼ばれる. これに感染などを伴うと, 疼痛や発熱, 臍からの膿の流出, 血膿尿などの症状が現れ, 症候性 (感染性) 尿膜管疾患として治療される. 急性期は一般的に, 抗菌薬などの治療が中心となるが, 再発することもあり, 外科的な治療が考慮される.</p><p> 従来は開腹手術により遺残尿膜管を摘出していたが, 腹腔鏡下尿膜管摘除術が保険収載され, より低侵襲な外科的治療として普及してきている. しかしながら, 手術症例自体がさほど多くないため, 術式についてコンセンサスは得られておらず, 施設ごとに様々なアプローチがなされているのが現状である. 経験の多い施設でも, 年間に数例程度の手術症例数であろう. 手技自体は, 比較的容易であり, ほとんど経験のない施設でも比較的導入しやすい手術であると思われる.</p><p> 本稿では, 腹腔鏡下尿膜管摘除術の変遷と今後の方向性を佐藤先生に概説していただき, 基本的な術式 (側方アプローチ) を荒木先生に解説していただいている. もう一つの基本的なアプローチとして, 正中アプローチがある. この術式は, 臍の部分からopen laparotomyでカメラポートを挿入し, 左右の傍腹直筋レベル (臍よりやや尾側) に術者の左右のポートを置く術式である. 近年, このアプローチの発展型として, 単孔式腹腔鏡下尿膜管摘除術を行う施設も増加してきており, 矢西先生, 石井先生, 金先生には単孔式の術式について解説していただいている. また, 臍は腹部に位置する唯一の"チャームポイント"であり (あくまで個人的な意見です), 臍をどのように扱うかには, 各施設・各術者で様々な考えがあると思われる. 金先生には特に臍形成の工夫について解説していただき, 矢西先生には, 本術式の整容性について, データを示していただいている.</p><p> 本稿が, これから腹腔鏡下尿膜管摘除術を導入する先生方および単孔式手術に移行しようとされている先生方の一助になれば幸いである.</p>
都築 佳生 村田 嘉利 佐藤 文明 水野 忠則
情報処理学会研究報告. マルチメディア通信と分散処理研究会報告 (ISSN:09196072)
vol.112, pp.55-60, 2003-03-20

河野 仁 佐藤 文香 永岑 光恵 福浦 厚子 小野 圭司 岩田 英子 寺田 孝史

佐藤 文宏 冨永 登夢 土方 嘉徳 酒田 信親 西田 正吾
一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会
システム制御情報学会論文誌 (ISSN:13425668)
vol.29, no.8, pp.355-361, 2016

<p>Our previous study designed interactive floor projection system with hands and toes input in terms of quick and light input system. This system lets user interact with floor projection by pointing the finger or stepping on projection image. It allows to realize floor interaction without using even a single hands.</p><p>However, in this system, it is difficult for user to input by toes to desired position precisely because of low accuracy of toe detection. In this paper, we propose a new toe detection method by means of implementing a leg model to improve the accuracy of toe detection. The model signifies human leg. It consists of three joints and; thigh, cnemis and foot length. Moreover, we conduct user study to investigate accuracy of toe detection compared with proposed and previous method. As a result, proposed method can detect toe position with higher accuracy than previous method.</p>
佐藤 文宏 松田 大輝 酒田 信親 西田 正吾
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.20, no.2, pp.163-171, 2015

Wearable projection systems enable hands-free viewing via large projected screens, and eliminating the need to hold devices. These systems need a surface of projection and interaction. However, in case of choosing a wall as the projection surface, users have to be positioned in front of the wall when they wish to access information. In this paper, we propose a wearable input/output interface for floor projection system composed of a mobile projector, a depth sensor and a gyro sensor. It allows user to conduct "select" and "drag" operation by footing and fingertips controlling in the projected image on floor. Also it can provide user more efficient GUI operations on floor with combining hand and toe input. To confirm advantage and limitations of the system, we conduct user study. Finally we suggest guidelines and identify some problems when designing an interface for the interaction between the hand/toe and the floor. We also suggest the input method which uses both a finger and a toe.
桃沢 幸秀 寺田 節 佐藤 文夫 菊水 健史 武内 ゆかり 楠瀬 良 森 裕司
The journal of veterinary medical science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.69, no.9, pp.945-950, 2007-09-25
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佐藤 文子
駒澤大學北海道教養部論集 (ISSN:09136509)
no.7, pp.15-26, 1992-10

This particular novel, The Fox (1912) has showed its theme most beautifully and somewhat psychedelically. In this paper, I would like to consider the author's feeling toward woman that is running beautifully in this novel, consulting his works, Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious (1921), Fantasia of the Unconscious (1922). The story begins in this way. Two women, both of them are around thirties, are working in the country of England, making their living by poultry. One is Banford and the other is March. Both are called by their surnames and both are spinsters. Banford is a small, thin delicate girl wearing spectacles. She, however, was the principal investor of the farm, because her father gave her the capital to make the farm, for she was not likely to get married. Lawrence insisted that the spectacles symbolized intelligence and knowledge and knowledge was the cause of destruction of women's happiness. Lawrence hated this type of overknowing women. On the other hand, March was more feminine, although she was wearing a linen tunic coat buttoned up to her throat and putting gaiters on her legs like men, she, herself was a woman. March was an androgyny that is, she was female inside and Lawrence wanted this kind of woman, here. Lawrence described Banford and March as follows; Aha, there went March, striding with her long, land stride in her breeches and her short tunic. Banford would have little iron breasts, he said to himself. For all her frailty and fretfulness and delicacy, she would have tiny iron breasts. But March, under her crude, fast workman's tunic, would have soft, white breasts, white and unseen. Soft, white tender breasts symbolizes life and tiny iron breasts symbolizes death. March was taciturn and was always paralized by the unconsciousness that comes from her inner self. This constant attitude of her characterized March. Since Banford was a principal investor of this farm, March took the man's role, that means, March had to work three-fourths of the work and that kept her tired and hystellic sometimes. One evening, a young soldier named Henry appeared in this farm. To march, he seemed to be a fox because he was quite similar to the fox which she saw in the field a year ago. The boy started talking with them and approached especially March. Why did he approach? March was attractive and described as an ideal woman, androgyny. Here, the author, disguised as Henry rushed into the female homestead and directed this story and had it developed. That is, a sexally capable male is to interfere with a lesbian couple's relationship and to dominate one of the partners. In this way, a story of the psychological relationship, a triangle mating complex of love and hatred begins. Henry proposed marriage to March. Banford was bewildered to hear the story and the conflict with March was deepened. As the three people's relationship got into more deeper antagonistic situation, March was compelled to a situation that she had to put herself to the side of Banford as a partner of the community in the farm and the side of Henry. After having made the procedure of marriage, Henry promised March to take her to Canada. However, the Henry's train started to leave for Salisbury Plain, March's heart was again returned to the sane and safe Banford. March broke off the engagement. Henry got an antagonistic feeling against Banford. In his mind was one thing-Banford.…One thorn rankled, stuck in his mind. Banford. In his mind, in his soul, in his whole being, one thorn rankling to insanity. And he would have to get it out. He rushed to the farm after receiving the letter. He met March at the farm and helped her with the work of chopping off a big dead branch. He concentrated on his mind to hit Banford who had been watching his cutting underneath. It was his consciousness that had worked to its extremity and had splitted a branch. Henry killed Banford. He won. However, the love between the two peorle got an dark shadow and it could not be what it had been. Poor March, in her goodwill and her responsibility, she had strained herself till it seemed to her that the whole of life and everything was only a horrible abyss of nothingness. …You pluck flower after flower-it is never the flower. The flower itself-its calyx is a horrible gulf, it is the bottomless pit. They pushed happiness and both were failed. When he picked the flower, it's not a flower anymore. Even after the Banford's death, March could not submit herself to Henry, for she had been taking the man's rote in the community life and could not quite get rid of the way. The crux of this novel is that March was caught between assertion of self and submission of self, that is total consciousness or total lack of consciousness. And her dillenma is left unresolved. Lawrence stressed his opinion that women should submit themselves to men. Even if they worked to their uppermost, they can't defeat men. Suppose men are the oak trees stretching their branches on the earth, women should be like the seaweeds swaying forever under the water and should never get their heads above water, only when they died, as a washing corps they come upon the surface. As far as they are in the water, they are green and what's more, seaweeds are stronger than the oak trees on the earth. These oak trees will die in the severe sunshine or a terrible wind or rain. Women should be like these seaweeds. And women should be married. Both sexes should give life each other and women should create a new life and that is a most essential and supreme life of female. Humanbeing should have the eternal renewal of like, recurring life and death by the mystical sexual life. Lawrence insisted that humanbeing can receive the unconsciousness through the touch of both sexes, and people can create a definite and stable daily activity through their eternal life. Accordingly, in the modern intellectually civilized society, people should recover life by restoring the suppressed intuition, instinct and the unconsciousness.
佐藤 文隆
科学基礎論研究 (ISSN:02227668)
vol.34, no.2, pp.83-90, 2007-03-25

Enormous development of physics in the early 20th century brought about a prospect for Unified Science. However physics itself is now loosing its identity, as seen in a lively study of quantum information. What is happing now is a specification into parts rather than a unification of parts.
佐藤 文彦

出口 智広 広居 忠量 吉安 京子 尾崎 清明 佐藤 文男 茂田 良光 米田 重玄 仲村 昇 富田 直樹 千田 万里子
日本鳥学会誌 (ISSN:0913400X)
vol.64, no.1, pp.39-51, 2015
