市川 健二郎
Japan Society for Southeast Asian Studies
東南アジア -歴史と文化- (ISSN:03869040)
vol.1971, no.1, pp.79-100, 1971-10-28 (Released:2010-03-16)

Because she was not a Western colonial country, but an Asian Kingdom and a member of the Axis Power, wartime Thailand was free from Japanese military administration and a able to keep aloof from warfare after the friendly entry of the Japanese army, Thai political leaders assumed a pattern of “compromise” rather than “hostility” in response to the Japanese impact. Although intellectually, most Thai leaders did not agree with the Japanese idea of “The Great East Asia Go-prosperity Sphere, ” they accelerated an allied relationship with Japan to avoid a possibly critical situation of Japanese militarism sweeping all over the country. For her own national benefit in facing increasing Japanese power in Southeast Asia, Thailand put pressure on the anti-Japanese boycott movement of the Chinese within a country, sat on her fence of neutrality and tried to remain out side the Japanese military occupation until the opening day of the war. Even after December 8, 1941, when she recognized the friendly entry of the Japanese army, Thailand tried hard to stand behind the bay line by contributing economic ally to the Japanese military operation in Burma, Malaya and Singapore.In wartime, Pibul Songkram, Prime Minister of the Government, promoted Rathaniyom (Patriotic Movement) and Thai Yai (Great Thai Nation Movement through which he wanted to keep national stability based on of traditional Thai sentiment rather than the idea of individual freedom from the Constitutional Revolution in 1932. In terms of motivation, therefore, these movements were quite different from the Japanese idea of the “Co-prosperity Sphere.” Meanwhile, the dynamics of the anti-Japanese “Free Thai” movement were accelerated by Thai elites and university students then in the United States and the United Kingdom. There they carried out the actual plan to develop their resistance against Japan. On the other hand, Thai leaders, except several domestic “Free Thai” leaders, outwardly continued their friendly relations with the Japanese while secretly linking up with the “Free Thai” members in order to find a new place for themselves after the war. With the benefits of this duality, they reserved their own clear cut opinion and left rooms for changing attitudes to their advantage.Chinese leaders in economic circles also had similar patterns of response. Although they started the anti-Japanese National Salvation Movement in 1937, which was motivated from loyalty to their native land, they joined neither the all Chinese united front in Southeast Asia nor the overseas Chinese good-will tour party to Chungking and Yennan in 1938. However, from 1938 the Chinese in Thailand began cooperating with the national policy of the Thai government and, after war erupted, made contributions by procuring for the Japanese army. In reply to a requisition for labour for army railway construction between Burma and Thailand in 1943, the Chinese again tried to keep their security in the country by means of economic cooperation in offering munitions war, rather than by sending labour power for dreadful construction. In the meantime, however, they donated funds secretly to members of the “Free Thai” movement. Chang Lan-ch'en, former President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Thailand, was a leader of pro-Japanse group during the war, but was able to return to the some position again in 1948 and held thee post until 1961 when he died. Pibul was also reinstalled in his former position in 1948 and was Prime Minister until 1957. These two political and economic leaders began to leave room for changing attitudes by the end of the war, to enhance their reinstatement in the post-war period.
市川 健夫
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.31, no.3, pp.142-152, 1958-03-01 (Released:2008-12-24)

(1) In the Nagano Basin (Zenkoji-daira), apple were first grown for trial in around 1879, and widely cultivated in all parts of the basin at the beginning of the 20th century. Unlike those grown in Aomori prefecture, however, they could prove no dominant commercial crop. In around 1918, as the cultivating technique was improved, the apple-growing industry was gradually expanding in the diluvial upland on the western edge of the basin and on the natural levees of River Chikuma, where apple-cultivation possesses relatively superior condition to sericulture. After the economic crisis of 1930, making a nucleus of the existing apple-culivation on a small scale, it had developed to a certain extent in the whole basin, thus the apples produced here came to be a commercial farm product in place of that by sericulture. After the war, they have become the most dominant commercial crop in the baein, and now it ranks second to Tsugaru Plain as an important apple-growing area in Japan. (2) It is clear that 80% of the apple-production in Nagano prefecture is concentrated in the Nagano Basin because of its physical condition to fit apple-growing and its geographical situation near the markets. What is more, however, the principal conditions that enables the apple-growing to expand so rapidly are the high productivity traditionally fostered by engaging in commercial agriculture since old times, the cooperative producing organization and the cheap labors richly supplied from the surrounding mountain villages. (3) The apple is a most refined commercial crop, and its cultivation is controlled by physical and social conditons, so that the apple-growing in this basin has not evenly developed. The principal growing areas are the diluvial upland on the western edge of the basin, the natural levees of River Chikuma and the diluvial upland in the northern part and the fans in the eastern part, where the apples are grown as the main crops. In the other areas, however, farmers grow them as a plural management or a sideline while they engage in sericulture together with raising of rice, wheat, vegetables, flowers, tobacco and hops.
山本 哲也 山野 美樹 田上 明日香 市川 健 河田 真理 津曲 志帆 嶋田 洋徳
一般社団法人 日本認知・行動療法学会
行動療法研究 (ISSN:09106529)
vol.37, no.1, pp.33-45, 2011-01-31 (Released:2019-04-06)

市川 健二
安全工学 (ISSN:05704480)
vol.48, no.6, pp.407-412, 2009-12-15 (Released:2016-09-30)

厚生労働省より毎年公表される感電災害統計から,わが国の産業職場で発生した感電災害の発生状況や特徴を調査した.その結果,全労働災害は長期的視野で見れば減少傾向を示すなかで,感電災害は特に昭和50 年代において著しく減少し災害防止の成果を上げたが,それ以降は他の労働災害と同程度の減少傾向で推移している.感電災害の特徴としては,災害発生件数こそ少ないものの,いったん発生すると死亡危険性が高いこと,低圧電気での災害は夏季(7~9 月)に集中して発生し,電撃が人体の皮膚の発汗現象(人体抵抗の低下)と密接に関係していること等を示している. 電撃の危険限界については,過去に多くの研究者が実施した人体実験や動物実験の結果,およびそれらをもとに公表されたIEC(国際電気標準会議)の技術報告書で示された人体反応やその危険限界(電流/時間領域)等を紹介する.
田村 美恵子 野田 誠 村上 輔 渡部 真吾 大山 明子 山本 康人 田代 宏徳 薄井 宙男 市川 健一郎 恵木 康壮 針谷 明房 高澤 賢次 磯部 光章
一般社団法人 日本不整脈心電学会
心電図 (ISSN:02851660)
vol.32, no.1, pp.5-10, 2012 (Released:2015-06-18)

野田 誠 鈴木 文男 藤波 竜也 山本 康人 吉川 俊治 田代 宏徳 薄井 宙男 市川 健一郎 瀬崎 和典 磯部 光章
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.40, no.Supplement4, pp.12-19, 2008-11-30 (Released:2013-05-24)

三尖弁輪自由壁のatrio-fascicular型Mahaim(M)線維は,左脚ブロック型wide QRS頻拍の原因となりうるが,発生学的には“遺残副房室結節”がその本体と考えられる.M線維伝導を,房室結節・His束伝導(A-H-V伝導)のごとくA-M-V伝導として考えた場合,M伝導ブロックはAM blockとMV blockに分類しうる.持続性MV blockのためにMahaim頻拍の出現を認めないと推察された“innocent bystander Mahaim”の1例を報告する.【症例】68歳,女性.電気生理検査よりslow-fast型AVNRTが診断された.いかなる電気刺激にても心室早期興奮波形は出現しなかったが,三尖弁輪においた20極カテーテルよりM電位と推察されるスパイク電位を記録しえた.AM伝導は減衰伝導を示し,ATPによりAM blockが誘発された(房室結節類似組織の診断).心房期外刺激法において,AH blockが出現しH波・V波がともに消失したがAM伝導は保たれ,MV blockが明らかとなった.検査中,左脚ブロック型QRS波形が全く出現しないことより持続性のMV blockと考えられた.【結語】電気生理学的・発生学的観点より『MVblockを合併するMahaim線維(遺残副房室結節)』が考えられた.持続性MV blockのためにMahaim型QRS波形・Mahaim頻拍が出現しないものと推察された.
尾上 剛士 薄井 宙男 八幡 真弓 吉江 祐 山本 康人 市川 健一郎 野田 誠 斉藤 壽一 磯部 光章
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.95, no.12, pp.2547-2549, 2006-12-10 (Released:2009-03-27)

症例は42歳, 女性. 進行する浮腫, 全身倦怠感にて来院. 心エコー上右心負荷所見が強く当初原発性肺高血圧症を疑った. 入院後急性増悪しショック, 急性腎不全となったが右心カテーテル所見より脚気心が疑われビタミンB1投与により速やかに循環動態が改善した. 健康に関心が強く健康食品を中心とした食生活を送っていた事がビタミンB1欠乏の原因と考えられ, 偏った健康知識が致命的となりかねなかった教訓深い症例と考えられた.
芹沢 拙夫 市川 健 瀧川 雄一 露無 慎二 後藤 正夫
日本植物病理學會報 (ISSN:00319473)
vol.55, no.4, pp.427-436, 1989-10-25

1984年ころより, 静岡県においてキウイフルーツ(Actinidia Chinensis)に新しい細菌病の発生が認められた。本病の病徴は大きく二つの相に分けられた。一つは冬季から春先にかけて発生するもので, 樹幹や枝に亀裂を生じ, 赤褐色の隘出物が認められる。同時に, 外観は健全な腋芽や葉痕, 剪定痕, 枝の分岐点などに白色ないし赤褐色の細菌菌泥の隘出も認められる。第二は晩春から初夏にかけてで, 新たに展開した葉にまず水浸状斑を形成し, やがて拡大して大きさ2〜3mmの褐色の角斑となり黄色のハローを伴う。同時に, 新梢には亀裂を生じて潰瘍状を呈し, やがて先端は萎凋枯死する。花芽にも感染が認められ, 枯死あるいは花腐れ症状を呈する。葉や新梢, 花等の病斑上にも白色の菌泥が認められる。これらの病組織および菌泥より分離を行ったところ, つねに一定の白色細菌が得られた。分離細菌は有傷接種, 無傷接種ともにキウイフルーツおよびサルナシ(A.arguta)に対して強い病原性を有しており, 自然感染の病徴を再現した。葉位別にキウイフルーツ葉の感受性を調べたところ, 成熟直前のものが最も感受性が高く, より若いものや完全に成熟したものでは感受性が低下した。気象条件と本病の発生について考察した結果, 低温, 強風, 降雨が発病を助長しているものと思われた。薬剤による防除効果を検討した結果, ストマイ剤, カスガマイシン剤, 銅剤のいずれも有効であった。本病の病名をキウイフルーツかいよう病(bacterial canker of kiwifruit)としたい。
市川 健夫 白坂 蕃
新地理 (ISSN:05598362)
vol.26, no.1, pp.1-28, 1978-06-25 (Released:2010-02-26)

The writers analysed the industry, economy, land use, settlement and tourism in the area from the view point of the development process and the socioeconomic aspects in this paper. The results are as follows:I. The Norikura Plateau is located at the upper limit, in terms of altitude, for agriculture in Japan. The people can not keep up their living standards by only agriculture on this plateau, because the productivity of the land is very low. Therefore, prior to 1970, the people had to manage not only with the subsistance cultivation of cereals, but also with sericulture, charcoalmaking, dairy cattle breeding, the gathering of mountain products and hunting.After 1970, the tourist industry have provided the most jobs, but the people still manage with composite jobs.II. The settlements are divided into two types, i.e., permanent and seasonal (temporary settlement for cultivation), in the Norikura Plateau. Among those temporary settlements for cultivation, Bandoko (1, 300m above sea-level) has already become a permanent settlement in the 1890's. Now Bandoko is the core settlement in the Norikura Plateau. Kanayamadaira (1, 500m) was a temporary settlement for cultivation until the first half of the 1940's.Kanayamadaira has been changed into a permanent settlement by the development of the tourist industry, as a skiing ground in winter as well as a summer resort.Shirahone Spa has developed into a permanent settlement after World War II. The other temporary settlements for cultivation has since disappeared.III. The process of the settlement and socio-economic development in the Norikura Plateau are shown in the table in the next page.(i) Since 1927, the Norikura Plateau has been used as the mountain's skiing ground in winter. The skiers came mostly from Tokyo. (ii) After World War II, the Norikura Plateau has developed also as a summer resort and as a skiing ground for the local people principally. (iii) During the first half of the 1960's, many village houses became “Minshuku” (“Minshuku” are cheap lodging houses in tourist resorts, and most of them are usually operated by farmers and fisherfolk for additional income.). In the Norikura Plateau, there were 33 hotels and 66 Minshukus in 1975.However, the Norikura skiing ground is a local one, because the skiing ground is relatively small, and the traffic condition is no good. The poor traffic condition has, in the main, restricted the development of the tourist resort in the Norikura Plateau.
市川 健太 土方 亘
The Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics
日本AEM学会誌 (ISSN:09194452)
vol.27, no.2, pp.188-193, 2019 (Released:2019-07-23)

Mouthguard type sensors have been developed to monitor the healthcare-related information. In order to realize a battery-less sensor system, we propose a sheet form generator driven by occlusal force to supply electrical power for mouthguard type sensors. The proposed generator is made by stacking an electret and a dielectric elastomer. It converts mechanical energy applied by occlusion to electrical energy by electrostatic induction. In this study, the generator sheet was designed and its ability of power generation was evaluated experimentally. The prototype generator achieved 6.2 μW under the force equivalent to occlusal force. The generated power was 190 times as large as that of piezoelectric type. Although the achieved power is not sufficient to provide energy for mouthguard sensors so far, the output power will be improved by optimizing shape of dielectric elastomer and surface voltage of electret. The experimental results sufficiently support the possibility to realize the battery-less sensor system.
田中 穣 小松原 春菜 野口 大介 市川 健 河埜 道夫 近藤 昭信 長沼 達史
胆道 (ISSN:09140077)
vol.30, no.4, pp.667-672, 2016-10-31 (Released:2016-11-10)

許衛 東 白坂 蕃 市川 健夫
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.62, no.2, pp.104-115, 1989-12-31 (Released:2008-12-25)
1 1

雲南省,西双版納倦族自治州は,中華人民共和国の南西端に位置し,南はラオス,ビルマと国境を接している。西双版納は植物資源の宝庫といわれ,中国だけではなく,ひろく外国の研究者にも興味深い地域である。 西双版納は東南アジアのマレーシアやイソドネシアのような,典型的な熱帯多雨林地域と比べると,熱帯の限界的性格が強く,それ故に複雑な自然条件に対応した様々な農業や集落がみられる。 西双版納倦族自治州には,傑族をはじめ,基諾族など10を越す少数民族が独特の生活様式を持って生活している。本稿では,筆者の実地調査をもとに,西双版納における集落立地を含めた農業的土地利用と近年の変化を,民族別に考察した。 1980年代に入るとともに,西双版納では農業において生産責任制が採り入れられたこともあり,かつてない急速な農業変革が進められている。その中心は,西双版納の自然環境に基づいたゴム,茶そして熱帯果樹を中心とした換金性の高い近代的集約農業の拡大である。中でもゴム栽培は,多かれ少なかれ,ほとんどの民族に取り入れられ,その高距限界は海抜1,360メートルにもおよんでいる。この,いわゆる“近代化”農業への移行過程で,盆地においては水田耕作の比重が増し,山地においては焼き畑の比重が低下し,仏教文化を持たない少数民族ほど,伝統的農法や固有の農耕文化要素が衰退し,漢民族化・漢文化化が速いテンポで進んでいる。
宮坂 裕司 市川 健一郎
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
映像情報メディア学会技術報告 (ISSN:13426893)
vol.40, pp.29-32, 2016

近年、SHV(Super High Vision)の導入が映画やITの分野で急速に進んでいる。現行放送のHDと差異化を図るためのテクノロジーとしてHigh Resolution、High Frame Rate、High Dynamic Rangeが挙げられるが、中でもHDRは最もSHVの優位性を示す事が出来る技術として注目されている。ハイエンドのポスプロ設備ではいち早くHDRに対応したため、4K, 8Kコンテンツ制作を通して検証した内容を紹介する。
市川 健二郎
東南アジア -歴史と文化-
vol.1982, no.11, pp.65-78, 1982

Extremely divergent opinions about the Thailand's declaration of war against the United States and Britain in 1942 have been represented among nations in Thailand, Japan, the U. S. and Britain, since the period of World War II. In Thailand, Phibul Songkhram, the wartime Prime Minister who declared the war, cooperated with Japan in the early stage of the war, wishing to get back the border territories of British Burma and Malaya, but by the end of the war, has became critical for the Japanese policy to promote the idea of Great East Asia Coprosperity Sphare for the Japanese sakes. While, Pridi Phanomyong, the Regent in the wartime Thai Royal Palace, led the anti-Japanese Free Thai movement, on which he imitated the Free France Force of the General Charles de Gaule of the same time and desired to establish his anti-Japanese Thai Government in exile in vain, because of the strategic disapproval of the United Nations. On the day after VJ Day, Pridi issued a proclamation repudiating the declaration of war against the U. S. and Britain which was null and void. The U. S. approved it, but Britain did not accept it. Thai centric ways of thinking of these political leaders during and just after the war, have continued until today and Thai scholars of these years are still used to be explained the same ways of evaluation for their study on the wartime history as these political leaders did in the past ages.<br>As to the assessment of the declaration of war viewed from the U. N. side, the U. S., and Britain in the early period of the war marched in line and did not make any declaration of war against Thailand, but, by the end of the war, Anglo-American confrontation has emarged for the treatment of Thai-land's situation in the postwar period. The U. S. wanted to support the Southeast Asian peoples without making any concession to the demand of Britain and France, while Britain planned to impose economic and military controls of Thailand after the war. One of the Thai scholars today regards such U. S. policy as &ldquo;altruism&rdquo; and British policy as &ldquo;oppression&rdquo;, while a British scholar today standes on the British side and insist on the &ldquo;Thai people's astonement before absolution&rdquo; for their responsibility of the declaration of war. The egocentric ways of thinking which is common to both side, therefore, deserve to be given special attention. Comparative studies on the background of these divergent opinions which caused confrontation of historical aspects between Thailand and Britain, will be helpful for understanding cultural conflict on the subject.
田中 穣 小松原 春菜 野口 大介 市川 健 河埜 道夫 近藤 昭信 長沼 達史 西出 喜弥
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13452843)
vol.77, no.8, pp.1873-1880, 2016 (Released:2017-02-28)

市川 健夫
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.36, no.4, pp.215-231, 1963

1) 八ガ岳山麓西斜面における土地利用は,昭和恐慌・太平洋戦争・戦後を経て大きく変化した.広大な採草地は大部分が林地化し,一部は開拓された。馬産地であつた南部では,酪農が伸びて従来の養蚕にかわり,日本的な混合農業が営まれている.中部・北部では,部分的に洋菜・花卉が発展しているところもあるが, 1929年に三沢勝衛が規定した「穀桑式農業」が構造的な変化をうけずに維持されている.<br> 2) 東斜面の野辺山原では,戦前粗放的な牧野利用が卓越し,後進地域に属していた.ところが1936年の小海線全通後,集約的な遠郊式農業が始められた.さらに戦中・戦後を通じて開拓が大規模に進み,土地景観は一変した.現在ここでは酪農と自由式遠郊農業が有機的に結びついた商業的混合農業が成立しっっある。<br> 3) 八ガ岳の東・西斜面における土地利用は地域類型が異なり,きわめて非対称的であるが,いずれも高冷農業地域として高度な発展段階を示している。
山本 哲也 山野 美樹 嶋田 洋徳 市川 健 仲谷 誠
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.1, pp.29-39, 2014-04-25 (Released:2014-04-15)
3 2

The present study examined cognitive vulnerability to relapses of depression by clarifying the characteristics of “cognitive reactivity” in people with recurrent major depressive episodes. Study 1-1 and 1-2 developed a Japanese version of the Leiden Index of Depression Sensitivity-Revised (LEIDS-R), which assessed cognitive reactivity, and evaluated the reliability and validity of the scale. Study 2 examined the characteristics of cognitive reactivity which differentiate people with recurrent major depressive episodes from people with a single episode or none. The Japanese version of the LEIDS-R was shown to have reasonable reliability and validity. Participants with recurrent major depressive episodes showed more repetitive thoughts about negative issues and avoidance from internal and external aversive events when depressive mood was induced, compared to participants with only a single episode of depression. These results suggest that the characteristics of cognitive reactivity are important considerations for preventing relapse of depression.
尾上 剛士 薄井 宙男 八幡 真弓 吉江 祐 山本 康人 市川 健一郎 野田 誠 斉藤 壽一 磯部 光章
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.95, no.12, pp.2547-2549, 2006-12-10

症例は42歳, 女性. 進行する浮腫, 全身倦怠感にて来院. 心エコー上右心負荷所見が強く当初原発性肺高血圧症を疑った. 入院後急性増悪しショック, 急性腎不全となったが右心カテーテル所見より脚気心が疑われビタミンB1投与により速やかに循環動態が改善した. 健康に関心が強く健康食品を中心とした食生活を送っていた事がビタミンB1欠乏の原因と考えられ, 偏った健康知識が致命的となりかねなかった教訓深い症例と考えられた.