芦原 誠 大森 琢也 西村 忠郎 酒井 正雄 永津 郁子
Japanese Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and neck surgery
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.95, no.6, pp.851-859, 1992-06-20 (Released:2008-03-19)
1 1

Taurine (2-aminoethane sulfonic acid) and carnosine (β-alanyl-L-histidine) are found in large quantities in the olfactory epithelium and bulb. Taurine is a structurally simple amino acid, and has been reported to have several putative roles, such as neurotransmitter, neuromodulator, neurogrowth factor and to function in membrane stabilization. Carnosine, on the other hand, has been suggested as a putative neurotransmitter in the olfactory system. We have succeeded in visualizing taurine-and carnosine-like immunoreactivities (LI) in the human olfactory mucosa, and also carnosine-LI in the human olfactory bulb. For this investigation, we collected specimens of the human olfactory bulb by autopsy and from the olfactory mucosa by biopsy, and compared localization of taurine-and carnosine-LI in several cases. By means of biopsy using Nakano's forceps, samples of olfactory mucosa were obtained from 5 cases: a 17 year old female, 23 year old male, 46 year old male, 47 year old male, and a 57 year old male. The olfactory bulb of a 1 month old male was collected at autopsy. These specimens were processed for immunohistochemical study according to the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method. In the olfactory epithelium, taurine-LI was demonstrated in some primary olfactory neurons, and in basal cells. Carnosine-LI was observed only in primary olfactory neurons, i.e, dendrites, vesicles and axonal bundles of olfactory receptor cells, but not in basal cells. In the olfactory bulb, the olfactory nerve layer and the glomelular layer showed carnosine-LI positive reactions. Therefore, taurine and carnosine may possibly coexist in some olfactory neurons. Olfactory receptor cells are classified as sensory neurons. Considerable evidence indicates that they are continually replaced throughout adult life by proliferative basal cells. Taurine in the basal cells and the olfactory receptor cells may play certain roles in cell growth and differentiation. Nerve growth functions of taurine have already been reported in certain portions of the central nervous system. The existence of carnosine in the nerve terminals of the olfactory bulb supports the concept that this peptide is a putative neurotransmitter in olfactory neurons. The pattern of taurine staining demonstrated in our study is highly compatible with this theory.
森 豪大 籔谷 祐介 宋 俊煥
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.57, no.3, pp.933-940, 2022-10-25 (Released:2022-10-25)

森 俊哉 野上 健治
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.67, no.3, pp.379-388, 2022-09-30 (Released:2022-10-27)

When volcanic ash is exposed to water after fell on the ground, various chemical substances will be eluted to water phase. Amounts of water soluble SO4 and Cl and their Cl/SO4 ratio of ash are useful for understanding eruptive activities of the volcano. For prompt evaluation of eruptive activities by water soluble components on ash, it would be useful if the analyses are made in-situ or near by the volcano instead of sending the samples to the laboratories far away. For this purpose, we utilized and established a method using a compact handheld absorptiometer for analyses of Cl and SO4 in ash leachate. The method uses a small digital scale, a handheld absorptiometer and other equipment (PP bottles, syringes filters and etc.). The scale is for ash leachates preparation and the absorptiometer is used for the turbidimetric measurements of SO4 and Cl. The calibration curves for SO4 and Cl were linear and parabola for the concentration range of the standard solutions up to 81.9 mg/L and 39.6 mg/L, respectively. Eleven ash samples from Kirishima Shinmoedake and Sakurajima volcanoes were analyzed by turbidimetry method of this study and by ion chromatography method, and were compared for validation of the method. The analyzed concentrations were basically within about 10 % compared to those of ion chromatography, except for samples whose absorbance were smaller than 0.1 unit. We also checked for the interfering components for turbidimetry analyses by checking the compiled ash leachate data of Airys and Delmelle (2012) and came to conclusion that effect of interference can be usually ignored. On the other hand, some of the ash samples with very low water soluble SO4 and Cl may be under detection limit with the proposed method. As a conclusion, ash leachate analyses for SO4 and Cl by turbidimetry using a handheld absorptiometer used in this study is an effective method and could be used for prompt evaluation of eruptive activities especially on remotes islands where the chemical laboratories are not available.
栁澤 宏彰 及川 輝樹 川口 亮平 木村 一洋 伊藤 順一 越田 弘一 加藤 幸司 安藤 忍 池田 啓二 宇都宮 真吾 坂東 あいこ 奥山 哲 鎌田 林太郎 兒玉 篤郎 小森 次郎 奈良間 千之
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.67, no.3, pp.295-317, 2022-09-30 (Released:2022-10-27)

The 2016 eruptions of Niigata-Yakeyama volcano in central Japan consisted of several small eruptions that were accompanied by syneruptive-spouted type lahars. We have reviewed the sequence of the 2016 activity and modeled the eruptive processes based on observations of various volcanic phenomena, including ash fall and lahars, plumes, earthquakes and crustal deformation, and analysis of eruptive products. Eruptions of Niigata-Yakeyama volcano after the 20th century can be categorized into two types; 1) VEI=0-1 eruptions during which ash fall covered only the summit area and no ballistic blocks were ejected (e.g., 1997-1998 event) and 2) VEI=1-2 eruptions during which ash fall reached the foot of the mountain with ejected blocks (e.g., 1974 event). We also discuss the characteristics of the 2016 activity by comparing the sequence with those of other events of Niigata-Yakeyama volcano: the 1974 and 1997-1998 eruption events and the 2000-2001 intensified fumarolic event. The 2016 eruptions of Niigata-Yakeyama volcano are divided into the following six stages. Stage I was characterized by the onset of intensified steam plume emission activity (≥200 m). Stage II was characterized by the onset of crustal deformation, slight increase of high frequency earthquakes (approx.>3.3 Hz) and further activation of steam plume emission activity (≥500 m). The crustal deformation observed commenced at the beginning of Stage II and lasted until the end of Stage V. The total inflated volume was estimated to be approximately 7.2×106 m3. Several very small eruptions that provided only a small amount of ash to the summit area also occurred. Stage III was characterized by a rapid increase of high frequency earthquakes accompanied by tilt change, and the onset of low frequency earthquakes (approx.<3.3 Hz). A small eruption was accompanied by a syneruptive-spouted type lahar at this time. Stage IV was characterized by the occurrence of several small syneruptive-spouted type lahars. The occurrence of high and low frequency earthquakes continued, but with decreasing abundance. Stage V was characterized by the highest altitude of steam plume emission (≥1,200 m), while no ash emission nor syneruptive-spouted type lahars were observed. Stage VI was characterized by a gradual decrease in steam plume emission and earthquake activity. The aerial photographs indicate the ash fall distribution, and the maximum scale of the 2016 eruption, which is estimated to be VEI=1. The assemblage of altered minerals indicates that the volcanic ash originated from volcanic conduits affected by a high-sulfidation epithermal system and no magmatic components were detected. Judging from the depth of the crustal deformation source of magmatic eruptions at other volcanoes, the estimated source of crustal deformation during the 2016 eruption is considered to have been caused by a volume change of the magma chamber. The sequence of the 2016 event can be interpreted as follows: 1) magma supply to the magma chamber, 2) increase in seismicity and fumarolic activity triggered by volcanic fluid released from the new magma, 3) destruction of volcanic conduit by increased fumarolic activity and emission of volcanic ash, and 4) occurrence of syneruptive-spouted type lahars by the “airlift pump” effect. At Niigata-Yakeyama volcano, such small eruptions and fumarolic events have been frequently observed for the last 40 years. We thus consider that the accumulation of magma has progressed beneath the volcano, which is a potential preparatory process for a future magmatic eruption.
森谷 卓也
特定非営利活動法人 日本乳癌検診学会
日本乳癌検診学会誌 (ISSN:09180729)
vol.28, no.2, pp.95-97, 2019 (Released:2019-10-01)

2018年5月に『乳癌取扱い規約(第18版)』が発刊された。今回の改訂では国内外の分類との整合性を図ることに重きが置かれ,WHO 分類(第4版,2012年)を強く意識し両者の読み替えが可能となるよう対応表が作成された。また,切除検体の病理学的記載事項チェックリストや索引を設け,使いやすさを重視した。病理組織学的分類では,上皮性腫瘍の良性腫瘍と悪性腫瘍の間に異型上皮内病変の説明が加わった。悪性腫瘍では微小浸潤癌が追加された。浸潤性乳管癌は腺管形成型・充実型・硬性型・その他の4型に分けるが,単なる用語の置き換えではなく,コンセプト自体が変化した。また,乳管内成分優位の浸潤性乳管癌も記載することを求めた。特殊型は,化生癌などで組み換えがなされ,篩状癌など新たな組織型が加わるとともに,混合型のカテゴリーも設けた。病理編第2部では,推奨固定法,センチネルリンパ節転移の表記法,断端評価法,病理学的グレード分類の記載について解説や変更がなされた。ホルモン受容体のAllred score,HER2に対するISH 法も新たに記載された。組織学的治療効果の判定基準については図譜が強化され,評価法の説明も詳しくなった。今後は新規約に準じた症例蓄積による分類法の検証や,次の改訂に向けた課題抽出が必要である。さらに,日本独自の概念・分類法については,本邦からの国際発信がなされることが望まれる。
井上 功 山本 砧三 武嶋 寛剛 中小 路澄子 貞岡 達也 坂哲 郎 垣鍔 典也 坂倉 淳 牧本 一男 高橋 宏明 和田 公平 大森 研史 林 伊吹 藤田 隆夫 渡辺 猛世 藤澤 俊二 宇野 功 野中 隆三郎
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.87, no.7, pp.985-995, 1994-07-01 (Released:2011-11-04)

The effectiveness, safety and usefulness of ketotifen nasal spray were investigated in 163 patients with allergic rhinitis. Ketotifen nasal spray (0.05mg/puff) was given four times daily for 4 weeks or more. “Slight to high” improvement was recorded in 92.4% of patients and “moderate to high” improvement in 61.0%.Overall usefulness was very high for both perennial and seasonal allergic rhinitis. Side effects were noted in six patients (3.7%). Drowsiness was noted in five patients and nasal mucosal pain in only one.The results of this study suggest that ketotifen nasal spray is very useful in the treatment of allergic rhinitis.
石井 則久 四津 里英 森 修一
日本ハンセン病学会雑誌 (ISSN:13423681)
vol.80, no.3, pp.261-268, 2011-09-01 (Released:2012-09-28)

愛知県において、1963(昭和38)年かららい予防法が廃止になる前年の1995(平成7)年まで33 年間、ハンセン病の外来診療が行われていた。藤楓協会愛知県支部と愛知県衛生部、国立駿河療養所が協力して、延人数で療養所退所者3,877 人、在宅者614 人、患者家族など486 人の計4,977 人の診療が行われた。外来診療で発見された新規患者については、療養所入所をさせることなく外来診療を行った例もあった。 1996(平成8)年からは退所者に対する療養相談を行っており、2010(平成22)年までの15 年間に延349 人が相談に訪れた。
大関 真之 西森 秀稔
一般社団法人 日本物理学会
日本物理学会誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.66, no.4, pp.252-258, 2011-04-05 (Released:2018-08-14)

山中 望 藤森 亜希 南部 正人 阪 聡 櫻井 健治 守屋 利佳 東原 正明 鎌田 貢壽
The Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.35, no.2, pp.97-107, 2002-02-28 (Released:2010-03-16)

【目的】CRIT-LINETMモニター (CLM) を用いたplasma refilling rate (PRR) の測定法は研究者毎に異なり, 確立された方法がない. そこで本研究では, 11通りのPRR測定法の有用性と限界について検討し, 臨床的に利用価値の高いPRR測定法を明らかにすることを目的とした. 【対象および方法】慢性腎不全患者で, 透析中の血圧が安定している患者を対象とした. 透析条件は, 除水速度以外は透析中一定とした. 除水は, 異なる3種類の除水方法 (UF-A, -B, -C) で行った. 透析開始時の有効循環血液量 (BV(0)) は, 生体計測法 (8%法) と回帰I法 (Hct I法, ΔBV% I法), UF-A, -B, -C法の組み合わせから推定した. PRRの測定は, 生体計測法と回帰I法, 回帰II法 (Hct II法, ΔBV% II法), UF-A, -B, -C法を組み合わせた11通りの方法を行い比較検討した.【結果】8%-A法で測定されたPRR値は, 8.7±1.6mL/minであった. 種々のBV(0)測定法とUF-C法との組み合わせで得られたPRRは, 8%-A法のPRRと有意差を認めなかった. UF-B法で測定したPRRは, UF-A, -C法で測定したPRRに比べ有意に低値 (p<0.01, n=13) であった. 【考察】UF-A法より得たPRRは, 除水施行中のPRR値であるといえる. UF-B法より得たPRRが低値を示した理由は, 除水が行われない条件下の測定であったためであるといえる. UF-C法は, PRR測定直前に大きな除水をかけるため, 適用できる患者が限られるという欠点があるが, 膠質とPRRの関係について検討することが可能である.【結論】透析中の除水を考慮したPRRを測定する場合には8%-A法が, 非除水時のPRRを測定する場合には8%-B法が臨床的に有用である. 8%-C法では, 膠質のPRRへの効果を検討することができる.
井手 治 龍 勝利 森山 友幸
一般社団法人 園芸学会
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.21, no.1, pp.35-42, 2022 (Released:2022-03-31)

慣行の軒高が2 mのハウスにおける新たなトマト多収栽培技術として,トマト連続栽培システムを開発した.開発したシステムは6段果房または8段果房摘心栽培を,それぞれ年間2,3回のインタープランティングを行うことにより,盛夏期を休耕し周年栽培することなく累計24段果房を収穫できることが明らかとなった.また,作付回数の違いでは,年4作区が年3作区より,寡日照時期に果実肥大する果房上葉の受光量が多く,平均果重と可販果率が向上することから,単位面積当たりの可販果収量が増加し,30 t・10 a–1以上が得られることが明らかとなった.