吉川 幸造 島田 光生 栗田 信浩 西岡 将規 森本 慎也 東島 潤 宮谷 知彦 宮本 英典 寺嶋 吉保
日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 (ISSN:00471801)
vol.63, no.2, pp.56-60, 2010 (Released:2010-02-02)
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森川 洋
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.42, no.2, pp.97-117, 1990-04-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
6 2

Regional urban systems in Japan have a close relationship with prefectural territories which have continued without any changes since the proclamation of the prefectural system in 1890. The intra-prefectural administration and regional development policies of prefectural governments have affected the development of regional urban systems. The population of prefectural capitals has gradually been controlled by the population scale of the prefecture. Analyzing the migration flows among 649 cities in 1980, a city usually has a close connection to other cities within its own prefecture and forms a regional urban system with the hierarchical structure in which a prefectural capital is set up at the top. The hierarchical structure of the regional urban system in each prefecture mostly reflects features of its starting point, although regional differences between core and periphery areas have appeared in the process of urban growth.As shown in Figure 2 and Table 2 each regional urban system with hierarchical structure is classified into five groups: uni-center type, bi-polar type, split urban system type and metropolitan city type. In addition, the type dependent on a metropolitan city has gradually grown in the vicinity of a metropolitan center according to the developing urban system of a metropolitan city type. Moreover, it can be divided into early, intermediate and late stages due to the process of dependence. Figure 3 represents typical cases of each type shown in Table 2.From the point of view of the workers of central functions measured by the number of sale and service workers (Pop. Census 1985), most of cities can be classified into large (over 30, 000 workers), middle-size (7, 000 to 30, 000 workers) and small-size cities (3, 000 to 7, 000 workers). As a result, we can recognize that at least the central part of most prefectures are serviced by large cities of their own or nearby metropolitan cities. Tottori and Shimane prefectures are exceptional cases in which even the inhabitants of prefectural capitals are not supplied with the central services of a higher order.When we try to delimit the commuting area of a city by a commuting rate of more than five percent of workers and regard the commuting area as the city region in which inhabitants can enjoy central services of its city level, each prefectural territory is divided into four city regions: large, middle-size and small-size cities and the outlying area. Then, counting the rate of population involved in the city region of each level and classifying a prefecture by the dominance grade of the population rate, five types can be obtained as in Table 4 (vertical): standard type, metropolitan type, middle-size city type, small-size city type and outlying area type. While metropolitan prefectures or the prefectures near to them such as Saitama, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Aichi, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Nara and Chiba belong to the metropolitan type and the like, Hokkaido, Ibaragi, Tokushima, Kochi, Nagasaki and Kagoshima belong to the outlying area type. In comparison to the connection structure of regional urban systems in Table 2, it is difficult to clearly classify their spatial pattern. Although the spatial pattern of city regions can be classified into four levels by considering their development process (Table 4, across), there are several cases difficult to classify because of the areal differences of city regions within a prefecture. While such a spatial pattern is to some extent related to the types classified by the population rate of each level of city regions, it does not correspond to the hierarchical pattern of connection structure and it is difficult to explain the relation between the spatial and connection types.Cities are also classified into four types according to the relation to their city regions: standard type, half-dependent type, independent type city (Selbstversorgerort) and satellite city type.
森 真由美 Mayumi Mori

浅野 浩一郎 山口 佳寿博 河合 章 森 正明 高杉 知明 梅田 啓 川城 丈夫 横山 哲朗
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.30, no.12, pp.2098-2104, 1992-12-25 (Released:2010-02-23)

急性低酸素症における臓器レベルの代償機構を検討するため, 麻酔犬に室内気または13%酸素を吸入させ各種血行動態指標および動脈血, 混合静脈血, 頸, 冠, 肝, 腎静脈血の血液ガス諸量を測定した. これらの測定諸量を用いて室内気ならびに低濃度酸素吸入下における生体全体ならびに主要臓器の酸素利用・輸送に関する諸指標を解析した. 低濃度酸素吸入時には生体全体の酸素供給量が減少したが, 酸素摂取率の増加により酸素消費量は有意な変化を示さなかった. 臓器レベルでは低酸素吸入時に酸素摂取率が肝・門脈系臓器で室内気吸入時の1.5倍に, 腎臓で2倍に増加したが, 心臓, 脳では有意な変化を認めなかった. 一方低酸素吸入時の臓器血流量は肝・門脈系で34%減少したのに対し心臓, 脳では各々11%, 22%増加した. 腎血流量には有意な変化を認めなかった. 以上の結果より急性低酸素症時には肝・門脈系, 腎臓の腹部各臓器はその酸素摂取率を増加させることによって, 脳, 心臓は血流量の増加によって臓器レベルの好気性代謝を維持することが示唆された.
森 俊夫 淺海 真弓 野口 雅子 杉浦 愛子 日下部 信幸
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.58, no.8, pp.485-490, 2007 (Released:2010-07-29)

The colored shadow phenomenon of polka-dotted patterns is investigated by applying image analysis. The purpose of our study is to evaluate how the achromatic color of polka-dots is perceived as having a slightly yellow hue which is the complementary color of blue when placed in a blue background. RGB images are converted to lightness (L*) images. Each pixel of L* image is assigned a gray-level value from 0 for black to 255 for white. The co-occurrence contrast (CON) is calculated for L* images. CON as a parameter for lightness contrast effect increases with the increase of the difference of lightness between the polka-dotted pattern (the test field) and the background (the inducing field), regardless of whether the lightness of the figure becomes higher or lower than that of the background. The degree of colored shadow of 30 kinds of polka-dotted patterns is evaluated by sensory evaluation, according to the rating-scale method, and the relation between their sensory-evaluation values and CON is examined. It is concluded that the colored shadow of polka-dotted patterns is enhanced with the decrease of the lightness contrast effect.
森好 浩行 森川 俊雄 安部 隆芳 中山 英樹 中木 真一 糸原 幸次
日本鑑識科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:13428713)
vol.3, no.2, pp.57-62, 1998 (Released:2010-06-17)

Positive identification of unknown skeletonized victims lacking clinical records generally difficult. However, if their facial photographs could be obtained, their unknown skulls could be identified by the cranio-facial superimposition. The last two decades, video superimposition technique has widely been used for identifying unknown skulls. Although video superimposition will be the most superior technique, the means are expensive and unusual installation. Therefore, in Japanese local forensic science laboratories, the video superimposition installation is not popularly used. To solve the problem the authors attempted to identify an unknown skull by an inexpensive means of superimposition using a personal computer, a digital camera, an image-scanner and a photo-retouch-soft(Adobe Photoshop). The use of the personal computer with Adobe Photoshop allowed to capture a digitized image of the facial photograph with the image-scanner and an image of the skull with the digital camera. With the Adobe Photoshop, the digitized skull's images can be converted to a transparency so as to be overlaid on the digitized facial image and then be adjusted to their respective size. In order to investigate the reliability of our cranio-facial superimposition method, one skull was superimposed on facial photographs of the true person and 14 other people. The true person was correctly identified as the skull's owner and the 14 others were excluded. Hence, the authors insist that this method will be useful to demonstrate the consistency between skull and facial photograph for personal identification.   The application of this superimposition method to three actual cases was also described.
森元 康夫 渡部 晋平 道原 成和 範本 文哲 中島 慶子 樋浦 基 大窪 敏樹
一般社団法人 日本東洋医学会
日本東洋医学雑誌 (ISSN:02874857)
vol.64, no.3, pp.150-159, 2013 (Released:2013-11-18)
3 2

大森 幹之
研究報告インターネットと運用技術(IOT) (ISSN:21888787)
vol.2022-IOT-58, no.17, pp.1-6, 2022-07-05

新型コロナウイルス感染症 (COVID-19) の拡大に伴い,大学といった教育機関ではオンライン講義が急速に普及した.それに伴い,教育機関でのキャンパスネットワークの冗長化の重要性は増している.一方で,世界的な半導体不足によるネットワーク機器や保守費の高騰により,冗長化に投資できる費用も削減を求められている.そこで,本稿では,費用対効果も鑑みつつ,キャンパスネットワークにおけるコアネットワークにおける冗長化を検討し,議論する.具体的には,鳥取大学における SINET 接続回線の冗長化と実際に発生した約 8 時間の通信断障害への効果について考察する.また,SINET6 への移行時における AWS との接続回線と BGP ピアリングの冗長化について,スタック構成で BFD (Bi-directional Forwarding Detection) を実装できないスイッチも念頭に検討する.さらに,費用対効果のためにファイアウォールのバックアップ機を性能を抑えた機種にした場合の構成についても検討する.そして,OSPF と BFD を組み合わせることで,メンテナンスや障害発生の際にキャンパスネットワークの通信断を最小限に抑えることを試みる.
河村 郁江 白松 俊 大森 友子
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会第二種研究会資料 (ISSN:24365556)
vol.2022, no.CCI-009, pp.02, 2022-07-09 (Released:2022-07-09)

In this paper, we have designed a system that shows how social studies and science are linked to local food, with the aim of creating a system that stimulates interest in social studies and science using local food as a starting point. Specifically, a class diagram of the relationship ontology between life sciences and local food was developed and a prototype user interface design was created.
小林 政信 小林 茂之 西森 俊英
日本応用動物昆虫学会誌 (ISSN:00214914)
vol.45, no.2, pp.83-88, 2001 (Released:2003-03-25)
17 17

The development of resistance to a new acaricide, etoxazole, was found in populations of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, collected from apple orchards in Soma-Mura village, Aomori Prefecture. Laboratory tests showed that a few mite populations of the 30 populations collected from an approximately 7×5 km area were insensitive to the acaricide, even though they have never been exposed to this acaricide. We selected a resistant and a susceptible strain from an insensitive population through selection and reciprocal selection by etoxazole. The resistance ratio calculated from the LC50s of the resistant and susceptible strain was more than 20,000. Crossing tests between the two strains indicated that the resistance to etoxazole was under control of a completely recessive single gene.
森河 裕子 中川 秀昭 田畑 正司 西条 旨子 千間 正美 北川 由美子 河野 俊一 寺西 秀豊 城戸 照彦
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.46, no.6, pp.1057-1062, 1992-02-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
3 2

We studied an outbreak of itai-itai disease in the Jinzu River basin, in Toyama, Japan. One hundred and fifty females recognized as itai-itai disease patients till by 1990 were studied for the ages and years of onset and residence in the cadmium-polluted area.1. Cases were recognized from as early as 1929, increased gradually to the peak of 1955-1959 and rapidly decreased up to the 1970s.2. It was found that the later the patients was born, the younger the age of onset, though there was no difference of ages of onset between the cases born in the 1910s and the cases born from 1920.3. The onset of itai-itai disease was most frequently seen at 50-59 years of residence in the cadmium-polluted area. It was found that the later a person started to inhabit the cadmium-polluted area, the shorter the period of residence in the cadmium-polluted area up to onset of itai-itai disease.4. Comparing the patients who inhabited the cadmium-polluted area from birth and those who had moved there from non-polluted areas, the age of onset was higher in the latter, but there were no significant differences in the period of residence up to onset.From these findings, it appeared that itai-itai disease was not caused by aging, but by cadmium exposure starting from the 1910s.
森 寿子
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.22, no.2, pp.157-171, 1981-04-25 (Released:2010-06-22)

Investigation of clinical sense and the problem of non-verbal intelligence testing was undertaken for 45 cases of hearing and speech handicapped children. All test cases were under the age of 12 and had speech training for more than three years. Non-verbal intelligence testing was effective for evaluating their intelligence and the effects of speech training.1) (a) None of the 45 cases underwent non-verbal intelligence testing previous to visiting our clinic, and as a result 90% of them had been evaluated as having lower intelligence, while 10% were judged to be mentally deficient. Following non-verbal intelligence tests at our clinic, of 39 cases who had been diagnosed mentally deficient in addition to other lesion, 36 cases showed normal non-verbal intelligence and 3 cases showed border-line intelligence. On the other hand, 6 cases who had been diagnosed as having a hearing loss only or a cleft palate only were shown to be mentally deficient as well.(b) As concerns the cause of impaired speech for the 45 cases, of 36 cases with normal non-verbal intelligence, 21 cases showed perceptive hearing loss, 7 cases were obscurr, 5 cases were epileptic, and 3 cases resulted from other causes. Three cases of border-line non-verbal intelligence showed impaired speech in addition to abnormal behavior whose cause was obscure. Six cases of retarded non-verbal intelligence showed mental deficiency in addition to hearing loss or cleft palate.2) As a result of our speech training extending over more than three years, of 27 cases (60% of total), 26 cases of normal non-verbal intelligence and 1 case of border-line intelligence were developed, and verbal intelligence reached a level equal to that of non-verbal intelligence.3) Non-verbal intelligence testing is important as a basic discernment test on speech handicapped children and as a clinical method for evaluating learning, hearing and speech ability.4) There remain certain problems and limitations as the results of speech training are evaluated by non-verbal intelligence testing only. The role of non-verbal intelligence in the speech learning process must also be defined in relation to speech learning ability. New tests should be designed for this purpose.
金 均虎 本藤 祐樹 森泉 由恵
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集 第28回日本エネルギー学会大会 (ISSN:24238317)
pp.290-291, 2019-07-31 (Released:2019-07-31)

The present study aims to estimate CO2 emissions from decommissioning of solar and wind power plants. Using a hybrid method that combines process and input-output analyses, the CO2 emission is calculated based on an average decommissioning cost, which is estimated from the detailed construction cost data for different types of power plants. For a solar photovoltaic power plant, the estimated CO2 emission at the demolition stage is 2.1 g-CO2/kWh (tentative value), which accounts for about 4% of life cycle CO2 emission including the construction, operation and maintenance stages.