1 0 0 0 OA 下顎銃創の1例

関 豊 乾 真登可 村田 琢 森 厚 米田 穣爾 田川 俊郎
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.39, no.1, pp.67-69, 1993-01-20 (Released:2011-07-25)

A 21-year-old male was shot with a handgun in the mandible, chest, inguinal region, and upper limbs. Upon admission to the emergency room, vital signs were relatively stable.X-ray examination of the head and neck region apparently revealed that the right side of the mandible was fractured and that the bullet-shaped radiopaque object was lodged in the tongue. However, because the radiopaque object in the tongue was found intraoperatively to be a full cast crown on the mandibular firstmolar, the initial clinical impression of the route that the bullet passed through the body proved to be mistaken. The comminuted mandibular fracture was reduced and stabilized with a miniplate under general anesthesia.Five months later, after an abscess appeared in the right submandibular region, the remaining bullet fragments were surgically removed. The postoperative course was uneventful.The unique characteristics of gunshot wounds shoud be carefully considered at initial assessment.
森 均
摂南大学教育学研究 = Bulletin of Educational Research of Setsunan University (ISSN:13498118)
no.18, pp.69-77, 2022-03

山本 成之助 大森 周三郎
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.23, no.4, pp.224-242, 1934 (Released:2010-07-23)

In den letzten 40 Jahren hat man in Japan über 207 Fälle von Blasen-, und Urethralfremdkörper erfahren, wir haben clarunter 9 Fälle beobachtet. Die statistischen Beobachtugen darüber sind folgende:1) Alter; am meisten vom 21. Lj. bis 30. Lj.2) Geschlecht; Im Verhältnis von männlich zu weiblich; 2.5:1.3) Lokalisation des Fremdkörpers;a) 29.5 (in der Blase): 4 (in der Urethra): 1 (in der Blase und Urethra.)b) In der Blase; Im Verhältnis von männlich zu weiblich; 2:1.c) In der Urethra; Im Verhältnis von männlich zu weiblich; 7:1.d) In der Blase und Urethra: nur bei Männern.4) Arten des Fremdkörpers;Kerze und wachsartige Substanz 18.4%Nelatonscher Katheter 14.5%Ähren, Blätter, Stengel und Kern der Pflanze 11.3%Inhalt der Dermoidzyste etc. 10.1%5) Eindringungswege des Fremdkörpers;Durch die Urethra: Von der Blasenwand und Nachbarorgane sind 3:1.6) Ursprünge der Eindringung;Zwecks Selbstbefriedigung ca 45%Wegen nicht ärztlicher Behandlung 14%Wegen fehlerhafter ärztlicher Behandlung etc. 12%7) Über 92 Fälle von Blasern-, u. Urethralremdkörper eingedrungen zwecks Selbstbefriedigung;Alter; am meisten vom 21 Lj. bis 30 Lj.Geschlecht; Im Verhältnis von männlich zu weiblich; 5:18) Entfernung des Fremdkörpers; bei Entfernung des Fremdkörpers in der Blase war die Behandlung blutiger als die in der Urethra.
山崎 章市 猪口 和隆 斎藤 義広 森島 英樹 谷口 尚郷
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.4, no.1, pp.281-286, 1999-03-31 (Released:2017-02-01)

The HMD optical system composed of "Free-Form-Surface prism (FFS prism)" was presented by Canon Inc. in 1995 [1-3]. This HMD is suitable for compact HMD. We have developed a new see-through 3D HMD with high resolution, wide field of view (FOV) by improving this FFS prism technique. The new HMD with 51degrees horizontal FOV and large viewing eyebox shows clear full color image (VGA) with 920,000 pixels. In spite of the wide FOV, the thickness of this new FFS prism is very thin, 17.9mm. In this paper, we report this new HMD and "the AR^2hockey system" as an example of this HMD application.
森本 康裕 鶴田 俊介 坂部 武史
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 (ISSN:02854945)
vol.25, no.4, pp.378-386, 2005 (Released:2005-07-29)

脳動脈瘤に対しては開頭下に動脈瘤にクリップをかけるクリッピング手術が一般的であったが, 最近は血管内手術も増えてきた. 麻酔法としては, プロポフォールの登場で吸入麻酔薬あるいは静脈麻酔薬による麻酔維持の使い分けが可能になった. 脳動脈瘤手術は緊急手術となることが多く, まず患者の重症度や全身合併症を把握する必要がある. 麻酔のポイントは脳灌流圧と動脈瘤の経壁圧を保ち, 動脈瘤の破裂 (再破裂) を防ぎ, 脳の腫脹を抑え, 脳血管攣縮を予防することにある. 麻酔薬および麻酔関連薬の脳循環, 代謝への影響を理解し, 脳神経外科医と十分なコミュニケーションをとり個々の患者の病態に応じて適切な管理を行うことが重要である.
大森 文彦 中島 直人
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.781, pp.869-879, 2021 (Released:2021-03-30)

In Japan, during 1920's and 1930's, regional ports were modernized under the subsidy and the direction by the Ministry of Inner Affairs. Around the same time, City planning Act and City Building Act which are both established in 1919 were adopted to these regional port towns. This research focuses and clarifies how port modernization was positioned in the city planning of these port towns. In the standard of the city planning management published in 1927, it was indicated that port area was to be designated as"industrial zone". The following addresses findings on zonings, road planning and land readjustments by examining some actual city plan adopted in regional port towns. First, regarding zonings, most port areas were designated to industrial zone, but the others were applied to "commerce zone" or "none zoning" in accordance with the actual use of the area. The reasons why most port areas were zoned as industrial zone was because the local governments intended to industrialize port areas using this opportunity of the modernization directed and financed by the ministry of inner affairs. It can be said that, the port construction by the ministry affected the future land use plan of the located city’s city planning. Second, as for road planning, some of the planned roads in the city plan were planned to fit with the port modernization plan made by the ministry. Roads connecting the modernized port and the center of the port town or train stations were planned in most port towns and many of these roads were positioned as the widest main street in the town. Some of the road plans were organized or changed to fit with port modernization plan. Most statement of reasons in the city plan the stance of placing importance on marine-land transportation can be seen. Therefore, it can be said that the port modernization had some impact on the located town’s road planning. Third, land readjustments were planned in several port towns in 1940's. These land readjustment were intended to create huge waterfront industrial areas, under the policy of the decentralization of factories and arsenals for the war. Land readjustment was a feasible method to realize the waterfront industrial area designated by the city plan. City planning projects were executed from the budget of the local government which made it difficult to progress since most project needed high budget. On the other hand, port modernization was supported by the national subsidy which the ministry of inner affairs was able to decide its use for the modernization of regional ports. In conclusion, during 1920's and 1930's port construction affected the city planning of port towns significantly and these city plannings has some common features to deal the port in their plannings. Port modernization gave an opportunity to improve the city planning especially around the waterfront area.
梅森 直之 坪井 善明 田中 ひかる 土屋 礼子 小林 聡明 鈴木 恵美 鶴見 太郎 加藤 哲郎 李 成市 野口 真広 毛里 和子 山田 満 若林 正丈 篠田 徹 齋藤 純一 浅野 豊美 安井 清峰 最上 敏樹 土佐 弘之 山崎 眞次 八尾 祥平

斎藤 富由起 吉森 丹衣子 守谷 賢二 吉田 梨乃 小野 淳 Fuyuki Saito Yoshimori Taeko Moriya Kenji Yoshida Rino Ono Atushi 千里金蘭大学 生活科学部 児童学科 公立中学校スクールカウンセラー 文教大学大学院 人間科学研究科博士後期課程 社会福祉法人聖音会鎌倉児童ホーム 千里金蘭大学 生活科学部 児童学科
vol.9, pp.13-20,

社会的ネットワークの希薄化を背景に,過剰な承認欲求(山竹,1998 ・2011)などの現代的な課題を反映した青年期心性が注目されている.こうした青年期心性の一つに「見捨てられ不安」(abandonment anxiety)がある.見捨てられ不安は,その概念の成立から精神分析理論の影響が強く,現在の社会的要因を独立変数とする数量的検証に乏しかった.本研究では見捨てられ不安を社会構造の変化に基づく現代的な青年期心性として,「重要で身近な他者(集団)に承認される自信がなく,自身の価値観をありのままに主張すると,重要で身近な他者(集団)から嫌われるのではないかという不安から自己犠牲的な認知・行動を過剰に選択する心理傾向」と定義し,質問紙の開発を試みた.その結果,「承認・注目欲求」と「過剰な自己犠牲」の2因子15項目の「見捨てられ不安尺度」の開発に成功した.
高木 彩 武田 美亜 小森 めぐみ
一般社団法人 日本リスク学会
リスク学研究 (ISSN:24358428)
vol.31, no.2, pp.113-121, 2021-12-25 (Released:2021-12-17)

Digital contact tracing applications have been promoted as a tool to address the COVID-19 pandemic. The effectiveness of these applications depends on their rate of adoption. However, this appears to be low. Therefore, this study investigated the psychological factors associated with the use of a contact tracing application (COCOA) in Japan. An online survey was administered to 1000 participants living in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Respondents were classified into three groups: advocates, critics, and undecided. Our results indicated that perceptions of risk, benefit, cost, social norm and knowledge were significant prescriptive factors of COCOA usage. The results revealed that the critics group perceived low benefit and social norms appeared to hinder application adoption relative to the undecided group.