吉川 雄一郎 篠沢 一彦 石黒 浩 萩田 紀博 宮本 孝典
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.48, no.3, pp.1284-1293, 2007-03-15

人間同士のコミュニケーションにおいて,視線は意図の伝達や会話の調節など,重要な役割を持つことが知られている.人間と対面するロボットやスクリーンエージェントの従来研究においても,それらの視線をどのように構成するかに注目が集まっているが,相手の視線の動きを考慮した枠組みの研究は少ない.しかし,相手の視線が自分の視線に対してどのように変化しているかを見ることは,人間が相手の視線を認識するうえで重要な手がかりになっていると考えられる.そこで本研究では,対面相手の視線に基づいて自身の視線を動かすことのできるロボットを構築し,応答的視線によってより強い被注視感を相手にいだかせることができることを示す.In face-to-face communication, eyes play a central role, for example in directing attention and regulating turn-taking. For this reason, it has been a central topic in several fields of interaction study. Although many psychology findings have encouraged previous work in both human-computer and human-robot interaction studies, so far there have been few explorations on how to move the agent's eye, including when to move it, for communication. Therefore, it is this topic we address in this study. The impression a person forms from an interaction is strongly influenced by the degree to which their partner's gaze direction correlates with their own. In this paper, we propose methods of controlling a robot's gaze responsively to its partner's gaze and confirm the effect of this on the feeling of being looked at, which is considered to be the basis of conveying impressions using gaze in face-to-face interaction experiments.
吉川 雅博 住谷 昌彦 松本 吉央 石黒 浩
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.14, no.2, pp.197-208, 2012-05-25 (Released:2019-07-01)

In this paper, we report an android robot system to support medical and welfare fields with communication. An android constituting this system is very similar to a real female and can exhibit various facial expressions such as smile, anger and surprise. Since the android controlled by pneumatic actuators are light, compact and noiseless, it is easy to introduce it into medical and welfare fields. The system has various operation methods. For example, the android can mimic the head and facial motions of a target person captured by a camera. Using this system, we examined impressions about the android in a medical examination room as a bystander at a pain clinic. During the medical examination, the android nodded and smiled at patients synchronously. As a result, it was revealed that about 33% of 70 patients preferred the presence of the android. Patients over 65 years old had more positive impressions compared to patients under 65. In addition, it is suggested that the presence of the android gave effects to form good impressions about the doctor. These results show the potentiality of the android in the medical examination room.
山岡 史享 神田 崇行 石黒 浩 萩田 紀博
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.48, no.11, pp.3577-3587, 2007-11-15

最近,遠隔操作型のコミュニケーションロボットが用いられ始めてきた.本研究のねらいは,このような遠隔操作型のロボットと人が相互作用する際,人はロボット自身と相互作用しているように感じるのか,それとも背後の人と相互作用していると感じるのか,またそのような感じ方の違いは,相互作用にどのような影響を与えるのだろうか,ということを検証することである.そこで本研究では,ロボットはプログラムによって自律的に動いていると被験者に教示する条件と,ロボットは操作者によって遠隔操作されていると被験者に教示する条件の2 つの実験条件を設定し,2 つの条件間における被験者のロボットに対する印象の差異を検証した.実験では,被験者は人型ロボットと,アイコンタクトや接触行動などお互いの身体を使った相互作用を行い,そのときのロボットの印象を評価した.実験の結果として,2/3 の被験者は,ロボット自身と相互作用していると感じており,彼らの感じた楽しさは,ロボットが操作されているのかどうかといった事前知識には影響されていなかった.また,残りの1/3 の被験者はロボットの背後の人と相互作用しているように感じており,彼らの相互作用は事前知識に影響されていた.ロボット自身ではなく,背後の人間と相互作用していると感じていた被験者は,自律型ロボットと相互作用すると教示された場合には,より相互作用が楽しいと感じ,相互作用時間も増えていた.一方で,操作型ロボットと相互作用すると教示された場合は,よりつまらないと感じ,相互作用時間も減少していた.
高橋 英之 石黒 浩
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第32回全国大会(2018)
pp.3D1OS7a03, 2018 (Released:2018-07-30)

坊農 真弓 吉川 雄一郎 石黒 浩 平田 オリザ
一般社団法人 電子情報通信学会
電子情報通信学会 基礎・境界ソサイエティ Fundamentals Review
vol.7, no.4, pp.326-335, 2014

細馬 宏通 坊農 真弓 石黒 浩 平田 オリザ
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.29, no.1, pp.60-68, 2014

When the presence and the action of an android reach to those of human, andoroid can derive multi-modal action from human. How can human parties act with the android to organize the interaction and find the android as the social actor? We observed the development process of the play ``Three Sisters, Android Version'', and analyzed the multi-modal interaction between the android and human players in the process. As the result, the actors express the assessment of human likeness of the android with their utterances and body movements, and the border between human and machine was expressed with each modality in different way. Moreover, these expressions are not one-way product by the writer and director, but the product of repeated interactions between the actors and the android through the practice and rehearsals. Finally we discuss the possibility of ``media equation'' study using the direct observations of man-machine interaction.
中川 佳弥子 塩見 昌裕 篠沢 一彦 松村 礼央 石黒 浩 萩田 紀博
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.13, no.1, pp.31-40, 2011-02-25 (Released:2019-09-04)

The paper presents a persuasion effect of a robot's whispering behavior that consists of a whispering gesture and small voice. Whispering behavior naturally provides physical proximity and the context of confidential talks that increase intimacy with each other. We have conducted a between-subject experiment to investigate the persuasion effects of whispering gesture and small voice. In the experiment, a robot requested an annoying task, which is a writing as many multiplication table equations as possible. The result shows that whispering gesture significantly increased the number of equations and writing time, meanwhile, small voice had no effect for them. The reason might be that we used simply small voice (voiced speech) not but breathed speech. We believe that whispering behavior is useful for various services that require persuasion effects, such as advertisements, sales promotions, encouragement to study and so on.
垣尾 政之 宮下 敬宏 光永 法明 石黒 浩 萩田 紀博
The Robotics Society of Japan
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.26, no.6, pp.485-492, 2008-09-15 (Released:2010-08-25)
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Humans always sway their body when they are standing. Since the swaying is natural for human, they are not conscious of the swaying. However, today, almost all robots are designed to reduce the swaying to ensure stabilities. If communication robots can control the swaying appropriately, it might help humans to anthropomorphize the robot. In this paper, we evaluate how the swaying of a humanoid robot affects human swaying and their impressions. We measured human and robot's neck movement and asked them to answer a questionnaire after the experiments. We discovered that human swaying and impressions were affected by the robot's swaying. Human swaying is always observed whenever communications are performed. In order to apply the swaying to humanoid robots, we only use wheel control. Additionally, we can make the robot's swaying and do other actions on their upper bodies. So the result of this paper will explain how to make robots' swaying.
中川 佳弥子 塩見 昌裕 篠沢 一彦 松村 礼央 石黒 浩 萩田 紀博
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 A (ISSN:09135707)
vol.J95-A, no.1, pp.136-145, 2012-01-01

谷口 倫一郎 大田友一 美濃導彦 石黒 浩 桑島 茂純 和田 俊和
情報処理学会研究報告コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア(CVIM) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2002, no.2, pp.85-87, 2002-01-17

「大量カメラを用いなければ得られない情報とは何か」、「大量カメラを用いたシステムにおいて通信が果たす役割」、「大量カメラを用いたシステムの今後の展望」などのテーマについて各パネラーの意見を述べ、これをもとにして「大量カメラとネットワーク」の今後について展望する。In this panel, we will discuss varieties of topics, e.g.,``What is the intrinsic information obtained only by mass-camera system?'', ``What is the role of `communication' in mass-camera system?'', ``Future systems based on mass-camera''. Through the discussions, we hope to have a vision of the future in this research field.
小松原 剛志 塩見 昌裕 神田 崇行 石黒 浩 萩田 紀博
一般社団法人 日本ロボット学会
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.33, no.10, pp.789-799, 2015 (Released:2016-01-15)
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This paper reports a robot which interacts with children semi-autonomously in a science room of an elementary school to help children's understanding of science classes. The robot asked children questions related to their science classes during breaks between science classes; children could freely interact with it during experiment periods. We implemented a personal identification function to the robot by using a face recognition system with robot's camera and a human tracking system with environmental sensors. Still, speech recognition is difficult in noisy elementary school environment; therefore we decided to take over speech recognition function by the operator. In this study our result did not show significant effects of the robot existence for helping children's understanding, but we found that children who joined to the robot's quiz more than a certain time increased understanding toward a specific unit.
甲斐 由美 境 哲文 片山 健二 熊谷 亨 石黒 浩二 中澤 芳則 山川 理 吉永 優
国立研究開発法人 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構
農研機構研究報告 九州沖縄農業研究センター = Bulletin of the NARO, Agricultural Research for Kyushu Okinawa Region (ISSN:24328103)
no.66, pp.87-119, 2017-03

「べにはるか」はいもの外観が優れる「九州121 号」を母,いもの皮色や食味が優れる「春こがね」を父とする交配組合せから選抜したサツマイモ新品種である。蒸しいもおよび焼きいもの糖度(ブリックス)が「高系14 号」より高く,食味が優れる。萌芽性は中,草型はやや匍匐型で,いもの皮色は赤紫,肉色は黄白,形状は紡錘形,いもの外観はやや上である。育成地におけるいもの収量は「高系14 号」を上回るが,試験地によっては,「高系14 号」並みあるいはやや劣る場合がある。掘取直後の蒸しいもの肉質はやや粉質であるが,貯蔵により粘質化しやすい。蒸切干(干しいも)の肉色は黄色で,食味はやや上~上と優れる。サツマイモネコブセンチュウに強く,ミナミネグサレセンチュウにやや強い。黒斑病抵抗性は中~やや弱であり,貯蔵性は易である。"Beniharuka" is a new sweetpotato cultivar for table use, developed at the KyushuOkinawa Agricultural Research Center. It was evaluated at prefectural agriculturalexperiment stations as breeding line "Kyushu No. 143" and was registered as a new variety in 2010."Beniharuka" is the progeny from a cross between "Kyushu No. 121" and "Harukogane" conducted at the Sweetpotato Breeding Laboratory in 1996. "Kyushu No. 121" is a cultivar for table use, especially suitable for baked root, while "Harukogane" is a cultivar for table use with good skin color and good taste. Starting from 278 seeds sown in the nursery, selection was carried out based on field performance, taste, and appearance of storage root."Beniharuka" exhibits moderate sprouting ability and a slightly prostrate plant type. The top leaves are light green. The mature leaves are green and cordate. The vine diameter is intermediate with a somewhat short internode length. Pigmentation by anthocyanin is pale in the veins and is very pale in the vine nodes. The storage roots are uniformly fusiform with reddish purple skin and cream flesh. The steamed root texture is slightly dry just after harvesting, but it becomes slightly moist after about one month storage and its taste becomes sweeter. Steamed and cured slices made from "Beniharuka" are yellow and taste good.The yielding ability of "Beniharuka" is comparable to that of "Kokei No. 14", a leading Japanese variety for table use. The dry matter content of "Beniharuka" is higher than that of "Kokei No. 14" ."Beniharuka" is intermediately resistant or slightly susceptible to black rot (Ceratocystis fimbriata), somewhat resistant to root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus coffeae), and resistant to root knot nematode(Meloidogyne incognita).The storage ability of the storage roots is sufficient throughout winter.