中村 賢治 垰田 和史 北原 照代 辻村 裕次 西山 勝夫
産業衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:13410725)
vol.49, no.6, pp.225-233, 2007-11-20
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我々は,健常な非喫煙女性20名を対象に,精神的ストレスが,僧帽筋内のHb動態に及ぼす影響について調べた.被験者に,1分間の立位での両上肢の側方水平位保持(身体的課題),またはStroop's Color Word Test(精神的課題),またはその両方を同時に与える課題を,5分間の休憩をはさんで行わせた.心拍数,および筋内ヘモグロビン(酸素化Hb:OxyHb,脱酸素化Hb:DeoHb,総Hb:TotHb)濃度と表面筋電図(いずれも右僧帽筋で測定)を測定した.各課題によるHb濃度の安静時からの変動量(ΔOxyHb,ΔDeoHb,ΔTotHb)を算出し,身体的負荷時と身体的および精神的負荷時を比較した.身体および精神的負荷時のΔDeoHbは身体的負荷単独時より有意に小さく(p=0.013),ΔOxyHb,ΔTotHbには有意な差は認められなかった(p=0.281,p=0.230).本実験の結果は,精神的ストレスが僧帽筋内のΔDeoHbに影響を及ぼしたことを示唆しており,可能性のある機序の一つとして,精神的ストレスによる僧帽筋の酸素消費量の減少が考えられた.今後,長時間の負荷による影響について検討する必要がある.
大槻 剛巳 中野 孝司 長谷川 誠紀 岡田 守人 辻村 亨 関戸 好孝 豊國 伸哉 西本 寛 福岡 和也 田中 文啓 熊谷 直子 前田 恵 松崎 秀紀 李 順姫 西村 泰光
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.66, no.3, pp.543-552, 2011 (Released:2011-06-24)

The research project entitled “Comprehensive approach on asbestos-related diseases” supported by the “Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology (H18-1-3-3-1)” began in 2006 and was completed at the end of the Japanese fiscal year of 2010. This project included four parts; (1) malignant mesothelioma (MM) cases and specimen registration, (2) development of procedures for the early diagnosis of MM, (3) commencement of clinical investigations including multimodal approaches, and (4) basic research comprising three components; (i) cellular and molecular characterization of mesothelioma cells, (ii) immunological effects of asbestos, and (iii) elucidation of asbestos-induced carcinogenesis using animal models. In this special issue of the Japanese Journal of Hygiene, we briefly introduce the achievements of our project. The second and third parts and the third component of the fourth part are described in other manuscripts written by Professors Fukuoka, Hasegawa, and Toyokuni. In this manuscript, we introduce a brief summary of the first part “MM cases and specimen registration”, the first component of the fourth part “Cellular and molecular characterization of mesothelioma cells” and the second component of the fourth part “Immunological effects of asbestos”. In addition, a previous special issue presented by the Study Group of Fibrous and Particulate Substances (SGFPS) (chaired by Professor Otsuki, Kawasaki Medical School, Japan) for the Japanese Society of Hygiene and published in Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine Volume 13, 2008, included reviews of the aforementioned first component of the fourth part of the project. Taken together, our project led medical investigations regarding asbestos and MM progress and contributed towards the care and examination of patients with asbestos-related diseases during these five years. Further investigations are required to facilitate the development of preventive measures and the cure of asbestos-related diseases, particularly in Japan, where asbestos-related diseases are predicted to increase in the next 10 to 20 years.
辻垣 晃一
比較家族史研究 (ISSN:09135812)
no.22, pp.65-80, 2007
渡辺 一志 辻 幸治 米山 富士子
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.37, no.4, pp.405-411, 1993-03-01

In archery, highly reproducible release is required during shooting to get a good score.Shooting in archery consists of eight different techniques. The last phase of these techniques is follow-through, which all eight have in common. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the muscle activity at follow-through and performance. In ten healthy archery club members, we recorded the muscle activity of six regions from both sides of M.deltoideus (pars acromialis), M. trapezius (pars ascendens), M. trapezius (pars descendens) by means of electromyogram. Integrated electromyograms of 1 second each at the aiming phase and the follow-through phase were calculated in order to evaluate this technique. The results obtained in this study were: 1) The skilled archers sustained high level (above 80%) muscle activity in the follow-through phase. 2) A significant correlation (r=0.791 r<0.05) was observed between the muscle activity on the draw side and the best score in a single round.3) The performance in archery was effected by the continuation of muscle activity in the shoulders, the neck and the back at follow-through. The continuation of muscle activity in the draw side seemed to be especially significant for archery performance.
平澤 明 原 貴史 市村 敦彦 辻本 豪三
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.131, no.12, pp.1683-1689, 2011 (Released:2011-12-01)
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Free fatty acids (FFAs) are not only essential nutrient components, but they also function as signaling molecules in various physiological processes. In the progression of genomic analysis, many orphan G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are found. Recently, GPCRs deorphanizing strategy successfully identified multiple receptors for FFAs. In these FFA receptors (FFARs), GPR40 (FFAR1) and GPR120 are activated by medium- to long- chain FFAs. GPR40 is expressed mainly in pancreatic β-cell and mediates insulin secretion, whereas GPR120 is expressed abundantly in the intestine and regulates the secretion of cholecystokinin (CCK) and glucagons-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), it promotes insulin secretion. Due to these biological activity, GPR40 and GPR120 are potential drug target for type 2 diabetes and selective ligands have been developed. In this review, we provide recent development in the field and discuss their physiological roles and their potential as drug targets.
竹内 誉羽 庄野 修 辻野 広司
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.27, no.2, pp.92-102, 2012 (Released:2012-02-10)

Future robots/agents will perform situated behaviors for each user. Flexible behavioral learning is required for coping with diverse and unexpected users' situations. Unexpected situations are usually not tractable for machine learning systems that are designed for pre-defined problems. In order to realize such a flexible learning system, we were trying to create a learning model that can function in several different kinds of state transitions without specific adjustments for each transition as a first step. We constructed a modular neural network model based on reinforcement learning. We expected that combining a modular architecture with neural networks could accelerate the learning speed of neural networks. The inputs of our neural network model always include not only observed states but also memory information for any transition. In pure Markov decision processes, memory information is not necessary, rather it can lead to lower performance. On the other hand, partially observable conditions require memory information to select proper actions. We demonstrated that the new learning model could actually learn those multiple kinds of state transitions with the same architectures and parameters, and without pre-designed models of environments. This paper describes the performances of constructed models using probabilistically fluctuated Markov decision processes including partially observable conditions. In the test transitions, the observed state probabilistically fluctuated. The new learning model could function in those complex transitions. In addition, the learning speeds of our model are comparable to a reinforcement learning algorithm implemented with a pre-defined and optimized table-representation of states.
岡田 涼 谷 伊織 大西 将史 中島 俊思 辻井 正次
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.83, no.1, pp.44-50, 2012

This study developed a Japanese version of the Child Social Preference Scale, which measures children's social withdrawal. In addition, we examined developmental changes of children's withdrawal and the relationships between withdrawal and problematic behaviors. The participants were 7 012 mothers of preschool, elementary school, and middle school children. A factor analysis revealed a two-factor solution of shyness and social disinterest, which is consistent with previous studies. Shyness decreased as children's grade level increased. Social disinterest changed in a quadratic manner. The shyness score was lowest in the lower grades of elementary school. Shyness was related to more emotional symptoms, more peer relationship problems, and less prosocial behavior. Social disinterest was related to peer relationship problems. The importance of the distinction between shyness and social disinterest is discussed.
辻 敏夫 島 圭介 村上 洋介
The Robotics Society of Japan
日本ロボット学会誌 (ISSN:02891824)
vol.28, no.5, pp.606-613, 2010-06-15
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This paper proposes a novel pattern classification method of user's motions to use as input signals for human-machine interfaces from electromyograms (EMGs) based on a muscle synergy theory. This method can represent combined motions (e.g. wrist flexion during hand grasping), which are not trained by a recurrent neural network in advance, by combinations of synergy patterns of EMG signals preprocessed by the network. With this method, since the combined motions (i.e. unlearned motions) can be classified through learning of single motions (such as hand grasping and wrist flexion) only, the number of motions could be increased without increasing of the number of learning samples and the learning times for controlling of the machines such as a prosthetic hand. Effectiveness of the proposed method is shown by the motion classification experiments and prosthetic hand control experiments. The results showed that 18 motions, which are 12 combined and 6 single ones, can be classified sufficiently through learning of 6 single motions only (average rate: 89.2 ± 6.33%), and the amputee could control of a prosthetic hand using single and combined motions at will.
仲谷 寛 原 良成 宮里 明子 佐藤 聡 伊藤 弘 小林 博 鴨井 久一 菅谷 彰 杉山 裕一 辻上 弘 田村 利之 堀 俊雄
日本歯周病学会会誌 (ISSN:03850110)
vol.34, no.1, pp.220-231, 1992-03-28
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歯周治療におけるTBC-コラーゲン複合骨移植材: KF-300(TBC-コラーゲン合材)の臨床応用について検討した。歯周疾患によって生じた歯槽骨欠損部68名,80部位に対してTBC-コラーゲン複合骨移植材を応用し,経時的にX線写真および臨床的な評価を行った。術前と比較して術後6ヵ月で,X線写真による骨欠損最深部までの距離は3.6mmの改善が認められた。また,プロービング・デブスおよびアタッチメントレベルは,それぞれ3.2mm, 2.1mmの改善が認められた。動揺度,プロービング時の出血は,術後有意の改善が認められた。骨移植材の漏出および創〓開は,術後2週まで認められたが臨床的には問題とならないと思われた。TBC-コラーゲン合材によると考えられる副作用は1症例も認められなかつた。以上の結果より,TBC-コラーゲン複合骨移植材は,生体親和性に優れ,歯周治療における有用な骨移植材であると考えられた。
小林 和彦 辻下 守弘 岡崎 大資 甲田 宗嗣
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.26, no.2, pp.303-308, 2011 (Released:2011-06-07)
