長谷川 敦章
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.50, no.2, pp.1-27, 2007 (Released:2010-03-12)

This paper studies a tomb found at Minet el-Beida in 1997. Fortunately, it seems that the tomb was not looted, and many grave goods were intact. These were the first materials recovered from Minet el-Beida since Schaeffer stopped the excavations in 1932, six decades before and have significant value for the archaeological study of the Late Bronze Age in the East Mediterranean world. This study aims to consider how long the tomb was in use by studying the structure of the tomb and the finds in it such as Mycenaean and Cypriote pottery.The tomb was built entirely of ashlars. It has one chamber of rectangular shape and is equipped with ashlar steps and a dromos, a short passage connecting the chamber to the outside. This type of tomb is commonly seen at Ras shamra, Minet el-Beida and Ras ibn Hani, and seems to date from the Late Bronze Age II, that is the 14th to 13th centuries B. C.Twenty-eight pieces of Mycenaean pottery and twenty-nine pieces of Cypriote pottery were recovered from the tomb. The Mycenaean pottery includes stirrup jars, alabastra and piriform jars. The chronological analysis in this paper suggests that most of the Mycenaean pottery dates back to the Late Helladic IIIB, several to the Late Helladic IIIA2, and one to the Late Helladic IIIB to IIIC1. The Cypriote pottery consists of white shaved ware and white slip II ware, which are also called milk bowls. The former are dated to the Late Cypriote IB to IIB and the latter to the Late Cypriote IIC1.In conclusion, it seems that the tomb started being used in the Late Helladic IIIA2 and was abandoned in the Late Helladic IIIB, that is, that it was used for about 165 years, between 1350 B. C. and 1185 B. C.
長谷川 伸
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.68, pp.154_2-154_2, 2017

<p> 本研究では投球速度の異なる野球投手の筋厚を比較し、高い投球速度を示す投手の形態的特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした。2016、2017年の春季オープン戦に登板した投手を対象に全投球の球速上位20%の平均値を算出し、140km/h以上を高速群(n=7)、130km/h未満を低速群(n=9)として抽出した。筋厚測定には超音波診断装置を使用した。撮像部位は両側の前腕部、上腕部(前・後部)、胸部、腹部、側腹部、肩甲棘部(上・下部)、肩甲骨内側部・肩甲下部、腰部、臀部(後・側部)、大腿部(前・後部)、下腿部(前・後部)であり、これらの17部位より29筋を測定の対象とした。部位別の比較において高速群では投球側の前腕部、腰部、臀部、大腿後部、下腿後部、非投球側の腹部、側腹部、大腿前部、臀部、大腿後部、下腿後部において低速群よりも高い筋厚を示した。また、筋別の比較において高速群は投球側の脊柱起立筋、大殿筋、大腿二頭筋、腓腹筋、非投球側の腹直筋、内腹斜筋、脊柱起立筋、大腿二頭筋において低速群よりも高い筋厚を示した。これら結果より投球速度の高速群では体幹、下肢筋群の発達が顕著であることが示唆された。</p>
長谷川 悦示
筑波フォーラム (ISSN:03851850)
no.64, pp.79-83, 2003-03

今年度における筑波大学のスポーツクラブの活躍は近年のなかでも目に見張るものがある。バレーボール男子が大学選手権6連覇を達成し、バレーボール女子も15年ぶりに選手権制覇でアベック優勝を果たした。同様に剣道の男女が団体で …
月田 佳寿美 宮崎 徳子 長谷川 智子 白川 かおる 佐藤 ゆかり 中垣 雅美 南部 望 渡辺 裕子
福井医科大学研究雑誌 (ISSN:13453890)
vol.3, no.1-2, pp.31-38, 2002-12-20

Purpose: Skin is a defence against disease. In addition skin health affects a patient's comfort level and self image; therefore, maximizing patient dermatological health may significantly enhance the patient recovery process. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of three methods of skin cleansing on skin pH, moisturization, and four scales of skin physical condition. Methods: Twenty healthy females (aged 19 to 23) without history of skin disorders were involved in the study. Subjects' arms were cleansed in three methods, soapless, soaped towel, and sudsy towel. After cleansing, pH, moisturization, and physical condition (roughness, scaling, smoothness, and furrowing) of the skin were measured. Statistical analysis was done by paired t-test and Pearson's correlation. Result: All measurements in the soapless towel trial revealed no significant changes. In the sudsy towel trial, smoothness and moisturization were significantly increased (p.<.05). After cleansing with soap three times by hot towel in both soaped towel and sudsy towel trials, skin pH decreased, but it took one hour to return to the pre-trial level. Discussion: Soapless cleansing may alter skin condition the least among the three methods. Clinically, this method may be useful when skin oil is to be maintained. For the purpose of increasing skin smoothness, soap might be applied best in sudsy form. In addition, both soap application methods increased skin pH for at least one hour after the trial. Therefore, skin assessment following soap application by health providers may be indicated.
長谷川 孝治
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.45, no.2, pp.156-177, 1993-04-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
2 2

In Europe the study of the history of cartography has a long tradition that dates back to the Renaissance, but its establishment as an independent science had to await the works of L. Bagrow and others since the 1930s. During the ensuing fifty years, a great effort has been devoted to organizing an academic and social framework, including publishing general histories of cartography and facsimiles, and founding the academic society Imago Mundi. During the 1980s, paradigmatic changes occurred in the view and methodology of study in this field. These changes were initiated by P. D. A. Harvey's The History of Topographical Maps and particularly by Concepts in the History of Cartography by M. J. Blakemore and J. B. Harley, both works published in 1980.In this paper the contemporary Anglo-American trends in the study of the history of cartography after 1980 are summarized according to the categories of iconology, context, and social history.1. History of Cartography as IconologyVarious methods of interpreting messages conveyed by means of icons and pictures embedded in maps have been employed in the study of the history of cartography and historical geography. In recent studies of the history of cartography, the analysis of animals (W. George 1978), heraldry (R. V. Tooley 1983), portraits (G. Schilder 1985, P. Barber 1990) and other icons found in maps, as well as of the typology of cartographic symbols and legends (C. Delano Smith 1988), has continued.A synthetic method to consider the map as a whole, not to analyze each element on the map or its border separately, was proposed by Harley (1980 & 1983). He used E. Panofsky's iconology as a framework and suggested that a cartographic parallel existed.Attempts to interpret the whole work as a single icon, semantically or symbolically, have often been limited to the title-page of an atlas, rather than considering the maps themselves. Although Tooley (1975) had published a collection of title-pages of atlases, it was R. W. Shirley (1987 & 1988) who systematically organized all of them. Nevertheless these title-pages are categorized only by their format and content, and there is no in-depth interpretation of any individual map. For instance, the title-page of the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by A. Ortelius, the first modern atlas, should be seen as a stronger spatial expression of the Darwinian paradigm than of the relation between those dominating and dominated.2. History of Cartography as ContextBeyond the iconographic interpretation, a contextual approach to consider the individual map in the context of the historical circumstances in which it was produced has been developed. The cultural context, or the relationship between the invention of maps in early modern Europe and the corresponding historical and cultural circumstances, especially those of art, has been discussed by R. Rees (1980), S. Y. Egerton (1987) and S. Alpers (1987). All of these credit the impact of the revival of the Ptolemaic grid system to art.In the political and social context, Harley (1983) applied his method to the meaning and function of the various scale maps under the Tudors and developed cartographic semantics. The county maps of Saxton, for example, were prepared with such things in mind as the bureaucracy, defence, local administration and decoration, and they have been interpreted as symbolizing the county community and serving a social function as the identity of the county and as an intellectual discovery of England. Harley (1988) later employed M. Foucault's concept of power-knowledge and episteme to interpret the relationship between the maps and the ideology in them. This work attempted to divide the empty space in maps, interpreted as silence, into intentional and unintentional silence, and to investigate in particular the role of political, religious and social ideology in the unintentional silence.
深澤 向日葵 吉井 瑛美 會退 友美 赤松 利恵 長谷川 智子
特定非営利活動法人 日本栄養改善学会
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.79, no.6, pp.338-344, 2021-12-01 (Released:2022-02-08)

【目的】幼児の偏食と健康状態,夕食における食品群別摂取量,栄養素等摂取量との関連を検討することを目的とした。【方法】2018年12月,1次調査として幼児を持つ母親を対象にインターネット調査を実施し,そのうち希望者から抽出された者を対象に2019年3~5月,2次調査として写真法による食事調査を実施した。1次調査より幼児の偏食,健康状態,属性を用い,2次調査より幼児の夕食の食品群別摂取量,栄養素等摂取量を用いた。偏食得点の三分位値で分けた低群,中群,高群の属性,健康状態および食品群別摂取量,栄養素等摂取量の違いを,χ2 検定,Kruskal-Wallisの検定および多重比較で検討した。【結果】1次調査の解析対象者は1,899人,2次調査は118人であった。幼児の偏食得点三分位値は14,17点であり,低群614人(32.3%),中群708人(37.3%),高群577人(30.4%)となった。偏食低群には,発熱しにくい者,風邪をひきにくい者,疲れにくい者が多かった(それぞれp<0.001)。食品群別摂取量では野菜類に有意差がみられ,偏食高群で摂取量が少なかった(p=0.016)。栄養素等摂取量は,偏食3群間で違いはみられなかった。【結論】偏食低群の幼児の健康状態は良好であった。偏食高群の幼児は,夕食で野菜類の摂取量が少なかったが,栄養素等摂取量は偏食の程度による違いはみられなかった。
長谷川 滋利 上野 陽子
日経BP社 ; 2002-
日経ビジネスassocie (ISSN:13472844)
vol.14, no.3, pp.24-27, 2015-02

細川 雅人 長谷川 成人
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.139, no.7, pp.1021-1025, 2019-07-01 (Released:2019-07-01)

Abnormal proteins such as tau or α-synuclein that accumulate in brains with dementia have been shown to propagate like prion proteins. However, the expression patterns of tau in the mouse brain are different from those in humans, and the pathogenesis in the animal model of abnormal tau propagation remains incompletely understood. To overcome this problem, a novel mouse showing tau expression patterns similar to those of humans was developed using genome editing techniques. We inoculated the brain of this mouse with a sarkosyl-insoluble fraction containing abnormal tau derived from tauopathy patients and examined the accumulation of tau pathologies. We also performed a detailed analysis of the relationship between the inoculation site and the sites where tau accumulates abnormally by histochemical and neuronal circuitry and elucidated the propagation mechanism of the abnormally accumulated protein. This research is expected to lead to the development of novel drugs for the treatment of dementia using the innovative approach of “inhibition of abnormal protein propagation”.
長谷川 元洋 上野 顕子 新谷 洋介 清水 克博
消費者教育 (ISSN:13451855)
vol.41, pp.123-133, 2021 (Released:2021-10-27)

The purpose of this study was to develop a consumer education lesson which enables deep active learning in online classes. We constructed the lesson using a matrix for designing lessons to realize “deep learning”, which was to ensure the lesson quality in online classes. In addition, information tools were selected and combined so that the students were able to do group work in the online classes. We used the text mining system to analyze and compare papers submitted by students who attended in-person classes in 2019 to ones handed in by students who attended mainly online classes for the same course in 2020. As a result, it was confirmed that deep active learning could be realized even in the online classes.

2 0 0 0 悪性黒色腫

松島 誠 黒水 丈次 岡本 康介 長谷川 信吾 下島 裕寛 河野 洋一 香取 玲美 杉田 博俊 小菅 経子 鈴木 裕 鈴木 和徳 池上 雅博 栗原 聰元 大田 貢由
pp.374-377, 2016-03-25

疫学 悪性黒色腫(malignant melanoma)は,神経堤起源細胞でメラニン産生細胞であるメラノサイト(melanocyte)に由来する悪性腫瘍である.そのほとんどは皮膚に発生するが,その他メラノサイトが存在する口腔,鼻腔,食道,胃や大腸・肛門などの消化管の粘膜や目の脈絡膜,脳軟膜,脊髄膜にも発生する.本邦における悪性黒色腫の罹病率は1.12人/10万人とされており,欧米での発生頻度は本邦に比べて高く,さらに増加する傾向にあるとされている. 原発部位別頻度をみると,消化管原発悪性黒色腫は,全悪性黒色腫の0.1〜2.5%と極めて少ない.本邦における消化管原発の悪性黒色腫は,1999年の嶋田ら1)による集計では,直腸肛門部300例,食道143例,小腸9例,結腸5例,胃2例で,海外の報告でも結腸原発悪性黒色腫は,全悪性黒色腫の0.4〜5.6%と極めて少ない.また,大腸悪性黒色腫の中では,歯状線を中心とした直腸肛門部に発生するものが最も多く(直腸肛門部は基底層にメラニン色素細胞を含む重層扁平上皮を持ち,悪性黒色腫の発生母地になると考えられている),結腸原発悪性黒色腫の約75%を占めると言われている.直腸肛門部原発悪性黒色腫は全肛門部悪性腫瘍の0.25〜3.9%である.直腸肛門部の悪性黒色腫は早期にリンパ行性,血行性転移を来しやすく,診断時既に70%の症例で転移を認めると言われている2).
金光 高雄 八尾 建史 宮岡 正喜 小島 俊樹 中馬 健太 長谷川 梨乃 池園 剛 大津 健聖 小野 陽一郎 植木 敏晴 太田 敦子 田邉 寛 原岡 誠司 岩下 明德
pp.215-220, 2019-02-25

要旨●乳頭腺癌は管状腺癌と比べ,病理学的に生物学的悪性度が高いと報告されている.しかし,従来の通常内視鏡観察では乳頭腺癌を診断することは不可能であった.筆者らは,拡大内視鏡観察において円形の腺窩辺縁上皮で囲まれた円形の窩間部上皮下の間質に血管が存在する特徴的な所見を“vessels within epithelial circle(VEC)pattern”と呼称し,乳頭状の分化腺癌に特徴的な所見であると報告した.以前筆者らの報告した症例対照研究より,術前に分化型癌と診断された早期癌において,NBI併用拡大内視鏡により視覚化されるVEC patternが組織学的乳頭状構造を診断するうえで有用であったと報告した.さらに,VEC pattern陽性の早期胃癌の約1/4の病変に未分化型癌の混在や粘膜下層浸潤を認め,VEC patternが術前に癌の高い悪性度を予測するうえで有用なマーカーとなる可能性が考えられた.