田口 亜紀 竹下 小百合 長谷川 琴音 城本 修 土師 知行
喉頭 (ISSN:09156127)
vol.32, no.02, pp.117-124, 2020-12-01 (Released:2021-05-11)

The high-pitched blowing exercise is a technique for conducting water resistance with high-pitch voice. This exercise is one of semi-occluded vocal tracts (SOVTE). When we performed high-pitched blowing through a laryngoscope in cases where high-pitched vocalization was difficult, the interval of posterior glottis disappeared, and the voice function also improved.We conducted a detailed examination of the voice pitch for water resistance. The subjects were 40 healthy young women currently attending our school (age: 19-22 years old), randomly divided into 4 groups: Silent Group, Speaking Voice Group, Chest Voice Group, and Head Voice Group. The examination items were the duration of water resistance before/after training, maximum phonation time (MPT), phonatory function test, physiological voice range, acoustic analysis, and subjective evaluation. As an additional study, we also measured the open quotient (OQ) by a photoglottogram (PGG). We observed no marked changes in the Silent Group before/after training. Regarding the phonatory function test findings,were recognized improvement in the MPT, amplitude perturbation quotient, harmonics-to-noise ratio, and voice handicap index. For the PGG, 25% OQ indicated a favorable level in the Head Voice Group. These findings suggested that the high-pitched blowing exercise was more effective than ordinary water resistance for voice disorder.
長谷川 智子
一般社団法人 日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会
日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会誌 (ISSN:18817319)
vol.30, no.2, pp.168-171, 2022-04-28 (Released:2022-04-28)

日本における看護師の資格認定制度は,1987年厚生省の「看護制度検討会報告書(21世紀に向けての看護制度のあり方)」において,専門看護師,看護管理者の育成が提言されたことを契機に始まった.そこでようやく誕生したのが1994年に専門看護師制度,1995年に認定看護師制度,1998年に認定看護管理者制度で,日本看護協会がその核となった.認定看護師(Certified Nurse: CN)の役割としては,実践・指導・相談があり,高度実践看護師と同等レベル,あるいはそれ以上の能力を有する者が多数存在している.2020年度からは新たな認定看護師教育課程が開講され,呼吸器看護でも2021年「呼吸器看護認定看護師」としての教育が開講されるようになった.新カリキュラムでは特定の医療行為ができるようになる教育が組み込まれ,臨床推論力と病態判断力に基づいた高度な実践を展開できるようになることを期待されている.
大西 啓祐 佐井 康真 浜田 和也 佐藤 多未笑 相磯 崇 高須 直樹 二瓶 義博 五十嵐 幸夫 長谷川 繁生
一般社団法人 日本消化器外科学会
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.55, no.1, pp.33-40, 2022-01-01 (Released:2022-01-28)

症例は16歳の男性で,3年以上にわたり小児科で嘔吐症として保存的治療を受けていたが改善せず当科に紹介となった.大動脈と上腸間膜動脈(superior mesenteric artery;以下,SMAと略記)間のなす角度は13°,距離も5.6 mmと狭小化しておりSMA症候群と判断した.当科でも保存的治療を継続したが,改善が得られずやむをえず外科治療を行う方針となった.さまざまな治療法の報告があるが,若年でもあり整容性と最大限の治療効果を期待して,腹腔鏡下にダブルトラクト法による再建する手術を施行した.吻合は2か所となり手術時間は205分とやや長めながら,完全腹腔鏡視下に施行可能であった.経過は良好で術後10日目に退院となった.当手術法は生理的経路の確保と十二指腸転位術の双方のメリットを生かせると思われ,治療法の選択肢の一つになりうると考えられた.
長谷川 馨亮 野口 賢一 森住 俊美 中嶋 淳一 兼清 知之 杉浦 亮介 鎌本 優 守谷 健弘 小田 秀朗 川島 修
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
映像情報メディア学会技術報告 41.23 放送技術 (ISSN:13426893)
pp.37-40, 2017 (Released:2021-07-21)

限られたネットワーク帯域の中で低遅延かつ高品質で符号化できる方式「CLEAR (Conditionally Lossless Encoding under Allowed Rates)」を考案し,装置試作を行った.CLEARはロスレスオーディオ符号化を基にしており,入力音源に依存してフレームごとに原音そのままで送れる場合と歪を生じる場合を切り替える方式である.本稿では,オーディオコーデック装置試作における試作装置の概要,および試作装置における実際のラジオ放送の音声と実回線を用いた伝送実験の結果について報告する.
上野 顕子 長谷川 元洋 新谷 洋介
消費者教育 (ISSN:13451855)
vol.34, pp.185-194, 2014 (Released:2021-05-01)

As cell phone and Internet users increase among junior and senior high schoolers, there has been a corresponding increase in problems with online shopping. Home economics education takes a main role of consumer education for those young people at school. Therefore, a text analysis was conducted of junior and senior high school home economics textbooks for online shopping. As a result, the online shopping content written in the textbooks is not offering enough skills and guidance to use online shopping safely. As necessary learning content is increasing, an agenda can be to gradually classify the content by school stages.
長谷川 悠里
イタリア学会誌 (ISSN:03872947)
no.60, pp.111-133, 2010-10-20

L'affermazione che esista nell'universo un'armonia cosmica venne sostenuta da autorita antiche come Pitagora, Platone, Cicerone e Macrobio, ma venne rifiutata da Aristotele e dai suoi commentatori medievali come Tommaso d'Aquino. Rispetto a questo, Dante, parlando dell'armonia delle sfere sin dal primo canto del Paradiso, dichiara la sua posizione riguardo a tale dottrina. La concezione che il moto delle sfere risultasse in un'armonia sonora ha origine negli studi matematici di tradizione pitagorica ed e stata in seguito sviluppata in diversi modelli dell'armonia musicale al fine di calcolare le distanze tra i pianeti e dalla Terra, nonche le dimensioni complessive dell'universo. I secolari studi matematico-musicali sull'argomento vennero poi categorizzati da Boezio nella cosiddetta musica mundana. Questo lavoro muove dalla considerazione di alcuni trattati che potrebbero aver formato la concezione musicale di Dante, insieme ad un breve accenno al concetto matematico-musicale del Medioevo. Come e noto, alla musica nel Medioevo era attribuito un carattere peculiare ereditato dalla cultura greca, radicalmente diverso dal concetto di musica moderno. Vengono poi analizzate le tre note categorie di musica formulate da Boezio (la musica mundana, la musica humana e la musica instrumentalis) e confrontate con le tre cantiche della Commedia, facendo riferimento ai diversi saggi che hanno trattato questo argomento. Nel Paradiso il punto di vista privilegiato per osservare l'armonia delle sfere e il cielo del Sole. L'analogia dell'universo dantesco con le scale celesti discusse nel De Institutione musica di Boezio potrebbe rappresentare una spiegazione del panorama che si apre nel cielo del Sole. Boezio e Isidoro sono presenti insieme ad altri teologi e filosofi nel cielo del Sole, dove viene descritta la danza trinitaria eseguita dai tre cerchi che ne rappresentano il simbolo. Anche al di fuori del campo della musica, vari studiosi hanno riconosciuto l'influenza dei loro trattati nelle opere di Dante. Per questa ragione si tratteranno qui alcuni passi delle Etymologiae di Isidoro, aggiungendovi una considerazione sulle Institutiones di Cassiodoro, a cui Isidoro stesso fece riferimento per compiere il suo lavoro enciclopedico. Dante, da parte sua, non scrisse alcun trattato sulla musica, ma ne parlo, per esempio nel Convivio, in cui la musica viene paragonata al cielo del Marte. Il poeta scrive che la musica si fonda sulla legge dell'armonia, e che "in essa scienza massimamente e bella". La sua conoscenza sulla musica e la sua familiarita con l'ambiente musicale del tempo si riconosce soprattutto nei versi del Paradiso che rappresentano la danza e la musica polifonica dei beati. L'esame prosegue, dopo la breve ma necessaria spiegazione sulla scala musicale greca, attraverso la presentazione delle scale celesti di Nicomaco e di Cicerone, prendendo spunto dalle citazioni dantesche presenti nei principali studi finora pubblicati in Italia. Dapprima, riguardo a Cicerone, si citera Il sogno di Scipione, il Commento al sogno di Scipione di Macrobio ed infine il De Institutione musica di Boezio. In merito a Nicomaco verranno trattati il suo Manuale di armonia e Institutione di Boezio. Benche lo studio della simbologia e la struttura numerica della Commedia abbia avuto esiti piuttosto significativi negli ultimi decenni, il tema dell'armonia cosmica delle sfere, pur avendo un aspetto numerico anch'esso, non ha ricevuto altrettanta attenzione. Nel canto X del Paradiso, Dante invita il lettore a contemplare la bellezza del cielo e l'armonia delle sfere. Se guardiamo il disegno dell'universo che aveva in mente Dante dal punto di vista della musica del suo tempo, ci si offre una visione fantasiosa, ma nello stesso tempo estremamente 'poetica', alla quale l'astronomia del nostro secolo non lascia spazio. L'argomento dello studio che qui si propone non riguarda percio la musica in senso stretto, ma piuttosto i passi del Paradiso nei quali Dante tratteggia la musica mundana teorizzata come scale celesti, di cui il lettore dovrebbe avere coscienza per una migliore comprensione dei versi del Paradiso.
長谷川 毅
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1986, no.81, pp.61-80,L9, 1986-03-25 (Released:2010-09-01)

The weapons procurement process in the Soviet Union is crucial in understanding the interaction between foreign policy and domestic politics as well as the interconnection in the domestic political dynamics among politics, economy and military factors. This article aims to examine the political dynamics in the Soviet weapon procurement process.The article is divided into three parts. The first part, “the static anlysis of the weapons procurement in the Soviet Union, ” explains the actors and their role in the process. Specifically, the three-layered structure consisting of the party, the military, and the government is examined. The actors explained here include: the Politburo, the Defense Council, the Central Committee Secretariat, the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, each military service, the Council of Ministers, the Presidium of the Council of Ministers, the Military Industrial Commission (VPK), each military industrial ministry, its research institutes and design bureaus, and its enterprises.The second part, “the dynamic analysis of the weapons procurement process, ” examines how these actors interact each other in the actual process of weapons procurement. Requests for weapons development usually originate in one of two ways: from below and from above. From below each military service may request a development of new weapons sytem necessitated from operations requirements. In actuality, it may originate from design bureaus trying to push their new designs. The request must be approved by the General Staff, the Ministry of Defense, the Defense Council, the VPK, and the Politburo. When a request originates from above, the VPK will translate the decision into an actual policy. When a decision is made to develop a weapons system, the VPK, through the appropriate military industrial ministry, begins the process of design competitions among design bureaus. Two or three design bureaus are allowed to proceed to the construction of a prototype. After the prototype is tested by the State committee, only then a decision to proceed to a series production is made. Design bureaus and the voenpredy sent by the military service serve to control the quality of the weapons produced in enterprises.The third part singles out some of the salient characteristics of the Soviet weapons procurement process. First, the Soviets take several measures to ensure the high quality of weapons systems within the framework of the planned economy. These measures include high priority given to the military industry, the existence of the consumer's sovereignty in the military industry, free competition among design bureaus, and stability of the weapons procurement elite. But the high quality of Soviet weapons does not mean efficiency of the military industy. In fact, it has caused waste and delays in modernization. The deepening Soviet economic crisis and the sharp rise in the unit cost of weapons production will no longer make it possible for the Soviet government to treat the military industry as a sacred cow. Second, history and the organizational restrictions have led the Soviets to develop a unique design philosophy, which stresses three principles, “simplicity, ” “commonality, ” and “evelutionary revision.” This approach has both advantages and disadvantages: it helps the Soviet military to be provided with inexpensive, mass-produced weapons, easy to operate and maintain. But the Soviet weapons procurement process is not conducive to generate innovations. Therefore, the systemic crisis of Soviet economy will inevitably engulf the military sector, which has been successfully insulated from the inefficiencies of the command economy.
長谷川 光弘 清水 健介 須藤 誠 木田 哲量 加藤 清志 高野 真希子
日本学術会議 「機械工学委員会・土木工学・建築学委員会合同IUTAM分科会」
理論応用力学講演会 講演論文集
vol.55, pp.326-326, 2006

望月 美也子 重村 隼人 長谷川 昇
The Japan Society of Home Economics
pp.201, 2005 (Released:2005-12-08)

【目的】炎症性腸疾患は、腸粘膜に慢性の炎症または潰瘍を引き起こす難治性特定疾患の総称であり、過剰な過酸化物の生成により発症することが明らかとなっている。我々は、既に、脂肪細胞において、緑茶がSOD活性を増加させ、過酸化物の生成を抑制することを明らかにしている(第54回日本家政学会、東京、2003)。そこで、本研究は、2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid(TNBS)によって誘発される、炎症性腸疾患動物モデルに対する緑茶カテキン(-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)の保護効果を確かめるために行われた。【方法】雄SDラット(180±20g)を用い、EGCG(30mg/kg)を10日間連続的に経口投与した。炎症性腸疾患は、TNBS50%エタノール水溶液(120mg/Kg)を直腸内投与することにより誘発させた。12時間後、大腸を採取し、炎症部位のダメージスコア、好中球浸潤の指標であるmyeloperoxidase(MPO)活性、superoxide dismutase(SOD)活性を測定した。【結果・考察】本研究の結果、TNBSによる潰瘍、出血を伴う炎症性大腸炎の症状と、MPO活性の有意な増加が見られた。この際、あらかじめ緑茶カテキンの主成分であるEGCGを投与しておくと、粘膜肥厚と出血が抑えられ、白血球の浸潤も抑制された。この原因として、EGCGがSOD活性を有意に増加させたため、ラジカルが補足され、腸粘膜が過酸化物による損傷から保護されたことによると考えられる。以上の結果を総合すると、EGCGは炎症性腸疾患に有効であることが明らかとなった。
長谷川 岳男
軍事史学 (ISSN:03868877)
vol.33, no.1, pp.64-84, 1997-06
長谷川 将規
湘南工科大学紀要 = Shonan Institute of Technology journal (ISSN:09192549)
vol.52, no.1, pp.103-116, 2018-02

川戸 湧也 長谷川 悦示 木内 敦詞 梶田 和宏 中川 昭
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.65, pp.775-792, 2020 (Released:2020-11-18)

The purpose of this study was to design and implement judo courses of physical education (PE) in higher education (HE) based on the ADDIE model and to validate the students’ outcomes and issues. The ADDIE model is part of the Instruction Design (ID) theory of educational technology. The subjects were 162 first-year undergraduate students (91 males: 71 females) attending judo courses in a designated sports university, and the lecturer who was responsible for instruction. Courses were implemented corresponding to each of the ‘analysis’, ‘design’, ‘development’, ‘implementation’ and ‘evaluation’ phases of the ADDIE model. In the analysis phase it was confirmed that the role of the course was to provide a PE teacher’s license. Therefore, the content was designed in accordance with the course of study for junior high and high schools. Considering the lesson time (a total of 50 minutes) in junior high and high schools, the time allocation for one lesson in the course was developed with an introductory 10-minute lesson followed by a 40-minute lesson each in the first and the second half. A learning notebook (learning portfolio) was also created in order to ensure the achievement of cognitive and emotional goals, and students were asked to describe their learning during each lesson. Course implementation was by the lecturer, based on systematic observational analysis of the teaching-learning process and self-reflection. Course evaluation was conducted based on the results of the systematic observational analysis, the distribution of student grades, and self-evaluation by students. Analysis of the teaching-learning process showed that the motor learning duration was sufficiently secured while the management duration was kept low. However, visualization of the teaching-learning process revealed that the initial planned time allocation was not realized. Through these results, the importance of a systematic observational analysis can also be recognized in the PEHE. The verification of the grades distribution and the students’ self-evaluation showed that the courses had the expected outcomes as a subject related to teacher’s qualification license. Furthermore, application of the ADDIE model in this judo course highlighted some critical issues, such as increasing students’ opportunities to teach each other, adjusting the learning environment through control of temperature and hydration, and creating special teaching materials for low-skilled students. Thus, in order to guarantee and improve the quality of PEHE, the authors propose an effective approach for course design and implementation that utilizes the ADDIE model.