三木 有咲 波多江 崇 猪野 彩 井上 知美 上野 隼平 笠谷 君代 近藤 亜美 坂口 知子 佐々木 信子 田内 義彦 竹下 治範 辻 華子 中川 素子 野口 栄 長谷川 由佳 水田 恵美 矢羽野 早代 山根 雅子 濵口 常男
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.34, no.1, pp.24-33, 2015

We implemented a questionnaire survey targeting mothers who are in child care and had participated in consultations regarding drugs and diseases. We examined the future roles of community pharmacists by exploring the mothers' concerns and, anxieties about child cares and their backgrounds, and their expectations for profession of community pharmacist. Mothers have listed anxiety and concerns of child care about "dermatitis such as rash and atopic eczema"; "food allergies"; "infectious diseases such as measles, chicken pox, and mumps"; and "side effects of vaccination". In addition, most of them indicated their own concerns and anxiety about "solutions to children's illnesses." Despite their anxieties and concerns, however, approximately 60% of the mothers have never consulted with community pharmacists. Among them, approximately a half of them indicated the following three reasons why they have never consulted with pharmacists: "I have nothing to talk about,", "I do not know what I should talk about,", and "I was not sure if it was alright to talk about my concerns.". From these results, we concluded that community pharmacists in the future should improve their communication skills and inform their availability to consult about medicine and disease to local residents.
磯﨑 行雄 長谷川 遼 益田 晴恵 堤 之恭
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.126, no.11, pp.639-644, 2020-11-15 (Released:2021-02-15)

Detrital zircon U-Pb ages were measured for nine non-fossiliferous sandstones from the uppermost Izumi Group, a “Late Cretaceous” forearc clastic sequence in the eastern Izumi Mountains of western Kii Peninsula, SW Japan. Seven out of nine sandstones yielded Paleocene grains. These results confirm that the uppermost Izumi Group was deposited in the Paleogene (Selandian-Thanetian or younger), extending the total depositional duration of the group to ca. 27 myr, almost double the previous estimate. The new age data raise the possibility that a stratigraphic interval across the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction boundary may be preserved within the group. The occurrence of Paleogene strata further constrains the onset of the low-angle Median Tectonic Line to post-Paleocene.
長谷川 弘一 中村 民雄 小林 義雄
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.25, no.1, pp.39-49, 1992-07-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

We noticed “Hokushin Ittoryu”, among several kenjutsu schools, which tried to re-build the sustem of techniquesa nd constracted them analytically. But in this essay, we have examinedt he kenjutesu-theory of Sugane Kubota who was a contemporary of Shusaku Chiba (the founder of “Hokushin Ittoryu”) and left enormous writings. Particularly we have studied, from the viewpoint of the history of athletic techniques, the features of the fundamentals of techniques which are the basis of the sustem of techniques.As a result, we have found the two faces; one is the part which tried to build the sustem of techniques consciously, that is, the part which changed from pre-modern (Edo era) kendo into modern (Meiji era) one, and the other in the part which could not get rid of the traditional “Kata-kenjutsu”.The results of the former are as follows(1) Not only feet position but also posture was right in the opposition to the opponent, and the direction of the sword was straight to the center of the opponent.(2) “Te-no-uchi in striking was similar to “pushing-cut” rather than “pulling-cut”.(3) The course of striking from the front along the central line to the opponent was proposed more mainly than from the right or left side. And continuous strikings were encouraged. The results of the latter are as follows:(1) The position of the sword was limited to the three; “jodan-no-kamae” “chudan-no-kamae”, and “gedannokamae”. And jodan-no-kamae”, in which the height of the point of the sword is fixed between the nose and mouth of the opponent, was the most basic.(2) The footwork was “ayumi-ashi” (walking step).(3) We guessed that swinging up was done without changing the condition of holding sword of the first posture.(4) The elbow joints were stretched more forward in holding the sword than modern kendo.(5) The follow-through of weight transfer after striking was not made unlike the present kendo, and it was directed to return to the former position soon.(6) “Kanemen-Zuki” was adopted, which was widely used in spear-fighting. It showed a tendency to the techniqueso f practical and comprehensivem ilitary arts. Thus, Kubota's kenjutsu-theory has some characteristics of the transitional age from pre-modern to modern theory. But it does not reach the stage which breaks with the traditional “kata-kenjutsu” and constructs the system of techniques.
長谷川 健 柴田 翔平 小林 哲夫 望月 伸竜 中川 光弘 岸本 博志
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.66, no.3, pp.187-210, 2021-09-30 (Released:2021-10-29)

Based on detailed fieldwork, petrological and paleomagnetic investigations, we present a revised stratigraphy of deposits from the 7.6 ka eruption at Mashu volcano and the formation process of its summit caldera, eastern Hokkaido, Japan. As previously described, the eruption products consist of an initial phreatomagmatic unit (Ma-j) and the overlying three pumice-fall layers (Ma-i, -h, and -g), which are in turn overlain by pyroclastic-flow deposits (Ma-f). In the present study, we divide Ma-f into 4 subunits: Ma-f1/2, Ma-fAc, Ma-f3a and Ma-f3b in descending order. Ma-f3b is a valley-ponding, pumice-flow deposit with limited distribution. Ma-f3a comprises clast-supported facies (fines-depleted ignimbrite: FDI) and matrix-supported (normal ignimbrite) facies, the two changing across topography. The FDI is characterized by a gray, fines-depleted, lithic-breccia-rich layer with materials incorporated from the substrate. Impact sag structures from large (>50 cm) dacite ballistic blocks were recognized at the base of the Ma-f3a within 10 km from the source. Ma-fAc is a minor eruption unit consisting of accretionary lapilli. Ma-f1/2 is a most voluminous (8.8 km3), widely distributed and weakly stratified ignimbrite. Both Ma-f3a and Ma-f1/2 can be classified as “low aspect ratio ignimbrite (LARI)”. Dacite lithic fragments are ubiquitously observed throughout the sequence and are not considered to be juvenile; they have distinctly different chemical compositions from the pumice fragments in the early pumice-fall (Ma-g~Ma-i) and pyroclastic-flow (Ma-f3b) deposits, but those of pumice clasts in the late pyroclastic-flow units (Ma-f3a and Ma-f2) lie between the two on a FeO*/MgO vs. SiO2 diagram. The 7.6 ka caldera-forming eruption of the Mashu volcano was initiated by Plinian fall (Ma-j~-g), and then, a small-volume high aspect ratio ignimbrite (Ma-f3b) was deposited by a valley-confined pyroclastic flow that was generated by partial column collapse. After that, a violent pyroclastic flow was generated probably during a strong explosion of a dacite lava edifice on the summit of Mashu volcano. This flow emplaced Ma-f3a. The caldera collapse that followed the explosion generated a climactic pyroclastic flow that emplaced Ma-f1/2. Ma-f3a flow was extremely fast. Ma-f1/2 flow was related to sustained flow due to low settling velocity and high discharge volume. These are supported by field observations and numerical simulation that shows the ability of the flow to surmount high topographic obstacles and spread widely. The 7.6 ka caldera-forming process of Mashu volcano was driven not only by subsidence of roof block but also by violent explosions.
辻 竜平 長谷川 孝治 相澤 真一 小泉 元宏 川本 彩花

長谷川 真里
一般社団法人 日本発達心理学会
発達心理学研究 (ISSN:09159029)
vol.14, no.3, pp.304-315, 2003-12-05 (Released:2017-07-24)

阪 龍太 長谷川 利路 園部 宏
日本外科系連合学会誌 (ISSN:03857883)
vol.35, no.1, pp.85-88, 2010 (Released:2011-02-25)
1 3

Human tailは,出生時から認められることの多い尾様の突起である.Human tailは腰部から臀部にかけて発生するが,仙尾部に認められることが多く,肛門周囲に発生することは稀である.今回,われわれは,肛門縁に発生したhuman tailの1例を経験したので報告する.症例は2カ月の男児で,出生時より肛門縁に尾様の突起を認めていた.明らかな他の合併奇形はみられず,腫瘤切除を行った.病理組織学的には大部分が脂肪組織より成り,平滑筋成分の増生,索状の横紋筋・神経線維を認めた.本症例はHarrison分類ではcaudal appendageに,Dao分類およびLin分類ではtrue tailに分類される.
長谷川 淳
pp.8-9, 1977-08
平松 祐司 北村 豊 長谷川 雄一 堀米 仁志

松葉 和久 半谷 眞七子 長谷川 信策 小池 香代
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.2, no.1, pp.11-17, 2000 (Released:2006-08-01)

During 1987-1997, Nagoya City University Hospital experienced 22 cases of claim/complaint and recall of the pharmaceutical products. This included 9 cases of abnormality of container and package, 6 cases of contamination, 3 cases of content excess/shortage, and 2 cases of content abnormality and mislabeling. When observing from dosage form, a lot of complaint and recall were the injections of 9, and, next, the external preparations of 7. After enforcing PL law, claims/complains have increased in our hospital. We made the pharmaceutical companies claims of upgrading them and we got the improvement plans as the answer books of how these pharmaceutical companies resolved these problems as follows: contaminations of parts of manufacturing processes, insects, denatured ingredients etc. By using these answers from the companies, each reason of specific and interesting incident was observed and analyzed with the idea of Human Factors. As the results, reasons of most incidents were in the relationship between Liveware and Software.
一二三 亨 渡邉 善寛 吉岡 早戸 長谷川 栄寿 原口 義座 加藤 宏 小井土 雄一 本間 正人
一般社団法人 日本集中治療医学会
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13407988)
vol.17, no.3, pp.321-325, 2010-07-01 (Released:2011-01-25)

症例は39歳の男性。塗装作業中にタイル洗浄用クリーナー(フッ化水素酸1.3%,フッ化アンモニウム10%を含有)を誤飲し,当院へ救急搬送された。胃管より牛乳を投与した後,ICUに入室した。フッ化水素中毒による低Ca血症に対しては,グルコン酸カルシウムを静脈投与した。また来院4時間後頃より血清K濃度が急激に上昇したため,continuous hemodialysis(CHD)を施行した。来院7時間後にtorsades de pointes(TdP)が生じたが,硫酸マグネシウム2 gを投与したところ,洞調律に回復した。TdPが生じた時の血清Mg濃度は0.8 mg·dl−1と著明な低値であり,これがTdPの原因の1つと考えられた。これは,透析液中のMg濃度が1.2 mg·dl−1と,慢性腎不全患者を対象として低値に設定されているために,フッ化水素中毒による低Mg血症に加えて,CHDによりさらに低Mg血症が悪化した可能性が考えられた。
榎谷 高宏 大野 範夫 千賀 浩太郎 飯島 伸介 鎌田 久美子 菊地 和美 迫力 太郎 長谷川 絵里 藤井 杏美 水元 紗矢
社団法人 日本理学療法士協会関東甲信越ブロック協議会
関東甲信越ブロック理学療法士学会 (ISSN:09169946)
vol.36, pp.151, 2017

<p>【はじめに】</p><p>脳卒中を取り巻く医療状況の大きな発展にも関わらず,脳卒中後の復職率は20 年前と比べて大きな違いはない.今回早期からの仕事再開と,入院中のIT 環境が復職に有効と考えられた症例を担当したので報告する.なお発表に際し事例より同意を得た.</p><p>【症例紹介】</p><p>50 歳代前半男性.職業システムエンジニア・管理職.平成28 年X 日右被殻出血発症,X +15 日定位血種吸引除去術施行.X +24 日当院回復期病棟転院.X+208 日自宅退院.</p><p>【入院時評価】</p><p>GCS:E4V5M6.B.R.S.:上肢I 手指I下肢II.感覚:左上下肢重度鈍麻.高次脳機能障害:左USN,注意障害,Pusher 症候群あり.ADL: 全介助.FIM: 運動15 点,認知11 点.SIAS:23 点.MMSE:26 点.BBS:0 点.</p><p>【経過】</p><p>入院当日から職場の方が来院し引き継ぎを行う.X +58 日個室に移動.入院中は電話やIT 環境を整え仕事をした.疲労や姿勢保持を含め注意を促し,徐々に仕事の量(時間)と質(業務・責任度)を増やしていった.</p><p>【退院時評価】</p><p>B.R.S.: 上肢II手指II下肢III.感覚: 変化なし.高次脳機能障害: 左USN,注意障害残存.ADL: 車椅子院内自立.FIM:運動82 点,認知29 点.SIAS:38 点.MMSE:30 点.BBS:40 点.自宅内はタマラック継手AFO で伝い歩き,入院中同様に仕事を行い,通勤に向けて障害者支援施設にて通所リハを継続.</p><p>【考察】</p><p>今回は会社・本人の強い意向から早期に就業開始を余儀なくされたが,IT 活用をし,入院当初から会社との関係性が途切れなかったことは,復職に有効であったと考えられる.また,早期からの仕事再開が本人の精神的安定,覚醒の向上,身体機能の向上に有効であったと考えられる.今後,定年延長などにより復職に対するするニーズはさらに高まってくると考えられ,本症例のようなケースも増加すると考える.</p>
長谷川 政美 橋本 哲男 宮田 隆

谷本 千恵 長谷川 雅美
金沢大学つるま保健学会 = the Tsuruma Health Science Society, Kanazawa University
金沢大学つるま保健学会誌 (ISSN:13468502)
vol.33, no.2, pp.1-10, 2009

本研究の目的は、我が国の精神障がい者のセルフヘルプ・グループの活動の実態と活動上の課題ならびに活動が発展するための条件を明らかにすることである。全国の精神障害者のセルフヘルプグループ579団体のリーダーに自己記入式質問紙を郵送し活動状況について尋ねた。有効回答である112グループのリーダーの半数が自分たちのグループは発展していないと考えていた。また活動が発展しているセルフヘルプ・グループのリーダー8名に対し半構造的インタビューを実施し、質的記述的に分析した。分析の結果、セルフヘルプ・グループが発展するための条件は、【リーダーシップ能力】、【メンバーの参加意欲】、【(グループ)運営技術】、【(専門職の)必要に応じた継続的支援】、【社会資源】の5つのカテゴリーに分類された。 精神障がい者は疾患の特徴や若年での発症、長期入院による社会経験の不足などから対人関係の持ちにくさや社会生活技能の不足などの課題を抱えており、リーダーシップ能力や積極的な参加、仲間意識、協調性などが阻害されている可能性がある。したがって、当事者のみでセルフヘルプ・グループを効果的に運営することは大変困難であり、専門職の支援が不可欠である。専門職は必要に応じた継続的な支援を行い、当事者の主体性を尊重し、人として対等の関係性の中で当事者が徐々に自信をつけ、自律していけるように見守ることが必要である。 Purpose : The aim of this paper is to identify characteristics of the current activities that self-help groups for individuals with mental illness are involved in. We also attempt to identify requirements for the successful management of self-helpgroups for individuals with mental illness. Method : Stage one of this study assessed the actual condition of self-help groups for individuals with mental illness in Japan. An anonymous questionnaire was mailed to 579 leaders of self-help groups for individuals with mental illness, and validresponses were obtained from 112 individuals. The period of investigation was from August 2006 to February 2007. We defined the groups led by individuals withmental illness as self-help groups ; other group types were defined collectively as support groups. In Stage two of the study a qualitative descriptive design wasused. Participants were 8 leaders of 5 self-help groups. Semi-structured interviews were conducted after consent was obtained. The data collection period was fromJuly to September 2007. Result and Discussion : Stage 1 : A total of 62.5% of the groups studied were self-help groups. Approximately 60% of self-help groups were associated with health care professionals. The main purpose of the groups was friendship and their main activities were recreation and outings. A few of the groups engaged in social action for advocacy. More than half of self-help group leaders reported thinking that their groups were not successful because of a shortage of new members. Group leaders thought that the requirements for successful self-help groups included such elements as professional and administrative support, positive attitudes and mutual support among members, adequate funding, space for meetings, support for the leader, and effective group management. Stage 2 : Five categories emerged from data analysis : long-term support for needs, leadership ability, positive attendance, group management skill, social support. Characteristic problems of individuals with mental illness include poor interpersonal relationships, difficulties in coping with routine living, lack of consciousness of their disease, and poor adaptability to environmental change. Such characteristics can inhibit leaders from exhibiting leadership behaviors or prevent individuals from participating in group activities through active collaboration with others. It seems that creating successful self-help groups is difficult for members because of the characteristics of disease and disability. Therefore, professional support is indispensable. Conclusion : The present research suggests that continuing equal relationships as individuals and long term support for needs are very important when professionals support a self-help group. In addition, opportunities to promote autonomy in deference to the independence of the individuals concerned and knowledge as well as indirect technical support were important.
手島 陽子 長谷川 智子 小西 史子 外山 紀子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.72, no.6, pp.362-376, 2021 (Released:2021-07-02)

自立は青年期の重要な発達課題であり, 主体的自己, 協調的対人関係, 生活管理などの領域から成るといわれている. 子どもの頃に調理に関わることは青年期の自立に影響を及ぼすと仮説を立てた. 大学生178名 (男性53名, 女性125名) を対象に質問紙調査を行い, 学童期の家庭の食環境と調理への関わりをクラスタ分析で分類し, クラスタにより青年後期の自立に差がみられるか分散分析で検討した. 学童期の家庭の食環境と調理への関わりは5クラスタに分類され, 調理への関わりに関する得点が高い2クラスタは, 青年後期の「協調的対人関係」と「生活管理」の得点が高かった. この結果より, 学童期に調理に関わることは, 青年後期の自立の2つの領域へ肯定的な影響を及ぼす可能性が示唆され, 仮説は支持されたと考えられる.