川崎 康司
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.78, pp.238-218, 2002

An Old Assyrian letter (TC 317) adressed to a lady named Waqartum, by Puzur-Assur is a purchase order of textiles being produced by the lady's workshop. It proves that the two parties were in a long and intimate partnership on business, and with the fact and the other evidences Professor K. R. Veenhof has already demonstrated that Assyrian women enjoyed an important role in trading firms managed by their fathers, husbands, and brothers: production of textiles. One question still remains, however, to understand the relationship of both figures, since Puzur-Assur is by no means a family member of Waqartum, neither her husband nor another relative. Waqartum is certainly a nickname of Ahaha, the gubabtum-priestess and the daughter of a famous merchant Pusuken, and she has four brothers whose names and businesses are well-known. What reasons and opportunities, then, made her do single-handed business with the strerrger outside her own family? In this artile, the present author examines Ahaha's career, analysing 'her archive' (47 texts mention her in total) and rearranging the information of them into three periods as follows: (1)In her youth, Ahaha, who had already been nominated a gubabtum-priestess, has been living unmarried. together with her mother. Lamassi. in Assur, while her father and elder brothers were engaged in managing their trading firm, often travelling abroad on business. Meanwhile she started hercareer on textile production by her mother and mastered the business, that is proved mainly by letters of her parents. (2) Many legal documents and letters written down immediately after her father's sudden death, are found in her archive, and almost of them are in concerns with the assets of Pusu-ken and his firm Lawsuits and settlements were concluded in Kanish concerming the assets among his children and buisness partners. One remarkable fact is that Ahaha has right to receive a large inheritance, including some naruqqu-funds invested on his partners by her father at least and possibly also the textile workshop. She remained, however, outside the negotiations managed by her brothers since she somehow stayed alone in Assur, and even her share on the inheritance was kept and used by her brothers without her permission, while only her younger brother. Buzazu, stood by Ahaha as her represetative, but the others-especially her eldest one, Assur-muttabbil, who inherited his father's business and the position of the new head of the family-never and often even against her. Even she personally became in debt because of the maintenance of the family's household in Assur, while Assur-muttabbil should have taken responsibility on it. (3) Letters communicated between Puzur-Assur and Ahaha appear after the latest period of (2). He was a well-established merchant and a business partner of Buzazu. He had, however, been once a junior partner of Pusu-Ken, travelling on business between Kanish and Assur, and that may be the reason Ahaha personally knew him a long time and trusted him. The most important facts for understanding their relationship is that among her inherited share of naruqqu-funds existed that of Puzur-Assur, and that she was still holding her share on it and even investing more on him, while having already converted the funds of the other merchants into money and cleared off the business relations with them. Consequently, the reconstruction of her career thus shows us that Ahaha has enough capital to run her own textile workshop and has quite reasons and chances to have a very trustworthy partner and patron besides her brothers: Puzur-Assur It is also notable that the Old Assyrian society, either or her position of priestess, allows Ahaha such rights and opportunities on her career, although her case might be quite unique.
尾方 隆幸

角谷 政宏 掛谷 英紀
映像情報メディア学会冬季大会講演予稿集 (ISSN:13434357)
no.2007, pp."4-4-1", 2007-11-27

The present paper proposes an effective design of a web page which counterplots against intentional edition by TV Stations. The author proposes and evaluates several visual designs of a web page to let the people convince how intentionally the media have edited the video.
Masaki Komiyama
脳神経外科ジャーナル (ISSN:0917950X)
vol.26, no.7, pp.488-495, 2017 (Released:2017-07-25)
3 14

A thorough knowledge of the functional vascular anatomy of the brain is becoming increasingly required in neuro-interventional procedures. Similarly, this knowledge is also required in neurosurgery, especially when a particular artery or vein is to be sacrificed during surgery. Permanent occlusion of a major artery can be challenged by a balloon occlusion test, but for venous sacrifice, such a procedure is practically not applicable. Up to now, reliable methods to judge the safety of such destructive procedures were lacking. Knowledge of the basic angioarchitecture of the cerebral veins, in other words, the “functional anatomy of the cerebral veins” may help us to better understand the safety or risk of sacrificing cerebral veins. Today, 3D-CT angiography, digital subtraction angiography and cone-beam CT provide detailed information on the precise cerebral venous anatomy to help us understand the functional venous anatomy and to make informed decisions.
築島 裕
The Japan Academy
日本學士院紀要 (ISSN:03880036)
vol.51, no.3, pp.227-251, 1997 (Released:2007-06-22)

“Kata-Kana”character is a kind of phonetic characters for the Japanese language transformed from the Chinese character.The scientific study on the history of“Kata-Kana”characters was originated by Dr. Tohru Ohya from the beginning of the 20th century. He was the first scholar who took notice of the“Kunten”materials of the Heian-period as very important and useful manuscripts to research the history of the Japanese language. These“Kunten”materials have been kept in several old traditional temples, and offers many reliable proofs on the invention of“Kata-Kana” characters. After Ohya, Professors Shinkichi Hashimoto, Masaji Kasuga, M. J. A, and Norio Nakada have had the outstanding achievements in this field. However, many problems are left unsolved. The facts philologically proved for the present are as follows.“Kata-Kana”characters were devised in the early 9th century by the Buddhist scholars (especially studying at Todaiji (東大寺) Temple), in order to express the Japanese reading of the Chinese sentences.The scholars had to write down the Japanese reading in the narrow space between the lines of the Chinese sentences, listening their teacher's lecture. “Kata-Kana”characters were formed by abbreviating the strokes of Chinese characters, leaving the first strokes or the final strokes of them, for the purpose of saving these time and labour.In the first period of inventing“Kata-Kana”characters, many different forms were used at the same time with“Mannyou-Gana”, and“Hira-Gana” characters which was made from the cursive style of the Chinese characters, but, in the phase of reading Chinese sentences,“Kata-Kana”characters had taken more simplified forms and had been standardized in the society by 12th Century.The current forms of“Kata-Kana”characters today have been officially settled in 1900 by the Japanese government.“Kata-Kana”characters were made from Chinese characters which had been used especially as“Mannyo-Gana”in the ancient Japan. Accordingly, the explanation that“Kata-Kana”サ (sa) was abbreviated from 薩 or 奘 is not right, because these Chinese characters had never been used as“Mannyo-Gana”. This theory may be revised to be from 散.As these characters were made for the purpose of quick writing, the origin is not formal style but simplified style. レ (re) and ネ (ne) are not from 禮 (rei) and 禰 (nei), but from simplified style 礼 andi 祢. ヱ (we, e) is not from 慧 (we) but from the beginning part of curved strokes of 惠 (we).Beside these facts, the origins of the“Kata-Kana”characters used in the present time are often misunderstood generally. For example,“Kata-Kana”character タ (ta) is explained as to be formed from the beginning strokes of Chinese character 多 (ta), but it is not right. It is from its last stroke, according to the ancient form 多. ロ (ro) was not from 呂, but from 〓 which was the old form of this character.“Kata-Kana”characters have kept essentially a phonetic and practical factor through their history. They have never had an aesthetic factor, different from“Hira-Gana”characters.“Kata-Kana”characters have made historical change by reason of practical usage, although some unique and curious forms used exceptionally in some sects of Buddhism and Confusiasm in the Heian period had been bequeathed to the after ages.
山口 裕貴
Journal of Kanagawa Sport and Health Science (ISSN:24367249)
vol.51, pp.45-52, 2018 (Released:2022-02-23)

The purpose of this research report is to show the PE curriculum differences between Japanese schools and Italian school. The author of this research report was directory visited the schools and observed the PE classes. The visiting observation was held on February 22, 2017 in Firenze and on February 23, 2017 in Rome. The findings of the differences between Japan and Italy was unique idea of the teachers. The effectiveness of PE on curriculum in Italian schools devises original class contents. I report the real situation of the PE class there. Moreover I discover a difference with the general school PE Japan. I recognize the good point of the PE class of Italy from that using it, I want to show improvement plan of the class of Japan. Finally, given the contents of the interviews to PE teachers of the Rome and Firenze public schools.
柳原 良江
家族社会学研究 (ISSN:0916328X)
vol.33, no.1, pp.41-54, 2021-04-30 (Released:2021-05-26)

小沼 明弘 大久保 悟
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.65, no.3, pp.217-226, 2015-11-30 (Released:2017-05-23)

加藤 倫子 平井 秀幸
札幌学院大学総合研究所 = Research Institute of Sapporo Gakuin University
札幌学院大学人文学会紀要 = Journal of the Society of Humanities (ISSN:09163166)
no.111, pp.131-153, 2022-02-28

社会調査に携わる者であれば誰もが,調査目的を果たし,無事に調査報告や成果産出を終えて調査が「成功」裡に終了することを望むだろう。しかし,現実にはそれとは異なる終わりを迎える社会調査──調査途上で何らかの「トラブル」に見舞われ,終了ではなく「中止」される社会調査が存在する。通常,調査関係者以外が目にするのは「成功」した(公刊された)調査(報告)のみであり,「失敗」した(公刊されない)調査(過程)に接近するチャンスはほとんど無い。本論文は,筆者らが実施した質的社会調査(刑務所に収容された女性薬物依存者への支援をめぐるフィールドワーク)において経験した「トラブル」と,調査が「中止」に至る詳細な過程を開示し,それ自体を一次資料とする社会学的分析に向けた素材を提供するとともに,予備的な考察を行う。社会調査の「失敗」と同定されうる事態の経験的分析は,逆説的に“社会調査の「失敗」とは何か?”といった問いを召喚するかもしれない。こうした試みは,調査方法論・調査倫理上の貢献に加え,社会調査に関わるすべての人びとにとって有益なものとなろう。Anyone involved in social research would hope for the “successful” completion of the research, fulfilling the objectives of the research, and successfully reporting and producing the results. However, there exist some researches that end differently - they are not completed, but rather “cancelled” due to some “troubles” during the research process. While only the “successful” research is published and can be seen by those who are not involved in the research, there is little chance to encounter the “failed” research. This paper discloses the “troubles” experienced by the authors in their own qualitative social research (fieldwork on support for female drug addicts in prison and after release). The authors describe the detailed process regarding the “suspension” of the research and provide preliminary considerations for a sociological qualitative analysis of the “troubles” themselves. This type of empirical study on the “failure” of social research may paradoxically raise the question, “What exactly is the ʻfailureʼ of social research?” In addition to contributing to research methodology and research ethics, the discussion provided in this article will be beneficial to all those involved in social research.
佐藤 翔
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報の科学と技術 (ISSN:09133801)
vol.66, no.3, pp.115-121, 2016-03-01 (Released:2016-04-01)

近代の学術コミュニケーションを最も特徴づけているのは査読制度の存在である。しかし増大し続ける研究者数とその生産論文数に,査読制度は対応できておらず,限界を迎えつつある。その結果,従来から存在した,査読者による不正や査読者のバイアス等の問題に加え,近年では査読者の不足,詐称査読,投稿者による不正等の新たな問題が起きている。これらの問題に対応するため,Publons やポータブル査読,オープン査読,査読の質保障等の新たな取り組みが現れている。しかしこれらの延命措置によって査読制度を維持し続けることができるのか否かは現状,未知数である。
髙瀨 真理子
歌子 = Utako (ISSN:27581551)
vol.31, pp.37-56, 2023-03-07

行田 洋斗
映像学 (ISSN:02860279)
vol.109, pp.109-127, 2023-02-25 (Released:2023-03-25)
