上谷 香陽
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies (ISSN:09173072)
vol.23, no.1, pp.1-14, 2012-07-01

This paper considers girl zines as feminist alternative media. Girl zines were participatory media produced through grass roots feminist movement in US in 1990s. In following discussion, I review American girl’s cultural creating activities in relation to the history of modernization and industrialization in US and gender norms. In so doing I examine the difference between consumer oriented girl’s “bedroom culture” and girl zine’s culture. Through these considerations, this paper tries to understand the problematic posed by this young feminist movement in the 1990s. Following the study of Stephen Duncombe, Chapter 2 discusses the defi nition of zines, their origin and their main concerns. Chapter 3, following the study of US girl culture by Mary Celest Kearney, locates girl ziens within US history of girl’s cultural creating activities. Chapter4 and 5 analyze the relation between girl zines and feminist movement in US since 1970s. This paper suggests that girl zines don’t simply mean zines made by girls. Rather, they are alternative media for women who demonstrate the unconformity against dominant values in modern society, such as male-centrism, hetero-sexism, white-centrism and consumer capitalism. Based on punk’s DIY ethos and feminism, girl zines challenge mainstream girl culture, “bedroom culture”, which is lead by corporate culture industries. At the same time girl zines are the site where girls explore what does it mean to be an American girl or American woman.

24 0 0 0 OA 蕪村句集講義

内藤鳴雪 等著
vol.夏之部, 1911
熊沢 れい子
国語国文 (ISSN:09107509)
vol.39, no.10, pp.1-20, 1970-10
武藤 崇 唐岩 正典 岡田 崇宏 小林 重雄
一般社団法人 日本特殊教育学会
特殊教育学研究 (ISSN:03873374)
vol.38, no.2, pp.31-42, 2000-09-30 (Released:2017-07-28)

川嶋 周一
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2009, no.157, pp.157_85-98, 2009

The purpose of this paper is to examine European Union projects in the early 1970s and to examine how the End of Cold War was considered in this project. In this period, the European Community (EC) would enlarge its member states for the first time, try to deepen internal policies and also Conference for pan-European security (that is formed afterwards as CSCE) began. The author tries to reexamine the relations between Cold War and European integration, having an attention to the European Union project concerns both European political integration and European international order.<br>In December 1969, EC countries agreed the political cooperation concerning foreign policies (known as later EPC) at Hague summit. EPC mechanism developed as the arena in which EC countries discussed about the CSCE and whether EC would/should participate in the CSCE negotiation. But in EC Commission, Commissioner Borschette and Spinelli discussed how Political Union could realize from the development of EPC. This Political Union concept conceived as &lsquo;finalit&eacute;&rsquo; (final aims or final form) of European Integration, considering the evolution of economic integration like agriculture and especially the start of monetary integration.<br>In 1971, French President Pompidou launched his plan for the reactivation of European Integration entitled &lsquo;European Confederation&rsquo;. In this plan, member states would select &lsquo;European State Secretary&rsquo; and these Ministers would hold regular meetings and finally this organization would develop &lsquo;European Government&rsquo;, transferring gradually government's competences to this Ministers institution. On the other hand, EC Commission discussed the acquirement of the role of EC in the field of world politics. Pompidou's concept and that of Commission was opposing each other, but both agreed that EC would be changed after the enlargement of member states and development of EPC. This plan manifested as &lsquo;European Union&rsquo; in the communiqu&eacute; of Paris Summit in the 1972.<br>Realizing of D&eacute;tente within the framework of CSCE, development of EPC, and acquirement of the role of EC in the world politics connected each other. That is, EC tried to improvement of the relations with Eastern Bloc within the framework of CSCE, and looked for the political integration by deepening EPC mechanism, which would develop at the CSCE negotiation. When these two aims would realize EC would be &lsquo;independent Europe&rsquo; as an actor of world politics, so EC sought the redefinition of the relationship with the USA. Especially Spinelli argued that when the entity of Europe restored by establishing new European order which would cover Pan-Europe by CSCE and which would be supported by &lsquo;Political Union&rsquo; at the its western side, Europe would step into the &ldquo;New Yalta&rdquo; era.<br>Political Union Project, which appeared as &lsquo;European Union&rsquo; in the Paris Summit communiqu&eacute;, was not the project of merely internal community institution, but the project which designated the structural transformation of cold war as prerequisite.
谷村 省吾 TANIMURA Shogo
数理科学 (ISSN:03862240)
vol.56, no.3, pp.42-48, 2018-03

物理学者のウィグナーは1959年に “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences” (自然科学における数学の不合理な有用性)と題する講演を行った。数学は自然科学においてあまりにも便利である。とくに物理学では、推論・計算をする上で数学が便利だというだけでなく、そもそもの前提となる物理法則を数学以外の言葉では言い表せない。そのように世界が成り立っていることは不思議だし、そのような数学を人類が創造したことも不思議だ。しかも、もともと物理のために創られたのではない数学概念が、のちに物理を語る言葉として使われることがある。そのようなことはまことに不思議で、合理的に説明できない、というのがウィグナーの論の概要である。ウィグナーの見解は当たっていると思える部分もあるが、私は全面的には支持できなかった。まず、数学を用いた物理学がうまくいっている面はたしかに目につくが、物理学の失敗例もまた多数ある。人類史上、突然に、素晴らしくうまくいっている数学と物理学ができたというよりは、うまくいったものが生き残るという進化的な過程を経て、現在のような自然科学のしくみ、とくに科学的思考方法と表現形態ができてきたと考えるほうが素直であるように思える。 そういったことを論じて、うまく行っている数学と物理学の関係の例として、代数的量子論の概略を解説した。各節の見出し:1. 物理学と数学;2. 数学は物理学の言葉である;3. それは不合理なのか?;4. 量子力学と数学;5. 代数的量子論.補足解説の各節の見出し:1. スペクトル値と最小多項式;2. 本稿の式(2)の導出;3. 本稿の式(4)の導出;4. 本稿の式(6)の導出;5. 量子力学をよく知っている人向けのコメント;6. ウィグナーの論説と進化論;7. 数学・物理学の成功は奇跡か?;8. 進化は必ずしも改善を意味しない;9. 謝辞(リポジトリ掲載 2019年11月6日)

19 0 0 0 OA 劣化油の毒性

俣野 景典
Japan Oil Chemists' Society
油化学 (ISSN:18842003)
vol.19, no.8, pp.713-721, 1970-08-20 (Released:2009-10-20)
中井 智香子
国際教育 (ISSN:09185364)
vol.22, pp.105-120, 2016 (Released:2019-01-31)

This study focuses on the intention of incorporated “Liberal Studies” as a compulsory subject for all senior secondary students, its present-day impact on the social awareness of youngsters, and its influence on the Umbrella Movement of 2014. The study analyzes not only syllabi but also public examination questions including comments and scoring criteria in terms of the severely examination-orientated educational system in Hong Kong. Liberal Studies consists of six modules as a cross-curriculum. Initially, in 1992, it was introduced for senior secondary third-grade students; in 2009, it was promoted from an elective to a compulsory subject. Eventually, it took over Citizenship Education shaping Civil Society across the handover. Finally, the premature intention matched the aim of shaping the knowledge-based economy underpinned by the education and curriculum reforms under the new Hong Kong government. According to its developers, Hong Kong’s curriculum of Liberal Studies based on Independent Inquiry Study was designed to establish student-centered learning in the educational system, as well as to develop high-level learning skills, such as critical thinking, independent thinking and problem-solving. In other words, it aimed at fostering new generations who are different from the apolitical generations and have social awareness regarding civil society by utilizing live news media materials instead of textbooks. Both the Liberal Studies modules of Hong Kong Today and Modern China are deliberately designed to shape social awareness motivated critical thinking in students. The first syllabus for the elective subject was issued in 1991; it was revised in 1996 and 2000, and subsequently in 2007 as a compulsory subject. Regarding the development of critical thinking, the previous three editions claimed to solely generate “critical awareness”; however, the 2007 edition embodied “positive values”, “proactive attitudes”, and “social awareness” concepts. The 2000 edition was relatively simple; in this edition, the concept of “democracy” was wholly absent and the concepts of “rule of law” and “freedom” were only partly discussed. Meanwhile, the 1996 edition was added to “press freedom” and compared to the Chinese official media, defined as the mouthpiece of the government and the Communist Party. The 1991 and 1996 editions emphasized the critical difference between Hong Kong and China, “Socialism vs. Capitalism” and “China-model democracy vs. Western-model democracy”. The examination questions have consistently sparked fresh controversies, and the scoring criteria also have triggered an in-depth discussion on their exact framework as well as a statement on the highly critical analysis. However, regarding the perspectives toward China expressed by the questions, the dichotomy between the two has been altered to multiple perspectives so that students can understand China’s stance following the issuance of the 2000 edition. In conclusion, the incorporation of Liberal Studies has strongly stimulated students’social awareness, and its impact expanded to all students after the subject became compulsory in 2009. Accordingly, this study indicates that university and senior secondary students, comprising the compulsory Liberal Studies generation, somehow embody critical thinking so that they frequently take an anti-government stance, including the creation of the Umbrella Movement.
林 采成
Business History Society of Japan
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.46, no.1, pp.1_3-1_28, 2011 (Released:2014-09-10)

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the wartime transportation control of Japanese National Railways (JNR) and make it clear that the management of JNR reached the limit, as the lack of JNR's management resources and U.S. Air Force's raid became intense.Since the Sino-Japanese War broke out, JNR had to cope with the sharply increased transportation demand caused by the industrial development as well as the military operation. In addition to the demand increase, JNR was always requested to supervise and support other companies, especially colonial railways as not only a transportation enterprise but also a regulatory agency to transportation companies. However, JNR was not a passive existence but the one to secure human and physical resources aggressively to some degree in case of negotiations with other ministries as one of the government ministries. As far as the railroad operation was possible, the profit seeking was a subsidiary matter. The persistent cooperation of JNR with Japanese Government and Army was shown by maximum transportation capacity even when JNR had insufficient management resources. Especially, after the breakout of WWII, Japanese wartime economic management could be difficult without the land transportation of JNR which substituted for marine transportation. Nonetheless, JNR resisted Japanese Army's intention to seize the railroad management right, which led to the dissatisfaction of the Army until the end of war.As a result, an efficient railroad operation system was accomplished according to the evolution of wartime economy and military situation. But, it reached the limit because of the lack of JNR's management resources and U.S. Air Force's raid.
藍場 元弘 川東 美菜 河野 友晴 戎谷 有希 藤本 侑希 橋田 誠一
徳島文理大学研究紀要 (ISSN:02869829)
vol.96, pp.45-56, 2018-09-09 (Released:2019-02-20)

【目的】食後高血糖は放置すると糖尿病を発症しやすく,心血管疾患のリスクとなるため,早期に改善しなくてはならない。食後血糖値の上昇は食品の食する順番によって抑制できることから,簡便な指導法として広く導入されてきた。そのため本論文では,より効果的な食べる順番について検討を行った。【方法】 健康な学生を対象とし,ご飯,タンパク質,野菜を用い摂取内容を変え実施した。摂食後,血糖値と尿中インスリンを測定し,食べる順番の効果を評価した。 【結果】野菜やタンパク質をご飯より前に摂取することにより血糖上昇の抑制がみられた。また,尿中インスリン量はタンパク質の摂取により増加し,野菜の摂取も尿中インスリン量が増加傾向となった。 【結論】タンパク質を多く含む食品や野菜をご飯の食べる前に摂取することにより,食後高血糖が抑制されることが示された。また,炭水化物以外の摂取でもインスリンの分泌が増加する可能性が示唆された。
恩田 重直
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.611, pp.245-251, 2007-01-30 (Released:2017-02-25)
1 1

This paper explains how streets and their facing buildings in the southern Chinese city of Amoy (Xiamen) were redesigned during a city improvement plan in the early 1930s. By using a map from the "Simingxilu and Shengpinglu Street Plan" and other planning documents, I show how the new street plan was superimposed atop the city's old urban district. In addition, I have also conducted onsite surveys of existing buildings, verified if the buildings were built to plan or not, investigated the process of land and building expropriation, and discuss the building of the city's characteristic covered-sidewalks (qilou or piaolou).