小豆川 勝見 堀 まゆみ 髙倉 凌
一般社団法人 日本環境化学会
環境化学 (ISSN:09172408)
vol.28, no.3, pp.77-81, 2018-09-20 (Released:2019-03-22)

We investigated the dynamics of air dose rate and radiocesium (134Cs and 137Cs) in pond sediments at urban environment, Hikarigaoka Park, Tokyo, where drained the water from the pond on Dec. 2017 for the first time after the Fukushima accident (Mar. 2011). The average of the air dose rates at the height of 1 m outside/inside the pond was 0.069±0.024 μSv/h (n=1926, Ave ±1σ), which did not conflict with the decontamination criteria. The distribution of radiocesium in sediment was totally uniform. The maximum radioactivity of pond sediments was 58.3 Bq/kg-wet, and that of average was 30.6±11.4 Bq/kg-wet (n=80, Ave ±1σ). The maximum inventory was 4.10 kBq/m2, which was clearly less than the inventory (6.94 kBq/m2) when assuming the pond as Japanese paddy field. This fact showed that the pond had the small accumulation effect of radiocesium at the time of our survey. It is estimated that this effect is caused by a mechanism that constantly circulates the pond water.

40 0 0 0 OA 暁斎画談

河鍋暁斎 画
vol.巻之上, 1887
谷口 雄太
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.122, no.12, pp.2019-2042, 2013-12-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

This article addresses a number of questions about the Ashikaga Clan that have remained unclarified in the research to date: namely, Who made up that Clan? What is meant by the Ashikagas being as a "clan" (ichimon 一門) ? What does "the Ashikagas becoming a clan" mean? By reexaming these questions, the author hopes to better understand how the Ashikaga period came to a destructive end. The author begins by showing that the heretofore vaguely used term Ashikaga-shi Goikka 足利氏御一家 has been used in the two different senses of Ashikaga Gosanke (Three Branches of the Ashikaga Family) and Ashikaga Ichimon. And about the comment by the Tokis of the Sengoku period--After the Goikka, I am the leader of the all the other families, the author shows that "Goikka" means Ashikaga Ichimon. Secondly, the author reexamines the similarly vague term "Ashikaga Ichimon" by identifying its members from the available medieval historiography. One characteristic feature that has not been noticed to date is that both the Nitta Branch of the Minamoto Clan and the Yoshimi Family were included among its members. In particular, 1) the Nittas regarded themselves as members from the very beginning, since the Ashikaga Clan was essentially part of "the Yoshikuni branch of the Minamoto Clan"; and 2) the perception that the Nittas did not consider themselves part of the Ashikaga Clan can be traced back to the exclusive self-identity "ware-ware 我々" consciousness described in the Taiheiki 太平記. Next, after stating that there is yet no piece of research that has tried to present the Ashikaga Clan in a holistic fashion, but should be, the author shows from the medieval historiography that the above-mentioned perception of the Tokis that the Ashikaga Clan surpassed in status and prestige all other warrior clans was universally widespread during the Ashikaga period. Finally, the author inquires as to why such families as the Miyoshis and Odas of the Sengoku Period tried to debunk and alter the above-mentioned perception of the Ashikaga Clan's superiority, concluding that it was necessary to first switch the prerequisite for "changing the system from above" from kinship (i.e., membership in the Ashikaga Clan) to actual organizational ability as one indispensable step in the destruction of the existing order.
陳岡 めぐみ 川口 雅子
国立西洋美術館(The National Museum of Western Art)

細馬 宏通 坊農 真弓 石黒 浩 平田 オリザ
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.29, no.1, pp.60-68, 2014-01-05 (Released:2014-01-07)

When the presence and the action of an android reach to those of human, andoroid can derive multi-modal action from human. How can human parties act with the android to organize the interaction and find the android as the social actor? We observed the development process of the play ``Three Sisters, Android Version'', and analyzed the multi-modal interaction between the android and human players in the process. As the result, the actors express the assessment of human likeness of the android with their utterances and body movements, and the border between human and machine was expressed with each modality in different way. Moreover, these expressions are not one-way product by the writer and director, but the product of repeated interactions between the actors and the android through the practice and rehearsals. Finally we discuss the possibility of ``media equation'' study using the direct observations of man-machine interaction.
岩田 健太郎 島田 智恵 川端 寛樹
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.87, no.1, pp.44-48, 2013-01-20 (Released:2014-12-15)
1 1

A 42-year-old woman presenting with years of fever and vague symptoms could not be satisfactorily diagnosed in physical examination or conventional workups. She was presumptively diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome and treated symptomatically. Fourteen months after the initial visit, she developed left facial palsy. Lyme disease serology was positive. Four weeks of oral amoxicillin ameliorated symptoms. Only 5 to 15 cases of Lyme disease are reported annually in Japan, mostly from the northeastern-most island of Hokkaido. It may occur anywhere in Japan, however; probably is underdiagnosed. Lyme disease may cause fevers of unknown origin. Astute clinical suspicion and appropriate workups are thus needed to diagnose this infection.
清野 紘典 中川 恒祐 宇野 壮春
霊長類研究 Supplement 第29回日本霊長類学会・日本哺乳類学会2013年度合同大会
pp.226, 2013 (Released:2014-02-14)

全国的なサルの捕獲数は増加傾向で近年 2万頭 /年に達するが,被害問題は減少傾向になく,分布が拡大する地域もみられる.一方,過去の乱獲によって個体群が分断・消滅している地域があり,無計画な捕獲による個体群への不可逆的な影響が懸念されている.そのため,サルの個体数コントロールでは,群れ単位の総合的な被害管理を推進するとともに,適切なモニタリングに基づき保全を担保したうえで,効果的な被害軽減につながる方法論の検討が求められている. 保全に配慮した捕獲方法として,サル絶滅危惧個体群では問題個体の選択的捕獲の実践例がある (森光・鈴木,2013).また,効果的な捕獲方法はシカ等で専門家によるシャープシューティングの技術開発が進められている(鈴木 ,2013など).これらの考え方をふまえ,群れの安定的存続を確保しつつ,効率良く被害を減少させ,総合的被害対策を支援する個体数管理の手法を検討して実践した. 特定計画に則り立案された捕獲計画において,滋賀県の安定的個体群に位置する高レベル加害群 1群 (76頭 )を麻酔銃にて約 35%,25頭を短期間で捕獲した.捕獲対象は,人や集落環境に慣れ警戒心が低く・農作物への依存性が高い,高レベル加害個体とし,該当する個体を群れ内で特定して選択的に捕獲した.捕獲効率の低下を避けるため,捕獲者の存在を認知されないよう工夫し,かつ亜成獣以下の個体および周辺オス,劣位の成獣個体から順に捕獲するよう捕獲管理した.なお,群れ内の社会性を撹乱し分裂を誘発しないよう成獣メスの捕獲は最低限とした. 捕獲実施後,対象群は分裂せず,群れの加害レベルを低下させることに成功したことから,本法が保全への配慮と効果的な被害軽減の双方に機能する個体数管理の一手法となることが示唆された.本法の適用に必要な条件の検討,捕獲に必要な技術・技能的要件の吟味および実施体制の整備が今後の課題である.
林 直道
北東アジア研究 (ISSN:13463810)
vol.6, pp.141-151, 2004-01

1) Lord Teika Fujiwara was the most famous poet during the last Heian and early Kamakura period. He was poor and low in position. But the ex-emperor Gotobain judged Teika's talent and appointed him to an official of Waka (poem) Bureau since when Teika could make a brilliant figure in the circle of court poetry. Their honeymoon, however, could not continue so long. Several times they fell out owing to the opposition of appraisal of poem. At last Teika was convicted to the house arrest on the charge of ill-omened poem making. 2) In 1221 Gotobain as the top leader of aristocracy decided to overthrow the Kamakura Shogunate and rose in coup d'Etat. But, he could gather the military forces merely 25 thousands of persons, and was defeated by the 195000 strong troop of Shogunate. Gotoba was caught and exiled to Oki Island, one of the solitary island far out on the Nippon-Kai (Sea of Japan). His third Imperial Prince ex-emperor Juntoku was exiled to Sado-Island. This war is called 'the revolt of Jokyu.' 3) By contrast with Gotobain's tragic destiny, Teika succeeded in life under the patronage of new Emperor Gohorikawa who had acceded to the throne as the puppet of Kamakura Shogunate. Teika and his sun Tameie advanced to the high position. Teika was crowned with glory to edit by himself the new anthology collected by Imperial Command. Teika would not send the only letter of sympathy and the only present of consolation to Gotobain who was obliged to send a miserable life under despair and loneliness. 4) It was natural that Gotobain and his close associates criticized Teika's attitude unfavorably as the shameless and ungrateful one. When Gotobain edited a new poetical composition matches named "Jidai-Fudo-Utaawase, " he compiled Fujiwara letaka, who showed great sincerity to him, with the excellent female poet, Mise Onono-Komachi. On the contrary, Gotobain compiled Teika, who went back on him, with the second classed poet, Prince Motoyoshi. So many historian have looked on as if Gotobain and Teika, these two prominent poets ended their life excluding each other. 5) But, this view is not correct. Gotobain in his later years edited a very extraordinary poetical composition matches named "Poetical composition matches of two Lord Teika-Ietaka, " in which Teika was written on the left side and Ietaka on the right side. Most remarkable point is the special character of Teika's poems. Among 50 poems, the inhalt of the first half about 30 poems are exclamation to the uncertain change of beautiful nature and flowering plant. And the inhalt of the second half about 20 poems are the sympathy to the tragic destiny of lifelong separated person, and the bitter sorrow. We feel as if Teika appeal to Gotobain "Every night I am crying and fall in the blues." This poetical composition matches is the message of Gotobain to Teika that "I understand your genuine feelings." 6) By what reasons Gotobain his attitude to Teika made a complete change by one hundred and eighty degrees? The reason is nothing else than the appearance of Teika's "Hyakunin-isshu (One Hundred Poems from One Hundred poets, 1235)." Upper mentioned Gotobain's Utaawase was edited during 4 years from July of 2nd year of Katei [1236] to the death year of Gotobain [1239]. Teika's Hyakunin-isshu was edited at May of the 2nd year of Bunryaku [1235]. Hyakunin-isshu is the most famous Anthology of excellent poems from one hundred poets in Man'yo, Heian and Kamakura periods. But, behind it, a wonderful elaborate device was hidden, which made a great impression on Gotobain. 7) Owing my decoding, the mystery of Hyakunin-isshu is as follows: (1) Hyakunin-isshu is a Uta-Orimono (Waka-Textile woven with words), which is composed of ten Wakas both in length and in width, and were woven each other by the warp and woof of connecting words. Each Waka has the word connection with four neighboring Wakas of right and left side and upper and lower side. Provided that, the corner Waka has two connection and edge Waka except corner has three connection. In the history of Japanese Waka, this word connection developed by way of four steps. Firstly, connection of two Wakas (Somonka of Man'yo), secondly, connection of several thousand Wakas in on horizontal line (Chokusen Waka Shu), thirdly, connection of double decker (Teika: Monogatari 200 Ban-Uta Awase), fourthly, connection of multistoreyed building type (Hyakunin-isshu). (2) If the connection words of 7 lines of right side of the Waka-Textile convert into picture, a beautiful landscape rise to the surface. Mountains rise in the surrounding part. Waterfall comes down in the central part. Big river flows in the lower part. Cherry blossoms, chrysanthemum, maple at the foot of mountain. Ditch reed on the shore of river. Various flowering plant in the field. Palace, temple, shrine, etc. This landscape corresponds to the reality of Minase country, in which the imperial villa of Gotobain was built. (3) At the four corner of Waka-Textile, there are four important persons. In Buddhism thought, the world (Mandala) is guarded by four Devos (Shitenno), who stand at the four corners of Mandala. Since this thought had been imported, Japanese intelligentia considered seriously the four corners of the thing. Well, Teika's Waka are put in the right-lower corner, in the position of Jikoku-ten. For one who comes not I yearn ; as at Matsuho, In the evening calm. The salt-weeds are burnt aglow. So parch'd am I for desire (translation by Haruo Miyata) "Matsuho" is the name of northern shore of Awaji Island. This Teika's poem expresses a pationately yearning mind for someone who comes not. Who is the someone no return? Because Teika's Waka is put in the position of Jikoku-Ten, the someone are put in the other three positions of four Devos. In the left lower corner, in the position of Zochoten-Gotobain. In the right upper corner, in the position of Tamonten-Juntokuin. These two persons are the ex-emperors, who were exiled in the prison islands and could not return to metropolis d. i. Kyoto. Furthermore, in the left upper corner, in the position of Komokuten-Shokushi Naishinno (Naishinno means the daughter of Tenno). Princess Shokushi was an excellent feminine poet and was the object of Teika's secret platonic love. She had died far previously before Hyakunin-isshu was edited. So, she could not return to this world again. 8) Hyakunin-isshu was sent to Gotobain. Perhaps the sender was not Teika, but Ietaka who was on friendly terms with Gotobain. Ietaka sent this Anthology in the form of Waka-Textile, taxing his ingenuity, under the strict censorship by the local agencies of Kamakura Shogunate. Successfully Gotobain could decode the secret of Hyakunin-isshu. Being suffered a great impression, he changed his valuation on Teika, and understood Teika's true feeling.
安田 誠一

杉山 純一 臼井 支朗
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
計測自動制御学会論文集 (ISSN:04534654)
vol.26, no.4, pp.367-374, 1990-04-30 (Released:2009-03-27)
2 2

Acoustic impulse response of muskmelons was studied to evaluate their quality. First, linearity and the effects of supporting conditions on the acoustic signals were examined. Secondly we obtained acoustic signals at points which divide the equator of the sample into 24 equal parts. These signals were displayed in a three-dimensional diagram with axes of time, location and sound intensity, and in a two-dimensional map with a gradation of 257 colors. For a more complete visual comprehension, an animation display which shows time changes of the distribution of sound intensity was presented. As a result of these analyses, it became evident that the impulse waveform of acoustic signals induced by impact was transmitted along the surface of the equator with uniform velocity. This transmission velocity became lower as the muskmelon ripened. The lower transmission velocity in the time domain agreed with the lower peak frequency in the frequency domain, both theoretically and practically. Because the wave equation suggests that the transmission velocity depends on the tensile force of the sample, the nondestructive evaluation provides a more direct index of the quality of muskmelons.

40 0 0 0 OA 書評

哺乳類科学 (ISSN:0385437X)
vol.54, no.1, pp.185-186, 2014-06-30 (Released:2014-06-30)
杉田 精司 巽 瑛理 長谷川 直 鈴木 雄大 上吉原 弘明 本田 理恵 亀田 真吾 諸田 智克 本田 親寿 神山 徹 山田 学 早川 雅彦 横田 康弘 坂谷 尚哉 鈴木 秀彦 小川 和律 澤田 弘崇

リュウグウの近接観測の本番が目前に迫っている。これに備えて、我々は3つの重要な準備を進めている。1) 低アルベド小惑星の可視スペクトルの見直し。2)リュウグウの地上観測スペクトルの解析とメインベル小惑星との比較。3)可視分光カメラONC-Tのスペクトル校正観測。本講演では、これらについて簡潔に紹介する。 まず、メインベルトの低アルベド小惑星のスペクトル解析である。先駆的な小惑星のスペクトルのサーベイ観測であるECAS(Tedesco et al.,1982)の後、地上望遠鏡による多バンド分光のSDSS(Ivezic et al. 2001)、地上望遠鏡のよる連続スペクトルのデータベースであるSMASS2の整備(Bus and Binzel, 2002)、天文衛星WISE/NEOWISEによる多バンド分光のデータベース(Masiero et al. 2011)など多数の強力な小惑星のスペクトルのデータベースが整備されてきた。特に、SDSS やWISE/NEOWISEによって膨大な数がある小さな小惑星のスペクトルアルベドの分布が定量的に計測されたおかげで、RyuguやBennuが由来するメインベルト内帯の低アルベド族の分布については最近に大きな理解の進展があった。まず、以前にNysa族と言われていた族は、E型スペクトルのNysa族の中にF型(or Cb~B型)のPolana族とEulalia族が隠れていることが明らかになった。さらにPolana族とEulalia族は形成時期が古くて広範囲に破片を分布させており、ν6共鳴帯にも多くの1kmクラスの破片を供給していることが分かった。その一方で、より若いErigone, Klio, Clarrisaなどのぞくはずっと若いため、ν6共鳴帯への大きな破片の供給は限定的であることが分かってきた。この事実に基づいて、Bottke et al. (2015)はRyuguもBennuもPolana族由来であると推論している。 このようにSDSS やWISE/NEOWISEのデータは極めて強力であるが、0.7μmのバンドを持たないため、広義のC型小惑星のサブタイプの分類には適さない。その点、ECASは、小惑星スペクトル観測に特化しているだけあって0.7μmのバンドの捕捉は適切になされている。しかし、ECASではあまり多くのC型小惑星が観測されなかったという欠点がある。そのため、現時点ではSMASS2のデータが広義C型のスペクトル解析に適している。そこで、我々はSMASS2の中の広義のC型の主成分解析を行った。紙面の関係で詳細は割愛するが、その結果はCg, C, Cb, Bなど0.7μm吸収を持たないサブタイプからなる大クラスターと、Ch, Cghなど0.7μm吸収を持つサブタイプからなる大クラスターに2分され、両者の間にPC空間上の大きな分離が見られること、またこの分離域はPC空間上で一直線をなすことが分かった。この2大クラスターに分離する事実は、Vernazza et al. (2017)などが主張するBCGタイプがCgh, Chと本質的に異なる起源を持っていて水質変成すら受けていない極めて始源的な物質からなるとの仮説と調和的であり、大変興味深い。 これに引き続き、世界中の大望遠鏡が蓄積してきた23本のRyuguの可視スペクトルをコンパイルして、SMASS2と同じ土俵で主成分解析に掛けた。その結果は、Ryuguの全てのスペクトルがBCGクラスターに中に位置しており、その分布は2大クラスターの分離線に平行であった。これはRyuguが極めて始源的な物質であることの現れかもしれず、BCGクラスター仮説の検証に役立つ可能性を示唆する。 しかし、現実は単純ではない。Murchison隕石の加熱実験で得られたスペクトルもPC空間ではRyuguのスペクトルの分布と極めて近い直線的分布を示すのである。これは、Ryuguのスペクトル多様性がMurchison隕石様の物質の加熱脱水で説明できるとの指摘(Sugita et al. 2013)とも調和的である。この2つの結果は、Ryuguの化学進化履歴について真逆の解釈を与えるものであり、はやぶさ2の試料採取地の選択について大きな影響を与えることとなる。 この2つの解釈のどちらが正しいのか、あるいは別の解釈が正しいのかの見極めは、0.7μm吸収帯の発見とその産状記載に大きく依存する。もし、Murchison隕石様の含水鉱物に富む物質がRyuguの初期物質であって加熱脱水で吸収帯が消えただけの場合には、Ryugu全球が表面下(e.g., 天体衝突などで掘削された露頭)まで含んで完全に吸収帯を失ってしまうことは考えにくい。したがって、0.7μm吸収帯が全く観測されない場合には、VernazzaらのBCG仮説やFやB型の水質変成によってCh, Cghが生まれたと考えるBarucciらのグループの仮説(e.g., Fornasier et al. 2014)が有力となるかも知れない。しかし、0.7μm吸収が見つかって、熱変成を受けやすい地域ではその吸収が弱いことが判明すれば、スペクトル多様性は加熱脱水過程でできたとの考えが有力となろう。 最後に、はやぶさ2ONCチームは打ち上げ後も月、地球、火星、木星、土星、恒星など様々な天体の観測を通じて上記の観測目標を達成できるための校正観測を実施している。それらの解析からは、0.7μm帯および全般的なスペクトル形状の捕捉に十分な精度を達成できることを示唆する結果を得ており(Suzuki et al., 2018)、本観測での大きな成果を期待できる状況である。引用文献:Bottke et al. (2015) Icarus, 247 (2015) 191.Bus and Binzel (2002) Icarus, 158, 146.Fornasier et al. (2014) 233, 163.Ivezic et al. (2001) Astron. J.、 122, 2749.Masiero et al. (2011) Astrophys. J. 741, 68.Sugita et al. (2013) LPSC, XXXXIII, #2591.Suzuki et al. (2018) Icarus, 300, 341Tedesco et al. (1982) Astrophys. J. 87, 1585.Vernazza et al. (2017) Astron. J., 153,72
土屋 晃佑 妻木 勇一 森 恭一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2017, pp.2A2-P03, 2017

<p>Bio-logging method obtains information by a data logger attached to the body of animals for ecological survey. It has great potential to reveal various mysteries of animals. Some researchers of sperm whales try to get the video data of preying sperm whales through the bio-logging, but no one has succeeded it. They can conventionally put a data logger only on the back of sperm whale. It is difficult to get video data around the sperm whale's mouth because of darkness of deep sea. To tackle this problem, we have introduced a "Whale Rover" which is able to move along the surface of sperm whale, and provide mobility for the data logger. Until now, we developed several prototypes of whale rover. In this paper, we introduce a new prototype which is expected to adopt curved surface.</p>