西村 晃一 藤本 典幸 萩原 兼一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. COMP, コンピュテーション (ISSN:09135685)
vol.100, no.705, pp.41-48, 2001-03-09

安達 俊行 近藤 克哉 小橋 昌司 畑 豊
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SIS, スマートインフォメディアシステム (ISSN:09135685)
vol.106, no.96, pp.19-24, 2006-06-09

澤野 弘明 岡田 稔
情報処理学会研究報告グラフィクスとCAD(CG) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2004, no.121, pp.103-108, 2004-11-27

現在のカーナビゲーションシステム(以下,カーナビ) では実際の景色と対応付けしやすくするために三次元CG (3D-CG) による表示が一般化している.特に運転者が見る景色に最も近いドライバーズビュー表示には,正確な案内・指示のために瞬時の視認性の高い表示が要求される.そこで我々の研究室では,車載カメラから実写画像を取り込み,リアルタイムで道路幾何情報を抽出,3D-CG の生成,元画像と重ね合わせるという拡張現実感技術を用いた次世代カーナビの開発を進めている.本論文では本システムを構築する上で最重要課題である道路端抽出法について述べる.本研究では動的輪郭モデル(Snake) の拘束条件にトポロジ特徴を用いて道路端を抽出する.滑らかな抽出形状のために道路形状の要素である直線,カーブ,S 字カーブに対応したエネルギを微分特徴により定義して利用する.さらにSnake を動画像処理に適用し,フレーム間の制御点に働く慣性をエネルギとして定義して利用する.それによりロバスト性の向上及びSnake の収束回数の軽減が期待される.実際に走行中の道路映像を用いて実験し,本手法の有効性を定量的に評価し,最も良好な抽出結果に本カーナビ表示方式によるレンダリングを試みる.Since car navigation systems are required to indicate route guidance to the destination smoothly, these systems often utilize three-dimensional computer graphics (3D-CG) for the purpose. For instantaneous visibility the authors have developed a nextgeneration car navigation systems based on an augmented reality technique, and this display technique uses real-time video taken by an equipped camera on the front of the vehicle and CG video generated from the taken movie. In this paper we introduce road extraction method based on active contour model (snake). For utilizing a car navigation disyplay our purpose are to extract the shapes smoothly, and to improve the robustness. Internal energy functions for snake based on differential features of road geometry are introduced to extract straight, circular and S-shaped road segments smoothly. In our method which a snake is applied to scene frame by frame, an external energy is also introduced based on inertia which works between control points in the previous and the present frames. Experimental results indicate the availability of the proposed energies, and car navigation display based on the best result is rendered by 3D-CG.
鈴木 洋太郎 藤井 吉郎 山口 信夫
經營研究 (ISSN:04515986)
vol.57, no.2, pp.産業集積 / クラスタ-政策 / 商業集積 / 立地論, 2006-07
堀江 正弘
研究技術計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.17, no.3, pp.107-113, 2004-07-10

Reforms in government agencies, including creation of the Cabinet Office and reorganizations in agencies, the Information Disclosure Law, and introduction of the all-government policy evaluation system, all realized in 2001, have a potential impact on the administration of Japan. The all-government policy evaluation system was prepared on the basis of the final report of the Administration Reform Council, and implemented in January 2001. Standard guidelines for the system were established, and the general framework of the system provided by the guidelines was translated into the Policy Evaluation Law. The guidelines define the purpose, concept and scope of evaluation; bodies executing evaluation ; timing of evaluation ; necessity, efficiency, effectiveness, equality and priority as the evaluation criteria ; and project, output and general evaluation as the evaluation approaches. The guidelines also require the government agencies, including the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications, to make their policies reflect evaluation results, publish evaluation results, and establish practical guidelines for implementation of policy evaluation. The Policy Evaluation Law also stipulates establishment of a basic policy of the Government on policy evaluation, master plans and annual schedules for agencies. The effectiveness of the system depends on appropriate implementation of policy evaluation and proper use of its results. This will be realized more easily by adopting generally accepted evaluation methods and improving them gradually, rather than by imposing uniformly a sophisticated and exacting method.
中原 一郎 安部 和夫
日本機械学會論文集 (ISSN:00290270)
vol.29, no.197, pp.59-71, 1963

Many Bourdon tubes consist of the curved tube of an elliptical or flat-oval cross section. But to date, practically satisfactory formulas for the elliptical Bourdon tubes have not been made. In this paper, Bourdon tubes of the two-circular-arc cross section are analysed on the basis of Wolf's theory, and the practical formulas are derived for the calculation of sensitivities, stresses and torques of Bourdon tubes. If the ratio of two circular-arc radii is chosen properly, this cross section represents the flat-oval, approximately elliptical or guitar shape. For practical purposes, theoretical results for Bourdon tubes of approximately elliptical cross section are presented in curves. The theoretical predictions show agreement with many experimental results reported by H.L. Mason. Also the sensitivities, stresses and torques obtained for the flat-oval Bourdon tubes are theoretically compared with those for the approximately elliptical Bourdon tubes respectively.
野田 英雄
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.35, no.3, pp.511-523, 2005 (Released:2007-06-01)

Protection of intellectual property rights is an important global economic issue. This paper examines the relationship between protection of intellectual property rights and economic growth in the framework of an endogenous growth model with product innovation determined by profit maximizing innovators. In this paper, we focus on the role of patent protection in long-term economic growth.In general, conventional literatures of R&D based models of economic growth adopt a common hypothesis regarding patent systems : that patents are infinitely lived ; however, in reality this hypothesis is evidently not verified. This paper modifies the model of Jones (Journal of Political Economy, 1995, vol. 103, no. 4) and shows how the implications of the model vary in a framework of finite patent length. Our theoretical investigation shows that the implications from our model differ greatly from those of the Jones model. For example, even though the duplication parameter is sufficiently large, a decentralized economy can generate overinvestment in R&D. On the other hand, if the parameter of duplication is small, then a decentralized economy suggests underinvestment in R&D, for all parameter values of knowledge externalities.JEL classification : O30, O34, O41
田中 泉吏 内井 惣七
基礎心理学研究 (ISSN:02877651)
vol.23, no.2, pp.213-217, 2005

How should we approach to the origins of morality? How should we analyse the moral emotions? Recent researches in animal psychology seem to throw some light on these questions. According to Brosnan & de Waal, the brown capuchin monkey (Cebus apella) has a 'sense of fairness.' As Darwin thought, morality is supported by social emotions, which not only humans but also other primates should have. Then, in order to answer the preceding questions, we have to pay enough attention to the emotional responses of nonhuman primates in social contexts as well as those of humans. In addition, we should not neglect the conceptual analysis of morality and moral emotions, because morality consists of various components. In this regard, J.S. Mill's analysis of 'justice' in Utilitarianism may be regarded as a good example. We will state a brief prospect of the "evolutionary ethics."