田畑 暁生
人間科学研究 (ISSN:13404474)
vol.10, no.2, pp.21-32, 2003-03

1 0 0 0 CICLing 2005

村田 真樹
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.20, no.5, 2005-09-01
荒井 悟 戸田 真志 秋田 純一 岩田 州夫
情報処理学会研究報告ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム(UBI) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2006, no.14, pp.293-298, 2006-02-17

ウェアラブルコンピュータ向けネットワークシステムであるTextileNetは,電源供給と相互通信の実装に伴うデバイスの配置自由度の損失を解消するために提案された.本稿では,TextileNetの機能再構成についてファームウェア更新に関わる煩雑な手順を問題と捉え,これを解決するためのアーキテクチャの提案・およびプロトタイプの実装と評価を述べる.このアーキテクチャは,ウェアラブルデバイスがTextileNetのデータ通信路を介してファームウェアを受け取り,自身のプログラムメモリを書き換えることを可能にするものである.これにより,ウェアラブルデバイスの配置自由度を損なわずに,TextikNetに機能再構成のためのシステムを組み込むことを可能にする.TextileNet was proposed to resolve the problem about flexibility loss of spatial arrangement that is caused by laying power line and communication line. But TextileNet has a problem, which is cumbersome firmware updating. In this paper, we propose an architecture that resolves the problem. And we implement and evaluate prototype of the system using the architecture. The architecture allows wearable devices to download firmware from network of TextileNet, and the devices can update their program memory by themselves. Implementation of the architecture actualizes functional replacement for devices. And the architecture does not impair nexibility of arrangement in space.

1 0 0 0 OA Colingの報告

辻井 潤一
コンピュータソフトウェア (ISSN:02896540)
vol.4, no.2, pp.162-165, 1987-04-15
中村 順一
人工知能学会誌 (ISSN:09128085)
vol.4, no.1, pp.95-97, 1989-01-20
藤野 真人 篠崎 和夫 名取 幸和 太田口 和久
国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構
情報管理 (ISSN:00217298)
vol.50, no.5, pp.266-279, 2007 (Released:2007-08-01)

富山清太郎 編
小泉 敬寛 亀田 能成 中村 裕一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. PRMU, パターン認識・メディア理解 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.105, no.119, pp.1-6, 2005-06-10

本研究では, 頭部装着カメラにより人物の視点から撮影された映像に付加情報を加えた個人行動記録から, ユーザが必要とする記録断片を効率的に検索するための手法として, 構造化類似検索(Relevance Feedback with Structuring Filters)を提案する.構造化類似検索では従来から画像検索のために用いられてきた, 適合性フィードバック(Relevance Feedback)による類似検索に加えて構造化フィルタ(Structuring Filter)を用いる.これにより, 単純に画像的にまたは数値的に類似していないデータをも検索することが可能になる.本論文では, 本研究で扱う個人行動記録と記録データの意味的な構造について簡単な定義を行った後, 構造化類似検索について説明し, 実際に行動記録断片の検索が容易になることを実例をあげて示す.
牛尼 剛聡 渡邊 豊英
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. DE, データ工学 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.104, no.176, pp.223-228, 2004-07-06

王 智新
宮崎公立大学人文学部紀要 (ISSN:13403613)
vol.10, no.1, pp.1-21, 2003-03-20

孔子(Congzi, B.C.55-B.C.479)は中国春秋戦国時代の思想家,教育家であり,儒家の創始者でもある。中国文化の傑出した代表者として,孔子ほど広く知られている者はないと同時に,彼ほど誤解されている者もない。グローバリゼーション・情報化・IT社会と言われる一方,「テロ」・公害・経済不況・学力低下などという面も大きくクローズアップされ,ますます混沌とした世相が深まっている今日のような時代に,孔子の思想と実践は果たして意味を持ちうるかどうか。もし,持ちうるとすれば,どんな意味合いにおいてなのか,本文は今日までの中国と日本学者の研究成果を踏まえ,できるだけ詳細な資料を使用して,孔子の本来の姿を再現し,今日における孔子の思想とその実践の意味をもう一度問い直そうとする。
河合 励 池田 幹男 岡田 稔
情報処理学会研究報告グループウェアとネットワークサービス(GN) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.1995, no.103, pp.7-12, 1995-10-27

本論文ではX Window System上で動作するアプリケーションのウィンドウを資料として相手方に提示可能な電子黒板システムについて述べる。本システムはXのリクエストを取得し複製する代理サーバとリクエストを各Xサーバに適合させる再構成モジュールからなっており,アプリケーションやXサーバに対して変更を施す必要がない。これらのプログラムはネットワークを通じて通信しているため,プログラムをネットワーク上のどのWSで実行するかによってシステムの性能が変化する。そこでこの電子黒板システムを利用するのに適したネットワーク構成を調べるために複数のサブネットに分割し,性能評価を行った。その結果,本システムはEthernt 10Mbps,TCP/IPのもとでサブネット(物理層ネットワーク)あたり40台程度であれば充分実用となることがわかった。This paper presents "Network Blackboard System" which duplicates windows to multiple X servers. This system requires no modification to both X server and client. This system consists of proxy X server and reconstructor module. Proxy X server obtains X requests and duplicates it. Reconstructor module adapts requests to each X server. Therefore these programs in this system communicate on the network. The system performance depends on the position of programs on the network. We evaluated the network performance of this system in case of the network is divided into some subnets. This system can serve up to forty X servers per subnet with Ethernet 10Mbps and TCP/IP.
古田 和久 Kazuhisa FURUTA 大阪大学大学院 Graduate School Osaka University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.207-225, 2007-05-31

This paper examines the impact of social class and a variety of attitudes regarding society and education on attitudes toward educational expenditures. In Japan, the rapid rise of educational participation rates has been strongly supported by household expenditures. The scale of private funding is very large in comparison with other countries, and not only high income parents, but also low income ones, make expenditures for their children's education. Therefore, the following question arises: what motivates Japanese people to give education to their children? Previous research on economics and the sociology of education has focused on investment and consumption. However, considering that the motives for educational expenditures are complex and are influenced by a variety of characteristics of parents, including attitudes on society and education, this paper investigates attitudes toward educational expense using data from the 2003 National Survey on Work and Daily Life. In order to identify significant patterns in many variables, decision tree analysis is used as a data mining techniques. Following a brief introduction of decision tree analysis, the technique is applied to delineate the key features that distinguish between people who are eager to pay their children's educational expenses and those who are not. First, the data indicate that many people believe that parents should pay for nearly all of their children's educational costs. Second, decision tree analysis reveals that the most important factor influencing the payment of educational expenses is not the benefit of education, but rather the recognition of educational inequality in contemporary Japanese higher education. People who perceive educational opportunities as being equal are more willing to pay for their children, because they believe that there is stiff competition for educational credentials. Third, investment and consumption are important factors for people who believe there is educational inequality. As a result, the motive for making educational expenditures depends on attitudes toward society and education. On the other hand, the group that showed most strongly negative attitude is people who believe that educational opportunities are closed by family income and that their own subjective social status is low, and that education does not play a central role for achieving high income and social status. This finding suggests that at present, educational costs are very heavy, and that if the burden of tuition fee and other educational expenses clearly brings an awareness of educational inequalities according to family income, many people will perceive education as being meaningless for them.
川口 俊明 前馬 優策 Toshiaki KAWAGUCHI Yusaku MAEBA 大阪大学大学院 大阪大学大学院 Graduate School Osaka University Graduate School Osaka University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.187-205, 2007-05-31

The aim of this paper is to discover a route for the resolution of "differences in scholastic ability," which are a serious problem in Japanese Education, using the idea of "Effective Schools". "Effective Schools" are schools which have relatively small differences in scholastic ability between social groups. This report looks at the continuation of effects of schools, and studies the characteristics of "Effective Schools" in Japan. In conventional studies on "Effective Schools" in Japan, seven characteristics are clarified: (1) Ordered child groups, (2) Mutual empowerment by students, (3) A school administration that values teamwork, (4) Connections between schools and outside organizations, (5) A positive school culture, (6) A system that encourages learning, and (7) Leadership. These were found in data from a single year, however, and were not based on data collected continuously. Therefore, surveys to date are inadequate. This report demonstrates the existence of "Effective Schools" and analyzes the characteristics of schools in one city in Hyogo Prefecture, based on continuous data. The findings are as follows. To begin with, from an analysis of scholastic ability data, it is clear that the evaluation of "Effective Schools" is considerably affected by grade groups. In previous studies in this area, attention had not been given to the differences between grade groups, and this suggests a danger in relying on data for a single year. In addition, caution must be exercised in basing policymaking on data on scholastic ability performed in a single year. Next, while the results of the surveys varied greatly by grade groups in most schools, there were two schools (A and B) that were continuously effective. School A was unified several years ago. The teachers are building a new school culture, involving "watching and checking inside school" and "taking learning hours." On the other hand, School B is characterized by "good class atmosphere" and "self-direction in learning." The two schools seem to have very different characteristics, but it can be pointed out that teachers of both are supportive in various aspects. Comparing these with the seven characteristics of "Effective Schools" in Japan, School A is a school that has (1) Ordered child groups and (6) A system that encourages learning (in School). By contrast, School B has (2) Mutual empowerment by students and (6) A system that encourages learning (at home). Moreover, both schools have (3) A school administration that values teamwork and (5) A positive school culture. From those analyses, it can be hypothesized that "Teacher Culture" and "School Culture" are important factors in the study of "Effective Schools."
木村 拓也 Takuya KIMURA 京都大学経済研究所 Institute of Economic Research Kyoto University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.165-186, 2007-05-31

The purpose of this paper is to reexamine the use of "Comprehensive and Multi-dimensional Evaluation" as the basis for University Entrance Examinations. Though the phrase "Comprehensive and Multi-dimensional Evaluation" itself was first articulated in the 1997 report of the Central Council for Education (Chuou Kyoiku Shingikai), the concept itself came into existence immediately after the postwar period. In fact, "comprehensive evaluation" was merely an excuse for avoiding having to add the score of Japanese Scholastic Aptitude Test (Shingaku Tekisei Kensa, used from 1947 to 1954) into the total score of the University Entrance Examination. Moreover, the term "multi-dimensional evaluation" appeared in the outline of the University Entrance Examination (Daigaku Nyugakusha Senbatsu Jisshi Youkou), as it is proposed in the first report of the National Council on Educational Reform (Rinji Kyoiku Shingikai) in 1985. In fact, the report of the Central Council for Education (Chuo Kyoiku Shingikai) in 1971 stated that "Comprehensive and Multi-dimensional Evaluation" was scientifically valid as a basis for University Entrance Examinations. The report is famous as the only report based on evidence, and is generally known as the "1971 Report" (Yonroku Toushin). In the interim report, the Central Council for Education stated that follow-up surveys by the National Institute for Education and the Educational Test Research Institute (Nouryoku Kaihatu Kenkyujyo) had proven that a "Comprehensive and Multi-dimensional Evaluation" could be a valid selection method for predicting a good Grade Point Average after entrance to university. However, the two surveys cited contained simple statistical errors. The first, survey by the National Institute for Education, failed to control for the "Selection Effect." A "Selection Effect" is a "restriction in range problem," caused by cutting off the distribution at the passing grade. As a result, there is a tendency to misunderstand the fact that, in actuality, academic achievement tests on University Entrance Examinations have little relationship with Grade Point Average after entering university. To tell the truth, this problem had been pointed out as early as 1924 by Japanese psychologists who were interested in Entrance Examinations. In the second survey, by the Educational Test Research Institute, the inevitable nature of multiple correlation coefficients was ignored. As the number of independent variable increases one by one, the multiple correlation coefficient necessarily reaches the maximum of 1. In this paper, the follow-up research data from the Educational Test Research Institute is recalculated using a multiple correlation coefficient adjusted for the degrees of freedom. The conclusion is different from that reached by the Central Council for Education. This demonstrates that there is absolutely no scientific ground for the use of "Comprehensive and Multi-dimensional Evaluation." In other words, it is not necessarily correct that putting a lot of effort into University Entrance Examinations and using anything more than academic achievement tests as reference for University Entrance Examination will lead to more students gaining good grades after entering university. If this mismeasure of academic achievement is not properly recognized, the number of university students who cannot achieve even low basic competence level will surely increase.
住岡 英毅 Hideki SUMIOKA 大阪青山大学 Osaka Aoyama College
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.127-141, 2007-05-31

Today, regional disparities in education can be seen from the following six aspects. (1) Disparities between areas (disparities between cities or towns) (2) Disparity inside areas (disparities between elementary school areas) (3) Visible disparities (4) Invisible disparities (5) Disparities in school education (6) Disparities in social education Among these disparities, this paper focuses on disparities inside areas, invisible disparities, and disparities in social education. The reason is that these are the new disparities found in mergers between municipalities (a contemporary phenomenon in Japan), movements of population and the decentralization of power. In other words, under the decentralization of power, communities are called on to be economically and educationally independent from the central government, and these new disparities are related to the educational power of communities and to the power of social education connected to them. They are also related to the urgent educational issues that must be tackled together by educational officials, people involved in schools and social education, and local residents under the decentralization of power. The two principal directions for this task are as follows. (1) Cooperation between schools and communities by strengthening support from educational administration to schools and communities, and strengthening cooperation involving both school education and social education. (2) Improving the specialization of education in a broad sense. In other words, improving technical cooperation with specialists such as teachers, leaders of social education, medical personnel and welfare personnel. These points will be crucial determinants of the success or failure of education under the decentralization of power. In addition, the author uses data on administration in cities and towns in Shiga prefecture, which are familiar to him. Nevertheless, the manuscript consists of some guesses without actual evidence in some points; therefore it has in some sense the character of the presentation of a hypothesis.