小林 雅之 Masayuki KOBAYASHI 東京大学 Center for Research and Development of Higher Education The University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.101-125, 2007-05-31

In Japan, like in most countries, the equality of educational opportunities is a crucial issue both in academics and in governmental policy. However, the policy of equality of educational opportunities in Japanese higher education has been weakening. The first aim of this paper is to investigate the background of the policy and to clarify the reasons for its loss of importance. With this aim, the author gives an overview of policy and research works on the equality of higher education opportunities in Japan, in comparison with those overseas. The aim of higher educational policy and planning in post world-war II Japan was to rectify disparities in higher education opportunities between regions and social classes by increasing the supply of institutions providing higher education. However, the policy turned drastically from enlargement to suppression in 1975. The establishment of new universities and departments in the metropolitan area were strictly restricted by the Ministry of Education. This policy aimed to reduce regional inequalities in higher educational opportunities, and was largely successful in doing so. However, the policy concentrated on the regional inequalities, leading to a loss of concern on inequalities among social classes, with the exception of student financial aid programs. Secondly, the results of the Student Life Survey by the Ministry of Education (from 2004 by the Japan Student Service Organization) are often used to demonstrate the equality of higher educational opportunities in Japan. On the contrary, however, some researchers argue that the inequality of higher educational opportunity has been increasing or at least not decreasing, using other survey data. This paper examines the equality of higher educational opportunities using new survey data from 2005. The data show large inequalities in university education opportunities, particularly in private universities. In particular, the participation rate is very low among low-income, low-achievement, female high school graduates. This shows that there are still problems of inequality. Thirdly, this survey shows the existence of debt aversion among parents in the lowest income class and in families with mothers having the lowest education levels. It seems likely that debt aversion leads to serious problems because of the inadequacy of student aid programs, coupled with high tuition fees in Japan. The student financial aid programs of The Japan Student Service Organization, the largest public student program in Japan, gives loans, but not grants, to undergraduates. Some parents and students from lower income tiers may decide not to apply to university to avoid a debt burden. This result implies the need for grants to maintain the accessibility of higher education in the future.
堀 有喜衣 Yukie HORI 労働政策研究・研修機構 The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.85-99, 2007-05-31

The purpose of this paper is to examine the formation of "disparities" in the transition from school to work, and to discuss ideal methods for support. In the early 21st century, young people were able to become full-time workers even if they had become part-time workers after leaving school. In other words, Japanese society compensated for the initial "disparity" in the transition from school to work. However, the following two points were clarified in February 2006, according to a survey carried out on 2,000 young people in Tokyo. First, in the period from 2001 to 2006, the selection of full time worker was nearly completed at the point when young people left school. Second, academic background is growing and social background is weakening as factors for the selection of full-time workers. To put a brake on the expansion of "disparities," it is necessary to secure higher education as a right, and create laws to provide equal conditions to irregular workers, and to provide support for the transition from "Freeter" (job-hopping part-time workers) to full time worker.
天童 睦子 Mutsuko TENDO 名城大学 Meijo University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.61-83, 2007-05-31

This paper examines inter/intra family differences and child-care support policies in Japan from child-rearing strategies and a gender perspective. For the theoretical consideration of mechanisms of reproduction of family differences, this paper proposes a Child-rearing Code and Gender Code based on B. Bernstein's theory of cultural transmission. The Child-rearing Code system reveals not only inter family differences based on parental economic background, but also intra family differences based on the sexual division of labor in the family. This paper traces Family Support Policies after World War II, and examines how these policies were gendered and privatized. Especially since the 1990s, various Child-care Support Policies have been introduced in Japan not just to support family childcare, but to raise the birth rate, and these policies sometimes functioned to reinforce a Gender Regime. The latter part of the paper focuses on voices of parents, based on an extensive empirical investigation which was conducted in Tokyo from 2000 to 2006. The study describes the isolation of mothers with children in a gendered division of labor situation, the emotional capital in mother-child interactions, and the dilemmas of working mothers who have to divide their time between paid work and time spent with their children. It also explores the difficulties faced by fathers who want to, but cannot, care for their children, because of long working hours and business-centered social values. This paper also explains the economic difficulties faced by single mothers due to the lack of social security and wage disadvantages in the labor market in Japan. Based on these theoretical and empirical considerations, this paper concludes that the symbolic realization of inter/intra family differences are generated by a gender code which operates with an invisible gender hierarchy.
飯田 浩之 Hiroyuki IIDA 筑波大学 The University of Tsukuba
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.41-60, 2007-05-31

In Japan, disparities in high schools showed an increasing tendency until the end of the 1970s. Since that time, attempts have been made to analyze and reduce these disparities, both in the field of sociology of education and educational reforms. This paper aims to re-examine the challenges in both fields and to elucidate their positive outcomes and limitations, and in addition, to point out a new perspective for future challenges in this area. Academically, the study of disparities began with the application of the concept of "tracking." At the beginning, many types of evils caused by disparities were problematized, and the concept of "tracking" was adopted to document the situation. The concept of "tracking" was compatible with functionalism, which was the main theoretical stream in the sociology of education at that time. The concept of "tracking" was originally used in studies of high schools in the United States to reveal the fact that there were invisible mechanisms for the selection of students in open curriculum systems. However, in Japan, the concept was used to report the fact that there were great differences in the inner processes of schools and subjective aspects of students based on school disparities. In other words, the concept was used to point out the effects of the disparities. As a result, the study of disparities has been developed as the study of "tracking effects." It can be said that studies of the tracking effect could have contributed to investigations of the inner processes of schools and subjective aspects of students. But instead, they took a macro perspective from the studies of school disparities. As a result, disparities were not examined in relation to social structures. Politically, there are two ways to reduce disparities in schools. One is to control the level of achievement of new students in order to prevent the emergence of differences among schools (input control). The other is to control educational activities in the schools to ensure that tracking effects do not take place in each school (through-put control). Since the late 1970s, input controls have been carried out through reforms of the entrance examination system of high schools and improvements of the guidance system of junior high schools. However, these controls were too indirect to reduce school disparities. In other words, whether they could reduce the disparities or not depended on their ability to change students' standards for school choice, which were indeed subjective. Through-put controls have been carried out as reforms of high schools. High school reforms after the 1980s were generally seen as an attempt to weaken classifications and frames of education. Logically, it seemed that these efforts led to a limitation of tracking effects in each school and to a reduction in school disparities as a whole. However, these attempts were not effective as they lacked a grand design and were done separately for each school. Challenges to the school disparities in both fields mentioned above seems to be homologous. They share the fact that they look at the disparities from a narrow perspective, only in relation to inner processes of each school or the subjective aspect of students. School disparities are social disparities. For example, they involve class differences among the enrolled students, and are related to regional differences. Consequently, in order to reduce school disparities, it is necessary to see them in their social context. The conclusion of this paper, by introducing recent challenges to school disparities, proposes this new perspective.
広田 照幸 Teruyuki HIROTA 日本大学 Nihon University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.7-22, 2007-05-31

Recently, there has been a great deal of talk about widening social disparities in Japan. A number of books have been published declaring that Japan is now on the threshold of being transformed into a "society of disparities."This paper discusses some of the methodological difficulties that must be taken into account when considering widening disparities between the haves and have-nots, seen from the standpoint of the sociological study of education. Firstly, the recently published works, with their declaration that social disparities are widening, are making an assertion about an uncertain future. The same point can be made about studies that examine the actual state of the social disparities on the basis of empirical data. This means, in other words, that any discussion of the effects of various current phenomena characterizing education on future social disparities always contain an element of uncertainty. Secondly, the extent to which social disparities are likely to grow in the future will be significantly affected by our current and future political choices. In determining, for example, the extent to which the ongoing process of globalization will transform economic and educational systems, it is utterly useless to make guesses based on simple forecasts. Rather, considering the combined effects of people's political choices and the social influence of experts at present and in the future, it is extremely difficult to predict the direction of change. Considering the foregoing factors, it is far from easy to carry out studies on how to reform the existing educational system and help alleviate the problems of inequalities that now beset the system, in ways that are acceptable to everybody. This paper calls attention to two crucial points. First, researchers studying the relationship between social inequality and education cannot remain indifferent to the question of political choices or choices among competing values. In other words, they must endeavor to analyze the issues of inequalities in education and formulate, on the basis of their analyses, concrete political visions or political programs. Another important point is that once the social disparities and their extent have been identified through academic investigations, it is necessary to call upon citizens, who have the competence to make political decisions, to decide whether they find the gaps acceptable or not. In order to make this possible, it is essential for school education to perform the function of helping children to develop the ability to make political decisions. And the question of what should be done to reinforce this function of school education needs to be studied in a sincere manner.
池田 研介 アブドラ ジャリル モハッモド 並木 周 北山 研一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. OCS, 光通信システム (ISSN:09135685)
vol.104, no.260, pp.57-62, 2004-08-20

前原 秀明 臼井 澄夫 鎌田 一雄
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. HCS, ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.102, no.29, pp.7-11, 2002-04-12

華 春生 呉 海元 塩山 忠義
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. PRMU, パターン認識・メディア理解 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.102, no.554, pp.91-96, 2003-01-09

玉田 和恵 井口 磯夫
教育情報研究 : 日本教育情報学会学会誌 (ISSN:09126732)
vol.13, no.3, pp.31-40, 1997-12-25

学生が「インターネットによる就職活動」に直面し, ネットワークを通じた情報活用に対してどのような意識をもっているのか質問紙調査をもとに分析し, 以下のことが分かった.学生の意識には, 本人の情報活用能力によって差異が生じている.情報活用能力を身につけている学生は, ネットワークを正しく認識し, 利点や弱点を理解している.情報リテラシーを身につけていない学生は, ネットワークを過信したり, 必要以上に不安を抱いたりしている.自発的学習により情報活用能力を身につけた学生は, マニュアルを参照しながらインターネットを利用して情報を活用している.多くの学生は就職活動にインターネットは必要で, 活用したいと感じながらも現在の能力では活用しきれないとあきらめている.就職活動のためのインターネットの利用を情報系授業と有機的に結びつけ, 授業の動機づけに利用することは非常に有効であることが分かった.
遠藤 斉 片岡 良治
情報処理学会研究報告データベースシステム(DBS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.1999, no.61, pp.273-278, 1999-07-21

本稿では、動画から抽出できるカメラモーションを特徴量として利用したスポーツ映像の内容検索手法を提案する。スポーツ映像にはシーン特有のカメラワークが存在することが多いため、一連のカメラワークを手がかりにシーンの内容に基づいた検索を行えることが期待できる。そこで本稿では検索キーとして指定した映像と検索対象の映像から特徴量としてカメラモーションを抽出し、連続DPマッチングを適用することによりカメラモーションの類似したシーンを検出する手法を提案する。実際の野球中継の映像を用いて適合率と再現率を評価した結果、その有効性が明らかになった。This paper proposes a method for content-based sports video retrieval using camera work information. Since particular camera work for a typical scene exists in sports video, a transition of camera work becomes an effective cue for retrieving a sports scene based on its content. Therefore, the proposing method extracts a series of camera parameters from both a user-specified scene of a retrieval key and a video stream of a retrieval target, and detects scenes having a similar content to the key from the target applying the continuous DP matching. It is evaluated using a video stream of a baseball game. Recall-Precision curves make its effectiveness clear.
Naren Wang Motoki Iwasaki Tetsuya Otani Rumiko Hayashi Hiroko Miyazaki Liu Xiao Yosiaki Sasazawa Shosuke Suzuki Hiroshi Koyama Tetsuo Sakamaki
Japan Epidemiological Association
Journal of Epidemiology (ISSN:09175040)
vol.15, no.5, pp.155-162, 2005 (Released:2005-09-27)
31 50 36

BACKGROUND: Few studies have examined the association of perceived health with socio-economic status, especially income, and social isolation and support in Japan. The purpose of this study is to clarify the associations among perceived health, lifestyle, and socio-economic status, as well as social isolation and support factors, in middle-aged and elderly Japanese.METHODS: Subjects were 9,650 participants aged 47-77 years who completed a self-administered questionnaire in 2000 in the second survey of a population-based cohort (the Komo-Ise study). The questionnaire included items on sociodemographic and socio-economic factors, social isolation and support, lifestyle, past history of chronic disease and perceived health. Perceived health was dichotomized into excellent or good health and fair or poor health. A logistic regression analysis was used to determine the odds ratios of socio-economic status, social characteristics and lifestyle in relation to self-reported fair or poor health.RESULTS: We found that household income, physical activity, sleeping, smoking habit, and BMI had a strong association with self-reported fair or poor health in middle-aged and elderly Japanese men and women. Male subjects tended to report fair or poor health as household income decreased. The results for women differed in that social isolation and low social support had a stronger association for selfreported fair or poor health than low household income.CONCLUSIONS: The results indicated that perceived health was associated with socio-economic and social characteristics among middle-aged and elderly residents in Japan.
相良 直樹 砂山 渡 谷内田 正彦
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:18804535)
vol.J90-D, no.2, pp.427-440, 2007-02-01

唐門 準 松尾 豊 石塚 満
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. KBSE, 知能ソフトウェア工学 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.106, no.473, pp.73-78, 2007-01-16

清水 英明 片上 大輔 新田 克己
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. KBSE, 知能ソフトウェア工学 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.106, no.473, pp.67-72, 2007-01-16

岩根 美枝 矢嶋 摂子 野村 英作 谷口 久次 木村 恵一
公益社団法人 日本分析化学会
分析化学 (ISSN:05251931)
vol.54, no.6, pp.527-531, 2005 (Released:2005-08-31)
1 1

還元剤として没食子酸エステル部位を有するカリクス[4]アレーン誘導体を用い,エタノール中で銀イオンを還元することにより生じた銀コロイドの表面プラズモン吸収を紫外可視分光光度法により観察した.その結果,銀コロイドに基づく吸収が観察され,その吸光度は時間依存性を示した.これは,生成した銀コロイドが不安定であることを示している.試料溶液を調製後,一定時間経過してから,安定剤としてポリビニルピロリドンを添加したところ,吸光度の時間変化を抑制でき,銀コロイドを安定化することができた.また,銀イオン濃度依存性について検討したところ,銀イオン濃度が1 × 10-5 M以下では,銀イオン濃度の増加に応じて吸光度が増加し,銀イオン定量の可能性が示唆された.