新美 真 伊藤 孝行
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.56, no.10, pp.1959-1967, 2015-10-15

伊藤陽 小濱 真樹 佐々 政孝
情報処理学会論文誌プログラミング(PRO) (ISSN:18827802)
vol.46, no.SIG14(PRO27), pp.30-42, 2005-10-15

SSA 形式(静的単一代入形式)は,φ 関数という仮想的な関数を用いることで,変数の定義を字面上1 カ所だけになるように表した中間表現である.しかし,SSA 形式を用いたプログラム中に現れるφ 関数が仮想的であることから,SSA 形式から直接目的コードを出すことはできない.そこで,目的コードを出す前段階として,φ 関数を消去して通常形式に戻すことが必要である.これをSSA 逆変換と呼ぶ.SSA 逆変換には主なアルゴリズムが2 つある.以前から用いられているBriggs らのアルゴリズム,およびこれとは異なるアプローチによるSreedhar らのアルゴリズムである.SSA 逆変換アルゴリズムはそれぞれ異なった特徴を持つが,これらを実際に比較した研究はほとんどなされていない.このため,SSA 形式を最適化コンパイラに採用するにあたって,どのSSA 逆変換を用いるかの選択の指標となるものがなかった.そこで本研究では,Briggs らとSreedhar らのアルゴリズムの長所と短所を明確にした.また,Briggs らのアルゴリズムに対する改良案を提案した.さらに,Briggsらのアルゴリズムとその改良案,Sreedhar らのアルゴリズムの3 つを実装し,同一のコンパイラ上で,SPEC ベンチマークを用いて種々の条件を変えながら比較した.本研究により,Briggs らの方法ではコアレッシングすることのできないコピー文が数多く挿入されること,実証的にはSreedharらの方法が最も優れていること,が判明した.
川村 光 紅林 伸幸 越智 康詞 加藤 隆雄 中村 瑛仁 長谷川 哲也 藤田 武志 油布 佐和子
研究紀要 (ISSN:13455311)
no.17, pp.51-71, 2016-03-31

The purpose of this study is to analyze Japanese teachers’ viewpoints relating toJapanese society and education based on the data of quantitative investigation of public primary school and junior high school teachers in 2013.From this survey, some important findings were drawn. First, the characteristics of teachers who take an optimistic view of the future Japanese society is that the level of their consciousness of the autonomy of the profession is lower. Second, the characteristics of teachers whose consciousness of the autonomy of the profession is lower are that the level of their consciousness of the training of pupils in 21 century academic abilities is lower and they are not ready to carry out the individual and clinical education that help teachers cope with the reality of pupils in their educational practice. Third, the teachers who are school middle leaders in schools are the ones “accomplishing their duty of the school organization”type, who positively carry out school and lesson reform. Also this trend in younger generation is higher. Especially, the characteristics of the school middle leaders is the important issue to consider for the future school education.
中山 泰一 中野 由章 角田 博保 久野 靖 鈴木 貢 和田 勉 萩谷 昌己 筧 捷彦
vol.2016, pp.83-88, 2016-01-08

李 善愛 Sun Ae II
宮崎公立大学人文学部紀要 = Bulletin of Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities
vol.14, no.1, pp.35-52, 2007-03-20

斉 会君
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.100, no.1, pp.1-31, 2018-06

This article is an attempt to confirm the chronology of the four official state documents (guoshu 國書) issued by the Tang emperor to the Kirghiz ruler during the Huichang 會昌 Era (841-846), then analyze the process by which they were drafted. The Huichang Era was a time marked by a transition from Uighur to Kirghiz rule in Mongolia, a development which the Tang Dynasty had to heed with caution, leading to the drafting and issuance of state documents, the process of which is described in part in the extant historiography. Despite the importance of this event in the study of Tang period diplomatics, the related sources have yet to be analyzed in detail. The four documents of state in question were issued to the Kirghiz in the following order: 1) “To the King of the Kirghiz” 25th -30th day of the 2nd month of Huichang 3 (843); 2) “To the Qaghan of the Kirghiz” during the 3rd month of Huichang 3 (843); 3), “To the Qaghan of Kirghiz” during the following 6th month; and 4) “To the Kirghiz” during the 2nd month of Huichang 4 (844).An analysis of the Chinese renditions of the name “Kirghiz” reveals that diplomatic letters brought by the Kirghiz envoys were not written in Chinese, but rather written either in Turk-runic presented orally, then translated into Chinese by official translators of the Imperial Secretariat (Zhongshu-sheng 中書省) before being submitted to the emperor. During the late Tang Period, imperial orders for the drafting of documents of state would be directed to either chancellors, drafters of proclamations (Zhizhigao 知制誥), Secretariat clerks (Zhongshu Sheren 中書舍人), or scholars of the Hanlin 翰林 Imperial Academy. When the chancellor was ordered to draft a document of state, he would receive an imperial directive to that effect, then make a draft based on the result of other ministers’ conference with the foreign diplomats concerned, resulting in a manuscript that would be submitted to the emperor; and in the case of the documents sent to the Kirghiz, the original manuscripts were authored by de facto Chancellor Li Deyu 李德裕 (according to his collected works Huichang Yipin Ji 會昌一品集) and rewritten with amendments proposed by Emperor Wuzong 武宗 himself, before being issued to the Kirghiz.