平山 弘 ひらやま ひろし
阪南論集. 社会科学編
vol.49, no.1, pp.55-66, 2013-10
古池 謙人 東本 崇仁 KOIKE Kento TOMOTO Takahito
vol.B5, no.02, pp.50-53, 2015-11-10

People usually deal with much information, and judge next what to do in an instant. Therefore, it is useful to support for acquisition of an ability which can be judged instantly. In this paper, we designed a learning support system for instant judgement ability in the FPS game. The system provide a situation of its actual game that has much information, and let them judge how to behave in the situation. A learner makes himself structure tacit knowledge used for a judgement after it. This activity facilitate their reflection and to understand their error of judgement. In addition, by increasing complex of the situation gradually, our system lead deep understanding. To realize the system, we describe structuring FPS game and the judgement.
福江 充
北陸大学紀要 = Bulletin of Hokuriku University (ISSN:21863989)
no.49, pp.97-141, 2020-09-30

Tateyama in Etchū province was well known by Heian-era Japanese people as a sacredmountain that contained an actual hell. It was believed that all Japanese who committedsins during their lifetimes would fall into Tateyama’s hell, and that Tateyama was a sacredsite where the living could meet the dead.Among the many works published during the second half of the Edo period by the popularand prolific playwright and novelist Jippensha Ikku (1765~1831) are two that took upthe theme of Etchū’s Tateyama. Ikku published Etchū Tateyama Yūrei-mura Adauchi in1808 and “Etchū Tateyama sankei kikō” in the eighteenth volume of Shokoku dōchū kaneno waraji in 1828.The latter work has been transcribed and annotated by a number of scholars, and somehave studied it in the context of Tateyama belief; to some extent it has been introduced tothe academic world. The former work, however, has not received the same attention interms of transcription--it has only been quoted by a few scholars--and there has been nointroduction or analysis of the work as a whole.It is thought that Ikku travelled to Echigo, Etchū, and Kaga in 1826, and that he basedShokoku dōchū kane no waraji (1828) on that experience. Like one of his most famousworks, Tōkai dōchū hizakurige , it is comedic. By contrast, Etchū Tateyama Yūrei-muraAdauchi of 1808, published twenty years earlier, was composed with then-popular revengenovels in mind, as Ikku himself indicated at the beginning of the volume. In Ikku’s novel,a young couple falls in love, the woman gets pregnant out of wedlock, they elope, the manis murdered by a middle-aged male stalker, and the victim appears as a ghost to thewoman he loves. Ikku further incorporated an old story about Tateyama’s ghost town. Hethereby combined various motifs and genres to create this popular and entertaining novel.Ikku’s two Tateyama-related works can be classified into different genres, but bothindicate a shift in perception of Tateyama from a sacred site of intense religious practiceduring the classical period to a mountain that welcomes tourism and offers entertainmentduring the Edo-period.In 1814, six years after the publication of Etchū Tateyama Yūrei-mura Adauchi, while under the rulership of Kaga domain’s Maeda family, what had long been Tateyama’smountain-meditation route was circumvented. At the same time, the facilities at theTateyama hot-springs (close to the mountain’s caldera and the many mountain peaks in thearea) were restored and a direct route was established from the mountains to the hotsprings.It was the start of a thriving hot-springs business. As a result of thesedevelopments, priests of the town Ashikuraji in Tateyama’s foothills, who until then hadhosted pilgrims who climbed the mountain as religious practice, had to adjust to an increasein secular tourists and pleasure hikers. The sudden decrease in pilgrims put Ashikurajipriests into a very difficult practical and economic position. They had to rethink theirdoctrinal teachings and customs, such as appealing to women who had been excluded fromthe sacred mountain. Kaga domain’s strategies for stimulating the local economy duringthe latter half of the Edo period threatened the older economy of Tateyama as a sacred site.Etchū Tateyama Yūrei-mura Adauchi reveals that Ikku witnessed these socio-economicchanges and that he was aware of--and poked fun at--Tateyama’s traditional sacredcharacter. We also sense from this work that Ikku was prescient about the mountain’s future.In this article I first transcribe and introduce Etchū Tateyama Yūrei-mura Adauchi .Then I analyze its contents and contribute to a deeper understanding of this work as ahistorical source important to research of Tateyama’s religious history.
藤本 元啓
崇城大学紀要 = Bulletin of Sojo University (ISSN:21857903)
vol.46, pp.37-55, 2021

岡村 こず恵 Kozue OKAMURA
甲南大学教育学習支援センター紀要 = Memoirs of Learning Utility Center for Konan University Students (ISSN:24322334)
vol.6, pp.137-156, 2021-03-23

本稿は,兵庫県加古川市と甲南大学,神戸新聞社との連携によるProject-Based Learning(問題解決型学習)の実践報告である.はじめに,大学における科目の位置づけを示し,学習活動のプロセス理論に基づきカリキュラム内容を述べる.そのうえで,学びの評価測定のための評価マトリックスをふまえた学習効果の評価指標を提示し,これを用いて学生の取り組みを検証する.
吉川 貴仁 山本 佐保 田中 繁宏 Takahito Yoshikawa Saho Yamamoto Shigehiro Tanaka
健康運動科学 (ISSN:2185338X)
vol.2, no.1, pp.1-8, 2011-10-25

Appetite is a key factor for adjustment or disruption of energy balance(EB) in modern society. Contrary to expectation, energy expenditure(EE) caused by exercise does not increase the feeling of hunger or subsequent energy intake(EI), resulting in negative EB. The gut hormone family, known to play important roles in appetite regulation, is divided into 2 categories; orexigenic ghrelin and anorexigenic hormones, such as glucagon-like peptide-1(GLP-1) and peptide YY (PYY), all of which are released from the gastrointestinal tract in response to nutritional conditions. Recent findings have suggested that both single bouts of exercise and repeated habitual exercise modify the plasma levels of gut hormones related to appetite decrease. Appetite is regulated not only by the hypothalamus and brainstem, which receive neural and humoral signals arising peripherally from gastrointestinal organs and adipose tissues, such as the vagal nerves, leptin, and gut hormones, but also by higher brain centers, in which sensory, reward, and cognitive factors are involved. Most importantly, appetitive motivation generates real action, resulting in individual eating behavior. This review aims to highlight changes in appetite and EI caused by various types of exercise, the physiological characteristics and actions of various gut hormone family members, as well as the association of exercise with blood kinetics of the gut hormone family and its relevance in regulation of appetite and EB. In addition, future perspectives regarding this field of research are discussed.
中谷 勝哉
総社る Social: 近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 = Applled sociology reserch review Kinki University
vol.1, no.2, pp.69-92, 2012-03-01

[Abstract] In the gradation between instinct and learning, human child care is placed at the pole of learning. In this study, I compared childcare behaviors among birds, mammals, and primates. While instinct guarantees childcare and survival for birds, the same is unsure for primates. I discussed some problems regarding the functioning of instinctive behavior, which does not have one-to-one correspondence between stimulus and reaction. At the same time, I discussed some factors in the evolution of primate learning, such as K strategies, the uterus-placenta system, breast-feeding, kin group, etc.. The essence of teaching and learning can be seen in chimpanzees' instrumental behaviors, in which the formation of culture can also be seen.
山﨑 勇治
北九州市立大学国際論集 = CIEE journal, the University of Kitakyushu (ISSN:13481851)
no.8, pp.73-120, 2010-03

茂木 俊伸 森 篤嗣 Toshinobu MOGI Atsushi MORI
世界の日本語教育. 日本語教育論集 = Japanese language education around the globe ; Japanese language education around the globe (ISSN:09172920)
vol.16, pp.139-153, 2006-08-31

本研究は、「階段に座っての食事」「全力を尽くしての結果」のように、テ節を内部に含む名詞句(「テノ名詞句」と呼ぶ)について、(1)主要部の被修飾名詞の特性、(2)名詞句内のテ節の意味・用法、(3)テノ名詞句の統一的な意味、 という三つの観点から分析を行なったものである。本研究では、まず、先行研究の記述の整理を行ない、問題となる点を明らかにした上で、形態的な基準に基づいて被修飾名詞を「述語性名詞」と「非述語性名詞」に分類し、それぞれの名詞とテ節との関係が異なることを指摘した(上記(1)(2))。先行研究で中心的に扱われてきた述語性名詞の場合、文(動詞句)に並行的な構造を持っており、テ節と名詞とは連用修飾に相当する意味的関係にある。この構造的特性から、テノ名詞句において、一部の用法のテ節のみが生起可能であることが説明される。一方、非述語性名詞の場合、文に並行的な構造を持っておらず、連用修飾との関係は薄い。むしろ、この非述語性名詞には、「外の関係」の連体修飾に相当する意味的関係を持った名詞の多くが該当するということが指摘できる。以上のように、本研究では、従来は明確な整理がされてこなかったテノ名詞句を二つに区分した上で、さらに、二つのタイプのテノ名詞句でそれぞれ観察される制限から、テノ名詞句全体に共通する意味的特徴を抽出した(上記(3))。この特徴は、「時間的展開の内包」であり、最終的には、テ節が持つ一般的な特徴に還元できるものである。
丸山 智広
